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Alot people forget that this game is new...


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This. I want my date to not only know exactly what I want in a mate, but I expect her to be everything I want in a mate after our first night out. She's had her entire life to be perfect for me, so this shouldn't be an issue. I also want the house remodeled, 1.8 cars, 2.3 kids, a nice fluffy retirement and my kids' college educations paid for, and I expect everything hand delivered by next Tuesday. That's the problem with living one's life through MMOs. Reality gets kind of ... skewed. :rolleyes:


Did you really just compared a game with a Person? and a woman non the less...


Jesus! Your mother must be really proud!


I still can't believe that you really did make an analogy between a woman and a game *** dude ***...

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Why is it that the only people that think TOR is the best MMO ever created have a hated for WOW?


Seems a little like someone saying all the Call of Duty/Modern Warfare games suck--but the Duke Nuk'em released last summer is one AMAZING shooter...

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Did you really just compared a game with a Person? and a woman non the less...


Jesus! Your mother must be really proud!


I still can't believe that you really did make an analogy between a woman and a game *** dude ***...

"That's the problem with living one's life through MMOs. Reality gets kind of ... skewed." Crossing that bridge painted the picture, so it worked. :) Edited by GalacticKegger
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SWTOR has a very long way to go to catch up to the rest of the competition. As it stands, there's really very little to do when it is quite reasonable to level cap at five days played, and acquire the necessary gear to be high(er) end within a few played days after. The one thing that takes a fairly substantial time to earn is the PVP ranks and associated equipment.


In the meanwhile, however, there is very little to do. There's no dynamic content available, such as RIFT's (relatively speaking) off-rails PVE invasions; there's no polish to the game system (see: horrendous bugs that break storylines that have been in existence since day one); there's very little distraction to the endless waiting on fleet ships (well, we do have Huttball). The planets feel very inorganic for this particular point in gaming history, and there's almost no reason to ever go back to them to do anything after we plow through the storyline (other than attempting to find bugged/missing codex entries).


They have a rich universe to sample and fill our time with, but instead, we have a protoypical MMO from the yester-years. I still enjoy the time in which I have things to do, such that they are; but patience for glaring oversights only goes so far.


Basically, BioWare produced a 2004 game in 2012.

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"That's the problem with living one's life through MMOs. Reality gets kind of ... skewed." Crossing that bridge painted the picture, so it worked. :)


No it doesn't work on any level you can't in any circumstance or reality put a Person in the same level as a game, because if you do then something is seriously wrong with you and you should seek professional help!

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No it doesn't work on any level you can't in any circumstance or reality put a Person in the same level as a game, because if you do then something is seriously wrong with you and you should seek professional help!
As seriously as some take their MMO lifestyle, response to a RL analogy that provocative can work as an effective gauge for just how much. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Why is it that the only people that think TOR is the best MMO ever created have a hated for WOW?


Seems a little like someone saying all the Call of Duty/Modern Warfare games suck--but the Duke Nuk'em released last summer is one AMAZING shooter...


Thats not the case and only a presumption from yourself.

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ive played a ton of mmo's over the years, yes inc wow

i played eq ofc, and a load more since then.


I still play wow, but with most of the others, i played them for a few months

and then quit, and I knew i would quit them when i started them.


I can say with swtor, i wont quit and will still be playing for ages to come.


maybe it is a wow clone, but im still enjoying it.

Edited by cerveau
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That's your choice. If you like playing bad quality games and want to encourage dismal companies like BW to create more cheap arse money-grabs like SWTOR then I'm sure you'll be very happy in the future.


Of course, I can't understand why you'd settle for such a load of BS if you could also have SWTOR that doesn't suck..? Do you not want the game to be successful, have devs that learn from other peoples mistakes and adopt good new features from other games?


If not, why not?


Now please don't bring the argument that this game is "new and trying to do it differently then WOW". I know it was only recently released but it's for all intents and purposes a dumbed down version of WOW. BW copied many many things from WOW so why none of the good ones?


Are you also this uncritical when you buy cars or mobile phones?


Would you buy a car for the price of a modern car that has fewer features then a car released 20 years ago?


Would you pay the same price for a smart phone with no features and 256 MB memory and a processor from 1980 when you could get a iPhone or Android for the exact same price?


If so, could you contact me via PM? I have a "really modern" "cutting edge" smart phone to sell you. ;)


you do know tehre "basic" version of phones and teh total decked out copies right ? we given the basic version, and after they gather useful data from the ingames auditing tools they add things that are need in roder of demand/importance.


to use you car set up(which i think been beaten to deaht in forums) we given a basic car, it run, it safe, and it will not explode for random reasons. now if yo wait abit instand of a stanrdard version they offer a upgraded delux version with bigger rims, shinny dash, a huge sound system and a gps since you like all shinny add-on. me i really just find with a basic car, that all i need to enjoy what i'm doing.


i myself do not see vanilla, starting up versions of the game as crap, it a good starting place, help you focus on palying the game some, learn how to find group, and all the while giving the devs importance data so tehy can find bugs,errors, cheats and information on what needs to be fixed. this also allows them to see via their tools, how long do poepel stand around for something, FP,OPS, Heroics, , ad if they note a steady trend of alot fo waits they might be like " well they are ahving a ahrd time find groups, we ebtter step up the LFD tool off teh wall of crazy and get it out to them soon"


i rather teh roll out extras over tiem so not to over load new poeple and also to pointlessly overload the coding they using. they get out and give us what tehy can when tehy can, nothign we do can really speed it up, at best we can get it done sooner at teh cost of something else getting pushed back. want guild banks? fine but then LFD tools might need a extra month to get done.


so if you think ti crap, sit back, un sub and wait a year, come abck and you ahve you more polished version and can be happy it were you think it should been, not what reality said it is.

Edited by DarkCarnage
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Many here like the game and not having bells and whistles from other games isn't that big of a deal to them - myself included. But that's just me. :)


How can you call a combat log or search function on the AH "bells and whistles" ???


I'm not talking about rocket science here... Just a search function for crying out loud!!


This community really is the worst - if there were only people like this around then humanity would still be living in the trees. After all, tools and farming are just bells and whistles rofl.

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How can you call a combat log or search function on the AH "bells and whistles" ???


I'm not talking about rocket science here... Just a search function for crying out loud!!


This community really is the worst - if there were only people like this around then humanity would still be living in the trees. After all, tools and farming are just bells and whistles rofl.


Or a UI that doesn't have overlapping elements or closes itself when a companion finishes making something? Sheesh, we must have been so spoiled by ALL of those other games.

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So how is WoW's player housing going? I hear that is a required element in ALL modern MMOs? It is almost like it was part of a game over a decade old..what was the name of that UO?


MMOs are a growing game, an expectation for an MMO to have all the features of the current large MMO on the block while also pushing out into new territory is retarded. Is it much better then wow was at launch? Sure it is but as stated that really does not matter it should be better. Better does not mean to have everything and then more, the definition of better changes for each player and is entirely the opinion of the player in question, nothing more. There have been a lot of things thrown around here about it being difficult to get groups on low pop servers then people complaining that guilds are useless....these two problems fix themselves. Get in a guild with a decent amount of people and you will find groups for what you want to do. This is not difficult and does not require a server wide dungeon finder.


Cross realm pvp can be useful and would solve problems with sitting in the queue, at the same time it is a nightmare to setup on the hardware side and removes some of the feeling of community where players are competing against people they have seen around the map and fought against before. But that last part is just my opinion I find it nice that I know who I am fighting and who I need to kill first when I see them on the battlefield.


What follows are opinions and should not be viewed as fact since other people may not agree and I really do not care if they do not agree.


The story of the game is good, many players have already played through the storyline for many of the classes and plan to finish all of the classes.


The companion functionality is unique in MMOs, I am glad that crafting has become something I can do as I go instead of having to devote large portions of my time to it. Though I wish it was more viable as far as end game gear goes.


I feel that the spaceship mini game could use a lot of expanding upon and I would love for group space combat, even if it is still on rails with each player having objectives to complete.


The UI could use a lot of work but the game is playable as is, some people need the dps meter crutch to help prove how good they think they are, personally I do not need people posting my obviously superior numbers to chat, I know I am awesome and my numbers are impressive but having my chat window spammed with them is annoying as hell. My big UI request is to make it so it is easily identified when a talent triggers, watching your buff bar is annoying and breaks immersion.


The game has launched with

- immersible storyline

- accessible end game

- pvp battle grounds

- open world pvp zones

- hard mode instances / Ops

- a follower system with storyline attached to them

- a space combat based mini game

- the ability to level through pvp granted it can be really slow

- 3 tiers of end game gear on both the pvp and pve side

- The ability to talk to members of the opposite faction

- Player ships


As previously stated most of that is opinion. WoW is not the end of all games and every games that comes out after WoW cannot and should not be required to start as a WoW clone in order to succeed.


On another note, Tera is not launching this year. I launched a year ago and is not a new game in any way. The only thing happening this year is they are allowing people outside then Korea to play the game.

Edited by BrainFreeze
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How can you call a combat log or search function on the AH "bells and whistles" ???


I'm not talking about rocket science here... Just a search function for crying out loud!!


This community really is the worst - if there were only people like this around then humanity would still be living in the trees. After all, tools and farming are just bells and whistles rofl.


Never spent much time around the wow community did you? The community for a game as you state it is really only a small percentage of the players. For anything you can point out here as horrid and bad equal or worse examples can be found in the WoW general forum, or really any official forum for a MMO. There are always unsatisfied players complaining it is inevitable.

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I like the game and I can see the pros and cons.

But you are sick in the same bed as all the ones bashing the game.


you cannot compare a game of ten years ago with a game released today.

If any comparison at all should happen between swtor and wow it should be done between swtor today and wow today.

If somebody comes with a new car brand, will you compare it against a model of 20 years ago of with a model of today.

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I like the game and I can see the pros and cons.

But you are sick in the same bed as all the ones bashing the game.


you cannot compare a game of ten years ago with a game released today.

If any comparison at all should happen between swtor and wow it should be done between swtor today and wow today.

If somebody comes with a new car brand, will you compare it against a model of 20 years ago of with a model of today.


Depends, the "new" mustang came out and was immediately compared against the 60s mustang. The car comparison does not work in this instance. It just reinforces the idea that all new MMOs must start by completely recreating the current big MMO on the block.

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Depends, the "new" mustang came out and was immediately compared against the 60s mustang. The car comparison does not work in this instance. It just reinforces the idea that all new MMOs must start by completely recreating the current big MMO on the block.




They don't have to be clones and re-create the market leader.


But the most basic of user features has to be part of the feature set to be competitive.


Let's take the auction house example. No text search? That is a BASIC feature, and if you're going to decide to but an auction house in that is trying to mimic what WoW did, then it better be at least as good with at least the same features. Don't you think?


There are countless other similar examples in every system of the game. Let's not even get into the idea that you cannot even assess your character's combat output quantitatively.

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They don't have to be clones and re-create the market leader.


But the most basic of user features has to be part of the feature set to be competitive.


Let's take the auction house example. No text search? That is a BASIC feature, and if you're going to decide to but an auction house in that is trying to mimic what WoW did, then it better be at least as good with at least the same features. Don't you think?


There are countless other similar examples in every system of the game. Let's not even get into the idea that you cannot even assess your character's combat output quantitatively.


a basic feature would be somethign that effects the car from runningand being a car, just to point out. does it work ? yes, is it well tuned and easy to use? at this time no, but they already said it going to be fixed semi soon.


i think alot of poeple confuses basic to minium personal standards.


basic = does it work?

perosnal standards= does it do what you want it to do as you want it to ?


basic house,, 4 walls and a roof

normal house = 4 walls roof, and interor walls,window,bathroooms,etc.

Edited by DarkCarnage
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a basic feature would be somethign that effects the car from runningand being a car, just to point out. does it work ? yes, is it well tuned and easy to use? at this time no, but they already said it going to be fixed semi soon.


i think alot of poeple confuses basic to minium personal standards.


basic = does it work?

perosnal standards= does it do what you want it to do as you want it to ?


basic house,, 4 walls and a roof

normal house = 4 walls roof, and interor walls,window,bathroooms,etc.


Are you saying that TOR is a "basic" house? Do you honestly believe people expected that after the time, money and talent that went into it's creation?


The auction house functionality effectively stops the economy from running as it should/could. That is a HUGE deal.


Again, if you're going to copy WoW (and they did, and there's nothing wrong with that) do it right - all you have to do is look at 7 years of evolution as to how it SHOULD be done.

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Bioware had about 3x the budget of any other MMO launch in history. For them not to have currently expected genre-standards like a combat log, dungeon finder, and some way to assess the combat effectiveness of different builds is disappointing to say the least.


Rift had a budget of only $50M and managed to have most of that and more in at launch. Their auto-matching didn't come until a little later, but their UI was also MUCH more intelligently designed overall. And if 1 person entered the dungeon you could automatically be summoned to the entrance when they walked into the instance, which saved a lot of time.


ESPECIALLY when you consider the fact they decided to put all of the flashpoint entrances on the fleet when most people are not going to be there. To not have a more effective system in at launch is inexcusable.


Judging by how little they thought of tester input during beta (which is to say no value at all), I really wonder if they even realize how badly they've bungled things so far.


Beta testers are pretty much your most loyal future subscribers. And if they perceive something as a huge problem, it doesn't matter if you don't see it the same way. Their perceived reality is that it IS a problem. Therefore it IS a problem for you. Since you're trying to please them and keep them subscribed.

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For goodness sake stop with the car analogies. Game development and car manufacturing are no where close to the same thing.


If you must compare this with cars, here we go.


You are literally putting your life on the line everytime you drive. You could potentially have a wreck next week. Car manufactures HAVE certain rules and guidelines that they MUST follow. Yeah lets release a car without airbags!


I see people still driving old cars that do not have power steering.


Do all cars have Ford's Sync feature? No

Are all cars the same size? No

Can every car fit my entire family and cousins of 7? No

Can every car carry the same things? No

Does every car have a DVD player? No

Does every car have a 20-disc CD player? No


What EVERY car does have is the basic mechanical and RULES applied.


No, are we done with the crappy car analogies? We are not comparing this game to a game 20 years ago, so why do people feel the need to compare car A to a 20 year old car B as a reasonable argument?


The fact that this game has the same basic elements as WoW, does not mean it is a direct competitor. I believe BW themselves said they were not trying to compete with WoW.


Rift is more of a direct WoW competitor than this game.


This game's PRIMARY market is the Star Wars / KOTOR / Bioware fans, NOT WoW fans.


When I first saw Rift, I thought: "I like WoW, so I might like this game"

When I first saw this game, I thought: "It looks like the next KOTOR, and I love Star Wars."


You honestly believe that some person is going to go to a store, look at both WoW and SWTOR and have such a difficult time choosing that they need to start a feature checklist?!


If you are more into the fantasy type like dragons, elves, and orcs, then you will lean towards WoW.


If you are a die hard Star Wars fan, or like more of a space drama sort of thing, you will lean more towards SWTOR.


Nobody is going to go to the store and say: "Well I hate everything about WoW, but it has a LFG tool so I HAVE to get that instead of SWTOR".




So you do not like that they spent so much time on voice overs. You know what? That is ok. But understand it is ok for the majority of the people to like them. I, and everybody I know, actually prefers that they spent so much time on this aspect instead of the number of features requested here.


Do not get me wrong, I would love to see some of the features requested, but can we please stop being impatient?


What is done is done. What is the point of complaining about it endlessly? So BW will hear you? They already have. They cannot code faster because 10 more people have posted wanting feature X.


You know, when developers are rushed too much, that is when the most of the bugs show up right? Give them some time, unless you want a LFG tool that might make your game crash because IT HAD TO BE IN THE GAME YESTERDAY!!!!!

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