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Alot people forget that this game is new...


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People are whining for Dungeon Finders, Damage Meters, Threath meters, Healing Meters, Balanced PVP etc etc. And I understand that, cause I want those things aswell.


BUT stop saying that SW:ToR is a failed game because they don't have all this, while for example WoW does. WoW had NOTHING, and I repeat NOTHING, of this at launch.



So let me give you abit of an insight what was available at WoW's launch.


Dungeon Finder? No, there was a tool similiar to the "Who" tool available in SW:ToR. They improved it by time, and so will also BioWare do.


Balanced PVP? Not even close. Some classes was absolutely unbeatable if played with a sense of skill, while some didn't stand a chance even when mastered. This is actually true. PVP in Vanilla WoW was not balanced at all. Not to mention that it took over a year to actually make things kind of balanced.


Different kind of "meters"? No. Damage meters like Recount are add-ons. An add-on is something you add on to your game, to make it better. Add-ons are created by the community. Combat logs are requierd to make add-ons like these and they aren't available yet in SW:ToR. But, people were fine without all those add-ons in the what some call "the best time" of WoW, the start.


Bugged raids? There was not a large amount of bugs in the raids on start, but why? Because nearly all fights were tank and spank, exept Ragnaros and Onyxia, and these bosses didn't have any really complex mechanics. With today's standard of boss fights, it's alot harder to create completely bug-free fights. As time goes, BioWare will fix this issue aswell.




I'm getting tierd of people making assumptions that WoW had everything it has today at start, because it didn't. It's been improving, and SW:ToR will do aswell. The developers have just completed an awesome game, that really gives you a relation to your character, your companions and people you interact with during the story-line. All this due to the absolutely awesome work with the voices and quests overall.



I could make an list what SW:ToR had from the absolute start, that WoW didn't have, but I'll skip that, since it will take ages. Just think of it..

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You still cannot compare TOR launch to WoW launch.

Want to know why?


Because when you release game with the intention of beating the heavy competition, then you have something that can compete with them. Such as a LFG tool or anything else this sinking ship is lacking.

THEN you add something new and innovative and win.


If you do not start out on a competitive level from the start, you're years behind.

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You still cannot compare TOR launch to WoW launch.

Want to know why?


Because when you release game with the intention of beating the heavy competition, then you have something that can compete with them. Such as a LFG tool or anything else this sinking ship is lacking.

THEN you add something new and innovative and win.


If you do not start out on a competitive level from the start, you're years behind.


lol @ Hating Pandas that hang around here. :p

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You still cannot compare TOR launch to WoW launch.

Want to know why?


Because when you release game with the intention of beating the heavy competition, then you have something that can compete with them. Such as a LFG tool or anything else this sinking ship is lacking.

THEN you add something new and innovative and win.


If you do not start out on a competitive level from the start, you're years behind.




compare TOR now with WoW now. WoW launch dosen't matter at all

Edited by Thodra
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People are whining for Dungeon Finders, Damage Meters, Threath meters, Healing Meters, Balanced PVP etc etc. And I understand that, cause I want those things aswell.


BUT stop saying that SW:ToR is a failed game because they don't have all this, while for example WoW does. WoW had NOTHING, and I repeat NOTHING, of this at launch.



So let me give you abit of an insight what was available at WoW's launch.


Dungeon Finder? No, there was a tool similiar to the "Who" tool available in SW:ToR. They improved it by time, and so will also BioWare do.


Balanced PVP? Not even close. Some classes was absolutely unbeatable if played with a sense of skill, while some didn't stand a chance even when mastered. This is actually true. PVP in Vanilla WoW was not balanced at all. Not to mention that it took over a year to actually make things kind of balanced.


Different kind of "meters"? No. Damage meters like Recount are add-ons. An add-on is something you add on to your game, to make it better. Add-ons are created by the community. Combat logs are requierd to make add-ons like these and they aren't available yet in SW:ToR. But, people were fine without all those add-ons in the what some call "the best time" of WoW, the start.


Bugged raids? There was not a large amount of bugs in the raids on start, but why? Because nearly all fights were tank and spank, exept Ragnaros and Onyxia, and these bosses didn't have any really complex mechanics. With today's standard of boss fights, it's alot harder to create completely bug-free fights. As time goes, BioWare will fix this issue aswell.




I'm getting tierd of people making assumptions that WoW had everything it has today at start, because it didn't. It's been improving, and SW:ToR will do aswell. The developers have just completed an awesome game, that really gives you a relation to your character, your companions and people you interact with during the story-line. All this due to the absolutely awesome work with the voices and quests overall.



I could make an list what SW:ToR had from the absolute start, that WoW didn't have, but I'll skip that, since it will take ages. Just think of it..



Excuses, This is a 2012 game, it needs to launch with the standard features otherwise why play it? Tera is launching with an LFG tool and a combat log and everything, i'm probably going to switch over to that game because it is going to have everything i want in an MMO right out of the gate.

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Excuses, This is a 2012 game, it needs to launch with the standard features otherwise why play it? Tera is launching with an LFG tool and a combat log and everything, i'm probably going to switch over to that game because it is going to have everything i want in an MMO right out of the gate.



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Excuses, This is a 2012 game, it needs to launch with the standard features otherwise why play it? Tera is launching with an LFG tool and a combat log and everything, i'm probably going to switch over to that game because it is going to have everything i want in an MMO right out of the gate.


TERA Online has also been out for more then a year in South Korea.


Just sayin'.

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People are whining for Dungeon Finders, Damage Meters, Threath meters, Healing Meters, Balanced PVP etc etc. And I understand that, cause I want those things aswell.


BUT stop saying that SW:ToR is a failed game because they don't have all this, while for example WoW does. WoW had NOTHING, and I repeat NOTHING, of this at launch.



So let me give you abit of an insight what was available at WoW's launch.


Dungeon Finder? No, there was a tool similiar to the "Who" tool available in SW:ToR. They improved it by time, and so will also BioWare do.


Balanced PVP? Not even close. Some classes was absolutely unbeatable if played with a sense of skill, while some didn't stand a chance even when mastered. This is actually true. PVP in Vanilla WoW was not balanced at all. Not to mention that it took over a year to actually make things kind of balanced.


Different kind of "meters"? No. Damage meters like Recount are add-ons. An add-on is something you add on to your game, to make it better. Add-ons are created by the community. Combat logs are requierd to make add-ons like these and they aren't available yet in SW:ToR. But, people were fine without all those add-ons in the what some call "the best time" of WoW, the start.


Bugged raids? There was not a large amount of bugs in the raids on start, but why? Because nearly all fights were tank and spank, exept Ragnaros and Onyxia, and these bosses didn't have any really complex mechanics. With today's standard of boss fights, it's alot harder to create completely bug-free fights. As time goes, BioWare will fix this issue aswell.




I'm getting tierd of people making assumptions that WoW had everything it has today at start, because it didn't. It's been improving, and SW:ToR will do aswell. The developers have just completed an awesome game, that really gives you a relation to your character, your companions and people you interact with during the story-line. All this due to the absolutely awesome work with the voices and quests overall.



I could make an list what SW:ToR had from the absolute start, that WoW didn't have, but I'll skip that, since it will take ages. Just think of it..




give me dual spec and i don't give a rats *** if nothing happens in other patches for 3 months

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compare TOR now with WoW now. WoW launch does not matter at all


Thats a good point and WOW is boring and hasn't been worth subscribing to in 5 years. With the dumbing down of talents it's even worse. I won't even get into pandas.


Comparing the two right now there is no doubt why i am here and not playing wow.

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The 7 years of content that wow has over SWTOR is manly outdated content.


Who runs naxx10/25 in level 80 heroic blues at level 80? Who runs ulduar 10/25 in naxx epics at level 80? hardly anyone, that content is no longer relevant so you can no longer count it when comparing it to SWTOR.


When comparing games you must compare current content and relevant features, in this regards wow wins despite having a much shorter development time.

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WoW/Rift was boring at launch couldn't get past level 30


WoW/Rift more players then SWTOR


SWTOR super addicting, 2 weeks at level 50


SWTOR super boring now


Gives WoW/Rift another try


Realizes SWTOR is years behind.


Unsub SWTOR, sub Rift


Waits patiently for SWTOR in 2 years

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Excuses, This is a 2012 game, it needs to launch with the standard features otherwise why play it? Tera is launching with an LFG tool and a combat log and everything, i'm probably going to switch over to that game because it is going to have everything i want in an MMO right out of the gate.


and bugs... don't forget the bugs... or is that a SWTOR exclusive?

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Sorry but this is all failed logic. Just because a competitor did not have those features when it launched 8 yeatrs ago has no bearing on this game at all.


This game has to be judged against what is available right now - not on what was available all that time ago. The fact that there is no LFG, damage log etc is unacceptable by today's standards. People expect those kind of things to be present.


Sorry to use the tired car analogy but hows this ?


if you bought a new car and it did not have airbags would you be satidfied if the salesman told you not to worry - they would have them soon. And anyway, the main competitot to your car range didn't have them when it launched, had poor brakes and had a tendency to catch fire. Yours has brakes and is relatively fireproof.


No, I didn't think so. Time passes, products get better (or should do)

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stop saying that SW:ToR is a failed game because they don't have all this, while for example WoW does


WoW didn't spend 2 years hyping their game... if you hype the game as much as Bioware hyped SWTOR, OFCOURSE people will expect it to, well, work...


Plus... to my knowledge, Bioware gave no indication that they agreed on the points. I may have missed it, but I didn't see a post of a DEV saying, yes, level 50s, we know you are bored, yes, we know you want to find groups, yes, we are working on it.


The only reactions I saw so far was ''you outleveled the others, deal with it'' and ''reroll'.

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You say: This game is new, heres my long list of excuses as to why they screwed up making a game.


I say: This game has been in development for 4 years, doesn't have extremely basic features, was rushed out the door, and has been out 2 months and has had more patches that BREAK the game than patches that fix it.

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Arguments like these amuse me cus its like saying you shouldn't complain about a game that looks and performs like Final Fantasy VIII some seven years later. Come on.. these guys have to not just keep up with the pack but run ahead of the game. So for a next gen it has to be better and more refined than WoW. I mean WoW is stuck in a game format that like is as old as the hills. But today Istarted playing the game for the first time and find combat very poor compared to what I have been used to with Rift. And the game interface and general functions of Rift are way superior to this game. I play WoW and I expect it to be less polished than Rift. But then I expected this game to be light years ahead of Rift... It aint.


Doesn't mean its any less entertaining, but it does look very dated and the combat is too clunky and basic. The animations are very slow. Dunno if I'll keep playing. We'll see.


Also the characters are really wooden and lack character other than when they are talking with the voice over. They lack fluid quality and the gear looks really drab and the quality of the clothing appears very poor. The faces are all the same by the way... for everyone. So strange.

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A new game needs to have at least the features a game that was previously released has.


A game that's released in 2011/2012 should be measured against games in 2011/2012 not games in 2003/2004.


Besides that, TOR is still lacking many features that other games of the same ilk had at launch back in 2003 like chat bubbles or post-creation character customization like barber shops/plastical surgery/image design. And while WOW may not have had that at launch, other, even older games like Star Wars Galaxies did.

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You say: This game is new, heres my long list of excuses as to why they screwed up making a game.


I say: This game has been in development for 4 years, doesn't have extremely basic features, was rushed out the door, and has been out 2 months and has had more patches that BREAK the game than patches that fix it.


And you still subbed. You still lurk the forums. They must have done something right.

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Arguments like these amuse me cus its like saying you shouldn't complain about a game that looks and performs like Final Fantasy VIII some seven years later. Come on.. these guys have to not just keep up with the pack but run ahead of the game. So for a next gen it has to be better and more refined than WoW. I mean WoW is stuck in a game format that like is as old as the hills. But today Istarted playing the game for the first time and find combat very poor compared to what I have been used to with Rift. And the game interface and general functions of Rift are way superior to this game. I play WoW and I expect it to be less polished than Rift. But then I expected this game to be light years ahead of Rift... It aint.


Doesn't mean its any less entertaining, but it does look very dated and the combat is too clunky and basic. The animations are very slow. Dunno if I'll keep playing. We'll see.


Also the characters are really wooden and lack character other than when they are talking with the voice over. They lack fluid quality and the gear looks really drab and the quality of the clothing appears very poor. The faces are all the same by the way... for everyone. So strange.




Right now it looks like the primary focus of this game was the voice acting and main class quests, it's like they just ignored everything else and said "We're Bioware, this is what we do" well guess what Bioware you don't do that in an MMO.

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Much as I like this game.

WoW launched in 04

SW:Tor in 11' almost 12'

The ideas of warzones and combat logs and addons wasn't common in MMOs when WoW launched. It is now, no reason not to have it. Doesn't mean they won't add it, but it would have been nice to have before

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