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Are you, Have you been, getting what you paid for?


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I feel the game itself is very worthwhile. Yet I am still unhappy that the industry as a whole hasn't figured out how to enable games to fellate me whilest I play them.


Why did you have to go and suggest that? Suprisingly, I hadn't thought of that yet. Now I'm going to be similarly disappointed. Thanks :(

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the way you have phrased every questions is in a negative context, all this is going to become is a giant QQ/Whine thread ... Good work ...


Why not just make a post of "I am not satisfied" because that is what you are wanting everyone that responds to this post to also say which is obvious from your questions ...


We're not all Negative Nancys like you, junior.

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Yes, I got what I paid for:


-A statue


-An art book(?)

-A security key dongle thingumbob

-A game

-A month of service

-Extra crap

-A month of gameplay after the free month was up

-A game that was both an MMO and a Star Wars game

-Fun times playing it


I could ask for more, but then again, who couldn't?

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Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't have paid for a 6 month sub. Heck, somedays I can't wait for GW2 to come out.


Just...some of the patches and changed made seem to clueless and poorly thought out, I don't see how a big company can make such mistakes over and over.

Edited by Alundo
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Did I get what I paid for?


Yes and No


Its a game and most of my fustration comes from assuming Bioware would take the smart and obvious course of action (they havent in many cases and thats frustrated me).


1) Leveling speed. It was slower (a little bit) in beta and I ASSUMED they saw the benefits of that and would leave it at that speed or even slow it down abit more.


They sped it up some and that frustrates me


Honestly if they had been up front about that I probably wouldnt have bought game to begin with.


2) Difficulty. I sent in many feedbacks in beta telling them the game was to easy. It was slightly more difficult then WOW (which caused the WOW kids to have fits in beta) but was still way to easy and I ASSUMED they saw it was to easy and would have left the same or made slightly more challenging.


They made it even easier and that frustrates me.


Honestly if they had been up front about that I probably wouldnt have bought game to begin with.


3) The lack of support for the Role Play Servers REALLY Frustrated me and I never thought in a million years Bioware, the company that built its popularity on the back of RPers would so blatanetly ignore Role Players like they have.


Honestly if they had been up front about that I probably wouldnt have bought game to begin with.


4) I bugged and sent in multiple feedback about low level stealthers exploiting game in beta (not illum but was predictable extention of my report/feedback) so VERY disappointed they didnt do anything (since I sent in FIXES to eliminate the issue with my feedback) to correct this issue prior to launch.


5) Honestly I can go on and on so let me put it this way!


I see such amazing potential in SWTOR that I fell in love with the game in beta.

I convinced myself Bioware would fix all the issues I wrote in about (and thats on me and my fault).

Bioware didnt even address or look at a single issue I sent feedback on (thats on them and completely unforgivable IMO).


Am I getting what I paid for?

I got what they made

I am NOT getting what the game should be though.


And now they asking for feedback from all the self intitled subscribers that will send in mounds of feedback on what makes them more powerful and god characters but not what will help the game long term.

Oh they all will say what they suggest is whats best for game but its not, its simply whats best for them.

SWG went down this path and even though the game was pretty much dead from the first month, the appearence was SWG was desperate and grasping at straws and every "fix" made it worse.


So yes, I got what I paid for, Biowares TOR product

But NO, I did not get what this game could have and should have been


TOR is a fun multiplayer game that entertains for a month or 2 and then pretty much stops delivering past that.


Real shame, this game could have been a grand slam 5-6 million subscriber home run for at least 5 years and probably closer to 10 years if Bioware had looked long term when designing the game.


Im sure they looked at what they could add (planets, zones, mobs) in upcoming years, but its pretty appearent they didnt look at how to keep their population entertained and fullfilled during the time to get to those expansions and updates.


But its probably my own fault, I expected more from them then what they have been willing to deliver since EA took over.


Having Expectations remains the easiest way to be disappointed in gaming.

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The game has been out almost 2 months. Yes not even 2 months yet.


When you look at what you have been doing in the game, do you feel you have gotten what you paid for?


Have you gotten what they told us you would be getting, at release, and with the various patches?


Did you feel the amount you paid for the game, $60US-$150US was money well spent for your enjoyment? Did you get what you feel the cost was worth?

Is the game living up to the $15US a month you have to pay to play?


Has the game become less fun over the past few weeks because of bugs, unenjoyable glitches that make you upset and wonder why am I here?


Do you see yourself playing much longer through all the problems the game still has after months of testing and the past 2 of release?


Is your money worth your continued subscription to a flawed game that while is very very enjoyable to play in many regards yet very very frustrating to play in many regards?


Do not bother with posting bugs and issues , just how you feel you are feeling about the price vs satisfaction of SWTOR.


Value for money, mostly yes, but it was not easy getting the game installed and that was directly a result of BW's incompetence and laziness in not doing anything about their corrupt CDN or their launcher.


I lost 3 days due to the install issue and CS refunded me 1 day. I had subbed for 3 months but scaled it back to 1 and my renewal comes in about a week. I still may cancel before then, I enjoy playing more often than not but on a 'light' server that seems to keep dying off population wise, plus knowing at 50 *I* will have nothing *I* want to do makes me wonder why bother. Any content that *I* might want or be interested in won't come for 6+ months (if it is being held back) or 1+ years if it ever comes at the minimum.


I'd say no, it isn't as good as it was sold, the quality is average to poor, the CS is terrible the devs and management of this thing are pathetic to release it virtually unchanged from beta and with super slow fixes. Toss in the cheating I see going on and the broken PVP debacle of Illum it all paints a picture of people who not only don't know what they are doing but aren't learning from other MMOs or their own mistakes. Working as intended or nothing to see here seem to be the MOTD.


I see myself, probably playing another few weeks(1 more month) and then getting sick of running the same missions on another character. After that I see no point to play this thing anymore, content I would be interested would be exhausted by me and doesn't/won't exist ie they aren't adding enough end game content I'd like to play.


I'd pay for another month (total <=60 days) to play out my main character's story and level some more on alts but beyond that the world is dead for them to do anything I'm interested in doing past 50.


IF there is significant content added, changed, fixed I might come back. Really the mistakes made when common sense and an industry like the 'modern' mmo exist to provide examples of what not to do and yet they do it make me feel like they won't ever get it.

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Lets see....rough calc


I am probably playing an average of 2-4 hours per week day and 3-6 per weekend day, so ..... lets say ... 25 hours per week.


4 weeks per billing cycle = 100 hrs


$15 / month means i am paying something like. $0.15 a hour to enjoy this game


On the flip side i am going to see Chronicle at the movie theatre tonight for the same price and it only gives me 2 hours of entertainment....so about $7.50 per hour for entertainment.


And when i go to the pub i am paying $8 per pint , 2 pints an hour...so $16 an hour for entertainment.


so yes....I am getting great value for my money and will continue to subscribe.

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The game has been out almost 2 months. Yes not even 2 months yet.


When you look at what you have been doing in the game, do you feel you have gotten what you paid for?


Have you gotten what they told us you would be getting, at release, and with the various patches?


Did you feel the amount you paid for the game, $60US-$150US was money well spent for your enjoyment? Did you get what you feel the cost was worth?

Is the game living up to the $15US a month you have to pay to play?


Has the game become less fun over the past few weeks because of bugs, unenjoyable glitches that make you upset and wonder why am I here?


Do you see yourself playing much longer through all the problems the game still has after months of testing and the past 2 of release?


Is your money worth your continued subscription to a flawed game that while is very very enjoyable to play in many regards yet very very frustrating to play in many regards?


Do not bother with posting bugs and issues , just how you feel you are feeling about the price vs satisfaction of SWTOR.




I beta tested it for 4 months and I'm still enjoying it, might have to do with the fact I only play 2-3 hours each time and maybe only 4 out 7 nights, so the game still feels fresh to me...


If you want to talk about getting what your paid for most Console games which cost $60 only give you 4-5 hours of game play and thats it, yet you pay $60 for SWTOR and given what most people have posted have already played 200+ hrs, thats not a bad return in my book....


So what are you complaining about again?

Edited by Monoth
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The game has been out almost 2 months. Yes not even 2 months yet.


When you look at what you have been doing in the game, do you feel you have gotten what you paid for?


Have you gotten what they told us you would be getting, at release, and with the various patches?


Did you feel the amount you paid for the game, $60US-$150US was money well spent for your enjoyment? Did you get what you feel the cost was worth?

Is the game living up to the $15US a month you have to pay to play?


Has the game become less fun over the past few weeks because of bugs, unenjoyable glitches that make you upset and wonder why am I here?


Do you see yourself playing much longer through all the problems the game still has after months of testing and the past 2 of release?


Is your money worth your continued subscription to a flawed game that while is very very enjoyable to play in many regards yet very very frustrating to play in many regards?


Do not bother with posting bugs and issues , just how you feel you are feeling about the price vs satisfaction of SWTOR.



Nope, I'm still waiting for something worthwhile to be put into the collector's store. Black stormtrooper armor is not exactly what I had in mind when I read "lots of nice social items" But I digress, and best be careful, having any negative comments about the game will draw the thought police of the forums out at me.

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