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Sprint button change signals the beginning of the end.


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If Sprint was active when a player died, it now remains active when the player is revived.


This is the beginning of the dumbing down of SWTOR. Oooooohhh is the Spring button too hard for you??? Maybe you should go back to WoW, let the adults play a REAL game. I mean srsly do you guys die THAT often?! If so, then just stop being bad!!!


What's next after this? A Looking For Dungeon tool?? Pretty soon we won't even need a sprint button because we won't even need to leave the fleet! I guarantee you that people will quit this game in droves if a LFD tool is implement because the community will go down the toilet, just look at WoW as proof of how bad the community has gotten now. The SWTOR community right now is probably the best MMO community out there, just read through the forums here and you'll realize this.


Also, do NOT implement macros!!, you've already removed the need to press the sprint button, if you implement macros, the game might as well be playing with itself and we, as players, might as well go watch the original six star wars movies!!

Edited by VinnieDaMac
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This is the beginning of the dumbing down of SWTOR. Oooooohhh is the Spring button too hard for you??? Maybe you should go back to WoW, let the adults play a REAL game. I mean srsly do you guys die THAT often?! If so, then just stop being bad!!!


Spirit of Wolf is OP.

Sprint for all classes? God-like.


SWTOR is serious business man. It's REAL because it's REALLY hard, pre-auto sprint on death.

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o.O Sure it does...


Hate to break it to you but allowing sprint to remain on through death doesn't really signal anything. Last I checked sprint wasn't related to, well, anything else you ranted about. It's a small quality of life change that most people (imo) probably appreciate. Stances don't turn off when you die, so why should sprint?

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This is the beginning of the dumbing down of SWTOR. Oooooohhh is the Spring button too hard for you??? Maybe you should go back to WoW, let the adults play a REAL game. I mean srsly do you guys die THAT often?! If so, then just stop being bad!!!


What's next after this? A Looking For Dungeon tool?? Pretty soon we won't even need a sprint button because we won't even need to leave the fleet! I guarantee you that people will quit this game in droves if a LFD tool is implement because the community will go down the toilet, just look at WoW as proof of how bad the community has gotten now. The SWTOR community right now is probably the best MMO community out there, just read through the forums here and you'll realize this.


Also, do NOT implement macros!!, you've already removed the need to press the sprint button, if you implement macros, the game might as well be playing with itself and we, as players, might as well go watch the original six star wars movies!!


Don't know if you are trolling or are you just... One thing less to complain. Especialy if you are PVP guy. Who knows. That took them only 2,5 months to fix so after a year or two we will see LFG :p And after seven they will catch up to current WoW and look like joke when Blizz will release nex-gen MMO (codename Titan).

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This is the beginning of the dumbing down of SWTOR. Oooooohhh is the Spring button too hard for you??? Maybe you should go back to WoW, let the adults play a REAL game. I mean srsly do you guys die THAT often?! If so, then just stop being bad!!!


What's next after this? A Looking For Dungeon tool?? Pretty soon we won't even need a sprint button because we won't even need to leave the fleet! I guarantee you that people will quit this game in droves if a LFD tool is implement because the community will go down the toilet, just look at WoW as proof of how bad the community has gotten now. The SWTOR community right now is probably the best MMO community out there, just read through the forums here and you'll realize this.


Also, do NOT implement macros!!, you've already removed the need to press the sprint button, if you implement macros, the game might as well be playing with itself and we, as players, might as well go watch the original six star wars movies!!



Posted just yesterday


I already unsubscribed bro, a gold post can confirm this if they want.


Troll on brotha :tran_grin:

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This is the beginning of the dumbing down of SWTOR. Oooooohhh is the Spring button too hard for you??? Maybe you should go back to WoW, let the adults play a REAL game. I mean srsly do you guys die THAT often?! If so, then just stop being bad!!!


What's next after this? A Looking For Dungeon tool?? Pretty soon we won't even need a sprint button because we won't even need to leave the fleet! I guarantee you that people will quit this game in droves if a LFD tool is implement because the community will go down the toilet, just look at WoW as proof of how bad the community has gotten now. The SWTOR community right now is probably the best MMO community out there, just read through the forums here and you'll realize this.


Also, do NOT implement macros!!, you've already removed the need to press the sprint button, if you implement macros, the game might as well be playing with itself and we, as players, might as well go watch the original six star wars movies!!


This is a repost from yesterday. Two things.


1. You obviously have no freaking idea what a macro does.

2. Adults spell out words like seriously with vowels and such when trying to make what they deem a valid point.



Stop whining, learn what a macro does then try to explain how it "plays the game for you"

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I guarantee you that people will quit this game in droves if a LFD tool is implement because the community will go down the toilet


There is ZERO community now, therefore it is impossible for a LFD tool to make something that does not exist "go down the toilet."

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This is the beginning of the dumbing down of SWTOR. Oooooohhh is the Spring button too hard for you??? Maybe you should go back to WoW, let the adults play a REAL game. I mean srsly do you guys die THAT often?! If so, then just stop being bad!!!


What's next after this? A Looking For Dungeon tool?? Pretty soon we won't even need a sprint button because we won't even need to leave the fleet! I guarantee you that people will quit this game in droves if a LFD tool is implement because the community will go down the toilet, just look at WoW as proof of how bad the community has gotten now. The SWTOR community right now is probably the best MMO community out there, just read through the forums here and you'll realize this.


Also, do NOT implement macros!!, you've already removed the need to press the sprint button, if you implement macros, the game might as well be playing with itself and we, as players, might as well go watch the original six star wars movies!!


Another moronic thread. :rolleyes:

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In this thread: an OP who doesn't know the meaning of the word difficult.


Pro-Tip: Having to reapply a buff that you ALWAYS need to have on everytime you die is STUPID.


Tedium =/= difficulty


Difficulty is having to use that thing that used to live in the hollow cavity between your ears.

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