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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

People BAD in pvp


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Well what about Ranked pvp?? Is this going to separate the good ppl from the bad?? Why have a ranked system if you are depending on luck to win?? Will they separate ppl when this comes??


Sort of yeah, its gonan be for 8 man premades only but skilled PvPrs is an overstatement in MMORPG PvP cause the skillceiling is very low in every game of this genre compared to "real" PvP games like FPS and RTS games wher truly skilled people excel.

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In HB they are not focusing on the ball in at all,not defending it or attacking the carrier.They are running around fighting random ppl far away from the ball and they dont care if you loose or win.


In Voidstar NONE are focusing on the doors. They are fighting far away from the door or in the middle. No one are typing on the chat and if someone do type "HELP L/R" no one reads it.



There are a few problems inherent in SWTOR/PVP that encourage this kind of play:


1) Once you finish your daily/weekly, there's no reason to worry about winning. You just want to maximize Valor.


2) The game rewards individual effort (damage done, solo kill, total kills, damage mitigated, etc.) more than progress toward a team win (goals scored, carriers killed, damage done to carrier, damage prevented on your carrier, etc.). There are some exceptions, but you can usually get more "Valor" by not worrying about winning.


3) Trying to advance a team goal (carrying the ball, guarding the door, etc.) will usually get you killed faster than DPSing somewhere away from the action.

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You know its going to go south when....


- you join Voidstar in progress, you note 2 other players left OPs group while you were logging into game, you are the attacker in round 1, your team hasn't yet got past first doors and there is 45 secs left in the round :( (This is true event from last night)



-other than that anytime I log into Voidstar and hear the room alarm buzzer going, while my screen is still black is usually a bad sign..... I know I'm 99% likely taking the spot of someone who just rage left the defender team that is getting stomped :(


So this has gone to "You know its going south when ..." jokes?




You know the game is going south when ...


you login to a Voidstar match as the attacker and the round is almost complete and your entire team is sitting at the origninal spawn site while the opposing team attack them from below.

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90% of players are laughably bad at PVP.


90% of those bad players do not realise they are bad.


The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which the unskilled suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than average. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their mistakes.


I love watching this in practice in a bad Huttball match. Many times 2-3 poor players will ragequit after a score or two because "You all suck!" They will be replaced by 2-3 good players and we go on to win the match.


My favorite Huttball was being down 5-0. Several rage quit and we came back 5-5. We lost (because they killed our ball carrier with 2 seconds to go). But it was the best loss I ever had. And it was the only loss I've seen where everyone on the team was congratulating one another.


Rage quitters who believe their team is not living up to their own personal skill level are often the worst players on the team.

Edited by Yozbick
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Reason is, because your all fixated on farming BG's so when you run into actual pvpers in the world,you treat them same as battleground farmers. We arnt. A great many players think their shinys can play for them, I cant count the number of BG farmers an afkers who run up to me in their silly champion gear or whtever its called, get punted into a group or mobs or over a cliff then start abusing me for it...
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AHAHAHA you are funny, why would I try to do the objective get focused down and die, while I can go and farm some medals which give more rewards then doing the objective? I think you are the bad one here.


Hey look, one of the baddies came by to say hi.



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there will always be new players that have to learn huttball -- you were amazing the first time you played it?

When I first went to huttball it was like "omg where I am and why everyone attacks a guy with a sphere above him? Wow he knocked me back is he a boss mob or something" :D

Now its more like "grab the ball. run to their base and when near fire pit all your defences will end hope there will be someone to pass, Nope? Well lets try again!":D

Edited by Gelious
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title of the thread should be why are there so many pretentious chodes in this game that think being good at a video game is "cool"


im terrible at this game, terrible at pvp, terrible at pve. the worst part about this game isnt the PVP, or the lack of end game content, or the bugs, or the patches that break the game, its the countless number of elitest epeen flexers that infest it.


people are going to be bad in pvp. get over it. if youre sooooooooo awesome and leet, you dont need to worry about the people that are bad. your massive epeen and leet BM gear will get you through.


im terrible, and i know it. no suprise here.

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There is a lot to learn in this game and as far as i am concerned that is great.

That is PvP content.

Complaining about people doing actual PvP progression is not productive.

Some PvP boss mobs are hard as hell to beat for some play styles.


That is the way I look at it.


I mean honestly if i could see and understand all the mistakes i was making as a white belt i may never had made black belt as i may have given up from the onset from the shame and effort required.

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Yeah it’s most people.


It really does confuse me as to how bad they can be.. after all, a good PvP match you win, get lots of medals and kills and have an awesome time. This happens when people follow the basic strategy and work as a team… pretty simple right?


Example: had an EXTREMELY close CW match yesterday.. we had 2, they had 2 – it was going back and forth for a while. We got down to 60 resources, they had 45, but they had two nodes.. everyone was fighting in mid. I saw 2 defenders at right and called for 2 stealthers to come help me. We literally needed to take and hold it for 1 minute and we would have the win. Noone responded so I went by myself, managed to kill both defenders and cap the node. I called out again for ANYBODY to come help me hold it for just a few seconds so we would have the win.. they kept charging into the mid meatgrinder and feeding the imperial kill counts.


Then 3 imperials charged over and killed me, took the node back and we lost by 5 points. All I needed was ONE PERSON to come and help me and we would have had it. But not one person listened and we lost. Then when the match ended the screen was filled with ‘OMG’ ‘YOU GUYS SUCk’ and other various crap, despite not one person being actually willing to come win the match.


Pretty depressing. Just run with premades, it’s the only way.

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Thank goodness for the Leave Que button! LOL. My last WZ last night I knew it was time to go to bed....I got stuck with a bunch of players I haven't seen before in WZs. I'm Valor Rank 63 so I am familiar with names. The worst part is that we was playing Huttball. 3 minutes in we are down 0-3. The whole time I saw people stuck in pvp with others and not once was anyone going after the ball. I was the only one and I died more times than I have ever played this game for that reason. I left the warzone after that.


I knew at that point those players quested their whole way to L50. They were completely lost.

Edited by Sinisterz
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Are ppl so bad on every server? or is it only on my server?


I have never seen so many ppl in one place over and over again not having a clue what to do.


In HB they are not focusing on the ball in at all,not defending it or attacking the carrier.They are running around fighting random ppl far away from the ball and they dont care if you loose or win.


In Voidstar NONE are focusing on the doors. They are fighting far away from the door or in the middle. No one are typing on the chat and if someone do type "HELP L/R" no one reads it.


In CW ppl are not defending stations, they fight out in the open with randoms the same as in HB. Same goes here for the chat, NO ONE is reading or typing.


If you are trying to give ppl some help they tell you to **** and stop trolling. They are there to have fun, not to read and work :S I know its not always about winning, but when u que for pvp you are there to win,are you not??


I have a 50 on both sides so this goes for both factions, and i usually run in pre-mades and then its not a prob cause we can pretty much steer the wz to a win, but its the solo ques. I know i can just stop going pvp solo, but im just wondering if this is world wide, and not special to my server. This is the biggest frustrating thing ever and i know i cant do anything about it, but at least i can migrate to a better server.



PS: Sorry for the unreadable english, not my strongest side.



every server ever man.


90% of people are terrible.


We can only hope that bad pvpers quit from frustration

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You know anyone 15k or lower HP is pretty much toast. I shake my head at every game where I'm able to cut through all enemy players but my teammates cannot capitalize fast enough... like being able to hold off 6-7 enemy players at one point but nobody's going for the other one. Or needing someone up on top in Huttball to clear enemy players away so they don't pass... nope.
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The problem that's developed in huttball is I've noticed many people give up after a first score from the enemy particularly if it's a fast score. I've seen 4-0 games turn about, people need to just play the game through instead of just assuming they should kill farm and that it's a loss.
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It's very frustrating to try to win and then and realize most of your team is off chasing kills. I try to figure out early on whether we have a chance or not, and if we don't, I join in the kill chasing or I lurk around and queue up some crafting or both. That way, I don't feel so aggravated about it. Edited by maradigamer
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I love watching this in practice in a bad Huttball match. Many times 2-3 poor players will ragequit after a score or two because "You all suck!" They will be replaced by 2-3 good players and we go on to win the match.


My favorite Huttball was being down 5-0. Several rage quit and we came back 5-5. We lost (because they killed our ball carrier with 2 seconds to go). But it was the best loss I ever had. And it was the only loss I've seen where everyone on the team was congratulating one another.


Rage quitters who believe their team is not living up to their own personal skill level are often the worst players on the team.



Just today (no kidding, it was around 1800) I joined a huttball that was losing 0-3. There was one other free slot, which got filled. We both stayed.


The bad players who left early due to the losing score will never be good players.


It is because they were just there to leech their 3 wins a day and get their gear, they're not interested in PVPing and learning and getting better by fighting tough opponents. They're there for pixels and loot, not for the pleasure of PVPing and PVPing well.


We won that game, 6-3.

Edited by Redmarx
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I have never played a game where it was easier to pull people off objectives or distract them. It is really too easy and too common.


People defend / attack objectives poorly. It is unfortunate unless you are directly benefitting from it.


I posted elsewhere where I kept two operatives busy an entire huttball match making it 7-6, and allowing us to win.

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Most "pvpers" in this game behave exactly like mobs.


First red nameplate = attack, no matter what he's doing or what class he is.


Red nameplate attacking me or watching at me funny = aggro him and NEVER EVER change target again until he is dead (or I'm dead). Who cares if I have to run througn an entire enemy group 1 km away from any objective to kill the mother****er.


People do tend to lock on. I find myself changing targets often as battles progress. This is one thing that can be exploited as well, people who are focused on the kill or finishing things off can be manipulated away from combat areas and objectives.


This is one thing lesser geared players can contribute. If you can drag a bm away from a fight as a new fifty you help your team. Problem is here as with all pvp too many people are afraid to die. It amazes me what people will do to avoid dying even if it takes them out of combat twice as long.

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Are ppl so bad on every server? or is it only on my server?


I have never seen so many ppl in one place over and over again not having a clue what to do.


In HB they are not focusing on the ball in at all,not defending it or attacking the carrier.They are running around fighting random ppl far away from the ball and they dont care if you loose or win.


In Voidstar NONE are focusing on the doors. They are fighting far away from the door or in the middle. No one are typing on the chat and if someone do type "HELP L/R" no one reads it.


In CW ppl are not defending stations, they fight out in the open with randoms the same as in HB. Same goes here for the chat, NO ONE is reading or typing.


If you are trying to give ppl some help they tell you to **** and stop trolling. They are there to have fun, not to read and work :S I know its not always about winning, but when u que for pvp you are there to win,are you not??


I have a 50 on both sides so this goes for both factions, and i usually run in pre-mades and then its not a prob cause we can pretty much steer the wz to a win, but its the solo ques. I know i can just stop going pvp solo, but im just wondering if this is world wide, and not special to my server. This is the biggest frustrating thing ever and i know i cant do anything about it, but at least i can migrate to a better server.



PS: Sorry for the unreadable english, not my strongest side.



no need to win more than 3 warzones a day m8. after that u can skip the roleplay objective ******** and actually pvp. it seems alot of these newschool "pvpers" have a twisted wrong view of how pvp should be. give back the oldschool way of pvp like daoc had where u made a group of 8 with the only objective to run out and kill other grps of 8 for the sake of fighting each other in long epic battles instead of sitting on some retarded cannon half the game cos the ******** warzone roleplay crap wants u to hold that cannon for the republic/empire/WHATEVER. **** that **** and go back to the roots when pvp was actually pvp and not some lame mechanic that only got introduced so bads can still win every now and then despite beeing perma farmed.

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So what would the ranked system be based on?


Kill ratio? That doesn't make a good player


Objective points? Except objective points seem to be skewed, especially when you get no objective credits for strategically passing the ball, or scoring, in Huttball.


Definitely not the Medal system.


Most dmg? A baddie with great gear can still top those chats.


So how would you create a ranking system here that is actually based on skill rather than time spent?


I hope they have a team based ranking system and a solo/individual system and the primary metric for both should be winning. Even in solo pug pvp some players are going to cause their teams to win more often and some players will make their team win less. Adjust scores based on the scores of teammates and opponents and who wins and loses and it would give a pretty good settling out of impact in pvp.

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Guard is the only thing that shows up as protection. All the rest, mass mind control (by taunt, I assume you mean mass mind control or something similar), along with static barrier are considered healing. At least I know barrier is. I pretty sure mass mindcontrol is healing, but I don't play an assassin. Just going by what my guildies say.

Taunt for sure shows up as protection on my assassin

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