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How on earth do you kill a geared assassin/shadow?


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I'm currently in full champion gear except for BM implants, ear, weapon and bracers. Specced lethality to be less useless against armor. I don't have much of a problem with most classes but assassins are making me look like I just hit 50 in lvl 40 greens. I'm finding that I can't even get a champion geared assassin down to half hp before I get shredded. Do they have some secret mechanic that makes them immune to sniper damage that I don't know about or have I just been getting really unlucky this whole time? Any pointers would be appreciated. I'm tired of having to completely avoid assassins and shadows every time I see one.
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Stop playing lethality... I play this special card game called Magic The Gathering and one of the Pros taught me how to win, he said, 'Look at what the devs itended and the find a way to brake it.' Well with the sniper they intended you to snipe. Only reason lethality and engineering is there is filler. So you are playing filler!
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I wanna pew pew everyone's head off just as much as the next sniper but making myself useless against multiple classes doesn't seem like a good trade off. As useful as your reply was, you also didn't highlight why MM would be any better against an assassin than lethality.
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Yes they do have a mechanic that makes them immune to sniper damage and essentially only sniper damage. They have a 100% dodge for 3 - 5s depending on spec and they have a 50% deflect for 15s with a 2minute cd which makes them unkilable for you. Tbh there isn't that much snipers can actually kill. If you kill someone it was because they didn't notice and didn't pop any of their cds to stop your damage.
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Yes they do have a mechanic that makes them immune to sniper damage and essentially only sniper damage. They have a 100% dodge for 3 - 5s depending on spec and they have a 50% deflect for 15s with a 2minute cd which makes them unkilable for you. Tbh there isn't that much snipers can actually kill. If you kill someone it was because they didn't notice and didn't pop any of their cds to stop your damage.


What the above poster said. The beauty of the mitigation system is that all defenses work against marksman damage and if you spec lethality you get dispelled or your damage is simply too slow in some 1v1 fights.

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What the above poster said. The beauty of the mitigation system is that all defenses work against marksman damage and if you spec lethality you get dispelled or your damage is simply too slow in some 1v1 fights.


Wait..im pretty sure Assassin ability is called force shroud. Which only give immune to force damage? And they do get a 50 percent dodge for 12 seconds. That might be what...

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Force Shroud is a short cooldown that makes you immune to Force and Tech damage and almost all the damage as a Lethatlity Sniper does is Tech.


If you see an Assassin using FS, you can use your weapon damage attacks (Rifle Shots, Snipe, Series of Shots etc) to get past it, but Assassins also have a deflection cooldown that increases their defense chance against weapon attacks and if they use it you will mostly miss.


If they use both cooldowns at the same time, you can't really hurt them.

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Force Shroud is a short cooldown that makes you immune to Force and Tech damage and almost all the damage as a Lethatlity Sniper does is Tech.


If you see an Assassin using FS, you can use your weapon damage attacks (Rifle Shots, Snipe, Series of Shots etc) to get past it, but Assassins also have a deflection cooldown that increases their defense chance against weapon attacks and if they use it you will mostly miss.


If they use both cooldowns at the same time, you can't really hurt them.


and if the pop their cooldowns, what's stopping you from blowing them backwards and as marksmanship hitting them with diversion and/or hitting them with a leg shot after the root from your kb has worn off? all they can do is chuck rocks/lightning and tk throw/moar lightning at you both have cd or stun you but if you hit hunker down before all of that...

Edited by Corran
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As Lethality I find you can most often win by simply kiting them. You can either kite them to your own team if you are low on cooldowns or kite them and reapply dots when they are dispelled. Make sure to use Debiltate and Evasion as Offensive CC, and don't slack on your defensive cooldowns either. A Deception Assassin will be looking to smash you with a high powered Shock and Discharge, which come later in the fight if they've been able to stick to you for any length of time.


Also, a Sniper is excellent Ranged DPS Support. They are better then any other Ranged DPS when paired with a Sorc or Merc due to the greater number of lower cooldown defensive options they have. Find a friend and you can likely 2v3 group of melee's even if it's all Operatives and Assassins.


I think I'd recommend a Lethality Sniper against an Assassin honestly, as a the DoT Cleansing Shroud is less painful then that 50% Deflect chance for ages. Besides if it was a Darkness Assassin, Marksman would be screwed beyond belief.

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Step 1: Have equal or better gear than your opponent.


Step 2: Have greater skill than your opponent.


Step 3: You won.


Blanket response for all "How do I 1v1 [Y] class as [X] class.



See also: Do a barrel roll!

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Sith Assassin comes in 3 variety : Darkness, Deception, and Madness. (now that Hybrid is dead). Force Shroud will remove your poison and make them immune to all tech ability for 5 second, however it's on a 45s cooldown, so they can only use it once per engagement. Their CC break is on a 2 minute timer, so stun and flashbang as often as possible. All 3 spec uses shock as their staple damage dealer, with a range of 10 meter, so if you're kiting, you must kite them from 10meter away.
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Well there is this thing called Accuracy that makes it really hard for them to dodge when you have around 130% accuracy their effective dodge rate goes down to 20%.


If you think gimping your damage by stacking accuracy and leaving the horrid accuracy enhancements in your rakata/bmaster gear is good.......well............nvm, the more noobs the better I guess.


Sacrifice a ton of stats so that you can hit tanky pvp classes with shots hitting as hard as a pea shooter.........rofl...........just rofl.

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I'm currently in full champion gear except for BM implants, ear, weapon and bracers. Specced lethality to be less useless against armor. I don't have much of a problem with most classes but assassins are making me look like I just hit 50 in lvl 40 greens. I'm finding that I can't even get a champion geared assassin down to half hp before I get shredded. Do they have some secret mechanic that makes them immune to sniper damage that I don't know about or have I just been getting really unlucky this whole time? Any pointers would be appreciated. I'm tired of having to completely avoid assassins and shadows every time I see one.


I will teach you how to kill tank or mixed tank/madness assasin.


This encounter has a row of phases.


Phase 1


You need someone tank assa. Then you shoot, shoot, shoot him for like 2 min, cause his mitigation from armor is 45 % (inc like 17 % mitigation vs internal dmg) , 27 % ranged dodge (while basic ranged dodge for inquisitor/consular classes is 10 %) + 30 % shield block without active abilities. With active abilities It is like 60 % ranged dodge (cull being ranged ability T_T) and 40 % shiled chance.


Periodically assa will use combat stealth removing your dots and making him immune for tech attacks (tech attacks: dart, both grenades, explosive probe etc) for 3 sec (6 sec if talented) and instantly use shockfrozen water item to heal himself for 8 k hp.


In the end of phase 1 he will notice you and aggro.


Phase 2


When you get aggro you should immidiately run away out of range of force pull and let your tank regain assasin aggro.


Now it is simple tank and spank, without deflection, ability to raise block chance and combat stealth assa is worth like 30 sec to shooting at him.


In the end of phase 2 he will try to force speed away grabbing hp buff or get heals from teammate adds.


You should have your leg shot ready to not let him reset the encounter with force speed.


Tank sin is hard but doable.

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In WZs, this tactic actually works. Just die in order to regen your energy and health faster.


or to defend your goal/door faster assuming you were smart enough to have 3-5 randoms chasing you on the wrong side. Viable tactic in 10-49 as a PT.

Edited by shadowAI
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Yes they do have a mechanic that makes them immune to sniper damage and essentially only sniper damage. They have a 100% dodge for 3 - 5s depending on spec ...
Actually it only work against tech and force attacks, not raged attacks or melee attacks.


One of the few things that bypass force shroud is sniper abiliites (as most of them are ranged attacks). Lethality Snipers, however, depend on some tech attacks (force shroud do cleanse all them Lethality DoTs...)



As for shield. Juggernauts and Powertechs using shield generator will have the same chance of avoiding Ranged attacks as assassin. Assassins might be harder to kite though...? Assassins that spec 31 deception (backstab and stealth) or Madness (enhancement shaman using lots of lightnings and instant "spells") are just as squishy as any other dps class. Maybe even more squishy due to light armor and no Sorc bubble...

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