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Everything posted by Toat

  1. People have been qq'ing about this since beta. So please do it just to make them stop.
  2. I do not see an issue with any of the pics posted, it looks like normal armor. Also, who cares stop crying.
  3. Marketing 101: when you release a new product, promote it. I honestly don't understand your complaint. If you don't like it, don't buy it, otherwise shut up.
  4. No. See the comment starting with "there is no done." To Bioware's defense I think every new mmo that comes out lately has run into these problems because the market is saturated to the point that the average mmo consumer is an advance player and there are not many new players coming in. Every gamer that would have played an mmo has by now. WoW's success is due to starting in an earlier period prior to this market saturation, establishing a dedicated fanbase, and then living through this current period with a machine-like expansion and content patch process.
  5. Look, a computer is nothing more than the components in it. To get a premium brand "gaming" computer such as alienware, you are immensely overpaying for components that every pc gamer should be able to purchase and assemble themselves. That's my criticism.
  6. I think you're a little misguided, the game was "done" when it was released. There just wasn't enough content to keep the interest of modern mmo consumers, causing a mass exodus.
  7. I facepalmed and stopped reading at: lol really? congrats on wasting your money. there is no applicable helpful advise to give you.
  8. the hell. why didn't they first post the 3/4 puzzle peice picture. The community remains in outrage for the 3/4 puzzle piece facebook picture.
  9. Game is a year and half old and people think the story can be spoiled? What have you been living under a rock?
  10. Not a chance. Bioware needs to and is trying to scoop up as much cash whenever possible from the player base.
  11. Why do you think we'll get the full anouncement today? They are only at 2/4 puzzle pieces. So in about 25 mins they will post the 3/4 puzzle piece on facebook. They will not make the anouncement until the 4/4 puzzle piece picture is posted. Clearly
  12. Why everyday is there some sort of post about revan? Who cares, didn't play kotor, don't care
  13. I don't get it. Is "question of the day" a new friday thing? Kind of like the pre-launch friday updates?
  14. Ok, so the answer was never, thanks. Why do we have to make 16 pages on it?
  15. It was TLDR, but are you saying report bad players as in unskilled bads? so you could report them and bioware would be like "hey you suck, you should l2p, here's some guides on your class" If so, I support this idea.
  16. Just look at how much credits are selling for on those farmer sites, rediculously expensive. Besides if you ever have a shortage of credits in this game then you're doing something wrong.
  17. Number of mobs are fine, learn to be better at getting around them.
  18. It's really pathetic that a vocal minority has milked precious development attention which this game desperately needs in other areas to go towards adding new CE items which makes no sense. The CE was a one time thing we bought over a year ago, we do not deserve updates, make your damn game better.
  19. They were gamebreaking, and now nerfed back to the nich area of gameplay they were intended to be.
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