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Disappointed by the size of the "fat" female option.


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If it's a mirror of the male body type 4, it's a fun house mirror only. I don't know if they're ever going to add more body types - maybe with legacy? - but it's not too much to ask to have the male and female body types match to equalize the choice. I wouldn't necessarily take this one away though, just add more options. How they thought the disparity made sense, I honestly don't know.


Personally, I've played both a fat male Jedi and a muscular female Sith and I did so because it fit their personality and backstory. No reason not to give RPers the option for obese characters, especially when it's already there for one gender.


This times two.


I was hoping to make a fat chick or two for some of my characters once I saw there was a fat dude option. When I saw what the chick option was it was pretty disappointing. If anything I'd say it's thick but not really fat... look at that waist! I ended up just changing my character ideas but it would have been nice to have a couple chunkleberries running around together. (My husband was gonna make a fatty with me.) =(

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Let's be honest, the female body 4 is what many women should aspire towards and be happy with.


Also, to the guy QQing about "people have been asking for Body 2.5 since beta and Bioware has been ignoring them"... isn't it more likely that, I dunno, they haven't had time to create the model for a mid-tier body type and then insure all the armor fits properly and all the animations work properly? But no, clearly BW are just going "Nah, screw those folks." But no, they didn't add in a feature within a month, so clearly the only explanation is they're ignoring the playerbase.



OP, well... what do you expect? There's only going to be two types of people who would roll an obese female: the handful of obese women who want to play as themselves and then you'll have a bunch of guys using the body type with stealth classes because it's "funny" to gank people as a fat chick.


Not to be rude, though I'm sure it'll be interpreted as such... but you could always work on losing weight. If you have the free time to play videogames, then you can take half an hour of that free time a day, or even every other day, to do some cardio. Drink only water (no juice or sodas, not even that "diet" crap), and be wary of how many calories you're taking in. You don't even have to absolutely give up everything you love, just eater smaller portions of it. The cardio though is the real key. It's a very, very hard habit to get yourself into if you've had a rather sedintary lifestyle until then.


But hey, you might be one of the unlucky few who legitimately has a thyroid issue or a metabolism that, for whatever reason, absolutely cannot be jump-started. If that's the case, well... though break.


Now I'll patiently await my warning for "trolling". But hey, at least I gave some general advice rather than "being overweight is unhealthy" like most would say.

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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.


Thunder thighs are on the move, Thunder thighs are on the loose.

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Oh, and the first person to say "Male Body Type 4 is just built like a linebacker!" is a tool, and clearly has never, ever seen a game of football (the American kind). I don't know where that myth started, but linebackers are not remotely close to being built like Body Type 4. If you want to compare BT4 to a football player, then it's much, much closer to a defensive tackle or offensive guard/center. A few inches over average height, endomorphic body structure with noticeable muscle mass. They are far closer to Tony Siragusa than Brian Urlacher.


If you have a linebacker that looks like Body Type 4, then it either means he's some kinda genetic freak (though not of the Steiner variety), or your team is absolutely desperate to just have an 11th body on the field.

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no, its called making a point. and i made it VERY well. you are being insensitive to ppl with TRUE disabilities by claiming that the game should cater to you because you are overweight, but make NO mention of any of the examples i used. yes, they where examples, but VERY good examples.


Absolute and utter nonsense.

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Absolute and utter nonsense.


Well, no, he has a point... I don't think he made it as well as he think he did, but he does have a point. He is coming off a bit jerkish/trollish with it, but there's some truth in their too.(Though an Iraqi war veteran who lost an arm might want to consider rolling a Cyborg! I sure as hell would.)


Being obese is something a person has the power to control. It probalby won't be easy, but it's possible in the overwhelming majority of the cases. However, there are some things a person cannot control. Maybe someone who did suffer an amputation, or was born a little person, would like to accurately create themselves in SWTOR. Just like an obese woman, they cannot. Unlike the obese woman, there's nothing they can do in real life regarding their physical appearance. If Peter Dinklage wanted to play as a character that looks like himself in SWTOR, then unfortunately he's SOL. If a large woman wants to... well, at the moment she's out of luck, but she could lose weight. Granted, it's not the best reason to lose weight (indeed, I can't imagine a person going "**** it, I'm gonna lose 20 pounds so I can look like a character in SWTOR!), but... well, you get the point.

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Would it be sexist to suggest that an obese male still has something to offer in the ***** kicking stakes whilst an obese female is actually just not cutting it at all?


Or is it being overly kind to females by not insulting them with a fat model?


I guess it depends on your perspective... Id like to know what the designers thought.

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i lost one arm in iraq. i find it really hard to RP as any toon, any race, and class, any faction, when my character has both arms.


i am 3ft tall, i am legally a "little person" i find it really hard to RP as any toon, any race, any class, any faction, when my characters are ALL over 4 feet tall.


i am a banana irl. i find it really hard to RP......


i think you get the idea. not every option can be covered. you just have to accept it.


Asking for as many options for women as there are for men is HARDLY an unreasonable request. Trying to make it analogous to asking for extra attention is ridiculous. We just want what you already have.


Yes, I know, this is a hard concept. You can handle it, I'm sure.


Edit: Actually, come to think of it, I would be thrilled if options for disabilities were added. In WoW, the gentleman who ran our server progression thread for several years had only one arm, apparently played a warlock. Probably unfeasible, but would still be cool.WoW had a 'colorblind' option come to think of it, but all it did was clarify the quality of loot drops. It really failed to address red/green colorblindness (which is more pervasive in men, btw), which is the most common. Most animations between hostile and friendly spells were denoted in red or green of similar intensity, which for me is 100% fine, but could be an issue for someone else.... I'm on board with game changes meant to help people achieve the same level of enjoyment as myself :)


Let's be honest, the female body 4 is what many women should aspire towards and be happy with.


No one but you cares to hear what you think of women's bodies, or what you think is acceptable. We're already aware that you think of us. We don't care. Okay, I care, but that's because I'm tired of men (or women with internalized misogyny) telling me how I should look.


Would it be sexist to suggest that an obese male still has something to offer in the ***** kicking stakes whilst an obese female is actually just not cutting it at all?


Yes. I hope that helps.


Or is it being overly kind to females by not insulting them with a fat model?


I'm not even sure what this question is asking. Are you implying we don't have self control? I mean, if I'm reading too much into it please correct me. Maybe you worded it poorly. Flat out honest opinion, I see a lack of fat women models as catering to the target demographic of the straight male, aged 18-25. I don't know if it has so much to do with me, so much as the opinion that society thinks you have of me.


If you want to make the game more realistic you could always go on a diet.


This stunning piece of humanity is a great example of why I harbor disdain for the stereotypical demographic for gamers. In what universe is this ok to say to another person? Like, I'm sure it's hilarious, but what does it accomplish? I mean, besides establishing that you're a heartless jerk that enjoys anonymity?

Edited by Amyiss
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Yeah, I get the idea. You made all that up and are really insensitive.


Hardly insensetive, just a case of you being too sensetive...


Just because you cant make a toon look exactly like you doesnt mean they have to implement it...


i couldnt find a beard that looks like my own beard, does that mean they should design a beard just for me?


also, i wear glasses (far more people wear glasses than are fat in the world) but i couldnt have glasses in the game, so they should change that too.


Also, i have a friend who is a little over 2 meters tall and he is skinny as well, so should they implement that option as well then?



What you want is a character customisation system like APB has.

Not gonna happen in this game (and it doesnt need that many options either).



EDIT: actually, implementing a Fat female toon would probably be insensetive since most who used it would use it because "fat people are funny" (as that is why most use the fat male toon) witch is in fact very insensetive.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.


Can you post a picture of how fat you are so the developers know what to aim for

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Hardly insensetive, just a case of you being too sensetive...


Just because you cant make a toon look exactly like you doesnt mean they have to implement it...


i couldnt find a beard that looks like my own beard, does that mean they should design a beard just for me?


also, i wear glasses (far more people wear glasses than are fat in the world) but i couldnt have glasses in the game, so they should change that too.


Also, i have a friend who is a little over 2 meters tall and he is skinny as well, so should they implement that option as well then?



What you want is a character customisation system like APB has.

Not gonna happen in this game (and it doesnt need that many options either).


Likening hair growth to body type is kind of unfair though. There's legitimate concerns that come with hair types, but they're not really analogous to body types... nor are they the concerns of 'ohnoes my beard'.


Actually if you think the stigma of having the wrong beard is anything like being viewed as disgusting for being unable to change your genetic body type, or medical condition, or choice of lifestyle, I don't know what to tell you.


Being a woman outside the stereotype of 5'11" and 130 pounds is nothing like being a man with a beard. You can shave it or style it. I maintain an eating disorder to be thin. Slightly different stakes.

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Likening hair growth to body type is kind of unfair though. There's legitimate concerns that come with hair types, but they're not really analogous to body types... nor are they the concerns of 'ohnoes my beard'.


Actually if you think the stigma of having the wrong beard is anything like being viewed as disgusting for being unable to change your genetic body type, or medical condition, or choice of lifestyle, I don't know what to tell you.


Being a woman outside the stereotype of 5'11" and 130 pounds is nothing like being a man with a beard. You can shave it or style it. I maintain an eating disorder to be thin. Slightly different stakes.


As part of my faith, I have never touched my beard. In the entirety of my life, not a single hair has been willfully removed from my chin. As you can imagine, it's rather large.


This game doesn't allow me to have a comparable beard on my characters and thus I am angry.



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female 4 is good enough, I suppose one could call it a farm build. Where I'm from though that WOULD be considered overweight, though what is average and what is not is always debatable given different regions of the world and average diets lifestyles genetics etc etc etc


male size 4 I take as almost a joke and cringe when I see one huffing it with sprint on, I half expect them to keep over and die of massive heart failure... most classes in the game would NOT work with someone of that size.


Yeah when I see a size 4 male body being a sorc using their sprint I have to wonder if they rolled a toon like that just for laughs.

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As part of my faith, I have never touched my beard. In the entirety of my life, not a single hair has been willfully removed from my chin. As you can imagine, it's rather large.


This game doesn't allow me to have a comparable beard on my characters and thus I am angry.




You see the thing is I know you're trying to be sarcastic but I'm not really seeing a problem with the 'outlandish' request.


People are different from you, and they want different things. The whole point of Star Wars was to give you a generic 'everyman' in a strange universe that you could relate to (Luke) that transforms into a hero. You're supposed to imprint on these characters so you want to continue to sub.


Luke was a great straight, white male, and works ok for an audience four decades ago, because that's who the film is for. Some of us would like to have heros that look like us. It's not really that unreasonable. If the game isn't for us, I guess that's one thing, but Bioware's actions between this game's planned changes, and options available in Dragon Age, seem to indicate to me that they want to expand their target audience. S'why they get my money, and Blizz can rot.

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Girls don't game.


But seriously, this game is aimed at the average 18-35 year old male. There won't be any "fat" female models.


OMG lol girls don't game eh ? - this is the most sexsist post I have read on these forums to date. Show me the facts where it states that this or any other game is specifically targeting at male players. (you were joking right) ? :D


to the OP, well does it matter if you don't get a fat female option ? - its role playing, but sure its an interesting point why there isn't that body type. It is role playing, and we should be able to choose what ever appearance we want. I couldn't get my real life eye colour. But chose the hair style and body type that is closest to mine.

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You see the thing is I know you're trying to be sarcastic but I'm not really seeing a problem with the 'outlandish' request.


People are different from you, and they want different things. The whole point of Star Wars was to give you a generic 'everyman' in a strange universe that you could relate to (Luke) that transforms into a hero. You're supposed to imprint on these characters so you want to continue to sub.


Luke was a great straight, white male, and works ok for an audience four decades ago, because that's who the film is for. Some of us would like to have heros that look like us. It's not really that unreasonable. If the game isn't for us, I guess that's one thing, but Bioware's actions between this game's planned changes, and options available in Dragon Age, seem to indicate to me that they want to expand their target audience. S'why they get my money, and Blizz can rot.


I was going to make an actual serious argument but realized that it would be far too weak, so I opted for a joke instead.


Honestly though, I would like larger beards because the ones available were rather disappointing. However, regardless of the lack of beard, I don't intend on leaving anything time soon. After all, what would be the point of roleplaying games if you were unwilling to be someone else?

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OMG you are SO definitely wrong lol girls don't game eh ? - this is the most prejudiced post I have read on these forums to date. Show me the facts where it states that this or any other game is specifically targeting at male players.


If this game is designed for just you boys, YET WHY then are there girls playing the game,..? I have come across a few of them besides myself.


to the OP, well does it matter if you don't get a fat female option ? - its role playing, but sure its an interesting point why there isn't that body type. It is role playing, and we should be able to choose what ever appearance we want. I couldn't get my real life eye colour. But chose the hair style and body type that is closest to mine.


It's not an acceptable hobby for us. Where is my sandwich etc.


I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I think your second paragraph somewhat answers your first. Is it the end of the world that there's not truly 'fat' model? No, of course not.


But if the game wasn't made for men, or at least what a designer thinks an acceptable woman should look like or aspire to, why isn't the option there? Even if they just plum 'forgot', isn't it interesting that they did, even if their own 'important' game npcs commonly use the fat male model?


Also, again, it's really not fair to compare eye color to body type. Sure, both are tied to genetics, but one earns you ire and disgust, the other is generally ignored or complimented in current society for being unusual.


However, regardless of the lack of beard, I don't intend on leaving anything time soon. After all, what would be the point of roleplaying games if you were unwilling to be someone else?


As I said, it's not worldending or game breaking for me. I'm not a representative of all women, however, so just because it doesn't hurt me doesn't mean it doesn't hurt someone else. As I said before, I'm in an acceptable range of weight because I have an eating disorder. Did Star Wars cause it? No. Is it Bioware's fault? No. Body type limitations here are just a little bit more reinforcement for my decision to be unhealthy, because people are nicer to me when I starve myself to be pretty.

Edited by Amyiss
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Well the female no4 could be a bit fatter, her arms at least look disproportionately small. She seems to have been designed to be phat in all the right places rather than actually overweight.


BTW... I haven't taken the shirt off my male no4 (or any character for that matter)... Is the fat male actually ripped? Seriously? How unnatural is that! Lol

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