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SWG'ers, are you content or bored with SWTOR?


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It'd be really nice if we could get a game that combined the best of SWG's original scope (what pre-CU was supposed to be, but never achieved) with the success of WoW.


Unfortunately, I don't think such a beast is possible.


I remember how bad Tatooine was on Starsider even after the NGE when so many people left. There was no wilderness, just endless fields of player structures. I remember needing 4 characters on two accounts just to have enough storage space for crafting and to store all of the decorations I had but didn't need, not to mention to put down factories and harvesting units.


Imagine how bad that would be if SWG had achieved half the subscription numbers of WoW. Not a pretty thought.


Ultimately, a game has to decide whether it wants to be a niche sandbox game or a mainstream theme park game. I really don't think the tech currently exists at an acceptable cost level to allow any one game to encompass both styles.


However, I am also realistic and patient enough to realize that a game that is less than 6 months old has not even come close to achieving everything it is capable of. I find this especially true of a game that is coming from a newcomer to the MMO arena.


Patience is a must for players and yet it is the one thing you see the least of, especially nowadays where everything has to happen RIGHT NOW and if it doesn't people get mad.


Instead of constantly complaining about a game, take the long view and look at how well the game plays right out of the gates and how well this bodes for the future. I've yet to experience a game that launched as smoothly as SWTOR.


That isn't to say it is without its problems or annoying bugs, but at least I can log in and play instead of having two entire advanced professions where half the tree doesn't work...

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This game is, and likely will continue to, never be dull. I enjoy almost every moment on it. It is a breath of fresh air in the gaming world; lively graphics, full blown and impacting stories, and breathtaking work.


I'm not a hard-core gamer, but I've played an excessive share, and I can make my character and give him whatever armor gives me a boost and I just continue on with the story. Here I actualy consider what my character will be like; what choices he makes and what he looks like.


Usualy people would just choose wether they plan to be the games "Good" or "Bad"; here neither side is truley right or wrong and it's your choice.

In other games you can choose wether to be a jerk or be fair; but here it actualy matters what you choose and people will react to it.

And with different games that person is just that person; in TOR that person became ME, I care about how they act, what they look like, and what they do.


Yes it kinda sucks with some of the classes, either your this or that and that's how it stays. As example if your the Inquisitor or the Consular you either turn into Healing/Buff, or Tank/Hidden. While the Agent and Smuggler lets you become a Hidden/Heal. I think it sucks you can't have similar choices for other classes, but I'm still loving the game.


In short, it rocks and I'm going to be playing the world's fast growing MMO as it starts and for every upgrade in the future. :cool:

Edited by WyrenTamer
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Two totally different games. People need to drop it.


That's not really true, if you ignore the features that swg already had that people claim too be sandbox features and look at what the nge was suppose to accomplish, you would see how similar both games are.

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SWG was nearly the worst MMO I ever played. I spent the first 5 hours getting randomly killed for no reason, and graphically I couldn't tell what was going on. Duck Hunt on Nintendo had graphics light years beyond SWG.



Evidently you do not know how to play computer games then. I got killed a lot early on too, but that is because I was on Dathomir trying to do a difficult quest mission with a lvl 20 toon. Got knocked off of my speeder by a lvl 90 Rancor a few times. You must have been using an integrated video card too. My graphics were fine on my desktop and my laptop, and neither would have qualified as a game machine. Were you any good at Duck Hunt?

Edited by Svengoole
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I was excellent at Duck Hunt :p What I was trying to say (and yes I do know how to play computer games) is that it's a huge bummer when you first start a game and your level of immersion includes getting camped for the first half hour, and running through horribly placed housing that looks like it's Detroit. I bet the game would have been very fun had I contracted the patience to dump 500 hours into it to start enjoying the content. Not my cup of tea really.


Obviously a game that people enjoyed, but for newcomers late in the series it was hard to get started successfully.

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There's two things I miss about SWG. The first is exploring truly open world planets. A good example is how the two games treat Tatooine. In SWG, you didn't feel like you were constantly being herded into canyons or forced to fight in secret enemy bases. The planet felt as expansive as what I saw in the movies.


Secondly, I miss customizable player housing.


Otherwise, I feel SWTOR is a superior game. I love a dynamic storyline rather than getting random missions from a terminal. I love having a powerful hero at launch rather than having to grind for hundreds of hours to earn that lightsaber. In SWTOR, I can be competitive as a "casualcore" player (someone who puts in 15-20 hours a week). In SWG, I was completely wasting my time if I wasn't playing it as a second job.

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There's two things I miss about SWG. The first is exploring truly open world planets. A good example is how the two games treat Tatooine. In SWG, you didn't feel like you were constantly being herded into canyons or forced to fight in secret enemy bases. The planet felt as expansive as what I saw in the movies.


Secondly, I miss customizable player housing.


Otherwise, I feel SWTOR is a superior game. I love a dynamic storyline rather than getting random missions from a terminal. I love having a powerful hero at launch rather than having to grind for hundreds of hours to earn that lightsaber. In SWTOR, I can be competitive as a "casualcore" player (someone who puts in 15-20 hours a week). In SWG, I was completely wasting my time if I wasn't playing it as a second job.


Open world exploration lasted...what, 3 months on Tatooine. After that, you were exploring for empty ground upon which to place a house or factory.


In SWG, Tatooine ended up feeling like a slum. The vast empty expanses of desert ceased to exist rather quickly as players dropped structures down.


Sandbox play like that won't work on a game with a large population.


Besides, I remember the last two new planets to be introduced before I stopped playing SWG and they both were even more restrictive than SWTOR currently is. There is a reason for that and it boils down to the cost of hardware. Those wide open worlds suck up a lot more server power than you may realize.


I personally feel players just can't be trusted with sandbox worlds where they can have an effect on the game. Especially since the internet can seemingly turn the most mature individuals into raving psychopathic personalities without warning. Games suffer when the actions of a few bad people turn droves of good ones away from a game. It is this type of balancing act that MMO designers have to balance out.


Again, SWTOR is too new to be complaining about all the things it feels like it is missing, considering the poor launches of games that came before it.

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Kotetsu Oda - Shadowfire.


Classic SWG and SWTOR are two entirely separate entities, and thus they cannot be compared fairly.


Classic SWG is an MMO Social Sandbox. The amount of choice and content available was almost entirely player driven. Here's your knife, here's your jacket, now leave me alone and go do something outside of Mos Eisely. Womprats were a humbling experience.


SWTOR is an MMORPG; You are taking the role of a character in a story. The content is development driven. Hey, go get me this book. Take this lightsaber. You're now a Knight. Despite the fact you've only used a lightsaber for 15 minutes, you somehow outperform a Jedi Master/Sith Lord at level 12.


Come into this game with that understanding, and you will be able to view it in the light it should be in.

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In SWG, Tatooine ended up feeling like a slum. The vast empty expanses of desert ceased to exist rather quickly as players dropped structures down.



I have to disagree on this sole point. There was prime real estate on Tatooine. Granted it was almost entirely taken, but it was there. I believe in the southern end of the map, was a biggish crater in which an oasis was centered.


Sure, you could go to Naboo and pick out a picture perfect house spot 5 minutes from any which way you went.


But there was something about getting that spot at the Oasis that made camping it for two hours a day hoping a house would be packed up to inactivity worth it.

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SWG died during the great holocron rush.

I played for a year in beta and for 3 years after.


SWG sucks ... period.


SWTOR has just started - they have time to grow, implement and mold the universe still.


People need to stop thinking this game should be a finished work already!



I thought SWG was in perma-Beta until the day they shut down the servers... Unless it was their original intention to charge players for a game so full of bugs it would make Baxter Stockman flee for his life, and graphics that could barely compete with the likes of the first Virtua Fighter arcade game.

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About 75% of the comments are mentioning SWG as a comparable in some respect (mostly favorable to SWG). This should be troubling to Bioware as they placed practically all their stock in the monumental voice acting package to a point where we were supposed to be entranced beyond belief, practically raptured, to where we would not even THINK about SWG anymore.


Yet here we are.. spacebarring the voice acting (c'mon you do it), finding nothing to do at lev 50, and then coming here.. sitting around the virtual campfire, reminiscing and singing songs of what was once SWG.


Where did SWTOR go wrong? I bet several meritable lists of mistakes can be conjured, but I am just going to mention one item, the space combat (or lack thereof).


Making space combat a tunnel shooter, in this age, is a mistake. Tunnel shooters came out in the early 80's, then when flight simulators came out, it was the best thing since sliced bread & tunnel shooters were forgotten easily. Xwing/Tie fighter were epic games.. epic. Imagine if those games had auto-pilot paths and you just had to shoot? Glp.. ew just got little throw up in my mouth. Even if you crashed or died in flight simulators, you kept on going with more desire to do better than before. If your mission failed several times, it made you rethink your strategy and challenged yourself.


To put it simply.. people want to fly their Star Wars ship, even if they suck at it, and not be controlled by the 'Bioware force' *imperial march music*. I think of that Ghandi movie quote when he was telling the British leadership on India's occupation that Indians would prefer their own bad government rather than having the good government from an alien power. Oh but Bioware says.. you don't need control and Star Wars isn't about flying freely, its about going from point A to point B! Oh that's right, in Empire I remember Luke telling R-2 to put it on auto pilot to Dagobah and that he was going to take a nap. Stupid me.


Also think of the tragic irony of this mistake.. making a game called Star Wars but space combat is relegated to a part-ime invisible roller coaster ride. Bioware then says they wanted to concentrate on the "hero" aspect instead and not spend all the focus on space. Hmmm, the hero aspect. How they forget that many (possibly majority) of the 'heroic' actions in the movies were mostly done during a flying or space scene.


Here's where the mistake gets exponentially worse, the fact that they have given up several months of longevity from gamers to keep pumpin that $15 per month. Think of the possibilities of space freedom - mining, exploration, artifacts, hunting pirates, platform crafting, guild capital ships, training/obstacle courses, escort missions... you get the point.


So in summary, SWTOR did a great job in getting the hype up and marketing the title very well. I have 3 friends that bought the collector edition and don't even play anymore. The Malgus statue is now in the corner as a dog chew toy, or a good paper weight on top that unfiled tax return. This was a premier marketing job, they got our money, they won the battle. In 3-4 months time, their trade off will be losing the war.

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When I'd rather browse the forums of a game, than log in and play, you know the game is not very good. This game lacks any "draw you in" factor. It's a easy, mindless, linear and restrictive game that allows you to group up with people. The end game is atrocious, lacking any depth or reason to exist.


I too had a love/hate relationship with SWG for 9 years. But I would take a bug ridden no questing SWG any day over this WoW clone game with lightsabers and blasters. If anything should have been learned from history, it's that Star Wars game fans did not want a dumbed down game, the NGE proved that much!


I'm sure once the nostalgia of a new Star Wars title wears off, or a real compelling title releases, people we begin to exit this game in droves. And it's very unfortunate that the license will suffer yet another big disappointment in the MMO genre.


It's my prayer that someday, some innovative company, will get a shot at this license, and do some amazing things with it, preferably a timeline between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Encompassing all the player skill customization, resource gathering, space and crafting from SWG and adding in some stellar Heroic instances and a pvp galactic war that had serious benefits and consequences.

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Its all said here from what I can see.


MMO.....You need ENDGAME period not just bland pvp


Housing.......can be added here by granting an apt of some kind in tthe big planets with huge cities



Crafting..... Yes , when I had it I called it gay...but now I miss being able to look like I want

let alone having my name on something that was hard as heck to gather stuff to make it top dog



Space.... well it wasnt boring like this place, and I could tweak my ships in many ways



Entertainers.... Not one swg'er can say they didnt have a fav ent



Collections, interactions with community....sigh yeah alot to do when you had nothing to do

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Final Fanasy 11 and WoW are older games QUOTE]





Release date WOW November 23, 2004

Release date FF11 on PC October 28, 2003

Release date SWG June 26 2003


Other than correcting him, what point are you trying to prove? Both games are still alive, and lasted or going to last 8 plus years.

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About 75% of the comments are mentioning SWG as a comparable in some respect (mostly favorable to SWG). This should be troubling to Bioware as they placed practically all their stock in the monumental voice acting package to a point where we were supposed to be entranced beyond belief, practically raptured, to where we would not even THINK about SWG anymore.


Yet here we are.. spacebarring the voice acting (c'mon you do it), finding nothing to do at lev 50, and then coming here.. sitting around the virtual campfire, reminiscing and singing songs of what was once SWG.


Where did SWTOR go wrong? I bet several meritable lists of mistakes can be conjured, but I am just going to mention one item, the space combat (or lack thereof).


Making space combat a tunnel shooter, in this age, is a mistake. Tunnel shooters came out in the early 80's, then when flight simulators came out, it was the best thing since sliced bread & tunnel shooters were forgotten easily. Xwing/Tie fighter were epic games.. epic. Imagine if those games had auto-pilot paths and you just had to shoot? Glp.. ew just got little throw up in my mouth. Even if you crashed or died in flight simulators, you kept on going with more desire to do better than before. If your mission failed several times, it made you rethink your strategy and challenged yourself.


To put it simply.. people want to fly their Star Wars ship, even if they suck at it, and not be controlled by the 'Bioware force' *imperial march music*. I think of that Ghandi movie quote when he was telling the British leadership on India's occupation that Indians would prefer their own bad government rather than having the good government from an alien power. Oh but Bioware says.. you don't need control and Star Wars isn't about flying freely, its about going from point A to point B! Oh that's right, in Empire I remember Luke telling R-2 to put it on auto pilot to Dagobah and that he was going to take a nap. Stupid me.


Also think of the tragic irony of this mistake.. making a game called Star Wars but space combat is relegated to a part-ime invisible roller coaster ride. Bioware then says they wanted to concentrate on the "hero" aspect instead and not spend all the focus on space. Hmmm, the hero aspect. How they forget that many (possibly majority) of the 'heroic' actions in the movies were mostly done during a flying or space scene.


Here's where the mistake gets exponentially worse, the fact that they have given up several months of longevity from gamers to keep pumpin that $15 per month. Think of the possibilities of space freedom - mining, exploration, artifacts, hunting pirates, platform crafting, guild capital ships, training/obstacle courses, escort missions... you get the point.


So in summary, SWTOR did a great job in getting the hype up and marketing the title very well. I have 3 friends that bought the collector edition and don't even play anymore. The Malgus statue is now in the corner as a dog chew toy, or a good paper weight on top that unfiled tax return. This was a premier marketing job, they got our money, they won the battle. In 3-4 months time, their trade off will be losing the war.


I'd love to help argue the merits of a good space flight experience, but I think an engaging, twitch based flight game is often going to be above the heads of all but 5% of the standard MMO gamer. Even something on the level of StarWars Battlefront II would be fun, but Bioware's target audience would require a dumbed down version of this.


SWG space had tons of bugs, many glaring combat problems and, most importantly, lacked any development focus in the form of quests that weren't the standard destroy/ escort grinding format that it began with. Despite this, the space PvP was the most fun and engaging aspect of a game I have participated in, but that is due much to the awesome community that the game facilitated (Only reason I stayed through the NGE was because the space community was largely untouched for a long time, which also led to its decline eventually).


Getting to know other players who could then serve as trading contacts for parts, advice and participation in events was vital to having a good gaming experience. The majority of gamers do not share this view, and I can't blame them for wanting to have fun instantly after logging in. However, most people have the attention span of a puppy and the work ethic of a sloth... thus, the standard MMO format is aimed at these players.


This game caters to players being able to jump in easily and have a good grasp on the game within 20 minutes of play. Bioware has the backing to do great things, but this is the direction they are going for. They've stated they'll be working on space, but I can only assume it will follow the same narrow format. If they can get it right, I'll probably stay subbed forever just for that, but who knows until it's out...

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I'm not really bored with it, but then again I haven't been in a massive hurry either. The game definately has a lot of room to grow, and if they take it in the right direction it could be a solid game for years to come.


Sadly though we all sat around for years saying the same thing about SWG, so much unrealized potential. Don't get me wrong, the stuff they got right was freaking awesome( community, crafting, Player Bounties and space) but the rest of it was rather meh =/


I do agree with others that the space combat in this game is rather meh, so much so I think they would have been far better off not having it and working on other systems til they could get a more free flight combat system in place.


I gave SWG 3 years of bugs and other issues before they finally just made it not worth waiting for anymore, so giving BioWare more time isn't really an issue. There isn't really anything else I want to play atm anyways.


P.S. Reason I'm posting and not playing is because I'm sick as heck and can't really do anything with the trips back and forth to the bathroom :p

Edited by Armourboy
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I originally posted on this thread or a thread like this that its star wars and its enough not to get bored. As stated in other topics about the community in general, the ethics and theory behind making this a playable MMo instead of single player experience.


Almost a month into it,,,, Its boring grinding out missions, bored of lack of groups and parties on my server. Bored of Coruscant with a passion...... Still I hold a light saber so that does help and ultimately that keeps me playing, the Vroooo Vrooooo sound of swishing sabers is what Im here for.. Living my star wars fantasy or Stale Wart The Sold Republic....


New patch soon, so will wait and see, as agreed with post above (DAMN AGAIN, gonna be Armourboy appreciation society) There is nothing else worth playing so i will keep this until there is,.......

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I like SWTOR, for what it is. But the truth is it doesn't has what it takes to make people stay for long. Everything is given a start, and within a month, your reach the max. The only thing left is grinding HM, PvP to get the cool purple stuff (better than crafted ones!) So, it's logical to think that it won't maintain people playing for long. Fast food game. It is in the air, hopefully, not for long!


As long as you're not mentioning raids, the same thing can be said with other games in the first sentence....


I like WoW, for what it is. But the truth is it doesn't has what it takes to make people stay for long. Everything is given a start, and within a month, your reach the max. The only thing left is grinding HM, PvP to get the cool purple stuff (better than crafted ones!)


I like Rift, for what it is. But the truth is it doesn't has what it takes to make people stay for long. Everything is given a start, and within a month, your reach the max. The only thing left is grinding HM, PvP to get the cool purple stuff (better than crafted ones!)


Such is the nature of all MMOs. There's a level cap where the "second game" begins (PvP, Heroics/HM, Raids).

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very content but what i would give for one of my Ber 44 Elite harvesters here :D


Both Unity and Dark Unity are building up nicely, lots of weekly content on both side with some joint social meet ups on Nar Shaddaa BUT i know guild banks are coming soon BUT i would really apprechiate more guild tools, social stuff here as i miss hosting events. In SWG i ran live events, quiz nights, fancy dress competitons, vehicles and motor shows, pvp and pet v pet tourenments, comedy club nights, Storyteller events and more. Lack of tools here inc no macros has me beat for ideas.


So far, we have done 1 social cantina event (cant even play games inside, our arcade in prometheus had 4-5 playable games) and having a Hide and Seek fun event in Prominade this weekend for both Unity and Dark Unity combined. Would love to do more.


Its the little things like this, not having multi passenger vehicles, crap guild tools to work with, no guild cities/housing or ships etc thats the only downside for me with Tor, everything else is fine

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SWG was the best game I ever played.


Why? Certainly not because it was the perfect game but because of the community. For its faults the game drew you in and encouraged you to interact with your fellow gamers. SWTOR is a largely solo experience interspersed with stage managed grouping.


MMOs (imo) are all about the community, I can play better offline/ single player games than SWG or SWTOR but they lack soul as you have no one to share the highs and lows with.


SWTOR does a lot right, but the lack of community is killer for me. I was never expecting SWG 2 but elements lifted from there (and promised by Bioware) would have been hugely beneficial.


For example, BW often talked about crafters being able to make a name for themselves for example and being a useful part of the community. Love it or hate it, crafting is an essential part of the community experience as it encourages people to interact.


Not only have BW not followed through with their promise but they have taken away an area of gameplay that would have extended far beyond actual crafting.


The lack of server forums and cross faction chat also hinders a communities development and should be a basic feature of any online game. Unlike game related fixes adding server forums would be a relatively simply fix as well.

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