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Dear BioWare, I am... bored.


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You give no context.


What do you mean by more options because all I remember doing was questing until BG came out.


Then you obviously never set foot in Hillsbrad Foothills / Arathi Highlands. The massive tug-of-war world PVP between Tarren Mill and The Alliance Town was insanely fun. Additionally there was ALWAYS pvp to be found in STV, or in the STV Arena for the trinket. Not to mention piling up a giant raid to take over a neutral area like Booty Bay or Gadgetzan.

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I'm guessing you didn't play at launch. There were no BG's. I believe 3 or 4 raids, can you even count Onyxia as a raid? A couple of instances.


At Vanilla, you NEEDED a ton of zones, as you ran out of quests leveling to 60.


WOW was extremely linear too. After you outleveled 1 zone, you went to another. Most of the zones I absolutely HATED: Felwood, Winterspring, Thunderbluff to name a few.


To be honest, I couldn't even tell you 1 story line from leveling 1-60 in Vanilla WOW. Heck, I couldn't even tell you any story line now in WOW. If anything, WOW should steal SWTOR's idea with class quests. It would be pretty cool (lets say your a warrior) seeing yourself go up the ranks from a recruit warrior all the way to a hero/general of your faction.


You guys misunderstand me. I don't like wow and don't want to ever go back there because they ruined it. What I am saying is that there is little to no choice in your progression if you level alts. There is really only one leveling path. Not talking about the little side things you can do for your companion... I'm talking about core leveling.

Whether or not you think game X did it is irrelavant to whether or not it is a problem here.

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Ahhh, so instead of killing 20 harpies in a mountainous area, you can kill 30 boars in a grassy area. So much freedom.


So much more freedom. Not unlimited freedom, but more than this game provides. Though "slicing" a computer after killing 30 boars would have blown minds.

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Then you obviously never set foot in Hillsbrad Foothills / Arathi Highlands. The massive tug-of-war world PVP between Tarren Mill and The Alliance Town was insanely fun. Additionally there was ALWAYS pvp to be found in STV, or in the STV Arena for the trinket. Not to mention piling up a giant raid to take over a neutral area like Booty Bay or Gadgetzan.


I rolled my first guy on a PvP server, so maybe that helped with the lack of BG's at the start. And I completely agree. World PvP diminished after BG's started.

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You guys do realize the game just came out right? All mmos have limited in content at the start and over time that content is added.


How many of those games did people finish all the content in the first week or two?


IF so many people can clear all the content in less than a month that is saying that it is way to easy or there was not enough content to begin with.

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Ryzom has, in my opinion, one of the best designed talent systems ever placed in an mmo (very similar to the old SWG talent trees, but much better). Not to mention the world is really well designed. If a major studio ever got their hands on it and updated the graphics engine, did some advertising it would be a popular game.


The mainstream MOORPG got the direction opposed to that, but Ryzom was the best MMORPG I've played.


There I can do things that I've never found again in newer MMORPG.


I'm conviced that it will be back, but it will take some time. There are some promising games out there...


Greetings from an old member of Legion of Athis!

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Re-roll on the Republic with your family.


.... there's another months worth of new content and story.... and you totally ignore it as an option.


We're a little past a month after release and people expect multi-tiered flashpoints and raids.


End game comes in time.

Edited by stem
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You guys misunderstand me. I don't like wow and don't want to ever go back there because they ruined it. What I am saying is that there is little to no choice in your progression if you level alts. There is really only one leveling path. Not talking about the little side things you can do for your companion... I'm talking about core leveling.

Whether or not you think game X did it is irrelavant to whether or not it is a problem here.



So its a matter of, "Its a grind but you know at least I can choose where I grind?".


I would take story that I enjoyed playing though twice (Because frankly Imps and Rep have two completely different story lines) then multiple zones that I get absolutely no enjoyment out of.


And while I agree that I would like to be able to level up in different settings, I disagree about a game being worse off for being more linear.

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All I read is 'Dear Bioware will you be my mommy and daddy and entertain me because I am so special I need you to hold my hand and find things to do for me because I can't treat this game as what it's intended for.....not a full time job.' Please have some patience we are not at the two month mark after release yet.


So you think because I'm disappointed with the state of the game and expect more out of a genre that has had 15 years of learning from other MMO's that I'm unemployed living in my parents basement? That's hilarious. If all you can do is sling insults, why are you here? You're obviously not contributing anything constructive to the conversation.

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How many of those games did people finish all the content in the first week or two?


IF so many people can clear all the content in less than a month that is saying that it is way to easy or there was not enough content to begin with.


I seen people hit max level on a wow expansion in the first week it was out.

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He means different zones. You could change starting areas, choose between similar level areas as you progressed, had two different continents to choose from with equal level zones. Breaking up the monotony.


I have to disagree with this a bit, each race had their own starting zones and to get to them you had to travel through higher level mob's. The only way to do that was on foot, they didn't give you the flight points like they do now. People should have some patience, this is not WoW. You have to keep telling yourself this.


Just step outside the WoW zone for a while maybe you will get a new perspective.

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So much more freedom. Not unlimited freedom, but more than this game provides. Though "slicing" a computer after killing 30 boars would have blown minds.


Subjective I suppose.


- PvE Questing

- PvP in WZ's

- Space Combat

- PvE grinding (killing mobs).

- Flashpoints



That's my definition of leveling options. I find it to be pretty good. As to the linear nature of the game, it doesn't have to be that way. I've skipped several planets (everything but my class quest), knowing that I'll spend more time on those planets with my alts.


Would it be nice to be able to go to planet X or Y instead of being forced to go to planet X, yes, but from my perspective, I prefer multiple ways to level and not multiple zones.

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OP, boredom is a self-inflicted state of mind.


Different people enjoy different things, in differing amounts, and in different ways.


To complain that something does not meet your needs and by implication that it makes you bored is a victim mindset.


Other then socially fixed elements like earning an income and taxes, you choose what you do or do not do in life and therefore you control your enjoyment.


It is not Biowares fault you are bored. They are not forcing you to play this game. It is not a job, and they are not imposing taxes on you.


Find something you actually enjoy and that does not make you bored. Don't blame Bioware because their product does not meet your personal needs.

Edited by Andryah
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So its a matter of, "Its a grind but you know at least I can choose where I grind?".


I would take story that I enjoyed playing though twice (Because frankly Imps and Rep have two completely different story lines) then multiple zones that I get absolutely no enjoyment out of.


And while I agree that I would like to be able to level up in different settings, I disagree about a game being worse off for being more linear.


For some people, the linearity won't be a problem, I agree. I'm an altoholic however. Many of my guildies are as well. You could see how this would be a problem for people that like to play and learn multiple classes? Altoholics aren't just some small sliver of the gaming community either.


To the others, I was defending WoW's ability to choose where you go, but definitely not the content of quests... (everyone knows that the content was horrible, no one was saying otherwise) For me to have to state that explicitly just shows me that you aren't trying to understand what I'm saying before trying to find a way to argue with it.

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So you think because I'm disappointed with the state of the game and expect more out of a genre that has had 15 years of learning from other MMO's that I'm unemployed living in my parents basement? That's hilarious. If all you can do is sling insults, why are you here? You're obviously not contributing anything constructive to the conversation.


Where did I state you lived in your basement? Where did I state you didn't hold a full time job? Touchy a bit there, what I was referring to is the title of your thread mostly, it sounds pretty childish to me. So what conclusion do I draw from the title and then the tone of your post? You set up your post for failure by making a title called "i am bored" If you gathered anything from my post it was to say to you have some patience we are not even two months after release and you are comparing this to a game that has had 7 years to polish itself. MMO's have been around longer than 15 years btw. I am sure they have plans to add content to this game.

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OP, boredom is a self-inflicted state of mind.


Different people enjoy different things, in differing amounts, and in different ways.


To complain that something does not meet your needs and by implication that it makes you bored is a victim mindset.


Other then socially fixed elements like earning an income and taxes, you choose what you do or do not do in life and therefore you control your enjoyment.


It is not Biowares fault you are bored. They are not forcing you to play this game. It is not a job, and they are not imposing taxes on you.


Find something you actually enjoy and that does not make you bored. Don't blame Bioware because their product does not meet your personal needs.


Exactly! Bioware made an absolutely flawless gaming experience and if you don't like it, the problem is obviously with you. How dare you state your support and hope for future success of the game, offer some reasonable criticism, then have the nerve (for shame!) to say you'll stick it out a while longer to give them time to make improvements!


The nerve of some people.

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This is a new MMO. It already have a nice amount of end-game content for a game that young.


Rushing it to get nightmare ops to farming mode is not the best idea with a less than 2 month old MMO...


Start by leveling alts.


The problem with levelling alts is besides the individual class stories it is the same generic kill or fetch quests that are so tiresome to do yet again. Game has no replayability to it in my opinion. While the levelling curve in this game is retardely simple and the levelling speed is ultra fast it is still boring to go back do all the same quests again.


I got my first character to 50 in 2 days 8 hours of playtime. My second was a pure drag to level up as I was bumping into the same content I had just done and besides the class quests it was a borefest.


This whole thing people are banding about pointing at people for rushing to level cap is silly, If you have even the slightest amount of experience in MMO's or any gaming skill at all this game should never take more than 4 days played time tops to reach max level which is no time at all. It's far too easy to level up.

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In my opinion, the actual problem of the mmo's is that..they're not persistent worlds.

As often happens, it's nice to go round the world map during leveling, but then? At level cap the "persistent world" becomes just a big waiting room for the usual stuff like warfronts/pve things.

Well, that's ok and obvious..you can't avoid a sort of grind. That's ok. But where's all the little thing that you do in a real persistent world?

In Star Wars ppl makes only war or destroy enemy starships? Well, if it's like that, I feel bad for the ppl of that world!

What I mean is..would be nice for us players to have many little things like item skin managing (something like dc universe for example) , restyling the room of my ship and similar stuff..

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OP, boredom is a self-inflicted state of mind.


Different people enjoy different things, in differing amounts, and in different ways.


To complain that something does not meet your needs and by implication that it makes you bored is a victim mindset.


Other then socially fixed elements like earning an income and taxes, you choose what you do or do not do in life and therefore you control your enjoyment.


It is not Biowares fault you are bored. They are not forcing you to play this game. It is not a job, and they are not imposing taxes on you.


Find something you actually enjoy and that does not make you bored. Don't blame Bioware because their product does not meet your personal needs.


So you're option for people is to just quit, since no one is forcing you to play? Many have. It is in your best interest that not too many follow your advice, however. If subs get too low, the game goes poof and no one plays. Anyone remember Earth and Beyond?

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How many of those games did people finish all the content in the first week or two?


IF so many people can clear all the content in less than a month that is saying that it is way to easy or there was not enough content to begin with.


Or releasing a game during the holidays means people are going to play 2 months worth of playtime in a matter of days. The content in this game is lacking in certain areas but for a game at launch this game has more content than any MMO that has launched in the last 10 years. The gear grind at the end isn't as severe so naturally people are getting bored, how long til they release new content that allows advancement is the key to sustaining peoples attention. If WoW killed your spirit to play MMO's because of its ruination of the genre then the only thing to help you out is to take a break from MMO's.

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For some people, the linearity won't be a problem, I agree. I'm an altoholic however. Many of my guildies are as well. You could see how this would be a problem for people that like to play and learn multiple classes? Altoholics aren't just some small sliver of the gaming community either.


To the others, I was defending WoW's ability to choose where you go, but definitely not the content of quests... (everyone knows that the content was horrible, no one was saying otherwise) For me to have to state that explicitly just shows me that you aren't trying to understand what I'm saying before trying to find a way to argue with it.


I understand what you're saying and I agree to a point. But to me a grind is a grind no matter how its presented and I feel that SWTOR does a better job of making it feel like less of a grind.


In WoW I never stood in a zone longer then a few levels, and while this bothers me in SWTOR (As all the planets are basically one solid color of climate.) its negated by the storyline.


You are confusing settings for choice, you kill 10 raptors in STV or you kill 10 Spirits in Decolance.

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This whole thing people are banding about pointing at people for rushing to level cap is silly, If you have even the slightest amount of experience in MMO's or any gaming skill at all this game should never take more than 4 days played time tops to reach max level which is no time at all. It's far too easy to level up.


Why does it matter what speed one reaches the max level, if there is content to do at that level? The OP is not about reaching 50 too fast, it is about a lack of content, which I think is rather contentious. Do not confuse "end game" with "reaching the level cap". End game is a state of repetition, the "hamster wheel" in the OP. Reaching the level cap need not entail repetition of content. I agree that there are paths to 50 that may make the game appear short if that is your only goal. However, I disagree that there is a lack of content to explore and several stories to enjoy.

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Exactly! Bioware made an absolutely flawless gaming experience and if you don't like it, the problem is obviously with you. .


If you don't like it for the lack of content wouldn't the best course of action be to unsub for a few months then return when they add more things?


Does posting in on General instead of the suggestion box help anything?

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