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** BIOWARE Response Needed for Game-breaking Ilum Bug **


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Hate to break it to you but the original MMOs were text and they were called MUDs and they have definitely been around for more than 20 years. In any case it doesn't matter. the point is that you super brainiac geniuses think that because MMOS have been out for many years that a company that never made an mmo should be better at it than the ones who actually have been making mmos for years.


So, in conclusion, you are idiots with bad logic and are scrambling trying to twist something I said to mean something else in order to cover for your derptacular fantastic brainuerisms.


What exactly can BioWare learn from MUDs? Nothing, the oldest 3D MMO is Meridian 59 and it was released in 95.

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Yes an MMO


Neverwinter was a online RPG. It wasn't an MMO. First MMO was probably Ultima Online (97). In the timeframe before WoW you also had Everquest and Asheron's Call (99). I'm sure there were others, though.

Edited by Xehoz
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Hate to break it to you but the original MMOs were text and they were called MUDs and they have definitely been around for more than 20 years. In any case it doesn't matter. the point is that you super brainiac geniuses think that because MMOS have been out for many years that a company that never made an mmo should be better at it than the ones who actually have been making mmos for years.


So, in conclusion, you are idiots with bad logic and are scrambling trying to twist something I said to mean something else in order to cover for your derptacular fantastic brainuerisms.


Did anyone, ever, call MUDS MMOs? That term was clearly not in use until well after '96 (like nearly 5-10 years later).


I suppose you may be technically right, but I hardly would expect Bioware to learn all about modern MMO game mechanics from the old MUDS. I mean.. seriously?!

Edited by Skylerr
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See the post you quoted and pay particular attention to the twisting and derptacular brainuerisms section.


You don't get to make up some nonsense about people twisting words and pretend that defends your position... lol... well... I suppose you can... but no one is really buying it.

Edited by Skylerr
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I just wanna say first off that this is the first post I have ever done on these forums yet. Because even with all the bugs(esp WZ dailies/weeklies not completely effectively) I still found this game to be tolerable (at least its not WoW right?). I'm not a very critical guy, stuff happens and I dont get all hyped up about it. But, today with this RIDICULOUS bug to Ilum(or fix to some ppl) has really gotten me, euphymistically, FRUSTRATED. To someone who has limited time to play every day with family and work obligations, not being able to complete your dailies/weeklies is just HEARTBREAKING. I am on Swiftsure and, usually, on every weekly reset day we will have over 100 ppl AT LEAST trying to get those weeklies done. TODAY WE HAVE 17 ppl! Ilum is dead. The only people there are the IMPS (who outnumber us repubs like every other server) who are desperately competing for the armanents in CA. Til they fix this, Ilum is dead and this compounded all the other bugs will really tick off people, even one's tolerable like me.
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Hate to break it to you but the original MMOs were text and they were called MUDs and they have definitely been around for more than 20 years. In any case it doesn't matter. the point is that you super brainiac geniuses think that because MMOS have been out for many years that a company that never made an mmo should be better at it than the ones who actually have been making mmos for years.


So, in conclusion, you are idiots with bad logic and are scrambling trying to twist something I said to mean something else in order to cover for your derptacular fantastic brainuerisms.


You know one M from MMO is about Massive, right ?


Then you will understand why you are wrong about the MUDs. But hey, doesn't matter.

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You don't get to make up some nonsense about people twisting words and pretend that defends your position... lol... well... I suppose you can... but no one is really buying it.


Ok since you have reading comprehension issues I will repeat it one more time. I'll make it all caps and in color so you can't miss it this time.




And I didn't confuse the issue by using the word companies this time, because the concept of a plural meaning more than one is obviously too much to grasp for you intentionaly obtuse folks who are still trying to change what I said and turn it into a conversation about who gives a **** mmos out 20 years ago.

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The term MMO simply didn't exit 20 years ago. Sorry. It only began to be common when we were nearing 2000. You can't even say it started when it was first spoken. So many subgenres have been named... where are they now? Edited by Xehoz
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Ilum works on my server.And if these changes are to stop kill trading and valor farming most of us are happy.


no ilum does not work on your server ... sorry but you have either lost your mind or do not pvp or if you do pvp do so infrequently and have not the slightest clue about what pvp should be


sorry dont take this personal ... im just a little frustrated at bioware atm and anyone cheerleading them just doesnt have all the information at hand to make an informed decison on whether bioware is doing a good job on pvp



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no ilum does not work on your server ... sorry but you have either lost your mind or do not pvp or if you do pvp do so infrequently and have not the slightest clue about what pvp should be


sorry dont take this personal ... im just a little frustrated at bioware atm and anyone cheerleading them just doesnt have all the information at hand to make an informed decison on whether bioware is doing a good job on pvp




heyyoooo FA upset? why so mod bro?

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The definition of an MMO isn't what's important here, it's why Bioware felt the need to make dailies impossible to do on some servers. People will claim they get credit, and a good majority claim they aren't.


Here's how it works on The Crucible Pits:


1. Imperials will control Ilum for about 23 out of 24 hours in the day. We'll sit inside of our base and pick off as many people as we can by either catching them off guard, or pulling them in. Sometimes we'll leave our base and try and gank people, but there are usually so many imperials we'll probably die before we can get a good number of kills.


2. For 1 hour a day, 2 when the weeklies reset, Ruin will set up a massive raid group, which will cut the server in 2; 50 republic 50 imperials, and we'll fight it out. That's really the only time a lot of people can get their dailies done with the huge imbalance in republic to imperial ratio.


If this is by design, then I'm pretty much ****ed. I rely on that 1 hour a day where I can get my daily done, because any other time and I'm hoping I can kill someone before I get ganked by the forever roaming 15 man imperial raid at center.


Valor is a good motivator, but ultimately I get on, get my daily done, and leave... Today I got on, tried to get a few kills, and left disappointed.

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Like most low pop servers ilum involves a 10 player same faction NASCAR race for crates. We would usually have 4 to 5 Repubs come and take us down and thats how we would get our dailies now.... Now instead of it taking 2 hours to do our dailies its going to take 5 due to reduce crate spawn times and the kills no longer counting to our dailies.


Most servers don't have 40 on 40 kill trading, as most servers don't have 40 level 50's online at the same time. Way to not care once again about all those players you directed to low pop servers at launch.

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Like most low pop servers ilum involves a 10 player same faction NASCAR race for crates. We would usually have 4 to 5 Repubs come and take us down and thats how we would get our dailies now.... Now instead of it taking 2 hours to do our dailies its going to take 5 due to reduce crate spawn times and the kills no longer counting to our dailies.


Most servers don't have 40 on 40 kill trading, as most servers don't have 40 level 50's online at the same time. Way to not care once again about all those players you directed to low pop servers at launch.


You do realize that crates respawn at the same time right, and that CHESTS had theirs changed?

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Don't know mate, i logged in just about 20 minutes ago and after gathering the quests in the imperial fleet went straight to ilum.


I was wandering alone to try and catch some pubs far from the usual zerg. But again of around 5 o 6 different solo kills getting no credit is a bit strange.


Funny thing i got +90 valor from a kill but the quest tracker is at 0/30


Hex Droid server Eu

Same for me on Jar'Kai Sword. Got online, went to Ilum and didn't get a single counted kill since then. Neither solo, nor in the zerg or in the other instance.

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Neverwinter was a online RPG. It wasn't an MMO. First MMO was probably Ultima Online (97). In the timeframe before WoW you also had Everquest and Asheron's Call (99). I'm sure there were others, though.


He was talking about Neverwinter Nights on AOL and Compuserve that started in 1991. Yes, it was a graphical MMO with PvP, et all. Had about 115k players by around 96 or 97.

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