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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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Strobe effects can cause seizures in people. No game maker should EVER INTENTIONALY PUT STROBE EFFECTS INTO THEIR GAME. The flashing bar is a strobe effect people must be able to turn it off.


I like swtor but I'm beginning to think bioware are a bunch of clowns.


Strobe effects come in almost every game, that being said so does the epilepsy disclaimers come standard on every game box as well. Do I feel for those people? Absolutely, but at the same time if I had the same problem, I wouldnt be gaming.


An option to turn off the strobe effect would be a quick and easy fix for them, personally I love the new ui/cooldown system.

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The flashing is TERRIBLE. It makes it HARDER to see which skills are ready. All of mine flash, every time global cool down finishes. It is horrible. There wasn't a problem before. Typical, sooo typical for a game company to fix what isn't broken. This is how you ruin a great title.


Please, give us the OPTION to use the old system. If you are going to add "features" give us players the ability to choose.

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Strobe effects come in almost every game, that being said so does the epilepsy disclaimers come standard on every game box as well. Do I feel for those people? Absolutely, but at the same time if I had the same problem, I wouldnt be gaming.


An option to turn off the strobe effect would be a quick and easy fix for them, personally I love the new ui/cooldown system.


You don't have a focus/rage character then.

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Strobe effects can cause seizures in people. No game maker should EVER INTENTIONALY PUT STROBE EFFECTS INTO THEIR GAME. The flashing bar is a strobe effect people must be able to turn it off.


I like swtor but I'm beginning to think bioware are a bunch of clowns.




The AoE have bigger and stronger strobe effects.


I don't know what is pushing people to write such massive hyperbole...

Edited by IPaq
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There you go. Some poor messenger is probably running to the TOR team screaming "OMG YOUR GAME IS GIVING PEOPLE SEIZURES!" - They'll probably fix/change/revert it soon.


I'll bet you they don't fix it soon (as in before the next weekly maintenance downtime) . And I sure hope I'm wrong.

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Given this issue and the other patch issue(s) regarding pvp I just hope they rollback asap.

Right now the game is considered unplayable by many due to the flashing. Or if they are gonna keep the game in its current state at least refund me my subscription fee.

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The AoE have bigger and strong strobe effects.


doctor how does it work then? no problems with illness before this patch but after you have non epileptics complaining about dizziness and headaches. With your M.D. I would love to hear an explanation on how that works.

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I rarely post on these forums, so it must be important for me to do it. For players who are spammers of their abilities, this new system is just plain frustrating. I think the consensus is that the animations/flashes, really prevent anything from being visible. Because when you spam abilities the others go dark, and the ones on CD are just a shade darker, so it really looks like everything is on CD and its hard to determine what is really up. Extremely frustrating design. At least they said they are looking at it.
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Given this issue and the other patch issue(s) regarding pvp I just hope they rollback asap.

Right now the game is considered unplayable by many due to the flashing. Or if they are gonna keep the game in its current state at least refund me my subscription fee.


I highly doubt these bugs/glitches/seizures will go unnoticed. They'll address it within a day or two (because even reverting takes time, as do coding new changes and finding bugs).

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You don't have a focus/rage character then.



Actually main is a jedi guardian


second is a jedi sage (which im currently playing atm and loving the new cooldown effect)


third is a trooper


fourth is a jedi sentinel


Guess I do?

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The AoE have bigger and stronger strobe effects.


I don't know what is pushing people to write such massive hyperbole...


Hmm turning off bloom and toning down the graphics mutes the strobe effect a great deal THOSE are adjustable.

This puke strobe is not.

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Strobe effects come in almost every game, that being said so does the epilepsy disclaimers come standard on every game box as well. Do I feel for those people? Absolutely, but at the same time if I had the same problem, I wouldnt be gaming.


An option to turn off the strobe effect would be a quick and easy fix for them, personally I love the new ui/cooldown system.


They just need to get with the program, they should be expanding options. Not removing old stuff while putting in new stuff when it comes to the UI. For some people this may work for people, for others....nope...Its just mind blowing to me how terrible Bioware is at figuring this out to be honest. More options when it comes to the UI, not removing and forcing stuff down peoples throats with ZERO TESTING I MIGHT ADD!!!!


Can I say that one more time















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Here is how things should work:


GCD should have scroll down overlay.


Abilities on CD should have a number over them.


Abilities that are out of range darkened out and red.


Abilities that you do not have enough resources will be greyed out.


Problem solved.



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What was wrong with the one we had at launch? Before it got "fixed" the first time. I thought that worked quite well and maybe I missed it but did anyone actually complain about it and wanted it changed?


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe I missed it. All seemed just fine an dandy with the way it was at launch.

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i'm vanguard tactics


i use Gut -> bleed -> high impact bolt (Only usable against incapacitated targets and targets suffering from periodic damage.)


with old system HIB icon go bright and i see that Gut landed (not missed/dodge'd, bugged or whatever) and i can hib


now i don't see anything besides GCD

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