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Anyone else feel MAJOR fixes are not coming fast enough?


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by BioFail


You failed at establishing any credibility right there fella.


Throwing out perjoratives toward the game producer is pointless.


As for the OP's question....


OP, your issues with the game =/= my issues with the game. Game is not perfect, but there is nothing that materially hinders my enjoyment of the game. I understand that your results may be different, in which case this may not be the right game for you.

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I think some people (myself included) were spoiled by Rift, where they put out major patches and fixes AND content at a break-neck pace. When you consider the resources BW/EA has to put behind the game, you would expect things to improve even faster.....but in reality it's that hulking bureaucracy which is in fact slowing things down.
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lol @ guys posting in a game they dont like, I mean really shows a lack of smarts, you laughing at people posting who actually care, yet you don't and STILL WASTE YOUR TIME, freaking idiocy at its best.


Takes me 5 minutes to troll these forums. And you make these assumptions? Hahahah the joke is on you.

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Takes me 5 minutes to troll these forums. And you make these assumptions? Hahahah the joke is on you.


5 minutes eh? :rolleyes:


Your post history says you have been posting for more then 2 hours in your current troll session. Different days, similar behavior.

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Umm we have been getting fixes pretty fast and I have only hit one game stopping bug so far. However when I head over to skyrim I have to save every 30mins and just hope I don't run into any backwards flying dragons, or quests I can't complete.
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Here's my issue:


Obviously, QoL fixes are on a lower triage level than "hard break" fixes. Things that block class quests are going to be fixed before typos.


But we've had


-ability delay (patched, twice, still not gone for many)-


- FPS (addressed with a hilarious and insulting "guide to basic computer maintenance" complete with a snide comment to check if your fans are clean and basically turn all settings to low, even when people were saying their settings WERE on low)


- WZ wins not counting (patched...twice...still bugged)


- Bugged endgame bossess (Soa still resets )


- Global cooldown (patched, repatched, STILL not working the way it should)


- two major patches which broke things so hard they had to do emergency fixes on them


- Ilum "fixes" (oh hardy har har)


...this is not a whine fest. I fully understand there are probably deep system bugs. Everyone has a pet peeve bug that they want fixed but those are pet peeves.


But, having dropped the cash for a six month sub, I simply am not willing to sit quietly for six months when the patch procession I have seen is mostly consisting of bugs reported back in beta only now being cleared after a month or two while other major fixes are not FIXING anything.


I fail to see how people can simply dismiss this as unimportant. If it was "hey we are working on this but it's complicated" and it took until March and then it worked right, the only complainers would be trolls. But don't tell me you fix something, then it's not fixed at all, then break the game so hard you have to quick-patch it to get it running again, and then it's still not fixed!

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Go check out FFXIV and check out it's pathing over the past year or so.


It released in a blaze of glory, without a single Auction house and the most absurd method of trading. The game was made free to play immediately. They said they would keep it F2P until they fixed it.


After about a year, they finally announced that they may start charging soon. They still haven't got much fixed, and the game LITERALLY requires a super computer to play on medium settings.


THAT is slow release.


I am not sure it helps your case to compare TOR to the worst MMO release in history.

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Go check out FFXIV and check out it's pathing over the past year or so.


It released in a blaze of glory, without a single Auction house and the most absurd method of trading. The game was made free to play immediately. They said they would keep it F2P until they fixed it.


After about a year, they finally announced that they may start charging soon. They still haven't got much fixed, and the game LITERALLY requires a super computer to play on medium settings.


THAT is slow release.


Yeah, let's just compare to whoever was the crappiest so ToR development doesn't look as bad.

An example: I should not complain about a car A, because when I think of how horrible car B was car A is actually pretty nice! I'll buy it!

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By major fixes, you mean things that you want fixed, right?


bingo. ppl like him/her are the plague of mmos. they think their opinion is fact. what this means is, when they see a slight issue, they assume it is an issue for every single other player. when they think something should be changed, they believe they have the entire community behind them.


just look at the threads from ppl wanted all the story removed. they come in honestly thinking everyone will agree, and are shocked when thats not the case. and the ppl who DEMAND LFG tool NAOW! and are shocked that others are happy without it. another example is the ppl who come in and threaten to cancel their sub if addons are allowed. and are TRULY shocked when they are told "cya. we dont want ya. bye"


its been the same in other mmos but its a problem with swtor.

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What I seem to be seeing is that the game seems to be getting worse not better, I played in the BETA weekend when they were checking server capacity and stuff and the game worked really good (after I lowered all my graphics settings), there were a few glitches and bugs but nothing that would stop me from playing. As of yesterday there is so much lag that I can't even move and it even happens in the character selection screen, when there is Maintenance or a patch it seems to reveal more problems than solutions. I'm sure there are alot of things that I missed during the BETA since I only played for a couple days, but I have a couple toons past the level that my BETA toon was and I see alot more problems now. I don't mind the downtime for maintenance or patches as long as they make some noticeable improvement to the performance of the game, I don't particularly care if the cosmetic things are fixed right away, I prefer that performance issues are fixed first. This is only my opinion and I realize that it is limited to only the things that I have come in contact with, so it is possible that things have been getting better and I just have not realized it or experienced it yet. I really like the game but the recent lag issue is making the game unplayable.
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Yeah, let's just compare to whoever was the crappiest so ToR development doesn't look as bad.

An example: I should not complain about a car A, because when I think of how horrible car B was car A is actually pretty nice! I'll buy it!


Apparently you didn't read the original Post.


He complains this is to long, I show him what an ACTUAL long time is and show how little it is comparably speaking.


Say whatever you want, this game is still light years ahead of the curve.

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Here's my issue:


Obviously, QoL fixes are on a lower triage level than "hard break" fixes. Things that block class quests are going to be fixed before typos.


But we've had


-ability delay (patched, twice, still not gone for many)-


- FPS (addressed with a hilarious and insulting "guide to basic computer maintenance" complete with a snide comment to check if your fans are clean and basically turn all settings to low, even when people were saying their settings WERE on low)


- WZ wins not counting (patched...twice...still bugged)


- Bugged endgame bossess (Soa still resets )


- Global cooldown (patched, repatched, STILL not working the way it should)


- two major patches which broke things so hard they had to do emergency fixes on them


- Ilum "fixes" (oh hardy har har)


...this is not a whine fest. I fully understand there are probably deep system bugs. Everyone has a pet peeve bug that they want fixed but those are pet peeves.


But, having dropped the cash for a six month sub, I simply am not willing to sit quietly for six months when the patch procession I have seen is mostly consisting of bugs reported back in beta only now being cleared after a month or two while other major fixes are not FIXING anything.


I fail to see how people can simply dismiss this as unimportant. If it was "hey we are working on this but it's complicated" and it took until March and then it worked right, the only complainers would be trolls. But don't tell me you fix something, then it's not fixed at all, then break the game so hard you have to quick-patch it to get it running again, and then it's still not fixed!

spot on

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"Significantly improved the delay when activating player abilities, particularly when in lower framerate situations. This allows for improved ability responsiveness in hectic combat situations."


Patchnote quote, to be used as an example.


Now, for anyone that can read and understand the meaning of words and how sentences are cunstructed - this is not the same as: "Ability delay is now a thing of the past. There is now no possible way that you will ever experience ability delay."


This applies to most(now most is not the same as all dear friends) concerns about "this was said to be fixed!! trololol!!! BIOWARE LIEEEEESSS OMGG!!!"


So before you start crying untill your eyes dry out - Learn to read. More importantly, learn to understand what you read.


Although i must admit the ignorance does have some entertainment value. :)

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Apparently you didn't read the original Post.


He complains this is to long, I show him what an ACTUAL long time is and show how little it is comparably speaking.


Say whatever you want, this game is still light years ahead of the curve.


The curve is never the lowest common denominator, it is the average. Please learn2math.

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I only got to page 6 so sorry if someone brought this up but


in 6 weeks they have


major and minor bug fixes toall aspects of the game [major = game breaking / minor = annoying but still playable]


patchs to the game every week [and promptly fix issues that a new patch might cause, never once have seen a patch "break the game" as some posts have suggested]


tiered level 50 players in warzones


added new content


addressed and included some fixes to ability lag and performance issues


have implemented nerfs or balancing of classes / crew skills


addressed exploits for pve and pvp


fixed illum - added for troll bait [in my opinon its fixed but not perfect i know everyone loves to hate but hey there are more than 3 people cap trading now and people are actually fighting, hell it can be out right dangerous to go there sometimes to me that is great]


really what more can they do? sure there is alot more to be done, but in 6 weeks that is alot. to say that they are doing nothing or it feels like they are not addressing these concerns is just straight trolling or a denial to see or read what the devs have said or posted on this site.


personally i am kinda impressed at some of the things they have been on top of and putting out the flames in the dev tracker, 2 examples are gabes response to the pvp gear nerf and bioware addressing fake customer service e-mails they did not have to say anything about either and replied almost right away, and fixing the turrets on illum that was pretty fast


and this is just some things they have been doing the patch notes are a better idea of how much they have actually done in 6 weeks

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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I’m just not seeing even the little ‘QoL’ fixes coming into the game nearly fast enough. We’re nearly at 2 months out of release and I barely feel like anything has changed. Bandaid fixes to things like the PVP bag system, ability delay fixes that aren’t really fixed entirely (but were quoted as such), graphics issues and so on.


Anyone else feel that Bioware just isn’t putting forth enough effort in getting stuff done?


I can not disagree with you more.

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you do not know what a curve is do you?






( in reference to the fact that the poster just compared SWTOR's release to what everyone in the industry admits is the single worst MMO release of all time, a release so bad they had to make the game F2P..)


Say whatever you want, this game is still light years ahead of the curve.


You want to stop with your foot in your mouth or go for the whole leg?


If your comparison is based on the WORST possible execution that you are holding up as some kind of "well we beat that so we are fine", then you don't understand averages, the bell curve, or statistically valid models of comparison, period.


You try to market anything by comparing it to worst-in-class and see how long it takes you to get laughed out of the room.

Edited by LogicalPremise
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