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SWTOR : 10 Years Domination


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The problem every game will face is that the next guy will try to take them down. It has taken a long time for WoW to hit it's pinnacle AND start the long journey down. We've seen many MMORPG's come out (star wars galaxies, Avion, Star Trek [what a joke]) but for the longest time WoW has held fast. Eventually the game will get boring, the same, or whatever may happen.


Unfortunatly I do not see this game making it past ten years. Take StarCraft... It was huge and lasted YEARS! The biggest reason it lasted was because it was strategy and each match was different. Hopefully Star Wars TOR goes for a good long while (longer than galaxies) but let's face it the next generation game is already being thought of.


:\ It's a tough hard world.

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The problem every game will face is that the next guy will try to take them down. It has taken a long time for WoW to hit it's pinnacle AND start the long journey down. We've seen many MMORPG's come out (star wars galaxies, Avion, Star Trek [what a joke]) but for the longest time WoW has held fast. Eventually the game will get boring, the same, or whatever may happen.


Unfortunatly I do not see this game making it past ten years. Take StarCraft... It was huge and lasted YEARS! The biggest reason it lasted was because it was strategy and each match was different. Hopefully Star Wars TOR goes for a good long while (longer than galaxies) but let's face it the next generation game is already being thought of.


:\ It's a tough hard world.


What does starcraft have to do with MMO's? Should we compare MMO's to pac man or Mario Brothers? There still around. Or how about we fire up a game of Pong? It's been around since the 70's, even Ultima Online is young in comparision.


As bad as STO is, it is not gone. Not yet. F2P yes but so is LOTRO which was a better game.


The Strength of the Star Wars Brand Name will keep this game going for a long time. Hey we may even see that rumored TV show before this game goes away.

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The first MMO to be released to critical acclaim without a subscription will be the true subscription game killer, guaranteed. You will see massive drops from WoW, RIFT, and ToR.


I don't see this game lasting longer than 2 years.

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TOR will be another LotRO, or Rift.


Good games, but no where near the subscription base of WoW.


WoW is a strange beast, people have so much time invested in it that they don't want to start over with a new MMO. It's not that other MMOs are bad, it's just that WoW was the first theme-park MMO with mass appeal.


It would be interesting to see what would happen if Blizzard decided to turn off the servers, I wonder which game people would gravitate to, or if they would just give up on the MMO genre.

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TOR will be another LotRO, or Rift.


Good games, but no where near the subscription base of WoW.


WoW is a strange beast, people have so much time invested in it that they don't want to start over with a new MMO. It's not that other MMOs are bad, it's just that WoW was the first theme-park MMO with mass appeal.


It would be interesting to see what would happen if Blizzard decided to turn off the servers, I wonder which game people would gravitate to, or if they would just give up on the MMO genre.




SW:TOR will have it's own little niche in the MMO community, garnering no more than 750k and peaking at 1mill subscribers. At least it isn't Warhammer 2, since it's the exact same developers lol..


I could comment on the glaring similarities and design flaws between the two, but I shall not.

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TOR will be another LotRO, or Rift.


Good games, but no where near the subscription base of WoW.


WoW is a strange beast, people have so much time invested in it that they don't want to start over with a new MMO. It's not that other MMOs are bad, it's just that WoW was the first theme-park MMO with mass appeal.


It would be interesting to see what would happen if Blizzard decided to turn off the servers, I wonder which game people would gravitate to, or if they would just give up on the MMO genre.


I hope it's another LotRO. I enjoyed that game, even after it went F2P.

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SW:TOR will have it's own little niche in the MMO community, garnering no more than 750k and peaking at 1mill subscribers. At least it isn't Warhammer 2, since it's the exact same developers lol..


I could comment on the glaring similarities and design flaws between the two, but I shall not.


Man that put's it in perspective doesn't it? It could have been another Warhammer. Holy cow. I mean, it's not exactly great but it isn't Warhammer bad. Whoo. Good point Feelin.

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SW:TOR will have it's own little niche in the MMO community, garnering no more than 750k and peaking at 1mill subscribers. At least it isn't Warhammer 2, since it's the exact same developers lol..


I could comment on the glaring similarities and design flaws between the two, but I shall not.



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if Tor is in its present state 6 months from release, with same static UI, no galaxywide LFF ability, i doubt it will have as many players as now. i bet a lot of players who are still subbed are ones that bought 3 month subs and are riding that out to see if anything improves. the rest buy those time cards and will do the same.


TOR just doesn't have the same feeling as an actual MMO. I don't think it can attract people for years. it has been said before much more elequently. ToR has an empty, hollow feeling. Fun to do flips with glowsticks, but not an massive multiplayer world which pulls you in for years.


but maybe a million players never played any other game before, and they have nothing to compare it to, and they all think this is the most amazing multiplexer experience ever...i dunno

Edited by Gilbara
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SW:TOR will have it's own little niche in the MMO community, garnering no more than 750k and peaking at 1mill subscribers. At least it isn't Warhammer 2, since it's the exact same developers lol..


I could comment on the glaring similarities and design flaws between the two, but I shall not.


This game is Warhammer 2

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SW:TOR will have it's own little niche in the MMO community, garnering no more than 750k and peaking at 1mill subscribers. At least it isn't Warhammer 2, since it's the exact same developers lol..


I could comment on the glaring similarities and design flaws between the two, but I shall not.


Interesting forecast considering its already broke those numbers as I believe the earnings call for EA put active subs at 1.7 mill.

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10 years?


Your joking right?


Listen TOR gets a break in that the products announced to come out are already sub standard!


Anyone pinning their hopes on GW2 will be bashing that game a week after release as well and proclaiming the next MMORPG as king.


So TOR might run a hot #2 for a couple years behind WOW


But thats more to do with no competition then excellence in design.


And no, the MMORPG Market isnt dieing.


The players are simply tuning out the garbage now.


When a Developer ignores the so called "WOW Design (that hasnt worked for anyone not named WOW)" and focuses on making a quality, long term, content rich MMORPG, the genre will be thriving once again.


So TOR will not dominate the market, but they will be a solid #2 behind WOW until a quality product comes out. And that product will take the genre by storm.


Sad thing is TOR could have been that product

Its got all the peices in place.


But it went for the fast buck.


I have no doubt in my mind TOR could have done 5-6 million loyal subscriptions for years.


Instead they settled for 2 million box sales and a slow declining subscription base that will tap out in 2 years at the outside.


Thats not hating on the game btw, thats just being honest!


TOR is the best available right now and for the forseeable future.


That doesnt make it better then average over all.

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SW:TOR will have it's own little niche in the MMO community, garnering no more than 750k and peaking at 1mill subscribers. At least it isn't Warhammer 2, since it's the exact same developers lol..


I could comment on the glaring similarities and design flaws between the two, but I shall not.


im guessing you dont know its already at 1.7 mil?

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10 years?


Instead they settled for 2 million box sales and a slow declining subscription base that will tap out in 2 years at the outside.



i know you think you are clever. dont deny it, you do. but heres the thing. how on EARTH can you talk about the slow decline of a new product that has not fully released yet?

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I think MMOs will probably be either obsolete or unrecognizable in 10 years, due primarily to advances in gaming technology.


You are probablu right.


Today, people want everything to be accessible through Facebook on their hand held tablet. I don't know how the MMO genre adjusts to that effectively. FPS shooters are more conducive to the shifting environment, and given the number of people trying to play and crtique this MMO to fps shooters, the longer term handwriting is on the wall.

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