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10 Good
  1. you mean to tell me that you run this game with onboard graphics? i refuse to believe this.
  2. excuse me? eq2 is a far better mmo than this one.
  3. core i7, twin frozr 560ti Factory OC, 16gb ram GSKILL, 120 SSD FPS in the fleet is utter crap. horrible. I can run bf3 on ultra settings no issues at all. if you say 200 people in the fleet with 70 fps I simply dont believe you. Either someone is paying you to say that or u are just having %hits and giggles.
  4. maybe the devs should actually play an mmo, then they might have a clue. i have a good one (makes me actually miss SOE) eq2! go play that one for a while and see what an mmo is really like
  5. suckered into buying yet another piece of technology.
  6. The grammar of this blog is atrocious and discredits itself. IMO. But a lot of what he "wrote" about is true.
  7. man i haven't heard this before. this is 2012. by now time has passed for game companies to research the mmo genre and *hopefully* integrate into their game what others have done in the past 7 years. seriously, it is laid out right in front of them. its called researching precedents - many careers do it.
  8. these are very tiny issues IMO that need to be addressed compared to others, BUT they are ESSENTIAL in any mmo
  9. wherever there is more money making involved.
  10. this is an absolutely wonderful post. its too bad there aren't more people like you in the gaming industry! definitely a hard career to get into I would imagine. I love people with ideas. Kudos OP and Cheers. -duritz
  11. http://www.onlinegamecommands.com/graphics/wowlotr.gif always makes me laugh. enjoy
  12. you don't expect anyone to take accountability for their actions (ahem BW). just sayin. to sum up your post: suxtobeyoubrah this is the community people ^^
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