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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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The PVP system is absolutely terrible, it makes me feel sad playing PVP.

Cinematic? I want to get the quest then I'm outta here, i don't want to sit there for couple of minutes listening to some guy, telling me what to do!


I'm running a high end gaming computer and it cannot take huge battles? Game performance literally sucks your computer.


Waist of money. Just the same as Rift.

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I'm Loving SWTOR in it's current state so massive yes from me!!! :cool:


I got one issue and i hope all can help.. :confused:


In game play i slow right up ! In certian areas?? find it hard to control and turn my characters as if i'm having like lag spikes?? I know it ain't internet connection beacuse mine is Awsome so for me any ideas please as its starting to get really annoying thank you!! :cool:


I must add my spec for my GAMING laptop are just above and higher than needed!!

Graphics ram i.e are all fine!!



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Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?


~No talk about/comparison to WoW.


~No arguing/provoking others. You get your say, everyone else gets their say too.


~If someone annoys you, IGNORE THEM. You have your opinion, they have theirs.


~No fanboyism and/or hater banter.



Just a simple YES or NO answer with a brief description of why you feel that way. This should give a clear look at the current mood of this forum with regards to SWTOR in it's current state.






(click above to view pie chart)


Triple counted. Accuracy is top goal. Votes from previous thread included.

Last updated on: February 10, 2012 (PAGE #59)









---I have been told by a friendly Bioware employee that there is a high chance the Developers and others at Bioware are taking an interest in this thread. Vote and make your opinion heard!


---More than 1000 votes and counting!

---This is thread #2. Thread #1 was so popular (45,000 views) it reached the response limit (1,000 posts) in just a few short days. The tally from thread #1 has been carried over to this thread. If you voted in the previous thread you may voice your opinion in this one also, but please state that you already voted. To view thread #1, click HERE. Thank you, everyone, for making this one of the best and most popular threads on the SWTOR forums!




The game runs like a truck stuck in the mud whenever there are a large number of players around, the game stop using the GPU and FPS plummit.


I dislike the game due to this and BW's lack of acknowledgement of it.

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id have to vote yes just cause im rather impressed with what they have done at launch.... also mmo's take time to develop you really cant judge one in the first 2 months if its a fail or a success but i give props to bioware for already adding new content and listening to what people post
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N to the o.


Too linear endgame, just an endless grind in operations, warzones and hardmodes. And not to mention Ilum which is completely broken, both with the lag and the imbalance.

Edited by Orsax
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Yes for -


2) companion

3) huttball

4) classes

5) grind free leveling and alternate ways to obtain gear (dailies)

6) some flashpoints


No for -



3) NO ambient Sound

4) performance issue in fleet and ilum

5) crafting

6) No non human race

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Yes, but...


I'm not sure if instances/raids and pvp warzones are enough "endgame" content in 2012. It just feels old to farm instances over and over again to get gear to farm other instances over and over again. I somehow had hoped they would have come up with more or other concepts than just that. More story at the least.


Also the story is really nice the first time around. I loved the VO and the plots were mostly ok. But I think when it comes to twinking this game is a bit lacking. The only thing new you get is the class quest which is around 10%? of the game. The rest is EXACTLY the same. I would have loved to replay this game often but now I'm already bored the second time around. Bioware should have added various alternative levelling zones. (For the class quests this could have worked like chapter 2 of the witcher 2). I think a lot of money has been spent on replayability with the voiceacting and the different class quests but then they somehow forgot to make it so that the majority of the game doesn't have to be repeated to do so.

Edited by Turkman
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there are so many parts of this game that could be so much better but at the moment it's early days and Bioware is showing a commitment to patching, fixing and adding content. As a result I am happy to play both socially and solo and I'm enjoying the story.

I've currently only got 2 toons, a lvl 29 smuggler(gunslinger) I play mostly solo and a lvl 29 bounty hunter(bodyguard) I play exclusively with my son.


I don't like the space combat, single player, on rails, simplistic point and click, blegh. I also agree there is a lot of seemingly vast empty areas to walk around but hopefully these will be filled in time with new content.

Edited by Eaglec
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StrikeofLight, thanks for your time and effort on counting man. Good thread, hopefully BioWare sees this thread and considers what we are saying. I know we nay-sayers are saying are brutal but we all want this game to be better. And at its current state, it is not. Keep voting folks!
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I'm a little conflicted, I would say yes to the story line and most of the game. The no comes from the problems the game is experiencing, I haven't been able to play for almost 2 weeks because of lag, which I didn't expereince for the first 2 weeks that I played. The game seemed to play better during the BETA than it does now after the patches, I'm considering cancelling my sub and waiting till some of the problems are fixed. Bascially I'm going through SWTOR withdrawls.


So I guess I'm more of a Yes than a No.

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