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Comparing SWTOR to WoW


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Growing bored with this one.


All you have compared SWTOR to is WoW and said how great WoW is.


Ever played another MMO besides WoW? sheesh


Maybe you should try a new hobby. Video games get you all worked up.


(Oh, yes I am a fan of SWTOR. <looks around> Yup, on SWTOR forums.)



Well lemme recap what i said and i want you to find anywhere i said how great wow is because you obviously dont know how to read


1. solo lvling on alot of mmos are always an option with that being said i can make a character on wow right now and at lvl 15 group grind for several lvls b4 its starts slowing down. on swtor grouping slows you down. *nope didnt say how great wow is here*


2.if thats all you did in wow you are fail. t at your do lfd/lfr ASWELL as farm rep for enchants, farm for gemming/enchants, do dailies ect. On SWTOR you spam lfg channel bcz noone uses the fail lfg comment feature(there maybe one server that does but thats too few to even mention).*nope didnt say how great how is here i just mentioned how endgame is on wow*

2a. GL gettin better than below average in arenas in honor gear lol. Did i forget to mention wow doesnt use lucky BS bag system so ppl that are geared is based on time not lucky? oh yea on SWTOR u spam dailies to get geared not warzones....yea im pretty sure thats worse.*just mentioning how dude didnt know how wow pvp worked*

3. And your done


You havent played wow at all if you think its a single player game. *mentioning he doesnt know anything about wow*


just wanted to add another note: just becuase your a swtor doesnt mean everybody or even most ppl who play this is. i was never into warcraft and i played wow and for your info my first mmo was EQ followed by lineage than ffxi lin2 daoc and several others.

in conclusion you dont know what i posted so hopefully you actually learn to read.

Edited by Doomsaga
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I do too, and IMO its more of a "easy" grind to get compared to TOR.


I like this game. hate fanboys with a passion because i look at things objectly and they dont. with that being said theres things bad about swtor and things bad about wow but Azzras is literally putting words in my mouth that i didnt even come close to saying. As far as the grind goes the entry level gear is quick but the more serious gear takes long(PVE raid gear takes a while) and pvp gear takes a while due to weekly cap. This game has potential but much like new mmo its prolly not gonna start garnering more positive reviews till months of fixes/more content

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I like this game. hate fanboys with a passion because i look at things objectly and they dont. with that being said theres things bad about swtor and things bad about wow but Azzras is literally putting words in my mouth that i didnt even come close to saying. As far as the grind goes the entry level gear is quick but the more serious gear takes long(PVE raid gear takes a while) and pvp gear takes a while due to weekly cap. This game has potential but much like new mmo its prolly not gonna start garnering more positive reviews till months of fixes/more content


Thats just the point isn't it, thats it NEW, thats the problem.


some people, and i am not gonna take you into consideration since you clearly also like the game, but they just don't have the time to wait.


They want ANY new game, and i mean ANY, too be polished into oblivion with no bugs whatsoever. To be honest, its not an MMO if there is no bugs and similarities to other games.

But hey! thats just my honest opinion.

Edited by Ookami_Nikurasu
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Thats just the point isn't it, thats it NEW, thats the problem.


some people, and i am not gonna take you into consideration since you clearly also like the game, but they just don't have the time to wait.


They want ANY new game, and i mean ANY, too be polished into oblivion with no bugs whatsoever. To be honest, its not an MMO if there is no bugs and similarities to other games.

But hey! thats just my honest opinion.


yup ill agree almost every mmo ive ever played at launch was terrible

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You wanna run that by me again?


The most popular product on the market isn't a good indicator of what's the new standard?


Is it at least a good indicator of what the market wants or are all those players playing at gun point?


Why aren't they playing swtor instead I wonder.


Its easy, just because a game that happens to have the must subscribers out there, does not make it the new standard. It makes it an old tired standard that needs to be broken from. WoW in and of its self threw its "NEW INDUSTRY STANDARD" has actually done more to ruin MMO's then benefit them.


Now rather then actually being challenged to accomplish something be it getting a piece of gear like ohh Thunderfury from vanilla wow. Or to actually be challenged to complete a tier of content and actually having to spend time and effort just to get to that content. It is now handed to you on a silver platter. No effort, no skill, nothing but time.


Takes no skill to just que up for a cross server LFG, in fact you can just putz along with the rest of the group and get yer badges and do nothing. The other players will 90% of the time put up with it so that they can get there badges without having to go thru the minimal effort to que for a replacement. They wont ever have to see you or deal with you again.


There is no server community anymore, players no longer have a reputation as good or bad players. Directly caused by the NIS that wow supposedly has. Why you run with players that are not even on your server and you never see or deal with them again.


I am not saying that all of the features that WoW had where bad. I am saying that you can not hold that as the N.I.S. You need to take what is good about some of those features and improve on them and not put in the features that are bad for the game over all.


Yes it may improve subs but honestly folks I would rather play a game with 1 mill in subs that the player base is decent and the content challenging then a game with 8 mill subs where the content is sub par and there is no community.


Its why I quit WoW, was the lack of the server community and the lack of a challenge for anything. Its why I will quit this game come the end of all the class story lines, is due to the lack of a challenge and lack of a sever community.


What originally attracted me to WoW was the actual challenge that it presented, and since the great Whine at the end of BC there has not been a challenge in the game.


What attracted to to SWToR was the story line and the hope that there would be a challenge to the game.


Lets be honest here, most of the original subscribers to WoW no longer play. The game has nothing that attracts them. There are a few die hards out there but % wise most of the old players are gone.

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Apparently, SW:TOR launched in 2004. I mean, that's the version of WoW that it's competing with, right?


I just want everyone to know that comparing this game to a game that launched in 2004 and actually having some validity only goes to show how horribly designed the game is. It doesn't matter if the game is better than 2004 WoW. What matters is the fact that you are actually making the comparison. That's where this game stands. It's competing with 2004. Haha.

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Apparently, SW:TOR launched in 2004. I mean, that's the version of WoW that it's competing with, right?


I just want everyone to know that comparing this game to a game that launched in 2004 and actually having some validity only goes to show how horribly designed the game is. It doesn't matter if the game is better than 2004 WoW. What matters is the fact that you are actually making the comparison. That's where this game stands. It's competing with 2004. Haha.


LAUNCHED is totally different from DECLARED.:rolleyes::rolleyes:


Am I Correct? :D:D

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Apparently, SW:TOR launched in 2004. I mean, that's the version of WoW that it's competing with, right?


I just want everyone to know that comparing this game to a game that launched in 2004 and actually having some validity only goes to show how horribly designed the game is. It doesn't matter if the game is better than 2004 WoW. What matters is the fact that you are actually making the comparison. That's where this game stands. It's competing with 2004. Haha.


It's true. OHLEN should spend less time on making a good game and more time shaking down Chris Metzen for ideas. Playing world of warcraft and building world of warcraft are two entirely different things. When you understand this you'll understand why you sound like a *******.

Edited by TonyIommi
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I really dont see why people enjoy WoW.

I personally only played the demo - but really, to me it looks like a Nintendo 64 game.

What is wrong with their graphics? I am not saying SWTOR is better, because I cannot compare the games on their content. I just think that WoW has horrible graphics, w hich is a huge turn off for me.


Exactly why I quit wow before my free month was up (2004), hidiouse , but this was in 2004 and recent screenshots doesnt look like much changed.


I guess I hated wow always will,Rifts better, swtor ,better and a different world, chooseing worlds I choose rifts world over wow as far as fantasy magic/medevel superior graphics.


Swtor, sci fi, refreshing.superior graphics


And yes Wow does look like a nintendo 64 game.Ide rather play the origonal guildwar series than wow.

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I have no problem comparing TOR to WoW as they both are today.... but I am really looking forward to comparing them a year or two from now.


I love wow, and they have some really great things going for them that TOR can't match yet... but TOR is the sexy new car and my old one is really starting to show its age... also the voice acting is a huge selling point for me.

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Exactly why I quit wow before my free month was up (2004), hidiouse , but this was in 2004 and recent screenshots doesnt look like much changed.

I guess I hated wow always will,Rifts better, swtor ,better and a different world, chooseing worlds I choose rifts world over wow as far as fantasy magic/medevel superior graphics.

Swtor, sci fi, refreshing.superior graphics

And yes Wow does look like a nintendo 64 game.Ide rather play the origonal guildwar series than wow.


Interesting when ppl are against something never played... Do you rate a game just by the graphic?

Is like sayin: "i never know you, but im sure you are stupid cuz you look like a stupid".

Wow is really old now, old graphic old game bizarre ideas to renew it like pandas.. but without WOW (and other MMOs ofc) TOR it wouldnt exists..

Tor is a good game but needs some improvement...

Edited by Fezzhan
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Your entire post is a joke, and i'll tell you why right away.


Swtor released now, it has to be compared with the way wow is today, not with the way wow was in 2004.


It really is that simple. When you buy a car today, you expect it to have all the current features the market has to offer: air bags, air conditioning, gps, and so on, you simply are NOT ok with buying one of these http://www.top-things-to-do.com/united-states/chicago/first-car.jpg .


Doesn't matter which company/brand/game refined the product or implemented new features, they have to be there from then on, it's called progress.

Edited by AzKnc
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Let's just say WoW is a LEGEND.


Legends are stuffs that needs to be remember.


We can't be stuck in the medieval age all the time. World keeps spinning around and we need to move on to the next GENERATION which is SWTOR.


Actually the way it is now, swtor is medieval age and wow is the future. Look at their features, not the content, just the features.


Hell, on wow they recently added raid finder and the ability to group with friends on different servers with real id to use both pvp/pve queue system OR enter raids manually, while on swtor people are pissed off cause finding groups for flashpoints is a tedious exercise or queues for pvp take too long and warzones don't open at all at certain hours. Wow has phasing, swtor doesn't, wow has barbers swtor doesn't, wow has dual spec swtor doesn't etc etc etc.. which one is medieval age again?


In order for your statement to make any sense, swtor should have more functionalities and conveniences to offer compared to wow, but it doesn't. It actually have less, so ... ? The only thing swtor does better than wow is voice acting and dialogues, but in terms of gameplay, functionality, replay value swtors loses hands down.


I want to play swtor because of the sci fi setting cause i prefer it to the fantasy one, but the game is so inferior features wise, i will go back to wow eventually.


Realistically, i'll just play swtor until diablo 3 is out then i'll play that until mop is out, unless bw makes some sort of miracle and actually brings its game on par to the current wow.

Edited by AzKnc
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Your entire post is a joke, and i'll tell you why right away.


Swtor released now, it has to be compared with the way wow is today, not with the way wow was in 2004.


It really is that simple. When you buy a car today, you expect it to have all the current features the market has to offer: air bags, air conditioning, gps, and so on, you simply are NOT ok with buying one of these http://www.top-things-to-do.com/united-states/chicago/first-car.jpg .


Doesn't matter which company/brand/game refined the product or implemented new features, they have to be there from then on, it's called progress.


I agree.


It's just silly to go back 5 or 6 years to try to defend a current game by that standard of comparison.


Like I said in my earlier post, you may as well just go back to the 80's and compare it to a nintendo game using that logic so it looks even more incredible.


Games should be judged on current standards, not what was considered good half a decade ago.

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Your entire post is a joke, and i'll tell you why right away.


Swtor released now, it has to be compared with the way wow is today, not with the way wow was in 2004.


It really is that simple. When you buy a car today, you expect it to have all the current features the market has to offer: air bags, air conditioning, gps, and so on, you simply are NOT ok with buying one of these http://www.top-things-to-do.com/united-states/chicago/first-car.jpg .


Doesn't matter which company/brand/game refined the product or implemented new features, they have to be there from then on, it's called progress.


I think you're only half-right there. In terms of technological advancement and certain features, I think you're right (and perhaps TOR is lacking in that regards). However, in terms of content, that takes time to develop. Thus, I don't think you can fairly compare WoW to TOR in terms of content, as WoW has had several years to develop new content.


Also, WoW and TOR are different games. TOR clearly focused on the story and leveling up quests, unlike WoW.


And if you want to take the car example, it's like comparing an SUV to a Formula 1 car, and complaining that the Formula 1 car does not have air conditioning, airbags, wipers, radio, etc. Both are cars and a means of transporation (as both WoW and TOR are MMOs), but taken out of context, the F1 car would be ridiculed as a deathtrap on a regular road, and the SUV would be ridiculed for lacking features at Monza. However, like the SUV and F1 car, they're a different kind of MMO for a different type of experience, at least for now.

Edited by iheartnyc
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I tried returning to WOW when Blizzard offered me a free week.


Did a few quests, tried new dungeons and new features... well, long story short, I could not bring myself to enjoy it.


1. After a few text only quests in WoW, you just find yourself not reading anything and just clicking accept. The voice over is great in SWToR and quests just feel more real here because of it. Yes, you still just kill 10 people over there or bring a 4 items to that guy, but at least the game gives you feeling that there is a purpose behind it.


2. Graphic style of todays WoW does not suit me - sorry, but 3 meters large pink sword and 300 kg heavy blue crystal hammer may be part of Final Fantasy universe, but WoW will always be medieval world in my heart. WoW vanilla did respect the original Warcraft lore - Imperial Plate set and Morgan Ladimore's sword Archeus was the perfect example of good looking equipment. Yes, you can change appearance of your gear now, but there will still be 75% of people around you who will just ruin it for you. SWToR is loyal to Star Wars design concerning its equipment appearance.


3. What bothers me too is that every guy in the WoW universe now flies a dragon. Dragons were quite rare in Warcraft universe. That is the reason why Zuluhed the Whacked and his Dragonmaw clan was so treasured in the Horde even though the clan was relatively small. Thanks a lot Bioware for NOT leting us fly on the planets (except for taxi). If everyone just flew around, it would ruin the experience for me because speeders are just too important part of Star Wars for me. Just as the ground mounts were important in WoW.


4. I think that Cross-server LFD and LFR system ruined WoW. Why? Because people needed to be polite when in groups. If they behaved like angry children and ninja items, they would go to ignore list and soon they would not have anyone to group with. With cross-server LFD, you just never meet the same person again. Why not to steal every drop for myself and yell at everyone what <insert_obscene_word>s they are. I was very happy when Bioware said that while they plan to implement LFG sytem, they will NOT make it cross-server.


Does SWToR have bad sides? Oh, yes, definately yes. There are bugs, threre is currently no possibility to customize UI etc.. But I can live with a few bugs knowing that the game is only one month old. Especially when I see that the bugs are being removed with every patch.


Is WoW a bad game? No, it is not. But it became something different than it used to be. It is no longer the game where mighty knights in steel armor and long-bearded wizards fight strong Horde of evil greenskins. It is no longer the game with gloomy and horror-like environment. It is not the game I want to play. It became a game with quests filled with of joke lines (some of the jokes are actually pretty good) where Pandas will roam the world under a happy rainbow of shining colors that people have on their armor (well, Pandarens are not implemented yet, but we all saw the new expansion trailer)


WELL SAID SIR!! Totally Agree!

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