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Comparing SWTOR to WoW


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I really like(d) wow, but I wanted a change from it, since you can only take so many years of the same settings.


And as much as I enjoy TOR, I also find myself "wanting" back to the WoW way of things, there are so many things I hope will be added, and alot of things I wish was in here from the start.


I dont know how many threads I'we said the same thing in, but Blizzard got so much right from the start (I dont really care about launch issues that much, Blizzard had alot of them, related to hardware capasity and some bugs), I mean, just the open, connected "fully" explorable world, with water you can swim in, citters that move about, humours references to movies and things, reputations to grind, factions to enjoy, cities to raid, in world dungeons to explore.


Thats just a few things I'm missing from TOR, sure voiceacting is fun in the start, but on my third char I'm doing what I did on my later characters in WoW, skipping the text and looking on the map for where I'm going and what todo.


I also feel like the length and depth of WoW was longer, it took me longer to get to max level in vanilla wow, and for some reason it felt more rewarding back then (I also remeber the "fun" of gearing up back then, gringing thorium veins, transmuting arcanite, getting my blue tanking set, my first Arcanite Reaper +++)

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I agree with others, you can't compare SWTOR today to WoW of 2004, the genre has moved forwards. However, those that try to compare SWTOR to current WoW are just as bad.


The reason you can't simply compare SWTOR to WoW today is because of development time. Yes I realize SWTOR has been in development for several years, but Blizzard had that + another 7 years of learning.


Blizzard as a company has had time to learn what works and what doesn't. They have had time to add and adjust features, and even learn from other companies and add and adjust to their own game.


No brand new MMO will be perfect, heck no old MMO will be perfect either. Simply put WoW wasn't built in a day, or even a month, or even a year and neither can SWTOR be. Heck Blizzard is still trying to get WoW right, they are overhauling talents again for what a 4th time now?


The big thing to look at for the start of an MMO is if they got the big things right. Do things work, is the game built on a solid foundation, does it have enough replay value, and ultimately are they headed in the right direction with the changes they are making.


That is one of the main things that made WoW into what it was, people at least felt like Blizzard was trying and heading in the right direction. As long as SWTOR is doing the same people will give them enough time to get it where it needs to be.

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Personally, I still play both games.


Two things to say on this topic:


First of all I don't think that neither side of the argument is right regarding to what is the fair basis of comparison. Naturally, it is ABSURD to compare SWTOR to what WoW was 7 years ago. Obviously there should be higher expectations to a game of today which has examples to follow and learn from, better tools to make graphics / engine, etc etc. This is completely selfevident and there is really no need argueing for this point of view.


On the other hand, there's still the question of infancy. Now, how relevant this is will matter on the individual player's appraisal and patience. Naturally, if alot of people find it unacceptable that the game hasn't all the features they find obligatory in a MMO from start they will quit their subs and that will reflect in how succesful the game will be from a economic point of view. Other people will wait it out and hopefully BW will fix it over time.


Personally, I'm happy with the package I've been presented with. I love the feel, the atmosphere, the quests, the mechanics of my class and the whole graphical presentation of an universe that I love from the movies. For me, this is enough for now.


I also want to see a FP finder implemented. This might not have been the case if the servers were proper size so that I could pick up groups from general with ease. I definitely want to see at least a damage meter in terms of UI so I can try out different rotations and see how they perform in comparison. Other ways to display buffs and CDs and generally more customization of unit frames is also on my wish list.




The second thing. I still raid a bit and play a bit of rated BGs in WoW a couple of times a week, but I do have to say one thing. A friend of mine said a couple of years ago that he'd leave WoW over the "Fisherprice graphics" - it's pink, it's childish, it's generally really really crappy looking. At the time, I wasn't so much inclined to agree with him - and I really didn't see it as a problem for the game.


Now, when I log from SWTOR to WOW - or even better have both games running at the same time tabbing back and forth - each time I get into the WOW universe I'm like... eeek. I mean the graphics is so terrible next to SWTOR that it almost makes me sick.




SWTOR might have failed to learn from the lessons that were learend in previous MMOs and WOW in particular, but it does make them look absolutely crap in terms of graphics and general atmosphere.

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I see people who don't compare swtor to wow and I think "It's 2012, who the hell do they think the competition is, EQ? Nobody buys a new car, discovers it's missing many standard features and say 'oh well, the ford model T never had airbags'"


The thought process of these fanatical boys is bizarre.


Actually what standard feature are you talking about?

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