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Sniper stun/mezz


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The past few days I have occasionally come across a number of snipers who I believe might have accidentally exploited a bug with one of their stun abilities.


Here is what happened, hoping that somebody could shed some light on what ability may be bugged, so that it can be fixed (no combat log makes it hart to tell for me).


Sniper stuns me, I break out of it with my CC breaker, I get stunned again 2 seconds later, only this second stun has no debuff icon, no duration (in one instance it took the sniper 30 seconds to kill me and yes, I was taking damage for the whole 30 seconds while being healed without ever getting out of the stun at all). It was a permanent stun (I could not perform any action - abilities were all grayed out), that disabled me till I eventually died.

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Snipers have only one stun. Period.


What about a mezz?


Sounds like something on your end broke. No class has a 30 second disable of any kind, even in a chain, that wouldn't be effected by resolve.


And I realize that this isn't as intended, however there's definitely a bug out there that has the described effect. It has has happened 3 times in the past 2 days and the stun or mezz (which never broke) has always lasted 15+ seconds (and over 30 in that particular instance).

Edited by Payneintherear
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maybe its your character that got bugged in some animation?


Probable cause would be maybe something from your computer. Now just to be on the safe side, make a ticket about it. (It has never happened to me) Because it could also be some hack.... Just note the sniper's name that did this to you put into the ticket, and see if u can spot the animation that they do for the stun.

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When this occurred had you just been knocked back also?


I have noticed a few times that when knocked back (generally to a different level), and a stun occurs in this time you may get stuck in a kind of "freefall", where you're stuck in the animation from the stun or falling. As you've said, no debuff effect on you, as essentially you have recovered from it, yet the animation is stuck, the game assuming you haven't actually landed yet. Has sadly happened to me a few times on Huttball. One of which times was quite amusing, as I was stuck in the animation of being force choked, but my allies had already killed the person choking me, and nobody else was even nearby any more! In the end an enemy turned up and I was able to force charge out of it and continue as normal though. A /stuck will probably fix it too.

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I am more worried that it took the sniper 30 seconds to kill you if you were unable to perform any action for that 30 seconds. In my opinion buff sniper/gunslinger


I was being healed by 2 people and still died fyi.


Breaks after you hit target.


and is 8 secs max if u dont get hit by anything...


I don't know whether it's not apparent or something, but rest assured I know how mezzes and stuns work. This isn't a "OMG whyisthe sniper so overpowered" post, it's more a "I know these abilities shouldn't work like that, but help me find what is causing this behaviour so I can write a bug report" post.


I have had the animation bug mentioned several times. It's just as game breaking and frustrating, but this was not it. When I get the animation bug after a knockback (at least in my experience), I can still perform instant cast abilities and my character can move, albeit in a crouched position.

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I managed to do something like that once, though it was in a duel - I won the duel with Dibilitate's stun 400 damage hit and it locked a guy inside stun animation forever, had to reduel and stun him again to break him free.


At any rate, this is just a bug and the above can't be really replicated anyway. It is probably one of those knockback into a bugged location things, there are some in Huttball, that make you stuck in geometry with some sort of free fall animation. Can't be really abused since it requires a very precise knockback position and angle in one particular point in Huttball.

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I actually had this bug about half an hour ago. A sniper used dibilitate, I used my breaker, but my character was just standing there shaking like she was still CC'ed. Sniper got killed but I kid you not, I was in the same place for about 3 mins just shaking lol. Weird thing was I could stealth up if I wanted to, just not move or perform actions. :p Edited by Alundo
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There are definitely some mobs who's ccs bug out and last indefinitely with no indication they are on you. One completely repeatable one is riding directly toward the first quest you get in Hoth, where you have to get a comm from some Talz at a small bunker thing.


On the way there, you ride between two rock formations, and get ambushed by a hidden Talz. He stuns you on the ambush, and if you hit vanish as an operative, that stun never, ever goes away. I once went afk when it happened and came back 15 minutes later and was still stunned. I've done it twice more since on other mobs, all on Hoth in this occasion.

Edited by Delekii
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  • 1 month later...

I have had this exact thing happen to me a few times over the past 2 days. I had it happen twice today. A level 12 sniper did it to me about an hour ago. It has to be a bug and it seems that some people are figuring out how to recreate it (as much as i have had it happen to me).


Its just as the OP says you get perma stun/mezzed and even damage wont break it. I did think it was me at first because i lag, but it has happened too much and only from snipers for it to be me. Hopefully BW will notice it and fix it, but i doubt it. The way thing are going i am just going to reroll empire because it seems that it what they want everyone to do.

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I've had this bug occur as well in civil war, where I was hit by the operative aoe mez while in one of the 4 second stuns. I stayed in the mez animation, took some damage, and just stayed stunned for a really long time...well over 30 seconds.


Teammates there manage to kill off the people left at the turret earlier in my stun, when it finally wore off about 15 seconds after everyone was dead.



So it is a thing, yes. Not exclusive to snipers either it seems. I've only had it happen the one time but it certainly happened. As for what causes it I don't know.

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Ive had the same bug with a sniper mez, wasn't just me either, was 4 people who all got aoe mez'd by one player, then the second it broke another guy did it, and we just never came out of it


But at the same time, my sniper is the buggiest char I've ever played, constantly getting stuck with my cover action bar when I'm running around, animation stuck etc. Basically leaves me spamming 3 second grenades.

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It is a bug concerning snipers only I believe,


I have two theories of how this happens and ill try to test it as soon as possible, but apparently if you hit ur "trinket" to get out of a stun too fast it will stay in the stun animation (hence effectively cc'ing you permanently)


The other possiblity is breaking out of the stun while at the same time been knocked back.


If any of you test it and prove positive don't doubt to make a ticket stating the bug.

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Ive come across it and its not just snipers but also IA. you get what I call the stun bug. The animation keeps showing you in a stunned position and you cant do anything.


I play a sniper and its a RNG thing that happens but its annoying as hell. I had a healer on me and kept me up for over 2 minutes while i shook in place like i was still being stunned from the vibroblade......


I have reported it but and even created a thread about it a month ago but didnt hear back about it since.


(only happend twice but annoying when it does happen)

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The past few days I have occasionally come across a number of snipers who I believe might have accidentally exploited a bug with one of their stun abilities.


Here is what happened, hoping that somebody could shed some light on what ability may be bugged, so that it can be fixed (no combat log makes it hart to tell for me).


Sniper stuns me, I break out of it with my CC breaker, I get stunned again 2 seconds later, only this second stun has no debuff icon, no duration (in one instance it took the sniper 30 seconds to kill me and yes, I was taking damage for the whole 30 seconds while being healed without ever getting out of the stun at all). It was a permanent stun (I could not perform any action - abilities were all grayed out), that disabled me till I eventually died.


Hello, this is a bug that happens rarely, however it has occured twice in a day recently and i was like ***.... It's as you said it, a person stuns you , you trinket and you get stuck(animation everything), you cannot move etc.


The only way to fix this, the one i found to work is have someone


a) Kill you

b) Stun you again.

Edited by zaknaphein
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  • 4 months later...
Same thing just happened to me which is why I googled it and got this thread. too many f'ing bugs in the game. all they worry about in this game is changing crafting every damn patch, how about fixing all the bugs and adding more content!! getting very annoyed with this game
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