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1.1.2 PVP Bag Changes. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! (official quote inside)


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I like how your reply has nothing to do with what he said.


Not to over-analyze it or anything, but I think what s/he was trying to imply was that if gear is easily obtained ("welfare"), then people will be on an equal gear level - thus the bads crutching on their gear will have to "l2p". >___< So yeah, it sort of does fit his comment.

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I like how your reply has nothing to do with what he said.


I like how you replied and tried to be smart yet already demonstrated your failure in the other thread.


Good change all around, could not be better in fact, now we will be able to seperate the true pvp'ers from the advantage hoarders without the need for nerfs.


And I wont have to go through loads of bags every day hoping for the champ weapon now since I can farm for it knowing my progress wont be fruitless!

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Lootz to the welfares yet again


how is the change welfare epics?


Currently a fresh level 50 can get his weeklies/dailies done in 1 day, open 8 bags, and get his champion/chest/pants/helm/gloves/offhand all in 1 day whereas a battlemaster that done over 400 warzones is still missing his champion weapon...

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I like how you replied and tried to be smart yet already demonstrated your failure in the other thread.


Would like to know what fail you speak of, because if I remember right, you were the one failing.


Good change all around, could not be better in fact, now we will be able to seperate the true pvp'ers from the advantage hoarders without the need for nerfs.


True PvPr's weren't crying incessantly. Don't care if the gear is more attainable, but this change is overboard. It's welfare gear now. It will be incredibly easy to get the gear now, and since this is a gear progression MMO, I can't help but lol.


And I wont have to go through loads of bags every day hoping for the champ weapon now since I can farm for it knowing my progress wont be fruitless!


Your progress was never fruitless, you were getting centurion commendations no matter what. Oh, you were just one of those people who thought they were entitled to champ gear just because the bags had a chance of dropping it.

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Would like to know what fail you speak of, because if I remember right, you were the one failing.




True PvPr's weren't crying incessantly. Don't care if the gear is more attainable, but this change is overboard. It's welfare gear now. It will be incredibly easy to get the gear now, and since this is a gear progression MMO, I can't help but lol.




Your progress was never fruitless, you were getting centurion commendations no matter what. Oh, you were just one of those people who thought they were entitled to champ gear just because the bags had a chance of dropping it.


First, Centurion gear is actually pretty bad, worse than most 49 oranges in fact.


Second yes it was fruitless when luck = some players were in full champ long before others who put in more investment.


Third stop responding until you actually have a 40+ hours a week job, This game isnt designed for sponging state handout dwellers whos only interview was with the department to sign on as soon as you were old enough.


Welfare epics = Gear instantly obtained at 50 still gotta grind those bags just those of us that didnt have luck on our side will now close the gear gap and jokes like you will have to spin conspiricy theories as to how bioware nerfed your skill.

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First, Centurion gear is actually pretty bad, worse than most 49 oranges in fact.


Because 49 oranges have expertise.


Second yes it was fruitless when luck = some players were in full champ long before others who put in more investment.


You should look up the definition of fruitless, cause nothing you've said here is irrelevant to the fact that, whether you got a champ token or centurion commendations, it wasn't fruitless.


Third stop responding until you actually have a 40+ hours a week job


Because having a full-time job would make me qualified to comment on PvP in a Star Wars game.


This game isnt designed for sponging state handout dwellers whos only interview was with the department to sign on as soon as you were old enough.


Okay.. and?


Welfare epics = Gear instantly obtained at 50 still gotta grind those bags


Relative to the old system, and in general, the gear is welfare gear now. It's extremely easy to get, especially with weeklies/dailies. It hardly takes any time to grind a bag out.


just those of us that didnt have luck on our side will now close the gear gap and jokes like you will have to spin conspiricy theories as to how bioware nerfed your skill.


Lol, oh the irony is so strong here. This is coming from the person who's blaming the gear gap on their deficiencies. That's rich.

Edited by Dovahbrah
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Honestly, it depends on what server you are on.


I can 100% deny it, because they simply DO NOT HAPPEN on my server. No amount of you telling me what PvP is like on your server changes the fact that there is no PvP on Ilum on my server.


The reason? 3 or 4 reps show up, they get killed by the 6 or 7 crate farmers (and the messages give away that they're coming). Once news hits guilds that Reps are on Ilum, those 6 or 7 become 15 or 16, and those 3 or 4 become 5 or 6. 20 minutes later the number of Reps is 0, and the number of Imps dwindles from that 15 or 16 back down to 8 or 9, because now a few people are 3/30 on their daily from kills, and are suddenly desperate to get 27 crates.


THAT is PvP on Ilum on my server.


Not this past weekend, but the weekend before, it was late at night, and I was 30/150 on my weekly. I got to Ilum and was completely alone. 90 minutes later I was 150/150 and had not seen a single soul in that 90 minutes.


Just because Ilum is good for you doesn't mean it's good for everyone.


Oh, and this is on a "standard" server.


Same for my server. Im loving this change. Im a mere 5 levels from being able to get champ gear (valor 40). I didnt PvP as hardcore as the reps since honestly, we were being farmed for WZ before brackets. since they got their gear and have enough Valor to get BM gear, now they dont run WZs and roll alts. Ever since I hit 50 not a single WZ has been entered. Ever.

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You should be happy then, im sure you're a sub par pvper that this will benefit. If you pvp as good as you complain you're already BM.


Being a Battle Master has nothing to do with how good you are at PvP, simply how much time you've put into it (or farmed Ilum on patch day).

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So let me get this straight, the change is a comin. That's cool whatever... I really don't care either way. I'll still do war zones and I'll still pvp anyway. My question now is if we do save the bags we get NOW, will they follow the new bag rules when we open them AFTER the patch or will they still contain the old bag contents because they were acquired BEFORE the patch.


I like immediate gratification but I'll wait if they convert to the new bags. If not, might as well open them now if the ones we get now aren't changing.


TL;DR: if you save bags now, will they change with the patch?

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Wish I hadnt opened my WZ weekly bags yesterday heh... ah well, still gonna have the Ilum ones, hopefully =]


This is useless. Fix BM now. I had more than full champ when I hit rank 60, why the fck do I need MORE centurion and champ comms?


Cos the game obviously revolves around you, much like the world at large eh?



Turns out all the rage over this update was unwarranted and a lot of people owe gabe an appology for attacking him...


Then again, BW could have avoided all of this by propper communication. Again and again issues like these crop up for you BW. Might wanna look into the devs-cms-player chain to see where stuff gets lost in translation.

Edited by aeterno
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this is a bad change. not sure why everyone is so excited. champion gear becomes harder to get while ****** centurion gear becomes easier. the gap just widened.


it will take 10 bags to get 1 piece of champion gear. with rng some people(including myself) got 2 or 3 out of 10 bags constantly.

Edited by zeroburrito
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"Instead of hoping to get specific item tokens, you now get (more) commendations."


no more champion items from the bags. only tokens.


and currently you can open 20 champ bags and get nothing but 60 centurion commendations... this happens quite often.


You're basically saying that everyone should buy lottery tickets to make a living just because you bought 1 lottery ticket and won $1000 off that lottery ticket...

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