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This is just plain dumb....


One of the only ACs in the game that had multiple useful hybrid specs... and in one sweeping move they are going to kill them all....Way too go Bio.... if this is the way you go you are pretty much ruining this class. It was the only class that was somewhat interesting too play as you really could hybrid spec a ton of different ways and play the class completely different.


Now its back to useless shared tree sub par dmg tree.... boring tank tree.... failure this is.

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This is just plain dumb....


One of the only ACs in the game that had multiple useful hybrid specs... and in one sweeping move they are going to kill them all....Way too go Bio.... if this is the way you go you are pretty much ruining this class. It was the only class that was somewhat interesting too play as you really could hybrid spec a ton of different ways and play the class completely different.


Now its back to useless shared tree sub par dmg tree.... boring tank tree.... failure this is.


Cause your AC should be the only one that can hybrid.... now i get it.

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Wait wait...


Maybe this is some kind of master plan to lull us into a false sense of anger, and then they'll drop the second half of the patch notes where they BUFF US!!!


It's like I've been doing to my wife for years, set the expectations as low as possible. Just high enough so she won't leave me. Then one day, BAM!!! SUPER HUSBAND!!!


I'm just working up to the second part, just like BW.

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Cause your AC should be the only one that can hybrid.... now i get it.


No they all should be... back in beta It was nice to hear Bio state they would work too make all classes better... not handicap others.


Yes Assassins and Shadows can now hybrid spec just as effectivly as the rest of the ACs... seriously Bioware is in for a very depressing sub retention rate. There class system is one of the most simplistic boring systems every devised for an mmo...


I had hope that the cool synergies in the Inq / Cons trees where the design goal and that future patches would make every class interesting too play. Obviously that is not the design goal....

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I think they're trying to prove they don't make decisions based on the forums.


CM: "Well, the community clearly feels Sorcerers are overpowered. Maybe you guys should take a look at them?"


Gabe: "No. That's... That's what they'd expect us to do. Name one class you've never seen whined about on the forum?"


CM: "Um... Marauders? Sentinels?"


Gabe: "No. I play a Marauder. Name something else."


CM: "Um... Shadow/Assassins."

Gabe: "Brilliant! NERF them! To. The. Ground."


CM: "But... um... no one asked for nerfs for them."


Gabe: "That's precisely why! We'll catch them off-guard and then the advantage will be ours!"


CM: "Wait... are you drunk?"


Gabe: "Yes, yes. Drunk on POWER. UNLIMITED POWER!!!"

Edited by McVade
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No they all should be... back in beta It was nice to hear Bio state they would work too make all classes better... not handicap others.


Yes Assassins and Shadows can now hybrid spec just as effectivly as the rest of the ACs... seriously Bioware is in for a very depressing sub retention rate. There class system is one of the most simplistic boring systems every devised for an mmo...


I had hope that the cool synergies in the Inq / Cons trees where the design goal and that future patches would make every class interesting too play. Obviously that is not the design goal....


Not everyone is going to like every MMO. Those not happy with the game will leave and be replaced by others that will either stay or leave. Noone cares and you all are not scaring anyone with your threats to leave. Youll be replaced and life will go on.

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Not everyone is going to like every MMO. Those not happy with the game will leave and be replaced by others that will either stay or leave. Noone cares and you all are not scaring anyone with your threats to leave. Youll be replaced and life will go on.


You are very right many that are unhappy will leave. Just so you understand I have 4 level 50 toons... one of which is an Assassin. Yes it is was a nice class to hybrid spec with... it was fun to have options that where not all bad. After this patch every class will have 2 real options for spec. The shared Trees are all terrible. Well accpet the Sorc cause they are not handicaped into a charge / ammo / stance requirement that removes there ability to hybrid.


Its all good though your right... there are other games out there and my life will go on. :p

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It really is the kind of answer I expected, unfortunately. Hyperbole abound.


Anyways, as for why you have light armor, you're trading utility for it. AoE and Single Target Taunt, a Gap Closer, Guard, and a 3 second Saber Guard. These are only baseline abilities, of course. If you want a higher armor rating with less utility, roll an operative.


So where exactly juggernaut/guardian trade those utility for less survivability ?

Gap closer ? Check

Single and aoe taunt ? Check

Guard ? Check

3 seconds saber guard ? They have 2 and a 10 second -40% to all, not stupid 50% parry


So think again.

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Patch notes made me giggle. They took an already not too popular class nobody complained about, and nerfed the heck out of its hybrid specs. Woo. Good thinking. Meanwhile, Sorcerers and Mercs, classes everyone plays and there's tons of complaints about continue to do what they do.


You know, I have a sinking suspicion devs are all playing Sorcerers and Mercs. It's just too obvious now. Operatives wrecked both - nerf Operatives.

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So where exactly juggernaut/guardian trade those utility for less survivability ?

Gap closer ? Check

Single and aoe taunt ? Check

Guard ? Check

3 seconds saber guard ? They have 2 and a 10 second -40% to all, not stupid 50% parry


So think again.


They're trading heavy armor and utility for lack of damage.


I think you're grasping for staws at this point.

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The problem that they should be addressing is the fact that the top tiers of these trees are very lackluster. To my mind, the proper way to address that isn't to make any alternative non-viable, but to improve the pure trees themselves to at least be on par with the hybrid builds.


Looking at other threads in this forum, no one is complaining that assassins are overpowered in their hybrid specs. In fact, most people rank them at the bottom, or just above the bottom of the pack for PvP. In light of that, it seems unlikely that a buff to bring the pure tree up to the level of the current hybrid specs would be much of a problem.


I had actually thought that the synergy between trees was one of the few redeeming qualities about this AC, and I will definitely be sorry to see that go. To my mind, the decision to put points into the top tier abilities should be something that you look forward to, rather than something you do because there are no better alternatives.

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hug has a gap closer true, but on a 15 sec cd, all sorcs need to do is knock back with thier root and never get hit again till the jug is dead.


That root breaks on damage and is not spammable (20 sec cooldown). I suggest not standing up screaming at the top of your lungs how unfair the world is every time you get rooted and actually playing the game.


Assassins are fine not sure why they need a nerf they are balanced in group pvp.

Edited by Rhazesx
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If this happens, my dps assassin madness hybrid is totally killed who wasn't op in the first place. Increasing cost of stance hopping is fine it is rather simple to stance hop. Totally killing the amount of healing death field does in pvp is annoying but, since in pve it should still work rather well although to me it doesn't make any sense since it was fine the way it was since it was stronger than flame sweep but still significantly less useful than death from above even with recklessness. But, totally changing what raze does and completely killing my rotation will force me to respec and totally change my assassin. I most likely won't be playing my lvl 50 anymore if these changes occur because I enjoyed playing the class because of how happy I was with my rotation even if OP classes could beat me.
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It's obvious now. The two classes that can kill sorc/sages easily scoundrel/operative and hybrid assassin/shadow now must be nerfed into oblivion so sorcs have to fear no classes. I'm saying it now if they nerf assassins before they nerf sorcs/sages I'm done with this game for good. I thought surely they couldn't be this stupid but they are.
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I told you all when crying for Operative/Scoundrel nerfs that your class would be getting nerfed also. when the nerf hammer swings it doesn't care who or what you are, it will eventually hit you. once you nerf you just cant stop. I'm sure when it comes back around someone else will get hit. Will see you again when its your class's turn
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I told you all when crying for Operative/Scoundrel nerfs that your class would be getting nerfed also. when the nerf hammer swings it doesn't care who or what you are, it will eventually hit you. once you nerf you just cant stop. I'm sure when it comes back around someone else will get hit. Will see you again when its your class's turn


From a direct numbers standpoint, there isn't really a huge nerf and we aren't up in arms about that, so you don't have much of an argument.


The real thing were complaining about is the fact that they're killing hybrid specs, which allows us to play the class how we like; personally in one week i tanked HM ops as 31/0/10, switch to 23/0/18 or 27/14/0 or 2/31/8 for pvp, then switched to 0/13/28 for dps again; with this change, they're killing 3 of the 5 builds that i play, and leave me with lackluster or boring specs. Oh and everyone will be forced to be some form of 31/x/x, x/31/x or x/x/31, and quite honestly its really boring when everyone is the same spec.


The lack of choice is what really irks me, and bioware pretty much telling me how to play my class instead of letting me choose... If these changes go through I will most likely unsubscribe because they just killed the most fun part of my AC, the versatility in specs.

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These changes make no sense, ask anyone who plays the class and then ask them how long they live in shadow stance? Lol seconds, and that's not an exaggeration, the only thing you had going was the ability to up your armor here and there and try and be useful for a few seconds more.


This is WoW part 2, play the way we like and only this way, this game is getting boring really fast. So I guess I get to leave this MMO for the same reason I left the previous, boredom.


And who the hell was complaining in the first place? NO ONE, most people thought assassins where fairly well balanced.

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only sorc nerfs needed are the stuns, roots, op shield, op healing as dps spec, force run, and knock backs. melee cant even touch a sorc. punt back and heal to full then lol all the way to the wz wins.. nerf all those alibities across the board by 30% of what they do now.


I think you may have missed a misconception when you copy/pasted. Easy to QQ without metrics, lack of facts is a probable indication of an equal lack of skill or a recent bad warzone in all likelihood.

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Getting ready to get bored to death in pvp, since I'll be one of two things, a tank guarding something while I dance around or waiting for the door to open since Force and Shadow techniques provide the user with the survivability of a kitten.


Agree, assasins/shadow will now slap enemies instead of hitting, and if they will try to hit they will be punished for so....

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