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Everything posted by Alaron

  1. A common practice in PvP is to mark a healer with a target marker. Many will cry out about this practice, comparing the game unfavourably to WoW which (I'm told) explicitly prevents marking enemy players. While I am not necessarily opposed to this practice as a means of coordinating a group of people not on voice, I do have a problem with the fact that these marks persist through death. In particular, I feel that the marker system is far too much a fire and forget setup. I have all of the target markers hotkeyed on the numpad. At the start of a match, I will pop off a few marks on any healer that I see. After that, those players can be seen from the other side of the battlefield by the large icon over their heads, often when the character model itself would barely render on my screen. Many times, when a healer is running in from the spawn, you will see several DPS notice the marker, and switch from their current target to the person as they approach the fight, but haven't taken a single action yet. I approve of coordination, but I feel that teams should at least need to work at it a bit more. Has anyone noticed if this behaviour has changed at all on the PTS? I would very much like to hear other people's opinions on the subject.
  2. To me, the X-wing series was the ultimate Star Wars fantasy. TIE Fighter in particular was likely my favorite, as I felt that the missions had by far the best story, variety, etc...
  3. I am in favor of faction capped open world PvP, provided that it is not simply designed to feel like a large scale battleground. A good example of what I mean by this was Sony's MMOFSP, Planetside. Each continent/planet had a population limit of 133 players per faction, but there were a number of continents where a player could choose to fight. That said, each continent itself was quite large, with multiple objectives. Objectives were structured in a lattice, such that you could only capture objectives which bordered/linked-to one that you already controlled. This would create a front line of battle to focus combat. At the same time, however, there were several lattice links active at any given point to allow for tactical play for those that did not want to simply join a "zerg". Further tactics were introduced through associating desireable bonuses with different types of objectives, the ability to sabotage objectives behind the lines (which would block bonuses, but would not capture the territory), etc... I think that this type of system would lend itself extremely well to a star wars game, though it would admittedly be a very significant undertaking.
  4. RvR with meaningful territory control, the Star Wars equivalent of seiges, etc..
  5. In this vein, I think that some additional filters should be added on vendors. Right now, if I select useable, it still lists every item on the vendor (I assume since at least one of my companions can use it). This is either bugged, or not a particularly useful filter.
  6. Personally, I found the plot to be fairly boring after chapter 1 (and, honestly, even during most of the chapter). The first (tank) companion is fairly cool, but most of the others are pretty much meh. By contrast (as a point of reference), I found the Imperial Agent story to be excellent.
  7. The problem that they should be addressing is the fact that the top tiers of these trees are very lackluster. To my mind, the proper way to address that isn't to make any alternative non-viable, but to improve the pure trees themselves to at least be on par with the hybrid builds. Looking at other threads in this forum, no one is complaining that assassins are overpowered in their hybrid specs. In fact, most people rank them at the bottom, or just above the bottom of the pack for PvP. In light of that, it seems unlikely that a buff to bring the pure tree up to the level of the current hybrid specs would be much of a problem. I had actually thought that the synergy between trees was one of the few redeeming qualities about this AC, and I will definitely be sorry to see that go. To my mind, the decision to put points into the top tier abilities should be something that you look forward to, rather than something you do because there are no better alternatives.
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