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1.1.2 just hit the Test Server... see what we gained!


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As a public service announcement, I'd like to let all my Operative friends here know what's in store for us in the near future. Patch notes are here. Considering that zero changes were made to the 1.1.1 patch between when it hit the test server and when it went live, it's pretty likely that those changes will go in as-is.



Agents and Smugglers only had a single change: our Diversion ability can no longer be used on Operation Bosses. (A similar change was made to other classes' interrupts.) In addition, they buffed the damage of Annihilation Marauders, Darkness Assassins, and Madness Assassins and Sorcerers.


They also closed the PTS thread complaining about the 1.1.1 nerf, and told people to post any further PvE things in this thread in the suggestion forum. That thread, by the way, hadn't been posted to in several days and had devolved to a 2-person argument, so I'm not sure it's really the best place to make sure your suggestions reach the developers.

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First thought ... thats all? Again?


Second thought ... I start to miss Rift. Their patch speed was amazing.


Bioware is funny so. First they claim they have to test carefully and how hard it is to make a patch without breaking stuff and then they release 1.1.1 and a day later they have to bring the servers down for a hotfix.

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We really need those parsers so people can start throwing numbers around and checking what does what and how much...


Also helps immensely when talking to devs if you have actual numbers to back you up. Currently they can just ignore us as whiners and mutter something about their internal testings.

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I wish they took the care to fix agent issues like these other classes... Instead we get nerfed hard.


Sorcerers going to be stronger now?? Did I read those ability notes right? If so just Wow!! Sorcerers and bounty hunters need a big nerf bat!!

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sprint staying active on death , TY,TY,TY........ty,ty,ty It's a quality of death issue;).


Seriously they just got done with a conceal change perhaps there might have been something for lethality tre or medic but it was irrational to think there woukld be any conceal stuff until they parse their data from their current changes.

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Well.... I suppose that we Ops can now become the Merchant/Trader class people asked for early on. It seems I am spending more and more time on the fleet station at the GTN since PvE groups would rather have SI or Mercs for dps or heals.... Edited by Degan
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People need time to adjust to changes and see if anything new can be discovered. Other classes getting buffed has nothing to do with recent nerfs to the Op.


I think its incredibly short sighted to expect new changes or a reverting of old changes so quickly after they have been made. The balance team needs time so see the effects of their changes over an extended period to see if there are unforeseen consequences to changes. If the gloom and doom over concealment ops persists and nothing new is discovered down the line then expect buffs to the tree but the key issue here is that its going to take time for a proper judgement to be made.

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Very disappointed to not see anything for med spec'd operatives. Beyond actually giving us some buffs to make ourselves a little comparable to sorc/sages, how about they fix one of our highest tier talents to actually work? :(
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Well.... I suppose that we Ops can now become the Merchant/Trader class people asked for early on. It seems I am spending more and more time on the fleet station at the GTN since PvE groups would rather have SI or Mercs for dps or heals....


Yea...give Operative a class skill... Fleet Market

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Biofail is just setting Ops up for a new AC, "Garbageman". Tree specs will be Trader/Treehugger/Pacifist. Sure other classes can take over the galaxy and be heroic, we can astound people though with the question of "wth is this class good for"?
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So... They buff SA/JC and mara/sent? Now I know im getting *********** trolled.


Guess its pretty clear, play a class with a lightsaber or you're in for a rough time.


Yea ..Thinking same thing. As if warzones were not already flooded with Sith and Jedi.


Can't have mere mortals competing with force users eh?

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People need time to adjust to changes and see if anything new can be discovered. Other classes getting buffed has nothing to do with recent nerfs to the Op.


I think its incredibly short sighted to expect new changes or a reverting of old changes so quickly after they have been made. The balance team needs time so see the effects of their changes over an extended period to see if there are unforeseen consequences to changes. If the gloom and doom over concealment ops persists and nothing new is discovered down the line then expect buffs to the tree but the key issue here is that its going to take time for a proper judgement to be made.


well the so called balance team didnt take time to evaluate the changes made in 1.1 to bio and buff stacking. Those pretty much fixed the burst issue. THey did not need to hit the OP's so hard. They should of given more time after 1.1

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Biofail is just setting Ops up for a new AC, "Garbageman". Tree specs will be Trader/Treehugger/Pacifist. Sure other classes can take over the galaxy and be heroic, we can astound people though with the question of "wth is this class good for"?


Lol this guy knows what he's talking about. Biowares nerfs arre hoorse *****it

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Biofail is just setting Ops up for a new AC, "Garbageman". Tree specs will be Trader/Treehugger/Pacifist. Sure other classes can take over the galaxy and be heroic, we can astound people though with the question of "wth is this class good for"?


Were you not listening to Keeper when he told you that we're janitors?

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I recognize that Bioware is not one of those companies that cut down to Forums QQ. Nope, ppl qq'ed for OP/SC be4 the bio nerf and 2 days later nerfbat comes. Ppl qq about the pvp bags and a ''fix'' comes. Ppl qq'ed about the ilum and how that was a mechanism in game and they got no valor rollback. O.o Good to go bioware you showed the kids on the forums what to expect from you, they just need to try little harder to convince you. The list goes on.
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People need time to adjust to changes and see if anything new can be discovered. Other classes getting buffed has nothing to do with recent nerfs to the Op.


I think its incredibly short sighted to expect new changes or a reverting of old changes so quickly after they have been made. The balance team needs time so see the effects of their changes over an extended period to see if there are unforeseen consequences to changes. If the gloom and doom over concealment ops persists and nothing new is discovered down the line then expect buffs to the tree but the key issue here is that its going to take time for a proper judgement to be made.


Lol, then how come bioware released the op/scoundrel 1.1.1 nerf patch notes 2 days after fixing buff stacking and 50 brackets?


Obviously they don't need to see the effects of their changes over extended periods of time.

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i've hearded rumors about a a group of iluminati who are playing this game, forcing bioware to nerf operatives by taking their children as hostages. thats the whole reason behind our nerf and their buffs. its not BW fault, they want to buff us, realy ...


guys please use some common sense ... .

did i just ask for common sense in an MMO game forum? :eek:

*slaps myself*

Edited by Achmed
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Nerf of OP came as a result that a dev was playing a Sith Sorcerer with green gear that was killed by a battle master geared operative.


Surprised though that there's no new buffs to the Sorcerer, but I guess the dev needs to keep a low profile and not make it too obvious.


In 1.4.0 Sorcerers will get a massive buff, because they need to be able to crit for 5k and be top on dps and healing at the same time.


I'm joking of course, but I don't really expect a boost to the class when they did the job of nerfing Operatives to the ground, so thoroughly. There will be other nerfs though, question is which class and when. I hope they adjust the tank classes and mercs/commandos. That they can endure more in PVE and less in PVP.

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Response to OP:


Annihilation Marauders are NOT getting a buff. BW is nerfing one and buffing another skill which in the end nerfs bleed dps of Annihilation Marauders by 5-8%. Unfortunately everyone believes what BW says without doing the math. Patchnote saying Annihilation dps will increase is a blatant lie!

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