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Everything posted by Marnik

  1. it's not fixed, and extremely annoying and frustrating. everytime it happens i write a ticket. so on avg 2-3 tickets per day
  2. force lightning channels faster, which means more dmg and subseq. in madness spec greater force regen atm crit/surge is more effective. but requires a lot of farming to get the mods (for example from rakata sets) mod swapping is also needed because of set boni
  3. With ranked PVP coming up, just wondering if DPS Sorcs will be able to compete. I'm Valor 64 atm (got to 60 before, Illum valor farming was possible). In Huttball I feel that something like 2 healers, 3-4 dps Mercs and/or 2-3 juggs would be unstoppable. ops and maras would fit in great as well. but dps sorcs maybe not as effective because of lack of burst.
  4. PVP DPS Sith Sorceror (Valor 60+): 1) Survivability vs melee not good, need electric bindings otherwise you are free loot (and even with root, it is still very hard against good ops/maras/juggs - hate ops/smugg) vs range good if u can LOS or have enough CC ready generally almost every other class will significantly outburst you, due to squishiness get used to running away (force speed, have to love it) 2) DPS = overall damage good (thru aoe), burst damage not great (can be a problem against premades) 3) Toolbox/Utility = decent
  5. hmm i did 230k in huttball with lvl 12 Jugg, it's not that hard to get those kind of numbers
  6. worst bugfix ever (-: "Companion Characters no longer occasionally appear unclothed when summoned."
  7. yeah boring map. objectives are impossible to defend except through greater numbers. no tactical play whatsoever. wish it where more like Battlefield. air strikes, multi person vehicles with cannons, better defense than just one god awful cannon in the middle of nothing. buildings oder underground area only accessible by foot etc. u can do a lot. come on it's star wars not some fantasy mmo. instead of armament boxes, why not combat droids, ah yeah because of performance issues. performance issues? as it is only about 100 people are in an instance. the whole worlds feel totally empty. it's like being a goldfish in bowl. i played WAR for two years. and while it did have it's problems there were some epic open pvp fights. i can't believe that the same devs are responsible for this crap. where is the learning curve? this is so bad, it just feels like they do not care. p.s. ok if they ran out of money - no problem. but at least give us a reason to stay and wait for new changes. what's the plan? this could be a great game.
  8. yep it's quite low. especially when in high end pvp 1vs1 (opp bm or full champ). problem is we are the squishiest class. so 1vs1 in 4-5 sec down, 1vs.2 in 2 seconds. only thing to do is run away or LOS if u can. On my server 90% of all BM Sorcs are heal. And a lot of the time I'm the only DD in the WZ. Which says a lot since in the beginning it was more like 4-6 Sorcs per WZ. Looks like Sorcs are more a kind of Support class and less damage dealers. Good opponents will just quick focus you and kill u in 1-2 seconds.
  9. /bump 3-4 hours after work for 3 win daily zzz
  10. From a Sorcerer Perspective 1 vs 1 Operative / Soundrel Mercenary / Commando Powertech / Vanguard Assassin / Shadow Marauder / Sentinel Sniper / Gunslinger Sorcerer / Sage Juggernaut / Guardian on a personal note sorcerer is the most powerful class lvls 10-49 and until enemy has full Champ. After that you spend half the time running away and the other half wondering what it would be like to have burst damage. High damage stats in WZ and kills are including a lot of aoe fluff.
  11. Leider fangen die Probleme jetzt erst richtig an. Ich kann hier kein Open PVP Konzept erkennen. Open PVP gibts nicht erst seit Gestern. Und jetzt mal ehrlich, ein Capture the Flag Gebiet wie Illum, dass an sich schon total langweilig ist, zu versauen ist schon recht peinlich. Es sind auch alle Open PVP Fehler schön drin: - multiple AOEs an einem Fleck = instant tot - Server Performance Probleme, obwohl das Gebiet instanziert ist ... - sinnlos Daily das zergerei fördert.
  12. yeah my lvl 10 stuff looked better, terrible. looks more like WOW than SWTOR
  13. Hi, ich bin Hexer im Madness Spec und spiele sehr viel und wie ich meine auch ganz gut. Dementsprechend ist auch mein Equip. Hexer machen nicht am meisten Schaden im direkten 1 vs. 1 Vergleich. Im Burst Duell verliert er gegen viele. Der Vorteil vom Hexer im WZ ist einfach seine Mobilität. Mir ist aber aufgefallen, dass es ein sehr starkes Leistungsgefälle gibt. Manche spielen Ihre Klasse richtig gut, so dass man sich auch als Hexer Mühe geben muss^^. Viele haben einfach keinen Plan wie sie gegen Hexer spielen müssen und wundern sich dann, dass Sie chancenlos sind. Man muss halt eine Taktik für jede Unterklasse parat haben und flexibel genug auf unterschiedliche Situationen reagieren. Die einzige Klasse die sich wirklich beschweren darf, ist meiner Meinung nach der Marauder. Ich glaube da fehlen 5-10% Schaden. Deswegen nerven mich diese Ganzen meist ungerechten Beiträge.
  14. The problem with creeping terror for PVP is that the 2 sec stun rarely works. The stun is what would make this DOT great. The damage from the DOT is negligible and is really only useful for PVE. For a last Tier ability I personally think it weak. In my opinion, the main problem a Madness specced Sorc has, is the lack of high crit dmg abilities. Which is why i got chain lightning (1st wrath proc chain 2nd creeping darkness) My Death Field & Chainlight both crit around 2k - 2,4k. 1vs1 against other sorcs in full madness is quite easy, especially if using purge well.
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