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Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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You can say whatever you want, but this report include, it's said explicitely, figures for the last fiscal months of 2011.


It's exactly like when Blizzzard will post it's own reports the 6th : it will include up to 31th december.


Flame me as much as you want, this is what those figures means.

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If those numbers are true.


Thats means 300,000 people did not resub




15% attrition rate - 15%!!! Thats a HUUUGE number when your talking about a business.


Nope. 85% retention is actually very good with this kind of MMO product during a launch. You can't just generalize it to "business" in general. Context matters.

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If those numbers are true.


Thats means 300,000 people did not resub




15% attrition rate - 15%!!! Thats a HUUUGE number when your talking about a business.


Actually, for an MMO it's ridiculously high. The retention rate that is, not the attrition rate.

Edited by Mekrath
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I am sure that they have 1.7 million. My question is - I am on Ord Mantell with seven other players (oops just jumped to 9 in total) on a "heavy" rated West Coast server so where are the other 1,699,992 subs right now? I have never seen the pops so low.


It's obvious! They're all on Korriban and Hutta.

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Seriously, after 37 pages of this flame who really give a flying **** ! how many people purchased the game, subscribed, unsubscribed, resubscribed, re-unsunscribed etc etc etc :D


If you like the game then go play it, but if you don't like the game then, erh, don't. SIMPLE's ! :p

Edited by Toneth
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I am sure that they have 1.7 million. My question is - I am on Ord Mantell with seven other players (oops just jumped to 9 in total) on a "heavy" rated West Coast server so where are the other 1,699,992 subs right now? I have never seen the pops so low.



-At work

-In a different zone

-On a different server

-In a different time zone



Take your pick.


1.7M subs

Approximately 300k online at all times

Across 215(?) servers


Hold your hat, this is where it gets complicated for the special people:

300 000 / 215 servers = 1395 online

1395 / 2 factions = 698 people on your faction, online, at any given time.


Go through each zone, each flashpoint, each operation, each warzone, each ship, and then space, add it all up.


You should be seeing something pretty close to 700


Your mind, it has been blown.

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Of course, companies fudge their books all the time. But explain to me how a company would fudge a subscription count? People are either subscribers or they are not. We're not dealing with any gray areas here -- not even the people still in their first free month. If they went as far as buying the game and signing up for a subscription, they are subscribers.



Clearing things up, as I love clicking different articles. From a different article.




The company launched “Star Wars” in late December, and reported it has sold through more than 2 million units of the game and now has about 1.7 million active subscribers playing the online multiplayer title, which Brown said represents a mix of users who already have signed up for a paid subscription and users who have given their credit cards over, but have not yet had their paid plans kick in.



So to clear up any confusion, this is a MIXTURE of both active paid subs and people who have "given their credit cards over"


Not saying this is good or bad, I still love those numbers. But that is the TRUTH about the 1.7mil number.



There's your answer right there. I know when I play MMOs, I enter my subscription plan right off the bat since I can cancel it anytime. People who have purchased the game and entered their CC and within their first month are counted into that figure.

Edited by Akilae
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Also, going back to something they said on the earnings call:


One million unique logins per day, and four hours of playtime average per day.


That means that over 60% of the current active, subscribed playerbase are signing in for four hours a day on average.


That's utterly unprecedented in MMO history.


It truly is .....no MMO has come even close to doing that at this growth rate we may see five million players by autumn...some people are saying that 1.7 million already beats WoW's western market.




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The company launched “Star Wars” in late December, and reported it has sold through more than 2 million units of the game and now has about 1.7 million active subscribers playing the online multiplayer title, which Brown said represents a mix of users who already have signed up for a paid subscription and users who have given their credit cards over, but have not yet had their paid plans kick in.


Emboldened for emphasis.

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-At work

-In a different zone

-On a different server

-In a different time zone



Take your pick.


1.7M subs

Approximately 300k online at all times

Across 215(?) servers


Hold your hat, this is where it gets complicated for the special people:

300 000 / 215 servers = 1395 online

1395 / 2 factions = 698 people on your faction, online, at any given time.


Go through each zone, each flashpoint, each operation, each warzone, each ship, and then space, add it all up.


You should be seeing something pretty close to 700


Your mind, it has been blown.

\considering im seeing at least 150 people on my REPUBLIC fleet every single day, and going on a planet like Taris and seeing another 60-70.. good chance there might be close to 700 people on my server at any given time.
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It truly is .....no MMO has come even close to doing that at this growth rate we may see five million players by autumn...some people are saying that 1.7 million already beats WoW's western market.





Actually, at this point I'd say it's safe to bet they're all having a beer, or two, or three.. on company dime even.. They've earned it!!

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Since my Thread was locked.







The company launched “Star Wars” in late December, and reported it has sold through more than 2 million units of the game and now has about 1.7 million active subscribers playing the online multiplayer title, which Brown said represents a mix of users who already have signed up for a paid subscription and users who have given their credit cards over, but have not yet had their paid plans kick in.

Edited by Ivyhae
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You can say whatever you want, but this report include, it's said explicitely, figures for the last fiscal months of 2011.


It's exactly like when Blizzzard will post it's own reports the 6th : it will include up to 31th december.


Flame me as much as you want, this is what those figures means.


You are wrong. The call has information from the 3rd quarter as well as what is going on now.


I was a stockbroker while you were likely still wearing diapers.

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You can say whatever you want, but this report include, it's said explicitely, figures for the last fiscal months of 2011.


It's exactly like when Blizzzard will post it's own reports the 6th : it will include up to 31th december.


Flame me as much as you want, this is what those figures means.


Again, he cannot say "current" and "active subscriptions" on February 1, 2012 and mean "those are the numbers from a month ago." Not only is that not what the words mean (provided you understand Engrish), but it would also be a falsehood to refer in February to December numbers as current. Those kinds of falsehoods can carry heafty civil and/or criminal fines and would expose the company to civil fraud suits from investors. They may polish their turds when they need to, but when using verifiable numbers that can be checked, they can't scerw around.

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You can say whatever you want, but this report include, it's said explicitely, figures for the last fiscal months of 2011.


It's exactly like when Blizzzard will post it's own reports the 6th : it will include up to 31th december.


Flame me as much as you want, this is what those figures means.


Thats not what it means. God people are thick.


Stay with me here for a second... ok I will try and make it as much in laymans terms as possible....


Game went live dec 20th... ok.... they said, and try and follow with this... at just over a month, they have 1.7million active subscriptions.



Now logic would dictate, that dec 20th - dec 31st is not just over a month, however, Feb 1st IS just over a month, and they did infact mention current ACTIVE subscriptions.


Hurray beer!

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To those jumping for joy...


Doesn't this only demonstrate how successful the PR machine behind the game was? Flash "Star Wars" just about anywhere and it'll get attention.


Sales mean nothing. Subscriptions are where TOR will prove itself a success or failure.

Edited by Dezzi
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The fact, the very fact that anyone could possibly believe that a legitimate company could lie to its stockholders and still be in business for 30 years is MIND BLOWING.


Right....keep eating that magic pill called delusional. Go look up Wall Street and to big to fail Bank bail outs for crony capitalism 101.

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