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1,490 players reviewed this game as a 5.9


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Unhappy people are much more likely to respond. If you don't like the game you feel like you got ripped off and are much more likely to voice your opinion.


But if your happy and you know it you clap your hands. Actually you don't even do that you just keep playing.


Negative ratings are too influenced by frustration for them to be accurate. People that like the game are too bothered playing it to rate it.


In short your ratings aren't much use to me.


Before you call me a fanboy I have serious reservations about it due to lack of developers abilities.


Still it has tremendous potential.

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People who like the game:

They generally vote from 6 - 10.


People who dislike the game:

They generally vote 1.



People who don't like the game drag the average score way down with their '1', now some may not like the game but it's not worth a 1, it can be a 5...or perhaps even a 4 if you really dislike it.


It's like it used to be in school when you can anonymously grade your teacher on a website.

The kiddies always vote the lowest possible scores.

Edited by SinnerD
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People who like the game:

They generally vote from 6 - 10.


People who dislike the game:

They generally vote 1.



People who don't like the game drag the average score way down with their '1', now some may not like the game but it's not worth a 1, it can be a 5...or perhaps even a 4 if you really dislike it.


It's like it used to be in school when you can anonymously grade your teacher on a website.

The kiddies always vote the lowest possible scores.


Half the people who vote 1 or 0 don't even play the games. Metacritic has been used to make "statements" by people who are unhappy with a developer. Dragon Age 2 was rated down to next to nothing the day it was released, many reviews were up before anyone had even played it.


People were pissed off at Bioware for their ads, their interviews, and everything else, so they went to Metacritic and gave 0 scores to it without ever having played the game.


It happened multiple times before that and it's happened since then. You're right it's this meme generation that thinks it's their way of saying, "damn the man!" and it's idiotic.

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You can rate it as many times as you want Metacritic is about as accurate as a Jean Dixon prediction.



5/5 – G4tv


The amount of content in Star Wars: The Old Republic is astounding. The fact that it is all incredibly damn good is borderline miraculous. We’ve known for some time that this was a tremendously ambitious project, but it’s not until digging into the game for a hundred or so hours that you start to appreciate just how damn much there is to be played here.


How is this a review? No information given on the actual game t all. A hundred hours, really? How many single player games have that and more?


9.5/10 – Ausgamers


BioWare have remarkably pulled a rabbit out of the hat with Star Wars: The Old Republic. While they haven’t revolutionised MMO gameplay as we know it, they have delivered one of the best looking, most playable and most polished MMOs in history — in fact, a level of polish you just don’t expect from the genre.


Best looking? LOL No, armor for Republic is crap. Graphics are far from what we would expect in 2011-12. This is a polished game? What happened to that list of problems from beat that are still present today? It was a great launch, this is true but this game is FAR from polished.


93/100 – PC Gamer


An achievement as an RPG and an MMO, The Old Republic offers something bold and new for gamers. Don’t miss out.


Hell of a score with no review. Good stuff. What's new? A rail shooter in an MMO?


9.2/10 – 3DJuegos


Huge, colossal and epic. Maybe The Old Republic isn’t the most innovative MMORPG out there, but BioWare has constructed a brilliantly assembled videogame. A must-have for genre fans and also for Star Wars enthusiasts.


Yea at first you get this feeling, then you realize that each planet is the exact same thing with a different color scheme.


9/10 – Meristation


While not perfect, The Old Republic is probably the most polished MMO on the day of release. EA, LucasArts and Bioware’s combined efforts brings us the best of the Star Wars universe and the golden dream of every fan of the saga. Jedi or Sith, this game blasts your brain away.


Again polished? What do these reviewers only play 1-10? Yea thats pretty smooth. Look to my earlier repsonse though.


9/10 – Gamereactor Sweden




9/10 – Vandal Online




4.5/5 – Cheat Code Central


If the idea of a Star Wars MMO appeals to you, The Old Republic will be worth the cost of admission.


not really sure what to say.


9/10 – XGN


Star Wars: The Old Republic is not an innovative game, pushing forward the concept that World of Warcraft has started all those years ago. However The Old Republic has a ton of content, big open worlds and some fantastic storylines, making it a must have game for all Star Wars fans.


Worlds are far from "big and open". There are some decent story lines but there are some that are just bad. Jedi Knight/Consular I'm looking at you. An MMO is not supposed to be so heavy based on 1 chars story. but rather everyone in that worlds story together with them all as main chars. This is a single player focused game with some multiplayer aspects.


90/100 – Gamers.at


The Old Republic focuses heavily on the story which is what makes leveling fun. However once you reach the level cap the game gets far too repetitive too soon.


So how did this get a high review? Leveling the exact same story line over and over is not fun, its boring to press spacebar on every class quest if I want to roll a Jugg when I tire of my Mara. Though to be fair MOST MMOs are repetitive at end-game.


89/100 – VentureBeat


The borderlines between MMORPGs and single-player games are not what they used to be. Star Wars: The Old Republic successfully blends engrossing storytelling with a persistent online world that can be explored alone or with other players. The character classes and the cinematic presentation do the Star Wars license proud.


One of the few I agree with.


88/100 – Ten Ton Hammer


If World of Warcraft marked the beginning of a new era for the MMO industry back in 2004, then The Old Republic will no doubt be long remembered as the title that helped bring that era to a close on an astoundingly high note.


...I hope so.


86/100 – GamingXP


Star Wars: The Old Republic is the fresh breeze the MMORPG genre so urgently needed.


I wouldnt calll this a review.


80/100 – Guardian


The graphics are occasionally stunning – with long draw distances rendering outdoor and space locations particularly effective and, so far, relatively lag and glitch free – an achievement in itself for most MMOs.


Occasionally stunning, yes. Lag and glitch free? What game are you playing. Though as I said this was a better launch for an MMO than most.


4/5 – Gameblog.fr


If BioWare can deliver a good load balancing for the real launch of the game, The Old Republic is geared up for success: the franchise works as well as we’d have hoped, the game remains pretty classical, but well-rounded, and there’s this added bonus of the BioWare games that we came to know and love: the story. Actually, Eight stories, one for each class, supported by other narrative elements for every quest. It makes for a massive content to discover, enough to remain occupied until BioWare fixes the little balancing issues, refines the interface, fixes some bugs and the like. With Wookies, it would have been nearly perfect for an MMO launch.


This is a good review actually.


8/10 – Eurogamer Italy


Star Wars: the Old Republic is a good MMORPG with lot of action and an awesome atmosphere. If you are tired of Azeroth, you´d better have a look at it. If you love Star Wars, well… get ready to say goodbye to your social life!


LOL, I have to agree with this.



So I guess my point is: most of those reviews are horrible and have scored this game too generiously IMO. It's like they only looked at the good and ignored the bad issues all together. I for one am still enjoying myself when I log in, however I find myself sitting on the Fleet more often, queueing for pvp less, and logging off earlier.


For what it's worth I'd give SWTOR a 5-6/10. Many things to be fixed, but there is still plenty of good too.

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There is a real theorem that a random variable will reflect its underlying probability over a very large sample. In this case, we're using Metacritic's user rating of 5.9: http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/star-wars-the-old-republic/user-reviews


Putting 1500 random gamers to the test with SWTOR for a month and have them rate it on a scale of 1-10. You will very likely come up with an accurate measure of the game's worth based on that many reviews. That is what we have here and that is why user reviews are far more powerful and accurate than the skewed 'paid' reviews you'll see from sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc.


Swtor's real score (I think its a bit high):






You can always enjoy this visual representation of the above score as well:



Which only means one thing...1500 people have a different opinion from mine.

And while valid only in thier own minds it has no affect on me.


Opinions are like "you know what"...everyone has one.

If someone has such a hatred of something then isn't it foolish to continue doing that something....just sayin.

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Which only means one thing...1500 people have a different opinion from mine.

And while valid only in thier own minds it has no affect on me.


Opinions are like "you know what"...everyone has one.

If someone has such a hatred of something then isn't it foolish to continue doing that something....just sayin.


But alot of people have the same opinion as you.




SWTOR User Rating:

8.32 out of 10 based on 5196 user ratings

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Metacritic always has low scores. Look at the other sites like Gamespot and IGN and such for their user scores and you'll see them much higher. It's too easy to create dummy accounts and troll vote down games on Metacritic.


But it fools the stupid. :)

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Kind of interesting that more people rated it positive than negative.


Kind of interesting that it either gets a "10" or "1". So, people either love it or hate it. What esle is new?


The only rating that matters to me, is mine.


Otherwise, what is your point?


More can rate it positive and still get a low number because on Metacritic you can rate the game 0 also. Most be rate it either 1 or 10 as you said. That alone sort of invalidates the whole thing but letting people rate it 0 more people have to rate it 10 (you can't rate it 11) to make up for the 0 ratings.


I think WoWs rating is only about 6.

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Endless maintenance and bug fixes are proof of this.


Using your logic then WoW, Aion, DAoC, EQ, EQ2, and SWG...and so on were all rushed to market.....

OMG I can remember my first days in WoW...constant loot lag...poor fps that got even worse in IF, SW, Org, Darnassas...graphical errors...falling thru the geometry.


Every MMO goes through a breaking in period..and that's a fact. You can't name one single one that was perfect without glitches on release.

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Half the people who vote 1 or 0 don't even play the games. Metacritic has been used to make "statements" by people who are unhappy with a developer. Dragon Age 2 was rated down to next to nothing the day it was released, many reviews were up before anyone had even played it.


People were pissed off at Bioware for their ads, their interviews, and everything else, so they went to Metacritic and gave 0 scores to it without ever having played the game.


It happened multiple times before that and it's happened since then. You're right it's this meme generation that thinks it's their way of saying, "damn the man!" and it's idiotic.


Well....I loved Dragon Age and was looking forward to the second one. But I watched a preview of it by one of the game leaders for Bioware and I noticed several things he said which told me to be careful and not rush out and buy it when it was released. After reading all the reviews afterwards, I feel justified in my fears. As the complaints I read about it were exactly what I feared about it. Glad I did not waste my money on it.


On this rating thing in this thread, PC Gamer just released it's review of TOR and they gave it a 93. I think it is a very accurate review. They said TOR has a long and bright future. I agree.

Edited by Valkirus
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Isn't that the same site where trolls flooded it and gave bad reviews for Portal 2 because of the in game store when it was released? The store with purely cosmetic items but they all kept saying "Day 1 DLC".


"This is entirely too much for certain Portal 2 buyers; despite holding a 95 Metascore from critics, the game's user score has been at least as low as 5.1 and currently sits at 6.0."

Source: http://www.1up.com/news/portal-2-day-dlc-sparks-metacritic-backlash


Sounds like a legit site.

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1.7 million people disagree with you.


If this were an even remotely accurate basis, you'd see retention numbers matching. TOR has an 85% retention thus far. If this were even remotely accurate, you'd see a 55-60% retention. Unless you suggest that people are rating it a 0-4...yet still playing the game?

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1.7 million people disagree with you.


If you read investor forums and stock marked reports, ( the most recent was just yesterday), shareholders where not overly optimistic about EA stock despite those numbers.

Everyone knows that initial subsciptions are usually strong and only time will tell. BW has set a very difficult goal for it self with a gigantic investment and the shareholders who are the real pragmatic number-crunchers are naturally skeptical . You may say that does not mean anything to you because you love your game, but you must know by now that in this world it is the quarterly results of companies like EA and BW which determine their commitment to a particular project.


Fortunately the official results released yesterday had put many doubters to rest and the stock which was dropping of late has rallied.


You can google it yourself but here is one of the links:





Ultimately what is the point of creating threads contra threads? In your eyes someone dissatisfied with the game is a troll and in their eyes you are a narrow minded theme park fanatic. Some people enjoy the game some people don't. Many make very constructive posts while others simply enjoy the verbal PVP - that's how it is. Ultimately if you enjoy the game so much why get bothered by a troll? Perhaps your enjoyment is too fragile and you are very sensitive to other people's opinions, in such case reading forums is not recommended as a general rule they are full of ****.


On the other hand throwing all critical posts in a single troll bag is not exactly fair either.

There is plenty of things in this game that could be improved. Personally I know I will be able to enjoy this game at least for another 4 to 6 months, on the other hand I knew from the start that I am tired of the theme park grind both casual and hardcore. From that point of view TOR will not hold my attention for longer then six months.


The simple truth is that I wish it could and therefore I post about the things I perceive as it's shortcomings. I also know that the fundamental mechanics of a theme park game automatically exclude sandbox content I consider important for a long term commitment to any game. Does that make me a troll? Does expressing my desire for a more innovative game automatically put me in a troll category and seriously hampers your own game experience?


I like BW products and I love Star Wars, lets just all play this game and enjoy whatever we can. Only time will tell if this game is successful - in one year we may all be signing a different tune...

Edited by crowncrow
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There is a real theorem that a random variable will reflect its underlying probability over a very large sample. In this case, we're using Metacritic's user rating of 5.9: http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/star-wars-the-old-republic/user-reviews


Putting 1500 random gamers to the test with SWTOR for a month and have them rate it on a scale of 1-10. You will very likely come up with an accurate measure of the game's worth based on that many reviews. That is what we have here and that is why user reviews are far more powerful and accurate than the skewed 'paid' reviews you'll see from sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc.


Swtor's real score (I think its a bit high):






You can always enjoy this visual representation of the above score as well:


The OP's link rated COD MW3 as a 2.1 based on 4500 "random gamers."






Just sayin..

Edited by Vlaxitov
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How about this. People that like the game are too busy playing and not rating a game they enjoy and people that hate it, because they went in with preconceived notions, have nothing else to do but complain and give the game bad reviews. I like the game and would rate it an 8 or so but I have been too busy with life and playing the game so I have not rated it yet. Edited by Sirspongy
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