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Everything posted by Kypp

  1. oh how I miss pre-cu swg....wish we could get a star wars mmo taht is an updated version of pre-cu swg sand box style. F2P is the end of this game and wow bores me. I haven't found any mmo that is enjoyable as pre-cu swg was.
  2. Thnx EA you've officially ruined another game. Looks like i'm gonna head back to WoW.
  3. Heck this game was rumored to be going free2play before it even launched!!!
  4. Exactly!! it looked so much better before!
  5. no you had to have resubbed by 12 central time today the 12th to get teh free month. Either a recurring sub or paid game time card
  6. cool so I cancelled my sub temporarily didn't have the money for it this month. But was planning to reactivate when I got paid.....so I miss out on the free month becuase I didn't have an recurring sub set up at the correct time. THANKS FOR NOTHING. I think i'll just let my sup run out completely.
  7. The hoods look really bad...why did they change something that didn't need it. Really annoyed by my knights hood now it looks like crap.
  8. I think it's BS too. I have 2 lvl 50's but becuase I dont ahve a recurring sub set up I lost out. I like the game but I like to have control over when I pay my 15 bucks. I usually have an active recurring account but decided to cancel so it wouldn't come out on the 20th and I could move the date back some...so now I dont get a free month awesome. Maybe I'll jsut let the sub run out completely.
  9. on the opposite side the sith have some amazing helms!! such crap. Though they'd look even more awesome if you coud put the hood up with some of those helms on the sith side.
  10. like there's no bugs in any other MMO?
  11. I think its great swtor is gonna be on there this being a great mmo
  12. Exactly! When I had a toon deleted in wow a few years ago it took them 3 months to give me my toon back.. Now they do it in a day or 2 maybe less haven't had anything deleted in a while. TBH bioware seemed quick to me. My wife bought the wrong speeder becuase it wasn't the one advertised next to the vendor. They got back to her withitn a day and told her they could replace ith but it would use 1 of their 3 restores per 6 months.
  13. how can you be against something that allows people to group faster? As of now I don't eve bother with flashpoints. Not all of us can play at peek times and many of us dont want to star over on higher pop servers.
  14. I know alot of people don't want this, but I really wish they'd add a cross server LFG tool for flashpoints heroics(maybe) and warzones similar to wow's. Being on a low pop server this would probably make me want to actually run flashpoints and make warzones more enjoyable. I was stupid and went ot a smaller server to avoid queue's in the beginning so yeah its my fualt but I ahve alot of toons on this server and do not want to start over. I don't really think merging servers is a good idea just add cross server grouping similar to wow. Just my opinion
  15. what I find odd is why does the lvl 40 pvp gear look 10 times better than the lvl 50 pvp gear for guardians? in my opinion anyway.
  16. this new CD is seizure inducing. I would prefer just a roll back to the last one atleast until they can figure out what they are doing with CD's.
  17. have you ever played other MMO's? I played WoW for 7 years and there were countless times that they "fixed" something and broke many other things.
  18. Yes I haven't had this much fun in an MMO in a very long time.
  19. Prob saving them for expansions and such.
  20. I really dont understand why everyone hates wow's dungeon finder. Why would you rather stand around spamming for groups especially low pop onse when a dungeon finder can find a group. I dont play wow anymore but 1 of the things I think they did right was the dungeon finder.
  21. I'd say this is something better since this game is alot better than WoW>
  22. It sounds like you prefer wow....so go play wow. IMO the 7 years i've played WoW it is so stale and boring and repetitive. I've levled every class to 85 except warrior and shaman. Yes you can level in diff zones but it is super easy now...and more linear than vanilla wow.(though vanilla wasn't better...sometimes you had trouble even finding quests) After 7 years of WoW I find this game so refreshing. I have a 50 inquisitor taht I play and enjoy pvp and ilum haven't gotten into the end game flashpoints yet. I find I don't have enough time in the day to do everythign I want lol. I'm leveling through some republic toons and still enjoying it. So I guess this just isnt the game for you? I for one have dropped WoW like a bad habit and I'm enjoying this for now
  23. So I guess WoW isn't an mmo either. I can get form 1-85 without grouping or talking to a single person.
  24. Wait? You'd rather it just stay broken? I think its great that they are fixing thing as soon as they can. There were too many times in WoW when things were broken they would leave it till the next maintenance or longer...which really was horrible.
  25. Your using Metacritic as an example??! ROFLMAO!!!
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