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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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its boring.


theres only so much Huttball i cant take.


crew skills/proffessions mean nothing.. (maybe biochem has an actuall use)


FP hard modes aint hard at all.. ( i wanna see a FP full of elites.not just a small handfull)


armor,s look boring and dull ,and hardly any effort put into em at all.. we all look the frikin same.


farming valor (lol) now i hardly do pvp in any other mmo ( i do some,but not alot) well in this game im almost rank 60 pvp,so basically any idiot can get battle-master gear (yes im calling myself the idiot,,im a pvp nab.


im at the point now where i log in, stand in the fleet for 5 mins, sigh. and log out, i cant even be assed to lvl an alt..


i cant stand wow,,but im so tempted to activate account and make an alt.


sorry BW but the name STAR WARS is not enough to keep ppl interested..



(no need to comment on spellings/puntuation/grammer...yes im aware and yes im from england)

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Am I? Funny, I thought ignoring people was one of the topics listed in the original post? *Checks* Yup! There it is! So, technically, I am not off topic. Good job though! You almost got me. Not really.


Just quit trolling and derailing this thread already. You are not impressing anyone (other than yourself)

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No need kid.


I know how this game is compared to others their first month online.


Sounds like you are the one who cannot stand when someone disagrees with you .... and you have the audacity to call that other guy a hypocrite.


Do I sound look, or do I look like? This game is on par with WoW when it comes to launch, and is no where near Rift's great launch experience.


Or maybe I am wrong... yeah. SWTOR announces bug fixes that are not actually fixed. This has happened in every patch since launch. "We fixed it," and then nothing from the Devs, even though the bugs clearly haven't been fixed. Warzone daily is a fine example.

Edited by Parali
rude, already warned
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Almost everybody in this thread says "no". Future of the game doesn't look so bright it seems. :(


Did somebody say f2p?:eek:


If by almost everybody you mean it is 50-50, yeah, almost everybody...


Also, the forum responses are pretty meaningless in determining the outcome of the game since a tiny percentage of the players actually come here.

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Yes. That being said the game is not perfect but a lot of my concerns have been addressed and are coming down the pipe in future updates (UI scaling/customization, legacy does nothing etc.) the speed of those things coming down the pipe will determine which side of the fence I stay on. It would be really silly to me to say no and then keep giving BW my money.
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I love this game in it's current state, and am having a blast playing it.


Is it perfect? No. But I have yet to find any game that is.


For those who aren't enjoying it, find a different game. No point in wasting your money on your subscription, and no point in wasting your time on these forums either.

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I am between a Yes and No. The game is desperately thin in some area's. Rerolling seems to be actually the major bulk of the end game. Right now the game needs acontent and it desperately needs to fix the single player feel the game has.


I have a new appreciation for games like Rift. That game felt like an MMO right out of the box. though it had horibly bad flat spots in its leveling process the end game was extremely fun and much more thought out then TOR, PVP is light years ahead of TOR's.


Thoug i think TOR had a great launch but It feels like a half finished game . they polished up bolted together and put it out the door. It needs much more content and if they are gonna market Rerolling as their endgame they should have put the legacy system in at launch. right now it has potential but zero longevity in its current state.

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