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SWTOR was promising. I liked it untill now.


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To all the fanboys who jump down everyone's throat every time someone mentions WoW, let people vent. They are making post like this because they want the game to be great. They want to play it for years like they did with WoW. Like it or not, WoW is still THE MMO to be compared too.


The only way this game will improve is feedback from the community. I'm sick and tired of every time someone criticizes this game, there are a flurry of posts by fanboys such as:


"This is perfect! BW is going to herald in the second coming of Jesus and can do no harm! Go back to WoW. How dare you say something that could improve this game!"


want the game to improve? use the actual feedback features. want to cry like a little kid and get attention cos mummy deosnt hug you enough? come to general forums.


and please dont make yourself look stupid by claiming to know why everyone posts everything and their motivation behind it. you do not. i strongly doubt you know why YOU post what you do.

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My biggest problem with Bioware/SWTOR is that they made a game identical to WOW that is in any aspect less aside from story line and voice acting.

Not trying to bash the game but well that's how it feels.


- Customer Support is straight out terrible


- Servers in the Eu are in Ireland (one of the worst places) the server lag is insane even with a proper connection.

Let's ignore the down times for the GMT +2-GMT +3 countries, but yeah they shafted the Eu pretty bad.


- Lot's of bugs, 1 month further and about every raid boss has some weird bugs/glitches.

Loot not dropping.

I've yet to see a raid where bosses did not bug out.


- Warfront still not counting wins.


-Crash bugs/memory leaks and what not.


- Basic features left out and being used as a 'promise' like a combat log or a UI that isn't garbage.


-Ilum is well 'special',.


-Horrible performance and optimization.


- Pr talk about ' game doesn't support high res textures and still no proper AA'.

Sure I can force it but that's besides the point.


All with all the game is worth playing for the story, but I honestly don't see SWTOR reaching those 2-3 years it needs.

Sure Vanilla WOW was a circus as well, but back in those days it did a lot of things right where other companies failed.




Bioware ,well they copied WOW and not the good things mind you.

I would have loved something new or fresh, but if you are out there to copy WOW then do it right.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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Sure has become that. Shame BW decided to go the same direction.


Are the cutscenes really that distracting that you can't see how obvious it is that they've taken this game in the same direction WoW's been headed down since 2007ish?


Have you really not encountered the various empty decisions contained within them that make you realize the whole system is completely devoid of any meaning beyond the immediate visual effects? The cutscene could be of a scene from one of the movies, for all the value it adds to the content.


Actually, that sounds pretty interesting. It would certainly enhance the tedium of running dailies.

Edited by Ansultares
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Why would I play those games if I purchased this game for £40. I quit this game today and made this post to show people why I have changed from protector to attacker. I wanted this game to be great and it simply wasn't. If they improve it fast I will come back. But other than that there is nothing special about this game other than leveling and that only lasts at most 8 times. (for each class).


So I will restart my subscription for either WoW or Rift today or tommorow. I hope bioware see this and understand why I and many others are leaving.


How can any game keep up with someone who races to the level cap in a week?


The answer is, they can't and don't try too.

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and please dont make yourself look stupid by claiming to know why everyone posts everything and their motivation behind it. you do not. i strongly doubt you know why YOU post what you do.


Dont insult posters thinking you know what they're thinking! Oh, btw, i know what you're thinking, and its nothing.


Yeah. Really killing the logical arguments there, bud.

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Not surprising since the game is mainly designed for casual game players. The leveling process is the main feature in the game at release, but more will come later. For most casual gamers I expect just getting to 50 would take a few months and would make the game a successful entertainment purchase. Obviously, if you level to 50 in under a month, things are different.


This is one of the biggest challenges for any MMO designer. Design it for the level-to-50-in-under-a-month crowd and the depth of leveling experience is gone, and the focus is on repeatable systems with carrots at the end of each one (Raids, PvP grinds, etc.). Design it for the casual crowd and you want to make a deep, action filled, emotionally engaging leveling experience and augment that with less time intensive end game activities (crafting, companions, minigames, etc.). Obviously this game tends toward the later, much to the chagrin of the hardcore MMOers that think every MMO must conformt ot he prescribed gameplay formats established by EQ, WoW, et al.

Edited by Drallbait
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Why are people still unaware that this game requires you to play alts.


They didnt make 8 class stories so you could do endgame raiding 24/7.


Sorry but the last thing you want to do in an MMO is replay the same planet again with 1 quest chain different on each planet.(class story). It doesn't work that way. Also the single player aspects of green phases where you would enter by yourself, take control of the building by yourself, the republic would move in and take control of the place, you would then go outside and see imperials defending the place???? Failed phasing much? I mean why take over a position and be told its been taken just to walk outside and see that it clearly hasn't. Or the imperials standing outside didn't see the army of republic enter and take over the position?


Learn to phase. Make phasing world scale for real MMO experience.

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- Servers in the Eu are in Ireland (one of the worst places) the server lag is insane even with a proper connection.

Let's ignore the down times for the GMT +2-GMT +3 countries, but yeah they shafted the Eu pretty bad.


i play from new zealand. on usa servers. ping 150 or less. your connection is not good, or your idea of LAG is wrong. very wrong.

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As for SWTOR being social.


It's not so bad on Empire side where you got a lot of people on the space station looking for a group.

Mind you it is either stick there or do dailies and well have no tool available to find groups.


Even better social points are bugged for some people, one month further and still the same deal.

No realm forums either.


The whole 'no LFG tool because it is not social' can be translated to ' We know better'.

Sadly they haven't solved many problems so I guess doing it better is just doing nothing.

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"I got to level fifty about one month ago from now and I couldn't stop bragging about how amazing this game was."


Fun with translations:


"I ruined the game for myself by rushing through it."


To be clear, "play less of our game" is not generally an indicator that BW did a good job.


Those with their fanboy goggles on seem to keep throwing that out there; really?


The Best MMO's continue to reward you if you pass over some arbitrary "you play too much!" line.

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Reasons why WoW's PvP was enjoyable:

-They had years to improve, add BGs, arenas and whatnot.


Reasons why WoW's PvE was enjoyable:

-They had years to improve, learn how to better handle loot distribution, encounters, how long should it take to farm tokens and whatnot.


Reasons why WoW was enjoyable:

-Back when it started, the standards for MMOs were low. Really low. Don't let the EQ fanboys fool you, you either lost your soul to that game or you were ****. WoW pretty much molded how MMOs should be nowadays, specially how it became viable to casuals(larger market at the cost of game quality...aka BC>wrath/cata)


Reasons why Rift was enjoyable:

-Its WoW with a ****** armor/weapon designer.


Clearly one CANNOT learn from other people's mistakes. That would require additional effort after all :>

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Well done ToR community! Well done!



If you dont like the thread ToR is that way ----->

So shut up and stop complaining about people that are trying give constructive criticism.


see that is the wrost post i have ever seen on swtor general forums. when you bashers stop hiding behind the false idea of "constructive feadback" and accept you are just trolling and causing trouble and trying to get attention, the better things will be. as i posted before. it is WELL KNOWN that this is NOT the place to post your feedback. there are proper ways of doing that. any post in general chat claiming to be constructive criticism is not.


the reason this post is so bad, is that you try to claim that NON players have MORE right to these forums than PLAYERS. that is just pure insanity and shows how deluded you are.

Edited by Darth_Pants
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I got to level fifty about one month ago from now and I couldn't stop bragging about how amazing this game was. I was on these forums daily trying to fight away the people who hate this game and making suggestions for end game. Quite simply you can call me blinded and obsessed. I couldn't face denial that this game actually is bad.


Here I am now then telling you why I dislike the game and seeing if I can relate to those who back up this game that had promise but has lost it.


1) PvP:

PvP was promising. Huttball was new and enjoyable (imo) and the other two warzones were attractive and easy to get used to. However after playing these same three warzones over and over with no differentiation is a drag. Especially having to get to valor 60 for the best gear simply either farming rare empire kills in illum (I say rare because each one I attack has 5 people on back-up behind them) or farming those three warzones alot!!


"Why can you not play this game just because you enjoy playing?" I did enjoy playing but come on, be logical. Doing the same three things over and over simply doesn't maintain it's excitement.


2) PvE: Just flashpoint after flashpoint and the only reason to do it is for the gear piece at the end to be traded for columi. No decent gear any other way. Flashpoint drops were terrible. Took forever to find a full group even tho its only 4 man. No reputation gains to buy gear from reputation vendors etc. Just a boring one way street.


The reasons behind why WoW was enjoyable with PvP

  • Dueling in durotar/elwynn added competitiveness against own faction. Cannot happen here because there is no dueling area within 10 seconds from the main part of the fleet without going through a loading screen.
  • Arena. Yes arena added excitement to PvP and added competition. I enjoy competition and therefore is why SWTOR has lost its edge for me. No matter how much you hate arena it is still better than anything SWTOR has to offer at this moment. It consists of rewards if you are good and is not dependant on others. It feels personal to you making a team. Just endless hours could be spent trying to increase rating and the feeling of winning was great.
  • Ratings for arena and battleground groups. Added competition and elitism. Made the community thrive in a bad or good way. Depends how you think about it.
  • Battleground were alot larger than SWTORs and added an MMO feel to it. Mounting included.


The reasons behind why WoW was enjoyable with PvE

  • It didn't just involve token rewards from dungeons. The actual gear from dungeons was useful. Made people have a sense of excitement when killing a boss waiting for loot to drop. Wasn't free access to token gear at the end of each dungeon.
  • The token grind for gear that was worth XXXX amount of tokens wasn't long. It was only 2 weeks of lock time or so. Compared to SWTOR this is short.
  • One of my favorite features of WoW when it was in WoW was the daily heroic where you had to kill a specific boss in a specific dungeon.
  • Dungeon finder was easy to use and using it gave rewards.


The reasons why WoW was enjoyable

  • Community was larger and auction house was thriving. Had an actual economy. Felt good.
  • Events that took place when events took palce in reality. E.G christmas events that gave you decent rewards from doing christmas stuff or valentines day etc etc.
  • You could re-do you characters hair style at the barbers.
  • Professions felt great once they were leveled to the max. Felt like you achieved something.
  • Fishing, Archaeology, First aid etc
  • You could attack the enemy cities. Also attack towns and cities alone as long as you avoided elites because guards were only normal mobs. In SWTOR guards are champions for most places.
  • Flying mounts
  • Quick travel with portals.
  • Daily quest zone had dailys close together and it interacted with opposite faction. So it could also be pvp. Zones were small and easy to complete. Not a drag. Illum daily area doesn't have much zones shared with imperial and is quite the drag in illum.
  • Guilds had reputation/amazing rewards for being exalted with guild. Heirlooms to level alts with. Mounts etc.
  • The ammount of gear varied massively and it wasn't allways the vendor gear that was the best. Unlike SWTOR where you can only rely on vendor gear.


The reasons why Rift was enjoyable for me (I played no part in pvp so I have no idea what it is like)

  • Frequent world events / updates. Rifts opened and invasions happened where community would group up.
  • Zones were shared with opposite faction at higher level instead of split into two halves.
  • PvE gear was aquired only from bosses. Vendor gear was not necessary the best gear again. Also crafted gear was good and there was crafting daily/weekly.
  • Crafting was updated frequently
  • Training dummys
  • Multiple currencys from rifts. Allowed purchase of gear that could be used at end-game level.
  • Reputation mounts.
  • Reputation
  • 10-man instances were completely different to 25-man. 10 man rifts were available and 5 man.
  • two tiers of dungeon at launch.
  • and more!


I like and agree with what you said. I can only reply with a quote from one of the greatest Jedi Masters/Sith Lords that I respect - Kreia


"Learn from me, my mistakes, and use that knowledge to become greater than I. That is all I desire. In you all my hopes rest, for the future, for the Force."


Maybe the devs should, for once - kinda novel, you think?! - listen to the ppl that actually play the game instead of locking their lazy selves in an ivory tower believing nothing is wrong...

Edited by DarthSublimitas
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Sorry but the last thing you want to do in an MMO is replay the same planet again with 1 quest chain different on each planet.(class story). It doesn't work that way. Also the single player aspects of green phases where you would enter by yourself, take control of the building by yourself, the republic would move in and take control of the place, you would then go outside and see imperials defending the place???? Failed phasing much? I mean why take over a position and be told its been taken just to walk outside and see that it clearly hasn't. Or the imperials standing outside didn't see the army of republic enter and take over the position?


Learn to phase. Make phasing world scale for real MMO experience.


I have a 41 Bounty Hunter .. 50 Smuggler ... 25 Consular ... 32 Juggernaught ...


You stated in your OP that you, (To Paraphrase) "Have thoroughly enjoyed this game till now". So basically you're stating that you loved the leveling experience ...


Well I can personally tell you .. After making multiple toons and experiencing the same zones once or twice ... They don't feel the same ... And your class story is what feels like it's controlling where you go and what you do, even if it isn't directly linked to the side quests...


Don't give some crack-pot dumb excuse saying that "You think the zones will be boring a second time round" .... If you haven't bloody well tried it then you can't knock on it for "Not being Fun".

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To be clear, "play less of our game" is not generally an indicator that BW did a good job.


Those with their fanboy goggles on seem to keep throwing that out there; really?


The Best MMO's continue to reward you if you pass over some arbitrary "you play too much!" line.


Welcome to the business world. Every business values customer feedback. If you walk in telling businesses they are going to fail because of X, X, X and generally carry an irrational attitude you are going to get shown the door.

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this is pure gold. absolutely fantastic. this is why the forums are full of this crap. its the same ppl posting over and over, claiming they are unsubbing, when infact they simply burned out hard and need to go the hell outside. if you lvld to 50 in 2 weeks mr op, you NEED TO GO OUTSIDE.


Yeah, as soon as he claimed was was a former delusional fanboy I looked at his post history as well.


He was never a fanboy, he was never vigilantly defending this game. In fact most of his posts are either about what needs to be added to the game or ************ about something that is wrong with the game. I guess he didn't realize that Bioware added the search feature and that people would be able to see that he wasn't being honest.


Furthermore, his post wouldn't much anyway because someone who goes from extreme high's about something to extreme lows in a short period of time isn't someone you should be looking to for opinion or advice about a game.

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To be clear, "play less of our game" is not generally an indicator that BW did a good job.


Those with their fanboy goggles on seem to keep throwing that out there; really?


The Best MMO's continue to reward you if you pass over some arbitrary "you play too much!" line.


The best MMOs or the best of anything for that matter cannot be crowned in a month. That's just silly.

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So, go back to WoW or Rift.


Stop complaining, go do what you enjoy doing.


I see you totally missed the point altogether. The OP was making a valid comparison between games and instead of using a modicum of logic to differentiate you use emotion to make a comment that is completely illogical and has nothing to do with this discussion. I call troll.

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Quite simply you can call me blinded and obsessed.

Just like every ToR fanboy lol



You came onto the forums to give your ideas in a constructive way but because of how emotional the SW fans are (can't blame them, this game is feeding the money hungry tyrant known as George Lucas... SW: TPM? 3D????? what the crap George) they won't give you the light of day or acknowledge your opinion.


I mean... one of the most basic things like character race models and Bioware screwed that up. Nothing but humanoid. :confused:

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He actually makes valid points. I believe its called 'Constructive Criticism'.


Merely pointing out where this game can improve.


If it was going to copy wow and rift these are the main things Swtor missed out, sadly some are extremely hard to repair.


you're absolutely right but the ppl here have their heads shoved so far up their assets, they can't see the light of day, just a transluscent brown tint...

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