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Terribly bad idea : NPCs with lightsabers


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Hello people ,


I have noticed a particular detail that bothers me , which in my opinion hurts the starwars "feeling" offered by the game : some of the NPC's are using sabers !


I can't believe this : flesh raiders with sabers, droids with sabers, justicars, etc. At least Tython and Coruscant are full of random mobs using sabers !


Wondering whether the people who designed those NPC's did watch the Starwars movies ...



The lightsaber is the weapon of the jedi and sith . Noone else uses lightsabers. This is cannon knowledge. Period .

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Hello people ,


I have noticed a particular detail that bothers me , which in my opinion hurts the starwars "feeling" offered by the game : some of the NPC's are using sabers !


I can't believe this : flesh raiders with sabers, droids with sabers, justicars, etc. At least Tython and Coruscant are full of random mobs using sabers !


Wondering whether the people who designed those NPC's did watch the Starwars movies ...



The lightsaber is the weapon of the jedi and sith . Noone else uses lightsabers. This is cannon knowledge. Period .



Lore is trumped by Affirmative Action and Quotas.

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The movies are something like 3,700 years after the events of the Old Republic. Bioware made this **** up so they can do whatever they want really.


But it's reasonable to assume things change over time. 4 thousand years ago we didn't play video games and waste time on forums all day did we?

Edited by mSum
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Hello people ,


I have noticed a particular detail that bothers me , which in my opinion hurts the starwars "feeling" offered by the game : some of the NPC's are using sabers !


I can't believe this : flesh raiders with sabers, droids with sabers, justicars, etc. At least Tython and Coruscant are full of random mobs using sabers !


Wondering whether the people who designed those NPC's did watch the Starwars movies ...



The lightsaber is the weapon of the jedi and sith . Noone else uses lightsabers. This is cannon knowledge. Period .



This post is right up there with the worst of them.

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Geez : it's not possible to express an opinion (actually a disappointment) because the vultures swarm around the victim shouting "troll troll troll".


Vibrosabers ? ok, they are a bit different.


But from the fighting point of view it is no difference when duelling against a NPC with lightsaber compared to someone with "vibro"-saber . It's just a minimal visual difference.



Whether Grievous can be considered a sith. And there were a few droids with lightsabers (indeed i forgot about them). All of them were elite level .


This is my problem : a jedi is duelling against elite enemies . It is weird to duel against ordinary mobs.


I said what i wanted to tell.

Edited by Tigrakis
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Ok, going off what was in the very beginning of the first KOTOR game, in case you haven't played it:


Vibroswords and vibroblades have a cortosis weave in them, which is why someone with a vibrosword or vibroblade can attempt to put up a fight against a Jedi or a Sith. Cortosis is resistant to lightsabers - repeated usage can damage them, but it's not an instant "you cut my blade with one hit!" stuff.

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Geez : it's not possible to express an opinion (actually a disappointment) because the vultures swarm around the victim shouting "troll troll troll".


Vibrosabers ? ok, they are a bit different.


But from the fighting point of view it is no difference when duelling against a NPC with lightsaber compared to someone with "vibro"-saber . It's just a minimal visual difference.



Whether Grievous can be considered a sith. And there were a few droids with lightsabers (indeed i forgot about them). All of them were elite level .


This is my problem : a jedi is duelling against elite enemies . It is weird to duel against ordinary mobs.


I said what i wanted to tell.


The only enemies that wield actual lightsabers are jedi/sith.


Everyone else is using a vibroblade.


The fact that you can't distinguish between the two, and came to the forums to complain about something that you didn't even bother to figure out before hand, is why you got the "circling vultures". People tend to enjoy pointing and laughing when someone rants about something that's factually inaccurate.

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Geez : it's not possible to express an opinion (actually a disappointment) because the vultures swarm around the victim shouting "troll troll troll".


Vibrosabers ? ok, they are a bit different.


But from the fighting point of view it is no difference when duelling against a NPC with lightsaber compared to someone with "vibro"-saber . It's just a minimal visual difference.



Whether Grievous can be considered a sith. And there were a few droids with lightsabers (indeed i forgot about them). All of them were elite level .


This is my problem : a jedi is duelling against elite enemies . It is weird to duel against ordinary mobs.


I said what i wanted to tell.


Your "point of view" is irrelevant when they are clearly using a viroblade, or training saber. Just because you have a hard time telling the difference isn't the game's fault.


And FYI, star wars cannon isn't limited to just the movies.

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Vibroblades aren't Lightsabers, they don't even cut like Lightsabers. They're plain ordinary swords that are built to be resistant to Lightsabers. It's long-established Canon, and was featured prominently in KoTOR.


The reasoning behind the widespread use of them in KoTOR was because of the huge numbers of Jedi and Sith walking around, especially since blasters often did **** all against them. If one came up close and started attacking you, a Vibrosword is your best bet at surviving, since most Jedi and Sith don't wear armor. It's only natural that 10 years after the Sith Empire clearly returned, and there are more Jedi and Sith than ever, that ordinary soldiers would carry and be trained in the use of Vibroblades.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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Geez : it's not possible to express an opinion (actually a disappointment) because the vultures swarm around the victim shouting "troll troll troll".


Vibrosabers ? ok, they are a bit different.


But from the fighting point of view it is no difference when duelling against a NPC with lightsaber compared to someone with "vibro"-saber . It's just a minimal visual difference.



Whether Grievous can be considered a sith. And there were a few droids with lightsabers (indeed i forgot about them). All of them were elite level .


This is my problem : a jedi is duelling against elite enemies . It is weird to duel against ordinary mobs.


I said what i wanted to tell.


welcome to the jungle it gets worst here ever day...


and yes there is a big difference between Lightsabers and VibroBLADES .

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Note: Vibroswords are not lightsabers.

There is one Flesh Raider that actually has a lightsaber and that is part of the story. The rest of the Flesh Raiders use either Virboswords or Training Blades.

The same goes for all droids and the Justicars. They use Vibroswords or Training Blades, not lightsabers.



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