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  1. Why would anyone hate you? The only thing, that's a little annoying, is the fact that we get onyl 4 body types to choose from. I mean I get why they did it back then, but more options are always better. At least when it comes to character creation.
  2. Yesterday I had a few mails in my mailboxes which sent me my missing gear, which obviously was accidentally deleted. Also all of my companions had their trousers missing, which I thought was kind of odd, but those were either in my inventory or attached to said mail. So maybe you guys will get your cosmetic gear the same way.
  3. Well, let's talk profit and use only the official numbers as reference: First there were 2.4 Millions sales for an estimated average of 60 USD each, which means they grossed 144 Million USD from box sales only. Then there was at least one months with 1.7 Million paying subscribers, which adds up to 25.5 Million USD and lastly three months with at least 1.3 Million subscribers, which means additional 58.5 Milliion USD revenue. So all in all they made at least 228 Million USD in their first four months, which means they have earned the costs of develeopment and have broken even fairly fast. I don't know if that's enough for EA to keep on funding the game, but at the moment it seems to generate a steady income and supposedly earns its costs, so why wouldn't they?
  4. I've subbed for 6 months and I plan renewing that subscription, if the game keeps captivating me the way it has.
  5. Yeah, I like that one, too. It's obvious that our descisions can't make an impact on the persistent world, but those letters give them a little more meaning.
  6. I loved Hoth and Belasavis, because Hoth just feels like you'd imagine Hoth. If anything this planet is way too small (same goes for Tatooine). Also Belsavis feels like it should: it's a prison planet and thus it's big and confined. On the other hand, I didn't like Quesh much and I don't care for the city planets much either. But that's just me, I guess.
  7. I have fairly good computer and I have no FPS-issues whatsoever.
  8. Right! How DARE they not to develop a compliemtary program for underrepresentated phone-OSs? And while we're at it: Where is the Symbian-version?
  9. The only thing that is considered "noobish" is keyboard-turning, i.e. not using the mouse for movement at all.
  10. You could bind TAB to "Target nearest enemy". It's an option and it works fine for me.
  11. Well what do you expect? WoW has had a huge influence on the MMO community and since some people actually WANT this game to be WoW with lightsabers, it's only natural that they just project their language to TOR. It's also a smart move, because this way they don't have to overexert their cognitive capacities and are able concentrate on the really important issues, like complaining about missing features.
  12. I quite liked Diablo 1 and 2, because back then the idea of Hack'n'Slay RPGs was new and fresh and Diablo 2 took the whole thing to the next level, but I never finished another one of those after D2 and i tried some of the better ones like Titan Quest or Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance. That said: I'll propably buy Diablo 3. I might not do so directly when it comes out, but I will eventually. But I don't see this as a real MMO or a substitution for TOR. It's just another single player game, I'll play on the side. As for GW2: I'm already playing 2 MMOs (TOR and LotRO) simultaneously so a) I don't need a third and b) I haven't seen anything about GW2 that really makes me want to try this.
  13. Good for you. But if you don't intend to discuss, then why start a thread? Just venting a little rage there, eh? Don't worry: Your secret's safe with me.
  14. Also ganz ehrlich: Ich kann dieses Bedürfnis danach die Avatare anderer Spieler um sich rumhüpfen zu sehen nicht so ganz nachvollziehen. Ich meine auf den meisten Planeten ist zur Primetime eigentlich immer genug, so dass man für die heroischen Aufgaben meistens eine Gruppe findet, wenn man eine sucht. Die Flotten sind eh gut gefüllt, wenn man Lust auf Flashpoints hat und dann gibt's ja immer noch Gilden. Somit ist die soziale Interaktion eigentlich immer gegeben. Wenn ich aber alleine oder in einer Gruppe unterwegs bin, dann ziehe ich aus den Spielern um mich herum keinen besonderen Mehrwert. Die sind halt da und entweder klauen sie mir im schlimmsten Fall die Questmobs, oder im besten Fall helfen sie mir, wenn ich mich übernommen habe, aber im Endeffekt käme ich auch super ohne sie aus. Wie gesagt: Ich habe nichts gegen soziale Interaktion. Das ist sogar der Hauptgrund, aus dem ich MMOs spiele, aber dafür brauche ich keine Avatare andere Spieler um mich herum.
  15. No, that's correct. You can queue one ability while the GCD lasts. It's actually a neat thing, but you also have to add that LotRO's combat is way slower than TOR's. That's not a bad thing, mind you, I still love LotRO, but you have to take this into account, if you want to compare the combat-systems.
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