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Wz win still not counting


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Dear Bioware Programmers.


Please accept my advise.


I am not some sort of programming wizz, nor am I a seasoned game developer.


However, I would advise that you take a short brake from ruining your already flawed PVP system and at least fix basic issues such as quests not completing in PVP and Operations.


Since your recent patch where you claimed you were fixing these issues, I have won 4 WZ matches, none of these have counted towards my quest.


Also thanks for the 30% healing reduction in PVP, I think I speak for the whole republic faction when I say that you have truly helped our efforts in Illum, now we have less people and less healing capability ;)


I do not expect a response, just a mob of trolls. However raging and saying nothing makes me feel worse.


Well said.


Or how about this...rather than keeping track of "wins", since this is OBVIOUSLY too difficult to do, keep track of WZ's PLAYED! Make it 5 vs 3, 15 for the weekly.


This is by far one of the most DAMAGING bugs IMO. Players are doing their best to gear up and people sit with 5/9 wins in their weekly, not because they've lost a crap ton, but because SO MANY do not work!


Come on...this needs to be fixed TODAY! Just credit everyone who queues for a WZ for all I care...ANYTHING beats the currently flawed system and your utter lack of customer service support.

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Why do they claim it has been fixed when in fact, it hasn't? Same goes for claiming that the bonus missions were deletable. Yeah, first thing I saw was a greyed out Abandon button. I like Bioware, I dislike dishonesty. It might be wise for them to make 100% sure that everything works because people figure this stuff out anyway and spreads like fire.
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This is by far one of the most DAMAGING bugs IMO. Players are doing their best to gear up and people sit with 5/9 wins in their weekly, not because they've lost a crap ton, but because SO MANY do not work!




Yeah...as a sniper trying to use crouch/cover all I can say is: HAHAHAHAHAHA.

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So I benched my main for the last 2 weeks for nothing since they have still not fixed this? :mad:


I'm so *********** sick of BW not doing what they say they are going to do. I'm really close to just not playing this game anymore, which really makes me sad. Please BW please just fix these issues

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Really? Fortunately, this didnt happen to me yet again.


But... *** ... I mean... what are you doing Bioware?


People are reporting halts in their game every 20-30 secs since this patch, cooldown problems continues, both issues iarent fixed as announced, ability delay continues without any change.


I am so surprised by the depressing and sad performance of the Austin office that carries Bioware's name. I mean, BW's credibility gets smacked every time they patch :/ Patches are supposed to be something that carry the game progressively forward; BW is suceeding in NOT doing this.


Im so surprised, and "internetz sad ":(

Edited by Soulaufein
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Also make sure you uncheck the requeue button on the scoreboard.


I've had it where I untracked the mission and did the auto queue and it didn't count.


I uncheck it every time and as long as it's not being tracked my wins count.


Pretty pathetic that a game breaking bug this bad goes this long without a true fix.



This specific issue has been the reason for many sub cancels I'm sure.

Edited by JackalDark
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bug hasn't been fixed, as pointed out.

Pretty sure the fix was for mission reward, not quest credit.


I think he hit the nail on the head. There were 2 bugs. One which prevented people from getting credit for the quests (this one has *not* been fixed) and one which prevented people from getting the rewards for simply completing a warzone (this one apparently *has* been fixed).

I'm not saying the bug for quest credit isn't important or anything like that. I'm just saying that they never said the quest one was fixed yet. They have not lied to you.

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