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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The 40 Year and Older "Professionals" Guild


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I'm 51 and I think this is a great idea and I would love to join you all.


OKay. I will create a character on Sith Wyrm.. alliance.. named Annij. Please someone invite me to the guild when it is created!! I LOVE THIS IDEA :D




Edited by GinaGV
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Playing follow the leader! I have rolled a consular on Sith Wyrm, name of Rosi. I have always played healers, but there seem to be an excess so dps or heals. I am ..... old. Played WoW for 6+ years so I think I am a good team player. A random invite would be fabulous - the first I will have ever accepted one! Or however you want to work it.


Definitely looking forward to joining everyone!

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44 yr old IT manager, play a Jedi Sentinel on Mask of Nihilus


Wouldn't mind rolling something else, but just started a new job at a five-star resort in Utah and won't have any time to play until I can hire a component assistant and get the both of us up to speed to provide decent coverage.

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I would actually be under the age limit (34) but ask my wife, she says I act like I'm an old man (no offense to old men) and would love to feel like I am with other mature people. Currently on Master Zhar Lestin (or something like that) but not max lev so open to rolling anywhere.
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Just rolled a Jedi Consular, Illandred, last night on Sith Worm and cracked 10 this morning sometime. Going Shadow-Tank with him.


A tank in light armor... Never tried anything like this. Should be interesting!

Edited by Dreddmon
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Rosi here. Trying to get an invite, but I can't find this guild. It may be that I don't know how to find you, but who and the guild name gets me a list of everyone in the area. It's hard to join without some contact people or mail system to connect us. I am level 14 now, on Sith Wyrm. Am I on the wrong server?


Hope to connect, but good luck with the guild regardless.

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Rosi here. Trying to get an invite, but I can't find this guild. It may be that I don't know how to find you, but who and the guild name gets me a list of everyone in the area. It's hard to join without some contact people or mail system to connect us. I am level 14 now, on Sith Wyrm. Am I on the wrong server?


Hope to connect, but good luck with the guild regardless.


/who guildname is bugged. Click on your planet name, click on the who tab if its not automatically open, type in the guild name in the little search area at the top of the window, click on the magnifying glass. That should give you the guild members online.

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52 and can start a toon just about anywhere except PVP server. I currently play on the Harbinger because it's the unofficial Aussy server. I haven't tried a east coast server yet so i guess now is a good time. I'll start a Jedi on your server and search for someone in the guild for an invite. :)
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To anyone trying to find us ,please log onto Sith Wyrm republic and in the chat pane type

/cjoin older that will put you into our chat channel from there you will be invited into the guild .

Obviously once invited we will use guild chat, ventrilo or skype.Take your pick


You may not have found us earlier because I was waiting for a response from bioware in regard to character transfers .So as soon as I had clarification there would be no transfers I set about getting to lvl 10 along with others from the thread.


I reached lvl 10 today and the guild was born "The Older Republic" I can safely say the launch would put bioware to shame lol smooth as a babies botty.


Within 2 hours of launch we had 15 members ,each member has the same rank and everyone has equal control and say in how this guild functions .To get an invite you have to have read the thread to know about the chat channel so there is an automatic invite from any member. we can leave the channel open until we feel a need to cclose it .


If your comfortable playing in an over forties guild then come on down.


Thankyou very much to all the members that have made this happen .

Edited by overunitee
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I have rolled a Consular named Oldtimer...


Ah and I saw you too in game, I even made mention in guild chat, does that name ring a bell to anyone? It would seem with a name like that, the person belongs here. :D


Did anyone get you into the guild? If not, join our channel by using this command-

/cjoin older and then we'll get you in.

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45 year old software engineer from Sweden.


I played EVE for a while, and Star Wars Galaxies for a couple of years until they changed it to make it easier for the kiddies - no fun after that. I joined swtor beta late but at least got in for the load test weekend :) Loved it since then.


I have never been in a guild, usually play by myself (i.e. I seldom even group with others) and have so far shyed away from PvP, all for the same reason: There is always a bunch of kids that destroy my enjoyment/immersion in the game. I have nothing against kids in general, but I think you know what I mean.


When I saw this post I thought immediatly that this might just be the thing for me. Soloing is fine with me, but it is an MMO after all :)


I rolled a new Sage (my first character is a level 43 Sage on Luka Sene, and I have a couple of others at lower levels) on Sith Wyrm this weekend, mainly to see if it was playable from Sweden. No problem there. 130ms latency, but the game is still faster than me ;)


I'm really glad you went Republic. I'm not a hardcore role-player, but I do like to play my characters according to my own oppinion of how they should act in any given circumstance, and quite honestly I have a hard time with that for my Empire characters. This may be contested by those who know me, but I guess I'm just too nice a guy to be an emp :)


Not really sure I will actually join, but I do aplaude this initiative!

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I'd roll an alt over there but US time would mean you're all in bed when I'm playing, so not so good for me ;)


Do it, you may be surprised. These things have a way of gathering momentum. Easy enough to roll an alt and get a few levels real quick :)

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