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Everything posted by Dreddmon

  1. First off, THANK YOU for this guide! Just got my Healer spec operative to 34. Only in the healing tree right now, but leaning more towards the 31/10/0. Feels like it might fit better. Never done any pvp-ing but since starting to play on a pvp-rp server I'm getting thrashed by folks in pvp kits way too often. pve gear just doesn't seem to be up to the level of the pvp gear I'm seeing. So, figured I'd just dive in blind, get my head handed to me repeatedly then slowly figure things out. Not so much now. Still need to get the feeling for the "rhythm" for the playing the character, but this gives me a major head start! Thanks again!
  2. Just rolled a Jedi Consular, Illandred, last night on Sith Worm and cracked 10 this morning sometime. Going Shadow-Tank with him. A tank in light armor... Never tried anything like this. Should be interesting!
  3. Hello, 46 years. Currently have a Jedi Guardian and Imperial Agent on Girradda the Hutt. It's an East coast server but I'm dead center, flyover country, in the States. I'll re-roll where ever. Also play fairly late at night. About 11pm to 3am, -ish, CST.
  4. Wow! 46 year old SysAdmin in the Financial Industry for the last ten years. An industry almost as beloved as Lawyers now, I believe... I always scan the forums, but hadn't stumbled across this yet! Glad to know I'm not as odd and alone as I thought. Well, at least not as alone! Met the wife in high school because I went to a party to check out a new gaming system, Intellivision, and she was at the party. Nothing to do with the game, just there with a girlfriend. Saw "A New Hope" in the sixth grade and didn't breath until the start destroyer cleared the screen... I really DID find where I belong! EDIT: Actually had to log on, just to post this! Usually just read!
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