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It's sad to see so many people unhappy with this game


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Its so strange, sometimes I wonder if I'm playing the same game. everytime I log on I have fun doing something, whether its warzones, flashpoints or questing. I never really stood around like I did in WoW and jumped on top of the mailbox for a while and then logged off. So I just dont get why people are so critical of this game. Are the existing bugs really enough for you to be unable to have fun? I really dont get it.
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Because 95% of the current MMO community truly have no idea how a launch MMO plays. They're all WoW spawns that started playing around BC.


You mean 95% of the actual 3% of the whole playerbase :)


We all know its 95% haters or trolls here

Edited by Mercia
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Its so strange, sometimes I wonder if I'm playing the same game. everytime I log on I have fun doing something, whether its warzones, flashpoints or questing. I never really stood around like I did in WoW and jumped on top of the mailbox for a while and then logged off. So I just dont get why people are so critical of this game. Are the existing bugs really enough for you to be unable to have fun? I really dont get it.


It's the performance. It's very poor. Stuttering, lag and such.


Now, what makes the problem even worse is that it's inconsistent. While some players with extensive knowledge of how computers work, with high-end systems are getting poor performance, other people with medium to even low-end systems are doing fine.


Bottom line -- TOR is poorly optimized and people are very upset about it.

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Its so strange, sometimes I wonder if I'm playing the same game. everytime I log on I have fun doing something, whether its warzones, flashpoints or questing. I never really stood around like I did in WoW and jumped on top of the mailbox for a while and then logged off. So I just dont get why people are so critical of this game. Are the existing bugs really enough for you to be unable to have fun? I really dont get it.


I don't get it either and I've experienced plenty of bugs. Sure some of them annoy me but not enough to whine about em.

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And people only really complain if they are ticked off about something. Most people are just passive if everything is fine.


The truely constructive feed back has some thought behind it whereas most of the posts here are WHINE WHINE WHINE EPEEN WHINE WHINE I DON'T KNOW WHAT PROGRAMMING IS WHINE.

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It's the "forum crowd" too. Attitudes are much better in game from what I've experienced.


I for one, really enjoy this game.


Forum crowds are always doom and gloom on my server people who bring up wow or say the game is bad a trolled, sometimes kicked out of guilds lol

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Complainers are usually the most vocal. WoW spoiled a lot of people, yet if you go to the WoW boards, there are still people that complain there. Don't let it get to you. The average player is enjoying themselves and understands MMOs take time to get off the ground and find their way.
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I am pretty much entirely happy while playing the game. But it does not mean I am oblivious to certain quirks and quibbles that currently exist in the game. People focus on the negative more frequently. Also on forums like this, there will be a tendency to just see a more negativity than positivity, as opposed to an equal balance of positive and negative posts.


I understand that Bioware will probably try to fix the glaring stuff in due course - but I suppose a lot of people are impatient or just don't care.


What can one possibly say to these people to reassure or appease them? Sometimes I think nothing can be done. They either grow some patience for when the fixes will be coming in, or just move on.

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I played EQ1 for 4 years and I am unhappy with this game.


You know there are exceptions to rules, but in general you know I am right. Most people who moan buy the game and never intend on subscribing and they think all games are worse than the last.

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Don't worry, it's just the toxic forum community.

A good chunk of players actually enjoy the game for what it is. I personally have fun everytime I play and I think Bioware is doing a pretty decent job with fixes. It's not a polished game by any means, but I wasn't expecting polished content when I pre-ordered. It's still a baby, and it needs time to grow. :)

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You know there are exceptions to rules, but in general you know I am right. Most people who moan buy the game and never intend on subscribing and they think all games are worse than the last.


Well, yeah, but you did use a blanket statement and I have a tendency to not be part of the blanket :p


I think the problem most people have, as stated above, is that this game really didn't bring much to the table. Voice overs are great, but they get REALLY OLD the 4th time around. Class story voice overs are fine! Cause it's actually unique dialogue (mostly) for each quest.


Rift at least gave us world events. :p

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Totally agree with the OP.



I'm having a blast ingame, and so are most people I come across. Yet the forums are completely awash with disgruntled, whiney, or trolling posts.


Things is - they have to pay to post here. Pay to be disgruntled, whiney or trolls. I don't get why they waste their time and money.


Just a a side note - I needed to find out something, so I started speaking to a random toon ingame. It ended up in a four-way female /clubdance ..... because we were having were having fun spamming emotes while chatting, and others got involed.



On the forums the same behaviour - asking a simple question - usually turns into a flamewar.

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The problem with MMOs nowadays are those type of players.


The expectations of a pristine, bug free, perfectly balanced, game that launches with absolute unlimited end game content where everyone can get gear in a 2 days.




THEY are what's ruining MMOs.

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It's not any different on any official forum for any game I've played. I mostly tune it out. Usually I prefer fan sites, because the atmosphere is better. You might have one or two people who feel the need to haunt those forums for months or years after they quit, looking for attention, but overall it's a less hostile atmosphere.
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Bottom line -- TOR is poorly optimized and people are very upset about it.


People say that about every single game that is being released. It's not about optimization, it's about the huge variability in computer builds. It's one of the downsides about playing on the PC, always has been.

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