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Don't ding 50! The pvp is much better 10-49.


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OP makes one good point. I've already PvP'd enough to get mostly Champion stuff, so while I'm not as strong as those BM players, I can usually outplay the bad ones and not get squashed but going from 49 to 50 is such a brick wall. I didn't enjoy PvP at all while getting gear because I couldn't kill ****. I literally slashed at other characters who ignored me because my grits were doing like 200. THAT is frustrating. Highly frustrating. Idk what can be done about it but as this game starts to get older and older, new players getting into PvP are really going to hate it.


This post is so full of fail it hurts.


Champion is every bit as good as BM. It's a FOUR RATING DIFFERENCE. 2 end and 2-3 mainstat per piece. THATS IT. Couple that with the fact that the enhancements and mods in the Champ gear are usually actually good instead of complete crap like BM gear, and OFTEN TIMES, the CHAMP GEAR IS BETTER THAN BM GEAR.




You can roll into a Warzone day with 14k HP just from getting epic gear from daily quests. You can be in full centurion in a day.

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I didn't read through all the posts because it's essentially another whine thrad, but didn't BW mention that fresh lvl 50's in patch 1.2 will be able to buy a starter pvp set for credits?

Something called Recruit? In fact I just found it here:



Edited by Spero-Mcgee
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can't compete? don't like challenges and people that know their class? be king lowbie!





What the hell does this have to do with what the OP said, 12 year old kid??


If you´re the skilled L33T, u can show that on the lower bracket....the 50 bracket is all about who has the better gear and most expertise to back them up.


I completly agree: the 10-49 bracket, with its lvl 49 boost on everyone, is the most fun one to play, no doubt.


When u reach lvl 50 u just stop having the same fun on pvp.


You start a long, painful and massive grinding to get the best gear possible, so you can actually start having some fun and not just serve as meat shield.


Thats effing ridiculous.


You have to spend at least a month grinding like a MOFO and doing hundreds of warzones to get your BM stuff, and even that is not certain, given the bags drop rate.


Thank god that in 1.2 that BS will end, it was about time.

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Most people are running full champ these days which is about 5% worse than bm especially since everyone uses champ enhancement's. If you are complaining about getting stomped by player with full bm gear then it has more to do with your lack of skill than gear disparity.


90% of new 50's are bad, I can tell by watching them play it isn't just gear. But then horrible players tend to enter warzone's with the worst gear because they are too dumb/lazy to update their gear from the gtn/dailies. These same players makes threads like this complaining about gear when really its a combination of the 2.


Of course you are going to get stomped if you queue up with 12k hp, stop sucking and learn to play rpgs, update your gear the best you can. This is what good players do.


"Skilled" players not only know how to fight but will try to boost their stats the best they can.


I assume anybody whining about how gear disparity undermines the "skill" of the game is bad, not because they are wrong because they are kinda right. But rather because good players wouldn't be whining at all.

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I started PVPing on my main after I had dinged 50. It was a slow process but I eventually reached War Hero rank with full Battlemaster gear, am now waiting for Rated WZs, and am generally enjoying the competition very much.



Tried to pvp on my lvl 27 alt yesterday. Played about 6-7 matches...


On one Voidstar match, my entire team didn't know how to cap doors.


On a Huttball match, 5 members of my team just pranced around our goalline and our pit chasing each other.


On an Alderaan match, all 7 of my team members just charged at mid, leaving me (Sniper) to cap and defend East on my own. I was attacked and lost it, no reinforcements at all despite my multiple incs, then they were all blaming me that I cost them the game.


That last one was probably when I realised I was about done with 10-49 pvp. "Fun PVP" my lower intestine. Give me level 50 strategic matches with competent teams over this noobish roflstomp any time of the day.

Edited by KaL_InvictuS
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Funny OP is complaining about Expertise/gear gap @ Lv50 bracket...


But he enjoys being Lv49 and towering over kids who don't have all their abilities. You think the Expertise gap is bad, how about you play @ 49 with no talent points? lol, see how fun that is.


The only reason you find the 10-49 bracket more "fun" is because it requires less work. If you were any decent you would understand that it doesn't take much effort to get gear @ Lv50. Its nice to live long enough to use your abilities and win with finesse instead of the faceroll deathmatch mode that we call the 10-49 bracket.

Edited by Tyraelium
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Seriously when you hit 49 just stop leveling, stop questing, stop doing flashpoints and quit warzones just before they end, this way you can stay 49 forever.


Why you don't want to ding 50:

- Ilum is terrible

- Warzone queues take ages to pop.

- Kids in full bm/champ gear run around nearly invincible farming new 50's thinking that their op expertise gear=skill.

- You don't have to worry about stupid fail rng bags.

- You will be the king of the 10-49 bracket.


my mara alt had over 400 experise at fresh 50 after getting champ ear piece and 2 cent pieces from initial bags bought with 1000/1000 saved coms which made it suck a lot little less. Due to twinking him properly he had over 300 expertise at level 49...


if you are smart you can make yourself viable at fresh 50.

Edited by crustie
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It's an RPG, of course gear is essential,what you are looking for is an FPS.


actually not really


Warhammer Online originally had only very small stat and bonus upgrades on the next set up which were nice but not a game breaker by any stretch of the imagination, people were still competitive and fun was to be had. Then the great sea cow herself, Carrie "who ate all the pies" Gouskos and her moronic dream of killing a MMO.


They revisited the top set and dropped in crazy powerful set bonuses, then they increased the renown cap and added a whole bunch of hidden levels and rr90 and rr100 gear sets which were just idioticly overpowered. Then they gave the gear out for free.


SWTOR apparently cant see how she devastated one MMOs playerbase as enacted the exact same thing, players in Battlermaster can herp derp all over ungeared/PvE geared players and now they are removing the valour requirement taking it one step beyond WAR.


They have lost track of what a MMO is supposed to be and are just pandering to the ADD generation console kiddies who wont even be here in a couple of months as they chase the next shiny. Sadly the MMO pvp players wont stay either because its all just a huge fudge up.


That said Planetside 2 is looking really good at the moment and GW2s server V server V server PvP is sounding awesome.

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only an absolute coword would say this any anything close to it u r a new lvl 50 not i hit lvl 50 im gana be like the rest grow some balls at lvl 20 i can kill lvl 49 cos of stupid buffs what u r and peopole like u r called a squatters npeople that sit on a certian lvl cap to play pvp to gain what advantage u can exsample they have lvl 20 to 29 war zones lvl caped u would stay at lvl 29 rather then go to lvl 30 cos u hate not being the winner i have no respect for players like u what so ever go and cry else where and i have lvl 50s as well its called work not gimmie and after 1.2 u will get the gimmie attude any way so shut up u will still suck cos u have no skill
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only an absolute coword would say this any anything close to it u r a new lvl 50 not i hit lvl 50 im gana be like the rest grow some balls at lvl 20 i can kill lvl 49 cos of stupid buffs what u r and peopole like u r called a squatters npeople that sit on a certian lvl cap to play pvp to gain what advantage u can exsample they have lvl 20 to 29 war zones lvl caped u would stay at lvl 29 rather then go to lvl 30 cos u hate not being the winner i have no respect for players like u what so ever go and cry else where and i have lvl 50s as well its called work not gimmie and after 1.2 u will get the gimmie attude any way so shut up u will still suck cos u have no skill


Believe me when I say I'm not being mean, but that looked like one of those puzzles where you circle the words inside a jumble of letters.

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only an absolute coword would say this any anything close to it u r a new lvl 50 not i hit lvl 50 im gana be like the rest grow some balls at lvl 20 i can kill lvl 49 cos of stupid buffs what u r and peopole like u r called a squatters npeople that sit on a certian lvl cap to play pvp to gain what advantage u can exsample they have lvl 20 to 29 war zones lvl caped u would stay at lvl 29 rather then go to lvl 30 cos u hate not being the winner i have no respect for players like u what so ever go and cry else where and i have lvl 50s as well its called work not gimmie and after 1.2 u will get the gimmie attude any way so shut up u will still suck cos u have no skill



Holy hell. I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine, his name is Punctuation. His buddies, Grammar and Spelling, would also like to chat to you.


But apart from that I completely agree with you. At least I think I do.

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Yeh dont ding 50, try and stay in the 1-49 bracket where you dominate all the time, because you can't handle having people do to you in the 50 bracket what you do to people in the 1-49.


Lol, why do some scrubs pvp in the first place.

Edited by Pvpingwithnoobs
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From an RP-PvE server, where pvp player are usually the dedicated ones, I would say that pvp is mostly about strategy and means of communication.


Team that are on a vocal server can overcome nearly anything if they have a godd strategy (and opponent team is not on vocal).


Why because they can focus effectively in the middle of figth without stopping fighting to put a target or type a name.


And people should remember that solo queued are added to complete 4-player premade.




Expertise is clearly not the problem, when you see war heroes going into warzones with 300 expertise and the rest in rakata gears because it is more effective that going at 650/700 expertise with full battlemaster gear). Gear is the problem, partially, not expertise. Vocally coordinated team are a lot more pain in the back when you encounter even if they are "only" in champion gear.

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