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Everything posted by Delrusant

  1. PvP, level 50 bracket, Kessel Run voidstar Solo queue warzone republic team againt imperial team with at least 5 main healers (meaning equivalent of force shield, full lightning capacities and bounty hunter long range offense. This type of game is completely uniinterseting and one sided whatever gear and skill you have in a Pick up group (solo queue) and no voice over to be able to focus We republicans were attacking (and it would be worse in defense du to "door time") The result is we all chose to leave the game (too bad for those joining after ward) but playing 15 minute to not even be able to hit someone sonstently (stun, and spatial skills), well no one wants that. You really need to work on allowed team compostion for solo queue before any ranked solo is made available. posting ticket here as most of them are just skimmed over and forgotten by the CS (or at least that is the impression I have over tens and maybe hundreds of tickets made)
  2. The chance on materials is not cknown (or not diffused to the community). You at least get base material corresponding to the type of craft (light armor in synthweave give artefact fragment) you can get both base material (green) you can get base + supplement (the one you can buy at the merchant next to the trainer on the fleet) you can get base + blue, base + purple, base+supplement + blue, (I do not remember I you can have base+sup+blue+purple) getting blue back has a lower chance of happening and purple even lower (even getting supplement back is not that higha probability may be equals to blue)
  3. It is annoying and contrary to the patch but only if you manage to tell a way to exploit it will most of the customer service do something. You just have to do another ticket and hope to fall on someone that really tries to do his/her best in CS.
  4. one thing changed : medals If there is not enough healer to cover all the "groups" the healer as to move to the action, the healer then neither receive defending nor offensive medals and does not get to the 8 medals threshold (casual healers). Solo healer in a team of 8 is bound to get targeted by all even pug, whereas 3 or more healer result in loss of focus on healer by pug because there is more than one target. But there is also the other phenomenon (played a match yesterday, 4 full healers and 3 self heal on republic side; 3 full healers and 4 self heal on imperial side) It was on the voidstar and was totally boring, nothing got killed no bombs placed. Something must be done considering medals for healers (once again) but also considering max number of healers on "solo queue" (team queue should be balanced because a team of healer may do well but against another voice team will have a lot less fun and chance of wining a lot lower = alderaan they would need to get the turrets first, they could not retake them; voidstar they may not plant a bomb, huttball depends more on spatial abilities than heals and novare coast is like alderaan but a bit more full healer team friendly.
  5. I have not managed, depending on the orange, putting a mod in and RE-ing may give you the schematics (campaign gear at least). Other are not RE-able at all (Social). For the non cites you have to try until the bug is resolved (and then if empty is no RE-able then schematics of the piece won't exist).
  6. Why? Because PvP is not a one on one game, Here are facts : Watchman has best dps 1vs1 and so is liked by player with team that concentrate on other thing or for solo queue players. Zen will heal the group (at the cost of no trancendence) Combat has the best antikitting for player who want to only focus on range classe, but they are melee class (especially jugernaut/gauardian specced in dps) that will destroy a combat. Combat is only effective in pvp. Concentration has the best AoE damage and resistence from shi-cho and is considered easier to play. But then many of you talk of solo "duel" of sorts when the pvp is all about group tactics in swtor. Play a huttball, as a sentinel if you are not rooted/slowed, bumped, "grapplinated" then the game is a dream. But otherwise you will get frustrated by being thrown all the way down, or having lost your jump because of a grapplin... The only 1vs1 situation is when player do not play the game or try to escape to get to a place to recover outside combat (or by powerup) On alderran it is the best class to annoy 1 to 3 player for taking the point of control right from the start, but otherwise there are no 1vs1 situation if players try to win and not play counterstrike On the voidstar, the few 1vs1 are usually resolved by defensive reinforcement or stealthing away. (or players being distracted from the goal by staying back). On novare I have not experienced this warzone enough, froma sentinel point it is closed to alderaan in gameplay but with stealth shadow / inquisitor (the one than can repetedly stun you from stealth) being really bothersome (just need to remove on little bar to slow the team down without removing the defenser)
  7. Do you remember the time wwhen healers got no medals ? well they corrected it by adding the kills from the player healed to their stats, and healers were happy and could focus pn healing. Now, have you seen the number of medals of the casual pvp healers???? No objective points mostly? Why because they heal from afar and so get no attack point or for defense they have to run from one point to another to help and get no defense point. Many healers stopped because of 1.2 nerf. But now many casual healer will stop PvP ( the team one know how to get the medals) because they are getting sh.... reward once again. Godd design bioware. Defending point are very easy, just stand next to a point of control of yours. - You are bored well too bad for you go attack for the 3rd point you will get speed medals. - What you have only one point of control or 0? Too bad for you attack points are nearly only given if you take the point not if you attack relentlessly close to the control point, you loosers will stay loosers
  8. HI everyone, well despite a bug report reply telling me all was working as expected with the sensor (low to no critical on synthweaving compare to kira who has the same bonus). When a friend of mine told me that he sent a ticket because the bonus was not appearing in the crew skill window (like for other companion, you see hteir bonus). His ticket reply got a "yes it is bugged". So as always the customer service is a marasm of opinion instead fo real facts (I even ad to report a posssible exploit by making a post on the general forum to get it notice after 3 tickets with response like "here are you materials", "no we can't confirm it", "not enpugh information"...). I am posting my observation here maybe it will get a feedback. Kira has a +5 to synthweaving critical. Due to orange demand I bought the critical sensor for C2-N2, theoritically gaining him a +5 archeology efficiency (did not check if the time was reduced) and a +5 synthweaving critical (did anyone remark that some profession are rewarder with no criticall sensors?? don't expect orange weapon with augment slot to get cheaper any time soon). After a week of tries Kira was still getting me an orange with augment slot at a mean of 1 every 5 pieces made, and I got none out of 25 from C2-N2 the only thing he crit-crafted was 2 blue augments but at the same rate than companion without crit bonus in synthweaving were doing for blue augments. Well it is posted now, it may not get any response but at least my conscience is clean.
  9. I have never tried and it has not be mentioned in patch note apart from campaigne gear. I would say no (especially when you take the cost of crafting lots of purple to have a tentative chance of getting orange. From game tooltip there is no research available on purple carbon fiber (tier2), tier one I can't check as non of my three were RE-ed to get all tier2 schems
  10. you can get wrist and waist exo(tech) schematics in operation (hard mode EV/Kar or story mode Denova) that are bind on equip and can be sold (the other armor pieces are bound on pick up Right now the biggest synthweaver earner are orange critically crafted and augmentation (depending on server) blue 22 one are cheap to make and can be sold for 25k easily (as purple are sold at 125 to 200k)
  11. As for pvp orange gear, they can be RE-ed right now by putting a mod into them (even an armoring might mod 2 or resolve mod 2 from an alt). These give rank 6 material despite the mod. Where as purple war hero gear if emptied into orange, cannot be RE-ed unless you put a mod in them but the material given is dependent of the mod (so rank 1 if you put the might armoring mod 2)
  12. I do not know why healers are crying, they may be more focused, but they are still qui hard to kill 1 on 1 except for classes with enough interrupt. Maybe the crying healers are those going with PvE gear into PvP? If theyr are light armor character they loose 50% damage reduction compared to PvP geared healers (full rakata versus full battlemaster).
  13. SW:ToR Melee dps : strength, accuracy, critical, force power, surge, power, 1.2 EXPERTISE and their return For you information, a full rakata sentinel going with full battlemaster gear in pvp, goes from 24.72% in damage reduction to 43.07% damage reduction against level 50 players. (kinetic and energy) damage go from 766-919 down to 680-835 to which you add 22.48% which result in 832.8-1022.7 with datacron relic 766-919 down to 692-845 to which you add 21.76% which result in 842.6-1028.9
  14. Donnée 1.2 expertise ajoutée, les autres revues. LE tableaux et les graph sont en anglais. Les point à noté, outre la puissance, c'est le critique qui souffre moins du retour sur investissement diminuant au delà s'une certaine valeur. L'expertise est un must en PvP, et un ultra must pour les joueurs en armure légère et moyenne. Comparé à un sentinel full rakata, 3547 index de défense, 24,72% de réduction de dégât contre un adversaire de niveau 50. Le maître de combat (rang 60 pvp) aura une réduction de dégat de 18,35% supplémentaire (donc 43,07% de réduction de dégat cinétique et énergétique. La défense n'influant pas sur les dégats élémentaux et internes. Les dégat pour le meme sentinel passe de 766-919 à 680-835 auquel on ajoute 22,48% qui donne 832,8-1022,7 avec la relique datacron 766-919 à 692-845 auquel on ajoute 21,76% pour donner 842,6-1028,9
  15. Post and googledoc updated with some new values, analysis and 1.2 expertise values For you information, a full rakata sentinel going with full battlemaster gear in pvp, goes from 24.72% in damage reduction to 43.07% damage reduction against level 50 players. (kinetic and energy) damage go from 766-919 down to 680-835 to which you add 22.48% which result in 832.8-1022.7 with datacron relic 766-919 down to 692-845 to which you add 21.76% which result in 842.6-1028.9
  16. [quote=AshlaBoga;4075526 Accuracy.... sort of sucks to be honest. It's supposed to insure that your melee hits don't miss but it's not as important as so any other stats. An apparté, if you are a dps level 50 and planning to do hard level pve content then accuracy in a resonable number is a must (to not miss by a roll from your caracter only from a defensive rolle from the opponent). But accuracy while leveling is not really interesting. Any one know if the empty orange inability to be RE-ed is a bug from intended 1.2 or if it is normal (I am loosing so much material to craft oranges for the guild and friends to get critical one, my stocks are dwindling fast and no one sells archeology material right now)
  17. From the patch note I thought that orange schem could be RE-ed but empty orange are no RE-able and with mods in they only give mats, there is no red nor green message in the tooltip. For now I would say no to your first question (but schem might be found by mission of appropriate level, check the galactic market)
  18. Hi I am still wondering how you will ever make ranked solo game work without balancing roles. Another warzone completely lost because our team had one heal versus the opponent teams having 3 heals. I do not mean to be pessimist but it should really be limited to queued group as so many advanced class can fullfill more than one roll and you never know if the player is a tank, an heal or a dps.
  19. Yesterday post patch I got 4 T2 RE from level 49 redoubt in 13 tries. You can still have bad luck but the percentage is up and there is no already known schematics (the main problem the 4% RE was not really a bother, the known schematics was). It is announced at 10% at the lowest (so I would say level 49/50 T1 to T2 RE)
  20. j'adore les CD defensifs sentinelle / maraudeurs, ils sont clqauez, tu stun,slow, immobilise pendant 6 secondes (1 de moins le renouvellable sur degat subit) et apres ca tombe. De plus si le sjoueur sentinel/maraudeur fait sont boulot (aller chercher les heals caché au fond) en general ils se font focus donc deboiter. Je suis d'accord que focus les gens au milieu de la melee, on survie. Aller attaquer les heal derriere qui font gagner le BG a l'equipe adverse, la c'est plus dur de ne pas etre en carton (surtout quand vos chers amis s'amusent à aider vos adversaires a sortir du stun de masse en leur faisant des dégats avec des AoE).
  21. avec juste une soirée de test sur le up de la sentinelle en PvE (opé, combat long). C'est pas un up, je fais peut etre autant de degat mais pas sur, j'ai nettement moins de ressources (j'en consomme plus) je suis donc obligé de faire des coups basique qui ofnt pas mal alors qu'avant j'en faisait tres raremen. La spé concentration a perdu les reduction des coups, la reductions de cool down, on a up ma transcendence en combat (affecte le groupe entier) mais on l'a nerf en meme temps : plus de talent qui rend du centrage d'où au lieu de trancendence quasi permanente et inspiration quand up grace a la skill de remplissage de centrage, maintenant il faut choisir (surtout pour boss non tank-able ou avec attaque sur tout le monde). Si je lance inspiration trancendence sera absent sur totu el debut du combat, si je focus transcendence, up toutes les 30secondes au lieu de 10/15 secondes (et pas d'inspiration car skill remplissage centrage utilisé pour maintenir transcendence). Niveau PvE combat long = perte de l'efficacité de la spé concentration sur le groupe, classe redivient "solo" (utilisation de zen pour maintenir un dps potable), ou reste support du groupe à coup de perte de dps. En PvP, j'ai pas eu le temps de tester, mais les coups ressources me font penser que burst plus gros, si combat pas 1 contre 1, à + de 10 secondes de combat moins de degat par seconde (sauf si point dans rendu de ressource par le buff defensif que j'ai pas car je suis majoritairement PvE avec tank), enfin juste les mauvais joueurs ne laisse pas passer les 6 secondes du buff avant de reprendere le dps grace a stun/kite. La sentinelle reste toujours aussi vulnérable à toutes les habilité spatiales (bump, grappin, immobilisation, slow) surtout utilisé juste à l'arrivée du saut de force.
  22. I am not leaving warzone because i am losing, I am usually leaving warzone because my queued solo team refuse any strategy or any "wait for the other team to come". When you have two turrets on alderaan and 3 or 4 players go to assault the third, ecasuse of this you loose a turret and generally did not win one -> one time is ok, 2 or more, I am leaving, they may win the match, but it not for me. On hutt ball, I rarely leave because even if you team is clearly outmatched (due to no strategy or vocal team on opposite side) you can still bother the opponent by yourself and the matches gets short. On voidstar, as a melee player, if there are 5/6 inquisitors, andno heal in my team, I am leaving because I will die without doing any damage nor do I have any chance of defending/or planting a bomb. Otherwise on the voidstar you can't really say the team is bad, it can be a good distraction on the other side, it can be an out dps-ing and everyone blocked behind the door. The only real time I may leave is when they are two premade in the opponents and they pull (and manage) a defense high up (far from the doors) because then you don't have event ime to try to reach the doors or to group your team for an assault.
  23. I just want to say are you playing 1 on 1, 1 on 1 are not balanced as stated multiple time by bioware, the factions are balanced. Sniper are bad???? what a lie. If you have melee players in your team and you tell them to keep the melee oponents grounded you can either focus the healers to stop them healing hteir melee or you can shot down the melee and then everyone moves onto the ranges/healer. When will you crying people discuss strategy with your premade or pick up group? Yes I am a sentinel and when I can get to a sniper one on one, I destroy him, but I get destroy one on one by an operative with initiative, I can't kill a healer one on one (match is infinite, no winner). Tanks are so long to kill solo that going after them one on one is not worth it. 1 vs 1 is not swtor, it is street fighter or such game (soulcalibur...). swtor is all about teams and strategy when players are closely geared (meaning should be cool with 1.2 entry gear for pvp). If there is enough melee or tank to protect the ranged and healers in my team, I am usually going after ranged/healer of opposite team, healer is clear enough why especially if there are more healers on opposite teams, ranged? beacuse they mow the melee from afar (sniper can destroy me in 5 seconds top if I am in a melee match, bounty hunter with their missiles is no better, lighting is not worth mentioning ^^). So try to take into acocunt the whole faction effect, try a melee class, a healer or a tank. See the other roles for yourself or reroll in the opposite faction. Then you will see that not all is rose for the others (or just dissect the warzone report, how many time you died, how many time opposing dps died, healers, tanks...) Except in cleary disbalanced game due to advanced class disparities or absence of strategy (or vocal server for one side) match are usually balance in those. The game can even be won by the lowest score team (usually when opponents are playing to kill and not for the objectives).
  24. From an RP-PvE server, where pvp player are usually the dedicated ones, I would say that pvp is mostly about strategy and means of communication. Team that are on a vocal server can overcome nearly anything if they have a godd strategy (and opponent team is not on vocal). Why because they can focus effectively in the middle of figth without stopping fighting to put a target or type a name. And people should remember that solo queued are added to complete 4-player premade. Expertise is clearly not the problem, when you see war heroes going into warzones with 300 expertise and the rest in rakata gears because it is more effective that going at 650/700 expertise with full battlemaster gear). Gear is the problem, partially, not expertise. Vocally coordinated team are a lot more pain in the back when you encounter even if they are "only" in champion gear.
  25. Just my piece from a level 50 sentinel. I despise the force leap and equivalent sith warrior leap, because the effect is a stun (and not a root) and stops your run completely while your resolve bar is up. Then as a melee player I despise the "root" not counting for resolve because, I have one attack at 10meter and that is it, it is much more incapacicating than for range classes. Ranged classes only have to use their 2 minute CD stun breaking capacity for effective stun, melee player need to use it for stuns and for roots if they want to be useful. As for grapplin or bump being effective despite resolve being running, that is the game design, grapplin as a long cool down so you should be able to pass the ball, bumps are just damn crazy against melee in huttball because it leaves you out of the fight as you usually used your jump/charge to get to the fight so it is on CD. (ranged can still fight from their bumped position or just by moving a bit). The problem is more in huttball (and voidstar bridges) than in pvp fights. (the civil war is not marred by those spatial abilities, they can be useful to avoid a tower tag but they are not overpoxering those without. But then when I play a range class I despise the transcedence of the sentinels (50% more speed for 10 seconds) combined with their guarded by the force and awe (mass stun going through fire and speed...) meaning that if the grapplin is on CD or bump people are not up there or defending (force leap) then you have just taken lost this point. Meaning that all classes have something "gamebreaking" for otther classes in huttball but the pvp is quite balance as long as team are quite balanced. (meaning healers on both sides/ ranged on both side or none, not 5 or more of one class - can be good for on warzone, bad for another and usually leads to boring game because there is not many strategies for the opposing team if they have 5 from one advanced class - especially the dps only one)
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