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Hit Piece or Hard Truth?


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Good review is written, flood of posts 'Yeah! Awesome! Good work Bioware!'


Bad review is written, flood of posts 'Garbage! RAAWR LOOK AT HIS GRAMMAR! He's just one guy! He doesn't know what he's talking about!'


You guys know you didn't design this game right? So quit defending it like you did.

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Good review is written, flood of posts 'Yeah! Awesome! Good work Bioware!'


Bad review is written, flood of posts 'Garbage! RAAWR LOOK AT HIS GRAMMAR! He's just one guy! He doesn't know what he's talking about!'


You guys know you didn't design this game right? So quit defending it like you did.


Look IM certainly not a fanboi or staunch defender of this game. but its not a good review. He rails about the press rails about how the game is failing and loosing subs. Points out one fairly true aspect of the game and then makes claims that he fails to back up with evidence.

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Good review is written, flood of posts 'Yeah! Awesome! Good work Bioware!'


Bad review is written, flood of posts 'Garbage! RAAWR LOOK AT HIS GRAMMAR! He's just one guy! He doesn't know what he's talking about!'


You guys know you didn't design this game right? So quit defending it like you did.


On the same note: No one is forcing you to play it. So, quit crying about it like they are.

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So random guy promotes his blog through Technocrati and that gives him credibility how exactly? ANYONE could write such a blog, and it's not as if he presented any real facts as to why it's a "sinking ship".


Most people I speak to IN GAME are happy. Of course they complain about some issues, but nothing game-breaking.

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I just signed up today. All my friends are rabid and want to play this game. There is huge intrest from everyone I know. Including females. The game has been out for a month. I just quit Runescape and I have never played wow. Im an adult and a network tech. I love this game. All my 30+ yr old friends want to buy and play it. Most of them just want some time to pass so they can buy new ivy bridge and video cards in April. This game is not going to fail with the starwars name attached. The bugs will get fixed.


And most of all im happy that it plays great on my laptop with 2.4ghz core2duo and Geforce 9600m gt 512mb 6g ram 5400rpm HDD. I wasnt sure if it would.


Who cares what other people say? Play if you like, dont if you dont.


Some guy not liking this game means nothing to me.


Oh and this is my first post. Hello all. :)

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I read it and its nothing more than an opinion that I read everyday on these forums. The naysayers who want this game to fail.


You know what I see most complain about in the game itself. The disgusting state of the forums and how many of the real players have quit reading them because they are sick of being called fanboys etc for sticking up for a game they enjoy playing.


Grammatical errors aside. The blog poster saying BW are not listening to the community is basically rubbish. A lot of bugs have been fixed and will continue to be fixed as time goes on. With a lot more content coming in the following months.


No bug I have encountered so far breaks this game for me. I have one of each character on both sides, I have played more or less everyday since this game has been released on early access and will continue to do so and I know I am not alone. Even paid for a six month subscription.


Stop with the negative c*** already and either go and play the game or bugger off. Most of the posts in the general forum are never constructive. They are just opinionated rubbish and I don't know about you guys but I am sick of reading them.

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I read it and its nothing more than an opinion that I read everyday on these forums. The naysayers who want this game to fail.


You know what I see most complain about in the game itself. The disgusting state of the forums and how many of the real players have quit reading them because they are sick of being called fanboys etc for sticking up for a game they enjoy playing.


Grammatical errors aside. The blog poster saying BW are not listening to the community is basically rubbish. A lot of bugs have been fixed and will continue to be fixed as time goes on. With a lot more content coming in the following months.


No bug I have encountered so far breaks this game for me. I have one of each character on both sides, I have played more or less everyday since this game has been released on early access and will continue to do so and I know I am not alone. Even paid for a six month subscription.


Stop with the negative c*** already and either go and play the game or bugger off. Most of the posts in the general forum are never constructive. They are just opinionated rubbish and I don't know about you guys but I am sick of reading them.



Don't bother, the OP is just trolling.

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Its a blog which cannot even get its basic facts right, Greg Zeschuk (one of the 3 founders of Bioware) was obviously never involved with the original Warhammer MMO, he is involved however in a new Warhammer that BIOWARE Mythic is still developing.


If thats the standard of writing then yeah, its a hit piece.

Edited by MrTijger
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"It can't be denied that Star Wars: The Old Republic sold well. Estimates are ranging from between 1 million to 1.5 million sales. However these don't account fully for piracy."


I LOL'd pretty hard. Piracy? Not this early on, there isn't any emulators yet... I have no idea what the dude is saying, and neither does he, so I just stopped reading here.

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I was laughing so hard when they compared WoW Warrior to Sith Warrior.


Cleave = Sweeping Slash? Clearly they didnt tested a Sith Warrior.


Force Charge = Charge? In every MMO a melee class needs any kind of skill to get close the enemy, while i think Force Charge makes damage and interrupts target and Charge only was a spam ability to stun the opponent on WoW when you were tank spec.


Smash = Thunderclap? I think obvious things are obvious, and this doesnt resemble even a bit, just on they are two AoE skills.


And what about Consulars are like priests and Inquisitors like Shamans? I didnt found the Assasin as a Shaman ._."... but hey, was the Priest a Shaman and i didnt noticed? Because the Inquisitor is a mirror of a Consular.

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So....A piece written and based on speculation, bias and lacking actual facts....


Listen I've had my issues with SW:TOR, I'm amongst the first to agree that there is a lot of fine tuning needed by BW before this game will become what it should be. However......


This game rocks! It is light years above and beyond WoW, rivals EQ in depth and complexity and finally lifts the shame of SWG from the franchise name.


Now lets play a really fun game! Go to the WoW forums and read through their posts about quitting and how broken the game is...


Bliz kids will you ever get it?

Edited by Acesome
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They also didn't mention that The Old Republic basically ignores canon. It has dark heal and lightsaber skills that make you bleed. For a game that sells itself largely on nostalgia, this can't be ignored.


But why did this happen exactly? Part of it is the money, the other part is not having enough time in a game.



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