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Lvl 50 PvP unfair


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So I get to lvl 50 and i want to get lvl 50 PvP gear but there is this guy named Korso that literally has no life and he has a whole team looking out for anyone on ilum so imps cant get nothing from there and in BGs its worst all Republic players have the 2nd tier and all Imperial players barely pass 13k hp its takes 5 of us to take down 1 light armored dps and we cant do **** in PvP.
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someone give this guy valor rank 100 and full Battlemaster.



On a more serious note, I started to PvP before 1.1 when I had to deal with full premade 50s against me, godly geared and just playing better. No I have full champion gear. Suck it up. Even if you loose WZ you still get valor and comms. Even better, get into guild who will run premades with you. Even poorly geared premade on vent working together can own in WZs.

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So I get to lvl 50 and i want to get lvl 50 PvP gear but there is this guy named Korso that literally has no life and he has a whole team looking out for anyone on ilum so imps cant get nothing from there and in BGs its worst all Republic players have the 2nd tier and all Imperial players barely pass 13k hp its takes 5 of us to take down 1 light armored dps and we cant do **** in PvP.


Longest.... sentance... EVAH!

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This issue doesn't effect me either but how can you expect him to be happy playing something that is not an enjoyable experience?


Having no chance of winning a fight because all the enemy has 10% damage reduction and boost (on top of all their other increased stats) is inbalanced to a fresh 50. Not to mention, champion gear is awarded based on a RNG bag drop, and it could take an unknown amount of time before he even has a chance of being on par.


This situation is far from fun, fair and appealing...

Edited by roverturbo
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So I get to lvl 50 and i want to get lvl 50 PvP gear but there is this guy named Korso that literally has no life and he has a whole team looking out for anyone on ilum so imps cant get nothing from there and in BGs its worst all Republic players have the 2nd tier and all Imperial players barely pass 13k hp its takes 5 of us to take down 1 light armored dps and we cant do **** in PvP.


Illum as intended, get more people to stop them or cry more, your choice.

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So I get to lvl 50 and i want to get lvl 50 PvP gear but there is this guy named Korso that literally has no life and he has a whole team looking out for anyone on ilum so imps cant get nothing from there and in BGs its worst all Republic players have the 2nd tier and all Imperial players barely pass 13k hp its takes 5 of us to take down 1 light armored dps and we cant do **** in PvP.


Wow, an imperial whining about republics beeing better at pvp... Amazing!

Good morale boost for reps

Edited by ljepsen
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So I get to lvl 50 and i want to get lvl 50 PvP gear but there is this guy named Korso that literally has no life and he has a whole team looking out for anyone on ilum so imps cant get nothing from there and in BGs its worst all Republic players have the 2nd tier and all Imperial players barely pass 13k hp its takes 5 of us to take down 1 light armored dps and we cant do **** in PvP.


worst cry i ever read on this forum :D

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See what you do is farm lower level WZs from 45-50 until u one champ bag and 1,000 Merc and WZ comms, then run the weeklys and dailys and right at 50 thats what, 6+3+3+2 = 14 bags of Champ gear!


I did that, all I got was a relic :D


It's not like you need to sit in lvl 40 gear till you get champion items though. Currently I have only 150 expertise, but I have 40% crit chance and 80% critdmg modifier along with 1250 of primary/secondary stats. It took me 3 hours total to get that gear, by doing the belsavis/ilum dailies twice each.


As a vanguard I'm able to top 300k damage and average 8-10 medals per game, can't quite get the 5k damage medal :(

Edited by shucksy
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See what you do is farm lower level WZs from 45-50 until u one champ bag and 1,000 Merc and WZ comms, then run the weeklys and dailys and right at 50 thats what, 6+3+3+2 = 14 bags of Champ gear!


Yeah of course it is, oh wait, wins are not registering properly and thats when you can get a win when the server inbalance means your group of 6 in bog standard gear is up against 8 in full champion and partial battlemaster gear - yeah those champ bags will just role in.


And then when you do get them they contain, wait for it, thats right


[Centurion Commendation]x3


yay epic failing in swtor every day and twice on maintenance day,

Edited by origional
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I hit 50 about 2 weeks ago. Completed the weekly 1 time and the dailies probably 2 times. I have about 4 total pieces of pvp gear and yet I still don't get rolled by people in warzones because I have the skill that it takes to play better geared players. In huttball I stand on top of the ledges where if a jugger leaps at me he wiill fall. If an op or assassin stealthes to me I can knock back. See things you learn about this game are important. Also learning what you can get medals for is very simple if you are good at the game. I've seen tanks who get like 12 medals with no pvp gear. Pure dps classes get 5K heal medals because there are ways to do that. Find your niche to fill and work at it. I often times as a healer won't bother going for objectives if I have 2-3 guys attacking me while I run around distracting them from objectives (let's face it dps will often be trained across an entire map going for that 1 close kill :p). So I guess what I'm saying is learn to play. Ohhh and as I final note, uping your current non pvp gear helps a lot too Edited by Boshlord
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I hit 50 about 2 weeks ago. Completed the weekly 1 time and the dailies probably 2 times. I have about 4 total pieces of pvp gear and yet I still don't get rolled by people in warzones because I have the skill that it takes to play better geared players. In huttball I stand on top of the ledges where if a jugger leaps at me he wiill fall. If an op or assassin stealthes to me I can knock back. See things you learn about this game are important. Also learning what you can get medals for is very simple if you are good at the game. I've seen tanks who get like 12 medals with no pvp gear. Pure dps classes get 5K heal medals because there are ways to do that. Find your niche to fill and work at it. I often times as a healer won't bother going for objectives if I have 2-3 guys attacking me while I run around distracting them from objectives (let's face it dps will often be trained across an entire map going for that 1 close kill :p). So I guess what I'm saying is learn to play. Ohhh and as I final note, uping your current non pvp gear helps a lot too


This must be pure fantasy, because according to all the "Bads" gear is more important than anything. According to their theory, you must have full champ gear because you are actually useful in WZs. It clearly has nothing to do with the fact that they suck ***.

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OP your basically saying that when you get 50 your entitled an X amount of PvP gear so that you can do as much damage as the guys who have been 50 longer and been grinding longer. NO. Everyone went through that phase of being 50 and not having epics, you can too. Stop crying. Everyone wants ******* handouts now it blows my mind. For the sake of the game I hope they laugh at these posts like 90% of us do.

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I hit 50 about 2 weeks ago. Completed the weekly 1 time and the dailies probably 2 times. I have about 4 total pieces of pvp gear and yet I still don't get rolled by people in warzones because I have the skill that it takes to play better geared players. In huttball I stand on top of the ledges where if a jugger leaps at me he wiill fall. If an op or assassin stealthes to me I can knock back. See things you learn about this game are important. Also learning what you can get medals for is very simple if you are good at the game. I've seen tanks who get like 12 medals with no pvp gear. Pure dps classes get 5K heal medals because there are ways to do that. Find your niche to fill and work at it. I often times as a healer won't bother going for objectives if I have 2-3 guys attacking me while I run around distracting them from objectives (let's face it dps will often be trained across an entire map going for that 1 close kill :p). So I guess what I'm saying is learn to play. Ohhh and as I final note, uping your current non pvp gear helps a lot too


The idea that everyone is equal and that the only difference is that some people put in more work just isn't true. It's basically a form of American communism. Some people are just better than other people by nature. If they practice, then they are even better. Gear is a way to allow people who are not as naturally good to gain some advantage.


And no, I am not putting myself in the super skilled pvper category. I'm just saying that any game that has big gear differences will not have truely competitive pvp.

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This must be pure fantasy, because according to all the "Bads" gear is more important than anything. According to their theory, you must have full champ gear because you are actually useful in WZs. It clearly has nothing to do with the fact that they suck ***.


These people are laughable because they think something should be easy when you start it. If I'm running operations with my friends in our level 40 pvp gear we should be good enough to win right? And once we down a boss it should have loot for all of us and not just a CHANCE at loot for all of us because everything should work out well for everyone.

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OP your basically saying that when you get 50 your entitled an X amount of PvP gear so that you can do as much damage as the guys who have been 50 longer and been grinding longer. NO. Everyone went through that phase of being 50 and not having epics, you can too. Stop crying. Everyone wants ******* handouts now it blows my mind. For the sake of the game I hope they laugh at these posts like 90% of us do.



No, i think he just wants to make it fair. At the moment levels 10 to 49 are more balanced than level 50. Only a complete blithering idiot would think thats how things should be.

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OP your basically saying that when you get 50 your entitled an X amount of PvP gear so that you can do as much damage as the guys who have been 50 longer and been grinding longer. NO. Everyone went through that phase of being 50 and not having epics, you can too. Stop crying. Everyone wants ******* handouts now it blows my mind. For the sake of the game I hope they laugh at these posts like 90% of us do.

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It is unfair but you'll just have to gut it out. Trust me, I know the feeling of the balancing between fresh level 50 PvP players with orange moddable gear & no endgame PvP gear vs level 50 PvP players will full battlemaster gear. My Grav round hits for 3K on fresh level 50's & 900 to 1K on medium to heavy armor players that have full battlemaster gear that are buffed. At the same time, players that were hitting me for huge damage are not hitting me for a whole lot less now that I'm rolling with a complete set of Champion gear in each slot. That damage will further decrease once I start to collect the battlemaster gear. Just grind it out :).



Edited by LatinLegacy
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So I get to lvl 50 and i want to get lvl 50 PvP gear but there is this guy named Korso that literally has no life and he has a whole team looking out for anyone on ilum so imps cant get nothing from there and in BGs its worst all Republic players have the 2nd tier and all Imperial players barely pass 13k hp its takes 5 of us to take down 1 light armored dps and we cant do **** in PvP.


Dude, don't attack the DPS, attack the healer.....



this is a L2P issue.

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Dude, don't attack the DPS, attack the healer.....


Yeah, I'm sure attacking a geared healer that can out heal/mitigate all his damage while five DPS kill him in about 3 seconds will do him a lot of good.

Edited by Averran
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The simple solution is to increase the number of centurion commendations per bag to 10. For 800wz commendations, a bag with nothing but 3 centurion commendations is both annoying and frustrating. It would take about 60 hours to be able to buy your weapon with that. If you raised the commendations to 10 someone who opens 7 bags and gets nothing can still buy something with the commendations instead of feeling like they have totally wasted their time. Just think about the time it took to get 7 bags! 800WZ each bag...10 minutes per match + queue time. Let's assume this is a new 50 getting 70wz commendations a match. This equals... A long time lol. For this much effort there should be a reward. There should be no chance to get nothing but 21 commendations. I think 21 commendations can only buy you the artifact. You'd be 3 commendations shy of buying anything else. Edited by AugustusD
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