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Losing the will to play, dunno why.


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so why not go play WOW then? No one is forcing anyone who dislikes this game, to play it.


I am playing WoW. I'm currently playing both games. I would like to play just one but I can't. TOR gives me my Star Wars fix but WoW has alot of features I enjoy in MMOs.

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Not sure what you guys mean by linear, take SWG for example sure it's a open sandbox, BUT you still had to kill a gazillion butterflys or Wampas over and over again to level.... to craft you had to sit for hours on end clicking on the same recipe over and over again in order to get crafting xp....


How is this game any different? The freedom you THINK you had in SWG was nothing but an illusion...


If anything I think the OP is just burned out with MMO's in general.... That I can relate to, I enjoy the story within SWTOR but overall the game is not very deep, it's pretty much just easy mode without having to think about anything as you level up...


I think when MMO's become more like Skyrim or Fallout 3 things will become a bit more interesting, as it is now everything is so static, npc's who just stand there... Only exploring we get is to find a few datacrons which turns into Mario Brothers in order to get them..


I think MMO's in general are loosing popularity because of that been there done that feeling... plus it doesn't help that people seem to play 24/7 when a new MMO comes out then they wonder why there so burned out after 6 weeks..


SWTOR is a good game, not an awesome game or anything but a good game... give it 7/10... I would just like to see some Developer toss out the boiler plate of MMO design and start from scratch with new ideas..

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I am playing WoW. I'm currently playing both games. I would like to play just one but I can't. TOR gives me my Star Wars fix but WoW has alot of features I enjoy in MMOs.


So....you don't like this game but you voluntarily pay for it each month. You can't really complain about it then.

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So....you don't like this game but you voluntarily pay for it each month. You can't really complain about it then.


Well, if you saw my original post you would see that the first thing i say is " I love this game." Just like I love my wife. But I still got complaints :D

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I feel the same way OP, and that's why I cancelled my subscription this evening. Six days after I renewed it. I didn't even get another week of enjoyment from this game. I chose "The game just isn't fun" option for why I was cancelling my subscription. To my surprise, this message popped up on the side of the page,


Different play styles and character choices will affect the story within the game. For a change of pace we recommend playing the opposing faction. The story lines provide a unique perspective on the events throughout the game and the choices made will develop the characters in unique ways.


I feel both insulted and frustrated by this. Firstly, it feels like Bioware is calling me an idiot. Oh, golly, I didn't think of trying the other side and classes because I wasn't having fun! Thank you Bioware for showing me the light!


Secondly, and more importantly, this shows precisely where Bioware's focus is with this game and how misplaced it is. Their response if someone doesn't think their game is fun? Try playing another class. MMO's need more than story and voice overs... but that's all Bioware cares about. It's their pride and joy, but it's just not enough to make this game anything but mediocre and dull.

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I enjoy the game because I know how awful a game can actually be.


If you aren't enjoying the game... then I don't know what to tell you. I can't recommend any other games, because I can't think of any that are actually better.


City of Heroes

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I know how you feel OP, and while I don't feel that way for SW:TOR and am in fact having the most fun in an MMO since I can remember (the days of UO and EQ) I've felt this way about many an MMO.


Sometimes it's burnout and you need a change of pace (or even genre altogether).


Sometimes you just don't like the game, there are different tastes this particular one just may not be to yours.


The above are reasons I'm no longer playing all those other MMO's (one or the other, sometimes both) and am instead playing SW:TOR.


I got tired of UO, and it really showcased to me (and game devs it would seem, seeing how the genre changed after it) why these games require rules and "policing". Fun for a while, but the griefing, the exploits, the hacks etc got old fast.


EQ I played for a lot longer, and was really my first MMO "love". I still to this day sometimes miss my little gnome enchanter. Even so, I eventually burned out on it and newer games came out that I wanted to try.


SWG I played from launch for a while, but it was such a buggy, broken mess with very little to do for my playstyle, I just wasn't interested in "playing house". I found it to be a game with some great ideas that were very poorly implemented.


EQ2 I played for a bit, was ok nothing special, lost interest quickly.


WoW I played on and off for several years, from launch to just before Cata, tried cata during a free 7 days found it had completely lost it's allure, will not return. Combination of burnout, and disliking parts of the game I could no longer overlook.


AoC I played from launch for about 2 months, was a broken, buggy , unfinished past Tortage mess and while the combat system was fun for a while, it wasn't enough to hold me.


EVE I tried out, disliked it. Realized I prefer themepark over sandbox.


Aion I tried, disliked it, just didn't draw me in in the least.


RIFT was ok, played from beta through 2 months post launch, decent generic fantasy MMO with a few gimmicks, not enough to hold me.


These are just some examples of the many, many MMO's I've played and my personal reasons for leaving them. Doesn't make any of them bad games, just games that I either didn't like, or ended up burning out on. It happens. Maybe you just need a break from the genre? Maybe you want to try something different (sandbox type)? Can always come back and try it a few months down the road, see if you feel the same way.


Anyways, good luck and I hope you find a game (or eventually rediscover this one) that you enjoy! :)

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City of Heroes


Erm, while I bow to no-one in my love for CoX, if somone came to SWTOR wanting what it was advertised as, a story-driven MMO, then they're not exactly going to be satisfied by CoX.


However, if you're an alt-oholic, and a casual player who enjoys PUG-ing, there's nothing better :)

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The Ilum daily alone is enough to push me towards unsubscribing. Driving in a circle for an hour or more while competing with other people driving in a circle just makes me think "Why the **** am I paying for this?".


PvP is unbalanced, certain classes can just roffle-stomp anyone, finding groups to do Flashpoints is like pulling teeth, etc, etc.

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I remember the days waiting for KotoR, and it being delayed so many times. It released finally and it was amazing.


I remember the days first hearing about ToR some 4 years ago or whatever it was and thinking to myself, "omg, this game is going to be the best thing.. EVER!" Then the game releases and then lvls 1-10 I thought to myself, "well this is ok, the story is great and not having to read all these quests is cool." I could look past those frickin' green laser light show because its just a bug that can be fixed.


As I played more and more, just got farther and farther from being immersed in the game. Now i've played a JK to 30 and a BH to 30 and i feel the same for both... just meh. I know i haven't lvl-capped yet, but from what I hear, its nothing different from what i've experienced already.


My point relating back to my first comment is that I agree with the OP. I'm not trying to dis BioWare, I'm just thinking that MMO's are just not their gig. They make amazing single player games with incredible stories. But I almost feel that what they wanted to do with this game would have worked better as one of their amazing single-player games and not an MMO. And I can't use the burnout excuse either, I haven't played an MMO in a couple years.


When I play this game, I really just dont feel like I'm having a lot of fun. Especially not $15 a month fun. I dunno, just my opinion. Forgive the incoherent rambling... =)

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The reason I'm driven away is the lack of interaction with other players, generally because going anywhere important takes a decade.


Like this; "Wee, invited to a guild group, they need me right away but I'm actually 10-15minutes away considering the time it takes to travel.", this has me logging off instead at times.

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I have same feelings as OP.


I think problem is lack of challenge. I enjoy PVP currently because it actually needs some effort. With my only 50 level character that is Vanguard.


With rest of game...well don't really think so. I've so far started Sith Warrior, Jedi Knight, Commando and today IA. However while I may have first interested to create them I notice I lack motivation to level them up.


In WoW I did many alts and leveled them as it was both challenge and there was definite choices you made with them. With druid came certain play style as did with warlock. If some reason other didn't feel good I'd roll another class. And there was definite need to some classes.


With SWTOR I don't see any trade offs. All classes seem to do fine in pvp and pve.

Maybe I'd roll healer. But in the end if I don't do raids or premeds its just lot of effort to level up for no reason.

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The reason I'm driven away is the lack of interaction with other players, generally because going anywhere important takes a decade.


Like this; "Wee, invited to a guild group, they need me right away but I'm actually 10-15minutes away considering the time it takes to travel.", this has me logging off instead at times.


So basically, you're driven away from the game because you are lazy? Personally I dig the traveling, but I can understand part of what you're saying. I think you're exaggerating a bit, takes me no more than 5 mins to get from anywhere, to anywhere else. Maybe if you have a really low end machine and loading times alone equal 10mins your a little off.

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While I still want to play, the progression of difficulty solo leveling is forcing me out.


Multiple characters over 30, 1 level 40 Jedi Consular. Jed Con died to Blaesus 3 times in a row tonight trying to complete a solo prof quest. 1 shot kills within 5 seconds=me unsubbing.


I have died more times in the last month and 1/2 then I have ever died in any other mmo.


Simply, i'm sick of dieing.

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Meh, I've been a SW fan since the 70's. FanFic maker in the 90's. Played a BH in KOTOR and JKO w/ mods. CE buyer and 1st wave EGA.



I cancelled before 30 days was even up. As fun as this game is, it aint worth $15/month.



DA2 and now this, it's obvious BW is just another company. They literally just don't care. At least not enough.



Heartbreaking, considering what they used to be.





EDIT: Oh, I had a BH Merc fully spec'd in 22/23 Purples, won most PvP matches, enjoyed overall the game and universe. But just nothing there, not enough to make it worth continuing to pay and play.





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So basically, you're driven away from the game because you are lazy? Personally I dig the traveling, but I can understand part of what you're saying. I think you're exaggerating a bit, takes me no more than 5 mins to get from anywhere, to anywhere else. Maybe if you have a really low end machine and loading times alone equal 10mins your a little off.



Call me what you want. I'm just not a fan of running mindlessly thru the same, pointless areas time and time again. As I've mentioned a dozen times earlier, it's cool the first couple of times. But when you've done it a few hundred times you dread the thought of travelling just about anywhere.

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While I still want to play, the progression of difficulty solo leveling is forcing me out.


Multiple characters over 30, 1 level 40 Jedi Consular. Jed Con died to Blaesus 3 times in a row tonight trying to complete a solo prof quest. 1 shot kills within 5 seconds=me unsubbing.


I have died more times in the last month and 1/2 then I have ever died in any other mmo.


Simply, i'm sick of dieing.


If you are dying that fast, then you are either trying to complete a quest outside of your level range, or you suck at this game. Seriously, this game is harder than WoW, but not that much so.

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While I still want to play, the progression of difficulty solo leveling is forcing me out.


Multiple characters over 30, 1 level 40 Jedi Consular. Jed Con died to Blaesus 3 times in a row tonight trying to complete a solo prof quest. 1 shot kills within 5 seconds=me unsubbing.


I have died more times in the last month and 1/2 then I have ever died in any other mmo.


Simply, i'm sick of dieing.


I don't wanna be a jerk but most people are bored with the game due to it being to easy. If your having this much trouble you should honestly just move on. For whatever reason your skillset just doesn't work with this game.


My alt is a 41 Sroc healer and honestly I have been pushing my limits by doing 4 man quests solo. Its the only thing that I find a challenge. Sadly if they made the game hard most people would just complain about that instead.

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If you are dying that fast, then you are either trying to complete a quest outside of your level range, or you suck at this game. Seriously, this game is harder than WoW, but not that much so.


Actually it isn't. It's easier and that's very sad.

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I didn't want to make a new thread but I couldn't find a similar one within 4 pages, which are taken by EU downtime threads, which I think are true anyway.


I have subscribed for 3 months, I got really sucked into the game, I love Star Wars and I wanted a Star Wars MMO since I heard the word "MMO".

And now that I played for a bit more than a month... I don't know... something broke inside of me, I think. I hope it's not permanent, because I don't want to leave SWTOR. I want to play it, I want to keep enjoying it.


I haven't logged in for 2 days, and today's downtime didn't help one bit. But this is NOT a downtime thread.

This is a thread about feeling burned out. The FPS problems piling up, Ilum making me angry, bugged looting in raids, I haven't done a single Space Combat mission after I grinded 375 fleet commendations for 2 weeks and was given a simple epic (124) for it.


Maybe it's not even that? Maybe it's something else? Travel time? The fact that it takes a lot of time to get from one planet to another to help out a friend in need?

Travel time is really horrible, I used to defend it but it's killing me now.

I want to level up a third character but I cannot force myself to go through the same side quests again. If only we had 2 paths to choose - like in WoW. I'd skip Corellia, Taris, Nar Shadaa 100% of the time if I could. Some things simply should be a matter of choice. Imagine being able to pick 1 of 2 planets in every bracket to level in. Like Borean Tundra and Howling Fjords, or other countless worlds and MMOs that let you pick where you want to spend next few hours in.


Maybe I just don't feel the freedom? Huge amount of restrictions - crystals, weapons, armour, alignment.


Anyway, I am sorry for wasting your time guys. I really hope you will keep on enjoying TOR. I really hope that I will also wake up tomorrow and realise that I just needed a couple of days break.


Perhaps you also feel similar? Like you are losing the will to play, but can't really tell why?


bugs dont deserve to pay,

lousy customer service ,








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What you need is a break from the game.


We all should heed the following advice once given by a very wise man.


Moderation, everything in moderation.


I feel you OP. I learned years ago that I have to force myself to take breaks from things I enjoy from time to time or I will bore of them.


while thats good advice for life .. it took me almost 5 years to bore of wow. Even Rift lasted 3 months. I still haven't bored of Vanguard .. but that game makes this one look like a billion thriving metropoli.


I also don't think I ever bored of wow, but wow changed. and what it has become definitely bores me. for the same reasons this game is already starting to bore me.

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If you are dying that fast, then you are either trying to complete a quest outside of your level range, or you suck at this game. Seriously, this game is harder than WoW, but not that much so.


Yeah dude, I must suck at this game...

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