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  1. You can finish up the comp quests anytime you get the affection up high enough to trigger them as long as you have completed the chapters needed to allow them to trigger in the first place. HOWEVER, I'll tell you right now that once you hit 50 and the story ends you very quickly stop caring about any of that and begin at mostly to just wrap it up and either focusing on end game non-comp content or leveling an alt. You get no use out of them or contact really so your comps very quickly become a picture to look at while you pass them in your ship. You take them along while doing dailies but there is no conversation. They become a drone with no personalty.
  2. This is the very thing I see on these forums over and over and over. All these RPG fans hit this game like a ton of bricks and then when they in turn had to deal with how a MMO works, its suddenly Biowares fault and not thier own. Two of my good friends play this game and they both support different aspects that drive me nuts. One hates people and being in groups but complains all day about not being able to get the group content rewards. The other plays 10+ hours a day and after just a few weeks was gripeing at the lack of things to do... Some people are just never gonna be happy.
  3. So your complant is the content designed... in an MMO... for groups of people... can't be completed solo? and...the SOCIAL POINT SYSTEM? Its a "SOCIAL SYSTEM"... Why would be able to use it without being... social? I rarely post of the forums but this one just blew me away. As to the OP, the game is very easy compared to your average single player games. I believe the flaw is on your end, not with SWTOR. I do NOT intend to be rude or insulting so much as to just point out that if your having real issues and the vast majority of players are not, perhaps you missed a key factor along the way.
  4. MMO's are based on a progression style game play. You start out small and work your way up to great things. I agree its rough stepping into level 50 pvp as a newly minted capped player but its just how these sort of games work. Those players who are crushing you spent a good deal of time to earn the gear that gives them an advantage over you. The power that comes from the grind is what makes the work worth while in the first place. If the games not fun then I suggest you move on to another. Based on the way you presented your argument and sentence structure I'm gonna assume your on the young side and may not be in the right mindset for these types of games. Perhaps a FPS or multi-player Diablo style game would suit you better.
  5. Can you post the damage meters you have to prove this? How about anything other then just random opinion? This is all just speculation at this point. As for council, there are alot of abilities that almost every class short of jug is forced to go without due to the mechanics of the fight. Its in no way a good base of comparison. If people are having trouble now, wait until the damage meters come out and it shows how much dps we lose in raids due to the game punishing melee in boss fights. Its just gonna get worse.
  6. Quantum physics? I'd settle for proper english and spelling... Anyway the class is fine if you play it correctly. I PvP solo in full PvE gear I do damn fine. I learned how to make the class work for me and I very VERY happy with it. All I'd really ask for is a few more seconds on our combat vanish so I can use it in more then escape situations. I'd like heavy armor too but its more for the look then the extra armor it provides.
  7. Really it comes down to this. ^ Marauder is a picky class but this part is just a pain in the *** for everyone. I'd follow his advice if I were you.
  8. THIS is crazy to ME! I play three to four hours an evening, six nights a week and I have two level fifties and a thirty four. I enjoyed/watched the story all the way through on both the the higher levels as well and didn't begin to skip the chatter until my third run through.
  9. This is the problem with 95% of the QQ on these forums...
  10. Marauder were WEAKER in the early beta and we've never had heavy armor at any point. Honestly Marauder requires VERY fast reaction time and a higher skills set then the other classes. It works for some folks and others it does not. I started as a Marauder and got to 46 before I rolled a new toon due to being annoyed by the classes. Two weeks later I came back to it and now I love the class. I just understand the class, pvp and the game better. It allows me to play Marauder the way it needs to be played. I do great but back when I first started I was just confused and while I THOUGHT I knew the class, I was just way off. Its not for everyone. Even just switching from Marauder to Jug is a huge change.
  11. Make the tree switch sir. I was a hardcore Carnage fan for a long time and used to sing its praises to anyone who would listen. I switched over just to say i had at least tried all 3 specs and while at first it felt all wrong, once I got used to it... It changed the way I play my Marauder. You lose some control but you gain damage and healing. Once you learn to overcome the lack of short cc's/roots in PvP you end up being a better payer overall. I helped me get over that hump from "Marauder is weak" to "Marader is just fine". In short the class just clicked for me and I really enjoy it now. I'd like 2-4 extra seconds on our combat stealth but thats all I really think we need.
  12. This is basicly true all around. The ONLY thing that is gonna put marauders up with the rest of the classes is if we shine brighter then people currently give us credit for when the DPS meters come out. If not then the class would be "nice" to have not really needed or in some cases wanted. Even in PvE gear I do cut people down quickly in PvP but I honestly think a good chunk of my PvP victories come from the other guy just freaking out from a stream of attacks then the classes ability to pump out crazy damage. The game is so ranged heavy that its rare to have a melee on you for longer then it takes to knock them back off a Huttball platform.
  13. Its wasn't bad but I'd suggest making it a bit shorter. PvP videos tend to get boring after 6-7 minutes unless there is some sort of major change up. Also, way WAY to many comment pop ups. Just let us watch the fighting, we understand you enjoy your class in PvP. Otherwise is wasn't to bad for a first timer.
  14. I don't wanna be a jerk but most people are bored with the game due to it being to easy. If your having this much trouble you should honestly just move on. For whatever reason your skillset just doesn't work with this game. My alt is a 41 Sroc healer and honestly I have been pushing my limits by doing 4 man quests solo. Its the only thing that I find a challenge. Sadly if they made the game hard most people would just complain about that instead.
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