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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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I'm totally in favour of a dungeon-finder tool á la WoW. Be it cross-server or not, but preferably cross server as a bigger playerpool should reduce queue time.


I, personally, had no really bad experience with that tool in WoW. Of course there might be a slightly higher risk of people behaving bad or rolling need on items they can't need (I also suggest to grey out the need button for items you can't actually wear. That should reduce that risk), but I also must say that I'd gladly accept that risk over the pain in the *** it is to find a group for a flashpoint now.


In truth a dungeon finder is a nice tool to add more availability to the game's group-content. And that can't be a bad thing. At least not in my opinion. And if it would (and in my opinion that is maybe the even greater need right now) be paired with a dual-spec system the game would be much more accessible in every aspect.


And I don't understand why some people always think that having it "easier" in a game is always a bad thing. I don't even think that "shortcuts" like a Dungeonfinder tool or dual spec would make the game easier. They'd just make it more convenient.

After all, getting the group together shouldn't be the main problem of succeeding in group-content, should it?

This was the way Vanilla-WoW made it with its raids and I think it was an excellent decision to change that.


I think those of you that are so vehemently against a LFD-Tool overrate the social aspect of an MMO as it is now. Because the socialising aspect might have been a major thing in those earlier MMOs like ultima or Everquest, but I guess as the audience of the genre has grown by a few thousand percent the focus of the games has shifted too.


I think nowadays most players don't want to socialise more than they have to. They are just here for killing mobs and/or other players and don't want to get to know everybody as close as they would real life contacts. And why would that be a bad thing? All you really need to discuss in a game like this are boss/warzone-strategies and I think that can perfectly be done in an anonymous LFD-tool created PuG too.


Socialising is what I do in the real world, but in an MMO I just want to play and get to see as much things as possible in the limited time I've available for it. And I think that a lot of players feel the same way about this.


But in the end it will come down to Bioware and what conclusions they draw out of these discussions and other, hopefully honest, feedback they might get from unsubscribers etc.

Then they'll do whatever they think will make them keep/regain as many customers as possible. And I'm pretty confident that a LFD-Tool and Dual-Spec will come out on top of it (Or at least on top of the list of complaints they can do something about more easily and not such hard to change things like the questing path being completely linear)

Edited by Turkman
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For the sake of this game's own health, I really hope they add a LFG tool soon. Cross server or not, we need to have options to queue up for flashpoints faster. Just give us the options, nobody is forced to use the tool or to group with people from other servers, do it the way you like best, but please, DO NOT DENY the usefulness of this tool.
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Got thoroughly scolded for wishing "hypothetical expiration" on someone coughsubidiotcough. Can't say I feel bad when it devolved into - we were signing on alts (which I feel ya can't do as this is tied to your e-mail, not a certain character) to win arguments. So where are we at now?


X-server vs In-server?


I am definitely in favor of being able to choose the option between the two, but they've already stated they don't plan on introducing a x-server.


Day three of spamming LFG on the Fleet. Yum.

Edited by MalignX
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I support a dungeon finder amongst a group of servers for flashpoints & Warzones.


The benefits outweigh the negatives and from my experiences, there were some a**hats in other games...but there were much more pleasant people than jerks.


Should also have the same thing for warzones so queues are much shorter for the different brackets

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Yay I can post again. Got thoroughly scolded for wishing "hypothetical expiration" on someone. Can't say I feel bad when it devolved into - we were signing on alts (which I feel ya can't do as this is tied to your e-mail, not a certain character) to win arguments. So where are we at now?


X-server vs In-server?


I am definitely in favor of being able to choose the option between the two, but they've already stated they don't plan on introducing a x-server.


Day three of spamming LFG on the Fleet. Yum.


You can't sign in as another character as far as I know, can someone clarify? I think you were locked out with the rest of us till late morning cause of the forums go 'read-only' during maintenance

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I support a dungeon finder amongst a group of servers for flashpoints & Warzones.


The benefits outweigh the negatives and from my experiences, there were some a**hats in other games...but there were much more pleasant people than jerks.


Should also have the same thing for warzones so queues are much shorter for the different brackets


Look it's another 'alt' posting, lol. Inside joke. Yeah I tend to agree with your experiences too.

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So that is a no for the option of them both?


Servers/Transfers don't work very well :(


The thing is that if you had those two choices you would most likely search via the x-server lfd tool. I know I would. Because you would get a group so much easier/faster. Note that I'm not saying that you should promote this x-server system. I do so because of my earlier statements; regarding the negative impact it would have on the server community.

Edited by Papakeno
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It's a band aid to a bullet wound, so it won't work.


Lets play Devil's advocate and pretend a LFD channel is the fix


It'll become the new /trade and worst of all it'll be global! I can't even stand the /1 channels on any planet with more then 50 people on it personally, why on earth would I want access to everyones opinions on everything? You honestly think people are going to not abuse that power and keep it strictly to only "LFG discussion'? Ha, it's a portable Chuck Norris has killed WoW update tool, that's it. People will stop using it and it'll be another waste of developers time.

This is the other scenario, the players themselves make their own player created LFG


This only helps the people finding group members the current way in fleet. All of the reaons that plague the game that require a X-LFD will not be solved with player imposed LFD channel. How can you use that channel if only 15 are online at your currenet level and don't wish to group wat all?



I won't even go into the other countless reasons why it won't work. If this tool could even remotely work with any broad appeal do you not think for one instance it'd be used on a regular basis? Some of these people saying how it works on their server as a way of finding groups are full of it. It works in some situations but it's just a glorified sub-guild method of getting ahold of each other.


What I am asking for is EXACTLY a band aid for a bullet wound because the current system is utter ****. ANYTHING would be better in the short term. If they aren't going to roll out a DF TOMORROW they can definitely roll out some global channels.


I find the opposition surprising, the level tier channels have been the 'go to' method of getting groups for years on EverQuest 2. There is usually a global channel for the level cap, which in this case would be Level 50, that you have to be level cap to even join, and then one for the tier below it which here would be 40-49 which also requires you be 40 or higher to join. No one uses the level cap channel though, just the tier below it, so 40-49 channel for SWTOR. Everyone uses those to get groups on EQ2 and they aren't even designated LFG channels, just 'if you are this level you can chat here' channels.


Would they be full of people talking about nonsensical BS? Of course, the discussions aren't kept to what ever the channel is, they never are. Dismissing global channels because not everyone will use it for its intended purpose is no different from dismissing a DF because mean people will use it.


I never said this would fix it, either. I just want SOMETHING right the **** NOW since the current system is a big fat 'zero' and anything else would be more than zero.

Edited by Neiloch
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It's amazing the degree to which the pro-LFR players are willing to troll people, from PMs on the forum to in-game hate mail. Put in a letter as one dev to another to the staff on Bioware to block the LFR, enjoy.


It's not coming FYI - adapt to a game where effort = reward or move on with your lives. If you're magically in denial about the fact that it's just a form of laziness that leads to nerfs and destroys on-server communities, then you need to get a mirror and start being honest with yourselves.


The same players who are too lazy to take the time to form a solid group for Flashpoint and Operations are not magically "not lazy" in every other area of the game. The majority of them simply don't put time into anything - be it improving their play skill, character, encounter knowledge or social skills. They then want a tool so they can push a button, get easy-mode dungeons and receive loot.


It's obvious what that path is, and luckily I've been informed by some people close to the situation that it's not one Bioware will be walking down. Guaranteed. Thank god. Because if you don't get it already, it's the path to an easy-mode MMO where nothing is rewarding and the player base gets completely bored with content the same week it's released (see WoW).

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It's amazing the degree to which the pro-LFR players are willing to troll people, from PMs on the forum to in-game hate mail. Put in a letter as one dev to another to the staff on Bioware to block the LFR, enjoy.


It's not coming FYI - adapt to a game where effort = reward or move on with your lives. If you're magically in denial about the fact that it's just a form of laziness that leads to nerfs and destroys on-server communities, then you need to get a mirror and start being honest with yourselves.


The same players who are too lazy to take the time to form a solid group for Flashpoint and Operations are not magically "not lazy" in every other area of the game. The majority of them simply don't put time into anything - be it improving their play skill, character, encounter knowledge or social skills. They then want a tool so they can push a button, get easy-mode dungeons and receive loot.


It's obvious what that path is, and luckily I've been informed by some people close to the situation that it's not one Bioware will be walking down. Guaranteed. Thank god. Because if you don't get it already, it's the path to an easy-mode MMO where nothing is rewarding and the player base gets completely bored with content the same week it's released (see WoW).


A. I thought you weren't going to talk here anymore


B. Who is talking about LFR? Besides yourself of course


C. Do you honestly think anyone believes you when you talk about having inside sources and w/e other BS?


D. OH NOES you sent a letter to the devs yourself? Well I bet they are having a good laugh if it is anything like you have written here lately, even if they agree with you.


E. Oh the insults of calling us lazy again. We've already explained several times how it isn't, I'm saddened that you can't seem to wrap your head around it though. Instead come here and try to come up with super scary lies to shock us into compliance. And again, damn us to hell for wanting to group on a VIDEO GAME in a timely manner without a huge time investment. You should call those PvP'ers on here lazy or go on some FPS games online and call them lazy for using lobby systems for fast matches and see how well that goes over. It's a video game, anyone who thinks being a workhorse is a prerequisite to having fun on a video game is clueless.


And IF you are so 'inside' what are they doing then? they already said they are doing 'something' so denying they are changing something would just go to prove you are a liar. So what is it? Or are you lying?

Edited by Neiloch
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I didnt go through the entire, massive discussion, I just would like to throw in my 2 credits in favor of an LFD or even LFH (looking for heroic) tool.


I came from WoW, and started out with the cataclysm relase. And i will openly say that the LFD tool is a great thing to encourage people to play group content. It just works.

Granted, the issue of having ******* in the group is always there, but those people can be kick-voted if they do cause trouble, and for harder content, you should be at a point where you can also go for premades instead.


I too dont much like the constant LFG ads in general chat, and let's face it. On planets, LFG just tends to be swiped away by barrens chat a lot. So people flat out don't see someone looking for a mission they might be on as well.


Thus, both a flashpoint finder as well as a heroic world mission finder would be very nice, and both make it easier for people to meet up and do heroic missions, as well as remove LFG yelling/spamming from regular chat.


To me, i don't see a problem with such a tool, it brings people together to play and do missions, and it benefits the community as a whole.


I do agree that things like the loot system have to be fixed, to forbid people needing on gear that isnt for their armor or class proficiency.

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It's amazing the degree to which the pro-LFR players are willing to troll people, from PMs on the forum to in-game hate mail. Put in a letter as one dev to another to the staff on Bioware to block the LFR, enjoy.


It's not coming FYI - adapt to a game where effort = reward or move on with your lives. If you're magically in denial about the fact that it's just a form of laziness that leads to nerfs and destroys on-server communities, then you need to get a mirror and start being honest with yourselves.


The same players who are too lazy to take the time to form a solid group for Flashpoint and Operations are not magically "not lazy" in every other area of the game. The majority of them simply don't put time into anything - be it improving their play skill, character, encounter knowledge or social skills. They then want a tool so they can push a button, get easy-mode dungeons and receive loot.


It's obvious what that path is, and luckily I've been informed by some people close to the situation that it's not one Bioware will be walking down. Guaranteed. Thank god. Because if you don't get it already, it's the path to an easy-mode MMO where nothing is rewarding and the player base gets completely bored with content the same week it's released (see WoW).


LOL at your inside info

Improving our LFG system is high on the list of features that Systems Design wants to add to the game. We want this to be good not just for helping people find Flashpoints and Operations to run, but also other multiplayer content like heroic missions. A key emphasis will be on advertising for specific role needs (healer, tank, DPS). This feature is currently in the design stage, and once this feature has moved beyond this to a development stage and has a firm ETA, I'll be coming back to you guys to give more details.


and as far as cross server goes..

That being said, our design team doesn't philosophically believe that cross-server Flashpoints are good for the game at this stage in the game's lifespan. There is huge social pressure to not be a jerk that goes away when the odds that you will never see these people again is high. I'm not saying never - there may come a time in the future where we reevaluate this - but at least in the short term, we believe this will cause more damage to the community than good.


Notice the part in RED...


I know your bubble has been burst!

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It's amazing the degree to which the pro-LFR players are willing to troll people, from PMs on the forum to in-game hate mail. Put in a letter as one dev to another to the staff on Bioware to block the LFR, enjoy.


If you think the one letter you sent will make a difference then it won't. The devs will implement LFR tools if there is enough interest.


It's not coming FYI - adapt to a game where effort = reward or move on with your lives. If you're magically in denial about the fact that it's just a form of laziness that leads to nerfs and destroys on-server communities, then you need to get a mirror and start being honest with yourselves.


Imperials exploiting Ilum destroy on-server communities much more then the odd random idiot in a cross server or random dungeon group. If your in a guild where LFR won't be needed then you won't see the random people who act like fools.



The same players who are too lazy to take the time to form a solid group for Flashpoint and Operations are not magically "not lazy" in every other area of the game. The majority of them simply don't put time into anything - be it improving their play skill, character, encounter knowledge or social skills. They then want a tool so they can push a button, get easy-mode dungeons and receive loot.


It's probably easier to find a group for Empire players who on most server have more then double the amount of people compared to Republic players were there is less people to choose from..


What does it matter to you how people choose to get upgrades ? It honestly none of your business.


FYI regardless of whether it is a guild run, PUG or LFG generated group the effort put in to compete the dungeon is the same.



It's obvious what that path is, and luckily I've been informed by some people close to the situation that it's not one Bioware will be walking down. Guaranteed. Thank god. Because if you don't get it already, it's the path to an easy-mode MMO where nothing is rewarding and the player base gets completely bored with content the same week it's released (see WoW).


How is it any less rewarding to clear a flashpoint with LFR players when everyone kills the same bosses ?


People will get bored of the content whether or or LFR is in game or not.


Maybe the person who needs to be honest and look in the mirror is yourself as most of what I read is elitism.

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It's obvious what that path is, and luckily I've been informed by some people close to the situation that it's not one Bioware will be walking down. Guaranteed. Thank god. Because if you don't get it already, it's the path to an easy-mode MMO where nothing is rewarding and the player base gets completely bored with content the same week it's released (see WoW).

If you were "informed" of that? Then the person that "informed" you is a complete idiot. A total imbecile that doesn't belong in any professional organization, and will have their arse booted out the door soon enough because the type of ******* that would tell some random git something like that, is exactly the type of person that will keep making ******* mistakes.


I don't believe you were though. From your previous posts it very easy to tell that you just make things up as you go along.

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Worst idea ever. I support the return of guild-centric activity, the LFD tool is lame lame lame.


And if Hard/Nightmare mode Flashpoints and Operations were out of the LFD tool? And having the choice between []same-server and []cross-server in the tool? How would you feel?

Edited by BlueSkittles
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Worst idea ever. I support the return of guild-centric activity, the LFD tool is lame lame lame.


let's BW remove current warzone queue right now and make it chat/guild based


and ofc they will do it from direct order of "Bottomfeeder" so ppl will know whom they must say "thank you" fo such good thing


guild centric activity is there, and it is for RAID's ffs… (fp, operetion whatever they called) not some dungeons for small party of people

Edited by navarh
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Seconded, it's ridiculous.

People can't seem to udnerstand that

1/ socializing is defined by how you interact with the members of your groups, regardless of how you entered in contact with them, being an automated process or not.

2/ Why imposing socializing in the first place? If all you want is run a group content, not start a tea salon.


The more I hear this social excuse from the anti LFD crowd, the more I lose faith in humanity. Let's hope they won't use the LFD. I don't want to group with people with such flawed logic.

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My LFG update.


I play a healer, with what I believe is a good rep for healing from those I've grouped with, on one of the busiest servers since pre-launch.


For the past two weeks I have been on a schedule that allows for me to do my hobby, mmo gaming, for at the max 4 hours a day, usually the most I have is 3 hours. I have a job, a wife and kids.


For those two weeks I have been trying to complete Maelstrom Prison before I out level it and running it becomes trivial. I belong to a guild, with plenty of members, but there is rarely anyone that is on when I am and is around the same level. There are plenty that are around my level though, but play times haven't matched up.


I have tried everything to find a group. Tagged myself, Global LFG channel, and continually spam my LFG message. In that time I have gotten in two groups to do the run. Both groups had players that had to leave partway through the run. We had no issues beforehand, they just had things come up in RL and had to go. Both times the groups ended up disbanding because we couldn't fill the spot.



I'm done with SWTOR if there is not a proper LFG tool in place by the 20th of February.


That is not a childish threat statement, but just a simple reality. A month ago I had made a commitment that I was going to stick with SWTOR even though it was already clear to me the subs were going to sink fast. As much as I like other aspects of the game, to fully enjoy my hobby, I need to be able to play when I log in, and not be blocked from doing the most fun content because some completely out of touch designers can't seem to tell their arses from a hole on the ground.


I've had it with these threads. If BW doesn't get it by now, when it's already too late for so many, then it's just going to be way too long before either they do get it, or they're finally fired and replaced by people that do.

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My LFG update.


I play a healer, with what I believe is a good rep for healing from those I've grouped with, on one of the busiest servers since pre-launch.


For the past two weeks I have been on a schedule that allows for me to do my hobby, mmo gaming, for at the max 4 hours a day, usually the most I have is 3 hours. I have a job, a wife and kids.


For those two weeks I have been trying to complete Maelstrom Prison before I out level it and running it becomes trivial. I belong to a guild, with plenty of members, but there is rarely anyone that is on when I am and is around the same level. There are plenty that are around my level though, but play times haven't matched up.


I have tried everything to find a group. Tagged myself, Global LFG channel, and continually spam my LFG message. In that time I have gotten in two groups to do the run. Both groups had players that had to leave partway through the run. We had no issues beforehand, they just had things come up in RL and had to go. Both times the groups ended up disbanding because we couldn't fill the spot.



I'm done with SWTOR if there is not a proper LFG tool in place by the 20th of February.


That is not a childish threat statement, but just a simple reality. A month ago I had made a commitment that I was going to stick with SWTOR even though it was already clear to me the subs were going to sink fast. As much as I like other aspects of the game, to fully enjoy my hobby, I need to be able to play when I log in, and not be blocked from doing the most fun content because some completely out of touch designers can't seem to tell their arses from a hole on the ground.


I've had it with these threads. If BW doesn't get it by now, when it's already too late for so many, then it's just going to be way too long before either they do get it, or they're finally fired and replaced by people that do.


+1, I am in the same situation as you, due to my region and time zone (Australia) pretty much everywhere are empty when I am online and impossible to find a group for FP or heroic quest. I have a full time job, gf and dog; the time I can play are limited; I am use to be a big hardcore MMO player (wow) which i quite while ago due to endless raid, gear and rep farming.


That is why I enjoy SWTOR more, I am completely into the story driven and want to play all the character just to experience the story and that is why I have signed up 3 months sub when I started it, but due the condition above I have only done FP less than 3 times for the past month.


Dungeon finder is a tool nothing more, I am not sure why there are so many questions, debate and concern about it. It is a tool, if you like it use it and if you against it don't use it! Simple!! MMO is for people to interact with others, that is why I think this should be one of the primary tool for every MMO game.


It took wow many years to implement dungeon finder and it work successfully, I hope swtor can learn from their mistake and learn from their success. Hope I won't have to stop my sub due to this silly reason, because I think SWTOR is a game fully of potential.

Edited by UltimateForcee
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It's amazing the degree to which the pro-LFR players are willing to troll people, from PMs on the forum to in-game hate mail. Put in a letter as one dev to another to the staff on Bioware to block the LFR, enjoy.


It's not coming FYI - adapt to a game where effort = reward or move on with your lives. If you're magically in denial about the fact that it's just a form of laziness that leads to nerfs and destroys on-server communities, then you need to get a mirror and start being honest with yourselves.


The same players who are too lazy to take the time to form a solid group for Flashpoint and Operations are not magically "not lazy" in every other area of the game. The majority of them simply don't put time into anything - be it improving their play skill, character, encounter knowledge or social skills. They then want a tool so they can push a button, get easy-mode dungeons and receive loot.


It's obvious what that path is, and luckily I've been informed by some people close to the situation that it's not one Bioware will be walking down. Guaranteed. Thank god. Because if you don't get it already, it's the path to an easy-mode MMO where nothing is rewarding and the player base gets completely bored with content the same week it's released (see WoW).


You mean like these people:


Originally Posted by DamionSchubert

Improving our LFG system is high on the list of features that Systems Design wants to add to the game. We want this to be good not just for helping people find Flashpoints and Operations to run, but also other multiplayer content like heroic missions. A key emphasis will be on advertising for specific role needs (healer, tank, DPS). This feature is currently in the design stage, and once this feature has moved beyond this to a development stage and has a firm ETA, I'll be coming back to you guys to give more details.


We've known we would need to revisit this feature for a while. In the level-up game, finding players isn't too rough because, with few exceptions, everyone in that level band is either on your planet or on the fleet. Once more and more players hit endgame, and are spending their time in more places, the need for this feature is going to increase. Note that right now, high level players have the opposite problem - there aren't enough other players up there to group with. This problem will dissipate as the game ages, and more players reach the later levels.


That being said, our design team doesn't philosophically believe that cross-server Flashpoints are good for the game at this stage in the game's lifespan. There is huge social pressure to not be a jerk that goes away when the odds that you will never see these people again is high. I'm not saying never - there may come a time in the future where we reevaluate this - but at least in the short term, we believe this will cause more damage to the community than good.


Now, let me clarify something, again, for those that just don't get it.


I would preffer server only LFD, however, I am realistic as well. If for any reason they do decide cross server is the way to go, I want options, and I don't want to quietly let it turn into WoW.


A 'standard' server is apparently 200~ people. Heavy is apparently 3500~. A server that drops to 'light' will probably benefit from x-server LFD, or a merge.


Now, my past experience tells me EA isn't too likely to merge servers on pain of admitting that the game isn't doing as well as they expected. We hit that issue/break point with them with Warhammer, and it's likely to come up here as well if it comes down to it.


Now, before I start hearing objections from people going 'It's bioware not EA' let me highlight something for you. They are a division of EA - they are no longer independent.



#1 http://www.bioware.com/

Need for speed world and Warhammer are both EA games - there's a trial link for Warhammer (perma free trial) and when you hit the warhammer F2P beta page - it also links into NFSW and the other EA F2P/P2P games.


#2 http://www.giantbomb.com/bioware/65-98/


#3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioware



As for you Subrosian....


It's amazing the degree to which the pro-LFR players are willing to troll people, from PMs on the forum to in-game hate mail.

If that is happening, the guidelines are below. I strongly advise that you speak to CS if anyone is being abusive to you in private. Below, I repeat what Notannos stated at the start of the thread, I also remind people to follow those rules.



As always, we ask that the community keep the following things in mind when responding:


  2. No insults, name calling, or personal attacks
  3. Please stay on topic.
  4. Please express your opinion and thoughts in a constructive, respectful manner.
  5. If someone violates the Rules of Conduct, please flag it instead of replying to it.
  6. Keep in mind that everyone has different viewpoints. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're trolling. If you believe someone is trolling, please use the Flag function to report their post.


Thank you!


Remember that the guidelines for behavior also apply to messages sent in game as well as out of game. There is no excuse for anyone to endure abusive behavior from anyone on these forums or in private for any reason.


However, I also advise that should anyone decide to make false claims remembers this:


Defamation of character


Any intentional false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person's reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.


Defamation may be a criminal or civil charge. It encompasses both written statements, known as libel, and spoken statements, called slander.


Edited by Manathayria
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