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What are 3 things that iritate you the most ?


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1) I can't make a twi'lek trooper :t_frown:


2) Unbind the "\" key as a bug report key. I've hit that button so many times it is ridunkulous. If I want to report a bug, I can take the time to do so. It doesn't need a hot-key.


3) No cross-faction communication. They're not speaking different languages, are they? If you start getting harassed via private messages, then either /ignore or report the player for harassment.

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A few too many to list. I loved the game during beta, it ran perfectly on my system with 0 issues. I figured I'd upgrade my graphics card (from a 9800GTX+ SLI to a single GTX560Ti) and that's when all hell broke loose..


1) The community - "nerf this, nerf that, wah he worked for this item but I don't want to so it's OP" Same that plagues any MMO really..


2) I can't even play it now. I had massive stuttering issues for most of the game that weren't too bad to handle.. initial load times were 30 seconds-1 minute. Now that I'm on Alderaan, I have 0 interest in playing anymore, and just tried playing it again after a month break. The initial load into Alderaan takes at least 5 minutes, and not only that it freezes 25% of the way in. The only way to fix it? Alt-Tab, and hope it doesn't crash when you try to go back in. Finally when it loaded up tonight, I was able to travel halfway across the map (stuttering a ridiculous amount the entire way) until it finally froze up and crashed.


3) Again.. can't even play it.. All of these updates have killed the game for me. Mine was 95% working fine when it launched.. all of these hotfixes have given me problems I haven't had before. I think the worst part of it all, and I'm not 100% blaming the game.. before I took my 1 month break, while loading (Alderaan.. you guessed it) I got a BSOD. When I tried to start back up, I realized my HDD was dead..

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1. Boring boss fights though I will give BW credit and say that I do like the instances aesthetically.


2. Lack of combat logs and a damage meter along with no customizable UI or third party addons. I assumed these were all standard for modern day MMO's.


3. One that maybe hasn't been stated: One more level of zoom before I go into first person view. I normally play fully zoomed out but if I want a closeup of my toons face the closest I can get is still like 10 ft. away. Obviously a minor gripe but I'm trying to say something someone else hasn't already. Also, previewing how a weapon looks just like a new piece of armor would be nice.


4. Had to add this one, lack of different sized races is kinda boring. The same four body types is pretty ridiculous if you wanna get technical about it, we're all aliens and yet we all adhere to the same basic dimensions when it comes to size and weight? Hopefully in the future there will be a race that's bigger than the rest and one that's smaller than the rest. Variety is a good thing.

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Aric Jorgan...he tried to side seat drive when i am in an asteroid field.


No real end content for crafters...which is what i am by virtue of the hours i play and no server population is awake



Commendations for space and for dailies buy you squat.......they need more items....

Edited by Garravesh
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1: The idea that an MMO must be work. I play games to get away from work; to put work out of sight and out of mind. If I wanted a tedious second job putting up with clowns I typically can't stand, I'd go apply at the local coffee shop and lie about my work history and education background.


At least they get paid to put up with a tedious job while putting up with primarily inconsiderate clods. Plus, free coffee.



2: Being told 'Maybe MMO's just aren't for you'. Not so. I know what I do and don't have fun with in an MMO, and on the whole, my standards are pretty high, but also pretty reasonable and not exclusive or alienating of the whole genre altogether.




3: Feeling like my time is being blatantly and purposelessly wasted.


Long 'cool story bro' anecdote made short and sweet, if you waste my time blatantly just to waste it, don't ever catch on fire in front of me; I won't so much as spit on you to put you out.

Edited by Uruare
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UI - I really want to be able to custumize it after my prefences, and the Global Trade Market interface is terrible.


no chat bubbles - would be very nice to have :)


lot of running around for no reason - having to take a shuttle to planets, not being able to use mounts in spaceports and having to wait for those damn ellevators...

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1. FPS - it's been covered so much, I won't rehash it here.


2. Space docks - I don't mind traveling, but extra load screens just make it tedious.


3. Space combat - I would love to pvp in a spaceship... (I'm dreaming, but hey, dream big right?)

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1. No modifiable gear once reached level 50.


2. Have to perform stupid raids to get gear.


3. No obvious way to cancel subscription (but at least I had a CC that runs out before next billing, so that will take care of that).

Edited by Dayiil
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1) People defending this game as if it were the holy grail of MMOs

2) Websites and gaming magazines giving this game high ratings (ok, not really surprising...money makes the world go around)

3) Me.....subscribing a whole whopping month after the free one

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#1 The horrible targeting system. You either click the guy you want to hit, or youll never find him because tab targets people not on your screen. Tab never works anyway, set to nearest to farthest targeting, still doesnt work..targets random people. Every other game, targeting system is fine..this game...its completely horrendous.... so for a pvp junkie..this is actually my foremost complaint.


#2 and a VERY close second

HORRIBLE CAMERA, my god this thing is so bad..you zoom it out.. soon it will be close in tight on your character and never auto return to its zoomed out state (ive about run the wheel off my mouse trying to accomodate this absurdity), constantly has a tendancy to point down at the floor instead of straight out where you can see things, the auto rotation once its released is obnoxious for many specs with no way to turn it off. If you set yourself running in a single direction, then allow the camera to return itself to normal state...you will have to change the directional keys you are using to run, so you dont flip around or whatever....it should hold course....things like this are very bad.


#3 haha so trivial and yet so obnoxious....

When youre companions are done gathering...it will close everything you are doing...or it will block your entire screen during combat...to ask you to accept the items you told them to gather.... 2 things....there is no way to decline it anyway...why would I have to click accept? So from the get go the function is useless......and 2 why does it have close everything im doing and block my entire screen during combat.....the reason is because obviously the devs have never even played their own game.






Below are many others that bother me just for reference.


Operations bugs...my God a bugged boss takes longer to deal with than the entire rest of the operation.... oh no the pillarz they are bugged, zone back in...oh no there is only half a floor around soa... stupid things like that, why they spend time nerfing crafting that is already useless and not fixing what is there..ill have no idea.


Ugly and horrible video performance..particularly in pvp and on illum even for a good system like my 4.5ghz i5, 7970 graphics card....did I mention the horrendously long load times for a raid 0 setup?


Did I also mention this game has the lowest quality and ugliest textures to come out since 2005 and a laughably barren particle effects implementation, and what..no HDR or anything like that for that awesome lightsaber glow... no sparks when lightsabers cross blades? oh wait...haha like that would ever happen....


A lack of interesting and diverse skills, pisspoor gear diversity options and gear progression systems, extremely limited pvp options, excessive stunning and rooting for everyclass, the great void where endgame story content should be (since story is all this game has going for it), bland asthetic diversity between characters, futile bugs in operations, flashpoints, main quests, complete and utter abandonment of customer service in game, high monthly fee, severe driver problems from both ati and nvidia, horrible looting system in raids, depthless companion interaction, barren special quests and easter egg boredom, useless crafting, bad forum community of flamers, trolls, and durps... useless economy, complete lack of challenge, no dmg meter heal meter / training dummy, no target of target, indefinite ability delays, imperial favoring animation timing nerfing equivalent republic skills, no macro function....., complete lack of commitment from developer to player communication aside from a few questions answered per week, functionality limited narrow class talent tree spec viability (+++ since surge nerf), completely forsaken great ideas, boring and typical questline implementation (aside from the fact that they say it to you, instead of you reading it), no space combat, no pod racing, no huge wars, no battlegroups, long que time in lvl 50 pvp, 1 faction vs faction map, cookie cutter character creation options, constant easy way out solution to nerf anything worth working for, complete lack of guild integration and support, broken auction house, bad world design beyond the first 2 areas, dead worlds completely static all the way around the universe, pointless space docs, a community that cares more for additional gay romance options than actual fixes and hey you have nice shoes.


Im sure more things would come to mind if I let them. Im just glad guild wars 2 will come out in june

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1. The Market Interface. Come on, it’s 2012. My Amazon search page has more options than the Market window. It can’t be that difficult to make searching easier. Call Amazon for pointers if you need to.


2. Crafting System. It is useless at the moment other than to make credits by selling mats to people who haven’t figured out that crafting is useless.


3. Talent system. If you were going to clone another MMO’s system why not pick a better one? People have been complaining about WoW’s talent trees forever.


Honorable Mention: People who feel the need to completely lose their minds and napalm someone else because they dare to have an opinion. Just because the incredibly successful, user friendly, frustration reducing feature they would like to see implemented just happened to be in “THAT OTHER GAME” it is automatically a crime against humanity . I love to see these people refer to others as “fan boys” while they leap to the defense of a substandard game wearing their BioWare cape and an oversized light stick in their hand.

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3 things I like:


1. The people I met playing the game who I will be playing the next MMO with whichever hits first.


2. <reserved>


3. <reserved>


3 things that irritate me the most:


1. The Fan boys and apologists for the game, sure the games been out for 2 months but it had 5 years of development and a massive budget, If you've only played 1 character you'll find yourself wondering just what they did with those 5 years of development and that budget cause it sure wasn't content.


2. That they made this game the largest voice over project in history instead of the largest game development project in history when they could have easily done the latter.


3. That Bugs that were found in the Beta found their way into the game, that were waiting for them to finish their UI, That features that should have been in from the start aren't there. That we are essentially playing a Beta of endgame as they kept reseting beta players to lvl 1 each build thereby preventing HM FP's and Ops from ever properly being tested before Game launch.

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That the bigger part of the customer base seems to be willing to take whatever they throw at them without complains. There are a lot of annoying things in SW:ToR, but because of this one things aren't going to change for good.


Its really disturbing to see that educated customers have become a rare breed.

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1. Bugs that affect me.

How selfish am I? /p

I dont mind all the many bugs that happen, you pass them or its a graphic bug you leave the area but getting stuck jumping for datacrons, hovering in mid air.

Tat balloon despawning a few mins from the objective, my guildie getting bugged helping someone do a quest he was stuck for 5 hours waiting for his fleet pass cd.


2. Population

2 Million box sales, 1.7 subbed for the first month. WHERE ARE THEY ALL.

Its really doing my head in, I got a new Commando in coro and Im answering noobie questions, so there are new players, why is it so quiet all the time?


3. These forums, haters who drop into threads ignoring the point of the thread and just randomly whining.

If you dont like a game **** off, stop wasting time.

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1. I Quit threads


2. PvP players that whine about things being OP when most of them are not, but the constant whining causes thing to get nerfed which in turn messes with PvE so PvE players have to suffer cause of PvP whining ( on a side not go back and look what PvP whining did to champions online.. half way decent game nerfed to death by PvP whiners)


3. Posters that only post is about how bad the game is.

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Not being able to access emails from my ship


GTN drops when companion comes back from a mission (really annoying)


Not being able to view my companions gear and look at the GTN at the same time, i would like to compare the gear i'm buying to what he/she is waring

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Probably posts like this come top of my list but hey everyone to their own. For me I have faith in the creators and I have now adjusted to a different type of play. It was only annoying at times because it was different to what I had been used to. Sadly the other games cater for the lowest common denominator and are hell bent on over simplifying things. Sadly for every simpler solution comes less effort and therefore simply advances the point of boredom. By being forced to do things often makes you work harder and learn more. Its actually a significant fact of life. But sadly today we live in a world of fast food and text talk... There is the problem.
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