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What are 3 things that iritate you the most ?


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1. The forums


2. The people who always post goodbye threads never have an Avatar, have a name like "kthxbyeirock" (all in lower case) and have never once posted for help. It's like they new they were just using the 30 day free and quitting but feel the need to troll the foums to death before they leave.


3. The forums.


And yet you're still posting on said forums.


3A. Hypocrites.

Edited by Stelakh
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Constructive and polite v ignorant and rude the latter is what the forum is most of the time, which is a bad thing not a good thing:rolleyes:



^ this


These forums are to post your complaints, suggestions, and overall discussions over certain things in the game. Forums really aren't the best place to go "OMG! I LOVE THIS GAME!" those posts are fine and dandy, but they're kinda useless in terms of a "General Discussion" forum.


If you love the game, GREAT! Good on ya, mate. But really, say it in the Republic fleet. It's more productive and you'll probably get a better community reading from it. :)

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And yet you're still posting on said forums.


3A. Hypocrites.


3b. People who would rather flame people’s answers than contribute their 3 things to a 3 thing thread.


3c. Doh! just did it.....

Edited by Brakner
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First, I/We like this game a lot.:)


My GF and I are mid level right now, and having a blast. We both play that "other MMO" as well, which we've only logged into about twice in the last 2 weeks. SWTOR is fun. Nuff Said...


Since we already know that a new UI is coming in the next patch my three wishes changes for now would be:


1. Random Instance/Flashpoint Finder: We are skipping a lot of flashpoints because it takes too long or we simply cannot find people to do with. We go back a few levels later and run them just to experience the content, but that is not the way the game is intended to be played I'm sure. This is BADLY need right now.


2. YES... it bothers us this much that I'm making it second on my list. Please, for the love of god, shut that stupid droid on my ship up!! I've gotten so annoyed with him, that if I could run my lightsaber thru his voicebox or space him out the airlock I would! Even his departure and return from crafting missions is totally and utterly annoying. Him telling me he failed, every second or third time he returns is maddening at best. Shut Him Up BW!... Please.


3.More Bind points, specifically "On My Ship" and while we at it, a mailbox on my ship as well. Did I just say mail?? Why in an environment as tech advanced as SWTOR do we still have to go to a mailbox to get anything? How about a mail icon that just lets you check and receive your mail wherever you are? Like in space or on a mission with no mailboxes anywhere near you. Since most travel is by foot or in the best case personal speeder, this would makes sense. Otherwise, this game needs a heck of a lot more mailboxes. LOL


We're not endgaming yet and I've only jumped into PVP once, so I wont comment on this topics, but many of the complaints others have had, we've not encountered. Are there bugs and problems? Sure, but I'm willing to give the game and the Devs some time to fix the issues.:)

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1. Bots that farm chests irritate me the most, I know this is in no way BWs doing but i absolutely loath the rats that stoop to using bots. Good thing BW seem to be good at noticing them and fast to respond to tips about possible bots.


2. The lack of control over what your character looks like. Basically I want an a-tab or something like that. I like the mod system but it's just not good enough in this respect.


3. Sort of a branch off from point 2; I don't like that I can't hide my companions' head gear. I can hide my own, which is great, I'd like to be able to do the same for my companions


Edit: Forgot one, I really don't like that teaming is so limited, i.e. that you are not able to team with lower leve characters in a way that makes the quests you do fun and challenging. City of Heroes had its sidekick/exemplar system which allowed a lower level to boost his level while teaming with a higher level and also allowed a higher level the option to lower his/her level to that of the other group mate. As things are now teaming with someone too far above your own level makes the content meaningless and borring.

Edited by Runeshard
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1. People who say things like "Terribad" or "Baddie". It really is indicative of their personality

2. People who call others "Trolls" or "Fanboys". People either like the game or don't. It really isn't more complicated than that. Leave your childish labels at the door.

3. Anyone who calls themselves "Pro". Pro is short for professional. You are only a professional if you are payed to play. Thus you are not pro, and are just able to hit hotkeys in a succession that works well. This does not make you special.

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My main gripe is during PvP there's that little "group" icon on the left near everyones name. I want the name list w/ that icon to go away so I can use the quickslots on the left part of my screen.


You can unlock the ops frames and then drag it a little to the side and lock it again, this will let you use the left quickslots. Its what I did to make healing easier.

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1. Burnt coffee

2. Mayonnaise when I specifically said no mayo.

3. Hemorrhoids


Oh, in game.


1. Mind numbing grindy linear planetary questing.

2. Terrible crafting.

3. Restricted, restricted, restricted, restricted, restricted, etc.


Bonus 3:


- Unlinked Republic and Empire trade networks. Not very galactic.

- Gear is fugly.

- Huttball. Lack of warzone diversity in general. Still needs to be bracketed.

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1) Class mirror imbalances (Should never have happend, but I doubt will take too long to fix)


2) Horrible itemization. STOP GIVING TROOPERS SO MUCH ACCURACY! We don't need it! Would be less of an issue via mods over time, but it's frustrating as it is.


3) RNG PvP bags, opened enough to get 81 Centurion commendations, no weapon, not a single piece of set.

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I love this game. My improvements are very minor.


1) Customization. Why can I have a guild-based cloak in GW and a complete cosmetic system in LOTRO...but I can't in a game that tries (and succeeds) to make an immersive role playing experience. I'd love to see something like armor dying, that way my armor is different from the same lvl 50 with the same gear standing next to me.


2) Classes shouldn't necessarily be exact mirrors of each other. I don't want to roll a sith warrior and have it feel exactly like my jedi knight. They should be nuanced. Also, in classes, increase the utility of some classes. I can spec my commando for healing, tanking, or DPS. A sentinel gets only DPS, but doesn't do it any better than other DPS classes. If an advance class only has one method of play, make sure that it does that job better than others.


3) Make the republic side more appealing. We are at a disadvantage. Maybe add new classes, or missions, or a twi'lek strip club.

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1. General lack of emotes with animation. Sitting in chairs would be a decent start.


2. That emotes in the game don't have animations attached even when the animation already exist and are used by the players character during the course of the game. (eg. Sleep, Meditate)


3. Lack of chat bubbles as an option. Turn them off by default if you wish.



Apart from that any issue I had with the game were fixed weeks ago. I do perhaps wish that melee dps was more viable in PVP but this is a slight gripe which can not be rectified easily.

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1. Inability to get improved plans from REing Vibroknives (bug?), and the lack of Orange Techstaves (and Aim-based hilts to socket them with).


2. Daily gear that is (slightly) better than what I can make.


3. A useless GTN search capability.


With that said, no game I've ever come across is perfect and I'm quite enjoying SWTOR.

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1. Companions returning from crafting missions like excited children, interrupting life-and-death hand-to-hand combat with their oblivious and proud pronouncements of accomplishment, choosing the very worst times to obstruct critical time-sensitive information with their wrinkled crayola drawings, the little darlings.


2. The extreme rarity of legendary crafting materials in crafting mission rewards.


3. The extreme rarity and price of decent mods on the GTN, I believe partly because of #2(above), and partly because there seems an imbalance in almost all crafting trades that make the returns seldom worth the expense.

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Sorry but you bought it up again. Yes, I have been playing WoW and most nerfed class, a hunter.

Yes, WoW is god of MMO customization and flexibility.

No, I won't return back to WoW because I'm sick of fantasy games.

Actually I was really hoping that this game will be my new "home" for many years, like WoW used to be.

In current game state, not a chance in the hell.


And I still want your snuff. :p


I have played wow for seven years. i still like the game alot but lets be real there was no custization of anything in game at all.


if your talking about addons then sorry about this you are correct. otherwise there is no custimazation

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1. Travelling.


2. Low Texturesize.


3. Combat Delay / animation stuttering / Abilities locking up.


4. DOTs stopping you from Using the regen ability, capping points and kicking you off mount.


5. Resolve. Overly complicated and doesnæt fulfill it's purpose. CC is just immense at times.

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1. Linear world/travel poorly designed planets


2. No LFD


3. The insanity of traveling from planet to planet which is a VERY COOL idea but the insanity kicks in with the , Travel to ship-travel to planet- travel to orbital station-travel to docking bay -travel to starter zone.... I mean really Bioware couldn't you have condensed this just a bit What the *&^&% is up with all this unnecessary traveling?

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