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This is what I posted on my Guild's forums...(PvP rant)


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Eve had consequence. Something clueless devs will never have the vision for. Ccp is going to flip the industry on its head with dust 514 though. Mark my words.




Can't wait to hire me some mercs :D


One of the things SWTOR should do is involve the players more in the story. In EVE, the players ARE driving the story. There's massive alliances, complicated politics, spying, infiltration, backstabbing, social interaction (!!!) other than just 15min matches, and so on. So Dust 514 will be driven by the already existing politics and wars in EVE. EVE is basically creating a lot of the content for Dust 514. Pretty cool idea to combine 2 games like that.


Right now, SWTOR feels too much like a cool single player game with some "capture the flag" type PVP. Which is OK, but it won't hold players for as long as EVE. If I look back at my 7 years with this game, it's funny to see that most of my mates tried other MMOs when they come out, sometimes for a year or more...but they almost always end up coming back. Why? Because the politics and player interaction, as well as the risky PVP is very involving. It motivates you for way longer than the average MMO.


PVP'ing without the risk of losing anything is like PVP'ing with training wheels. Just because you're sitting on a bike doesn't mean you can ride a bike if you're using training wheels. It's actually what pissed me off the most when I first played WoW, and I'm similarly disappointed when it comes to SWTOR. I'm not saying it isn't fun, because like I said, I'm enjoying Huttball and believe this game has potential...but it's NOT a proper PVP game as it stands.

Edited by RadehX
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I'd like to see more competitive pvp in swtor :) imo it would fit really well into this game because the best things in the movies were the lightsaber fights :D and i expected swtor to be pvp and pve based in the same way... but we should give BW more time before we discuss that much :-P
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Good ideas, but faction imbalances, and now low server populations make it untenable. It's the snake eating it's tail syndrome. This system masquerading as a pvp system is killing this game. It only gets worse from here unless they make radical changes, which there is no way they will do. This is a company who over hyped a failed system using Star Wars as the selling point. Without that, I doubt they would've had 50K in sales.
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I played EVE for two years and it's not the best PvP imo. The big 50+ spawncamp on Ilium/roving gank mobs/PvE flag tricks are normal for that game and thanks to a chat list showing who's in the area, random PvP encounters are rare. Organized PvP is one of two things:


1) Big zerg luring a smaller zerg into a trap.


2) Who has the most FOTM in mass quanitites (picture an ops of 500 BM sorcs that can only be killed by 501 BM sorcs).


That said, it's the best sandbox game I've ever played and likely the reason I spend more time in outlaw's den than ilium because sometimes I get three-way fights with sith and republic.


I think Tattooine should have been a giant free-for-all PvP planet with high rewards instead of just another questing hub. Guilds would fight and play politics for control of areas and players could choose between themed PvP on Ilum or creating their own content in a (literal) giant sandbox.


Also, with 8 years in EVE I highly doubt you played just one character---or account.:D If you do, I salute you.

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OP, you describe the MMO experience you want while ignoring what SWTOR really is. This game is a PVE theme park for “casual players” interested in the intellectual property with a PVP option as simply one of the attractions amongst the various rides. This isn’t a game for the want to be L337, the PVP is a grindy little play ground with dishonest scoring to keep everyone feeling good.


It’s not meant to hold your interest as you have outgrown the market audience. Step back and look at the loot oriented mechanics, crafting, all the other features, and ask yourself if this is really targeted at the mature player or to the young?


While they likely intend to support the game for a long time the average MMO player only sticks around for a few months before moving on to the next big thing anyway. Enjoy it for what it is, for the time you can, and understand few games have lasting appeal anymore before moving on.

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Guys, all he wants is what Ilum COULD BE. If Ilum didn't suck hairy ball sack it could be the sort of place where republic and empire go to control certain points for certain bonuses. They could even tie these bonuses into unlocking certain PVE raids to the winning faction.


BUT, the player imbalance is WAY to bad and Ilum sucks donkey dick. I like the idea of the above working properly. But it won't happen for a while. They couldn't even get one place right I doubt there will be multiple places where you can go to control for certain cool stuff for a while.

Edited by Invictusthetaru
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Opinions are vast and far, but honestly, if you consider Eve Online to be the best PvP you lived a sheltered life. Furthermore, hearing stories is just that; stories. PvPers make of the vast minority of MMO gamers, despite their collective ideals. Furthermore, I doubt you played the 7 years that EVE has existed strictly as a PvPer. Since you had to start out heavily PvEing in that game.


your wrong sorry, I have played EVE since 05. I pvped in EVE from 3 months into the game.I still play it to this day.


he is also right I am quiting because tor has no pvp, my 3 friends have quit, Rift was bad but its really sad what was done to tor.

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I played EVE for two years and it's not the best PvP imo. The big 50+ spawncamp on Ilium/roving gank mobs/PvE flag tricks are normal for that game and thanks to a chat list showing who's in the area, random PvP encounters are rare. Organized PvP is one of two things:


1) Big zerg luring a smaller zerg into a trap.


2) Who has the most FOTM in mass quanitites (picture an ops of 500 BM sorcs that can only be killed by 501 BM sorcs).


That said, it's the best sandbox game I've ever played and likely the reason I spend more time in outlaw's den than ilium because sometimes I get three-way fights with sith and republic.


I think Tattooine should have been a giant free-for-all PvP planet with high rewards instead of just another questing hub. Guilds would fight and play politics for control of areas and players could choose between themed PvP on Ilum or creating their own content in a (literal) giant sandbox.


Also, with 8 years in EVE I highly doubt you played just one character---or account.:D If you do, I salute you.


Only 2 characters so I didn't have to respect my main char ;)


Oh, and 80%+ of my PVP is either solo or small gang PVP. Large fleet battles were never my thing. I like fighting outnumbered ;)


By the way, something that would make SWTOR's PVP more challenging are killboards like this one: http://eve.battleclinic.com/killboard/combat_record.php?type=player&name=GeneralGree&filter=losses


You aren't simply ranked by kills, it allows you to see exactly if you went for the "easy kills" (in SWTOR that would be a lvl50 fighting a lvl15) or if you are really good and winning fights outnumbered and fights that you couldn't have won without real skill.


(Not my character by the way, picked a random one.)

Edited by RadehX
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Only 2 characters so I didn't have to respect my main char ;)


Oh, and 80%+ of my PVP is either solo or small gang PVP. Large fleet battles were never my thing. I like fighting outnumbered ;)


By the way, something that would make SWTOR's PVP more challenging are killboards like this one: http://eve.battleclinic.com/killboard/combat_record.php?type=player&name=GeneralGree&filter=losses


You aren't simply ranked by kills, it allows you to see exactly if you went for the "easy kills" (in SWTOR that would be a lvl50 fighting a lvl15) or if you are really good and winning fights outnumbered and fights that you couldn't have won without real skill.


(Not my character by the way, picked a random one.)


christ dont teach em about KB's, its bad enough that EVE players see them as some sort badge of honour, an their elite status lol.

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Eve, damn that game. Every time me and my friends get together and discuss this or that MMO and what could be done better, we always come back to EVE. There's just no other game like that, and I doubt any will appear in next year or two.



I did take a break from EVE for GW, WAR, Aion and now SWTOR, but all these games were really a distraction from teh "seriouz internet spaceship business." Every other MMO feels just like a "toy".


- A game with no true end game and a freedom of action. One can do an absurd amount of different activities, most of them based on competition or fighting against other players.

- A game with no artificial player classes. One can do whatever he wants, it just takes time to learn it.

- A game where we can level our characters without being in-game and doing some retarded endless grind. Though the grind is still present in some game areas, it is optional.

- A game where every action can be seen as a choice between risk and reward.

- A game where stupidity hurts and no one has a sympathy for idiots and fools.

- A game without artificial story, where the development of the universe is almost fully under control of its player base. WoW storyline has nothing on the drama between EVE alliances, empires and "maniacal" overlords.

- A game with E P I C all out wars and campaigns, where everything is allowed, and the war requires massive amount of coordination, leadership...a working industrial base/income, merchants, logistics, spies, recon, big fleets, raiders, defending patrols...


It's a universe where everybody has a price and whatever you are looking at is a definitely a trap.


And it has absolutely ****** miserable combat system.

Edited by Riulassher
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Themepark games could learn alot from EVE. Can you imagine teaching the so called battleground an illum farmers about baiting, hot drops and blue on blue. not to mention NRDS (death to CVA)


First, I used to be in CVA :p NRDS, blah.... so my whole guild switched to their neighbor, AAA, NBSI, lol


Anyway, It might be true that some EVE players see themselves as elities, but there is a reason for that, simply because EVE is far more complex / deep than a theme park MMO. For example, there are and 8 classes in SWTOR. Class is kinda like ship in EVE, every ship has its own way to fit, own way to fly. You know how many kind of ship are there? 40 for each race, and each ship has more than 2 ways to fit unlike other theme park mmo where the class pretty much only have 2-3 ways to specc your character.


sorry, got carried away, but I like EVE for its complexity, human interaction (for good or for bad), and those massive coordinated PvP fleet battle. (I literally have paper map of all the travel route between hundreds of system pinned in front of me on a wall, just to get quick tactical data to plot out the trap for our enemies)

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