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Best to worst. PVP Classes. In your opinions.


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From best to worst:

Sorcerer / Sage

Powertech / Vanguard

Mercenary / Commando

Operative / Scoundrel

Assassin / Shadow

Marauder / Sentinel

Juggernaut / Guardian

Sniper / Gunslinger


Right. GS is weakest class. That's why I finish in top 3 every single time. I Killed a marauder and didn't even take damage. The only time I die is when I get teamed 3v1. Do not underestimate us.

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Powertech/Vanguard should be much higher up that list.


This. A Shield Specialist Vanguard will SHUT DOWN any cast-based class. Heavy Armor, Light, doesn't matter. If I really want to (and with a little luck on other players CC break not being up), I can interrupt the first 6 casts they attempt. Six! I may not be doing incredible damage, but I'm wearing you down 1-2k at a time, while you can't do anything outside of instant casts.


The only 2 classes that have ever given me significant problems as a Vanguard are Marauders and Juggernauts. Simply because (for Vanguards) they're extremely difficult to kite, they mitigate a decent chunk of our already poor damage if tank specced, and they don't run after openers if they didn't dent my health enough.


Assault spec has even more versatility, as now I have high burst potential without the need to be close, or even be in LoS the whole time.


A Vanguard who really knows how to play their class will really frustrate most players. But I suppose that can be said about any class huh :)

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I'd say it really depends wheter someone is in a decent team playing togheter or not. Ranged/healing classes can do mighty fine even without proper support, while melee guys are at big disadvantage, with stealthers being in the middle because they can wait for some non stealth mdps to pull "aggro" from the other guys and then pop outta stealth and do their job. In this scenario i'd say most dangerous (or most useful) class would be sorc. Easier to get out of trouble when things go south, annoying as **** with CCs, decent damage. Bottom of the ladder would be melee dps, no matter what they are, they gotta work extra hard and die a lot.


Things change drastically if there's proper support (and i'm not talking pocket heals or a full team with voice comm, just a decently skilled healer that manages to srpead his attention over more than 1 single guy), and even more with actual team play. The more support and team coordination there is, the more melee classes shine. I often play with 2 marauders when on my sorc healing. They just wreck stuff and i keep them alive. On the other hand being ranged loses some advantage against proper teamplay, this being more true for some rther than other classes. Stealthers eats dirt, with the exception of a few sins/shadows but they mostly fall into the melee dps category when played like that.



So my list /while with decent support-teamplay and against decent support-teamplay/ as a healing sorc


- OMG RUN that one's gonna make tiny pieces of me / gotta keep that guy alive he's gonna MURDER STUFF -

sent/mara (holy mother of interrupts. if geared, they HURT)

powertech/vanguard (dps. lotsa dps)

sin/shadow (DPS, need good gear or pretty easy to shrug off)

jugg/guardian (dps)

powertech/vanguard (shieldtech. not so great damage but ANNOYING)

sniper/slinger (baw i can't rupt :( )

-ugh, annoying, someone take this guy off my back so i can focus properly on stuff-

sorc/sage (dps) "lawl, you call that /damage/?"

operative/scoundrel (conc/scrapper) AKA "ohai, meet my friends and stick your burst up yer ***"

merc/commando (dps)

-lol that tickles, you srs bro? -

Edited by PaZZo
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Ranked PVP classes as it pertains to war zone objectives wanting the greatest chance at victory.


Tier: One

Sorcerer / Sage

Juggernaut / Guardian

Powertech / Vanguard

Operative / Soundrel

Mercenary / Commando


Tier: Almost Irrelevant.

Marauder / Sentinel

Sniper / Gunslinger

Assassin / Shadow

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Basically you cannot beat any class in the game as a healer if given the chance to 1 vs 1 with equal or worse or better gear. Resolve just does nothing for you due to it being the most useless system ever designed to combat CC.


Damage far out exceeds healing due to having -30% reduction debuff on you at all times in combat, defence bubble works for about 2 seconds or less against the huge burst most classes all have why bother.


Healing gives you about 2 medals that's it for 200k+ healing and over! Rewards do not give you incentive to play more or less any kind of healer in the game at all.


BW you hate healers, if it wasn't for the fact that some minor team based requirement you needed one you may as well delete the whole healing ability from the game in terms of PVP.


My whine for the day. My opinion and I rate it as bottom of all the fun classes. It's a good thing I enjoy being the helpful healer to the best of my ability while being mostly locked out of my keyboard as a Battlemaster. Otherwise I would of rolled some OP fun class 10k+ dps along time ago.

Winning isnt an incentive?

There are medals for 2.5k and 5k single heals, and 2 other medals for total healing. 2 is not 4. Healing exceeds damage, youre just garbage.

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Winning isnt an incentive?

There are medals for 2.5k and 5k single heals, and 2 other medals for total healing. 2 is not 4. Healing exceeds damage, youre just garbage.


There are four medals for DPS and Healing. The only role with only two medals is Tanking.


However, since tanks do most of the objectives then they end up with around 4-6.





Right. GS is weakest class. That's why I finish in top 3 every single time. I Killed a marauder and didn't even take damage. The only time I die is when I get teamed 3v1. Do not underestimate us.



Please do actually - I enjoy being ignored while I destroy they're healers

Edited by Elyons
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worst class is by far the sniper/gunslinger, since they lack usefulness in teams. They should be the highest dps class in the game, given they have to play from static positions, sadly they tend to get rolled by other classes more often then not due to the fact that they have to remain immobile.


best all around is the sorc/sage given the range of abilities and templates they can play with. speed boost coupled with spammable snares, stuns, knockbacks, and good dps/healing makes them the top class in the game


Rest of the others are pretty equal, except mabye the marauders and sents given the lack of cc, and the game mechanics. i have seen some very good ones, but most cant play this class, as it probably has the highest skill level requirements to pull off out of all the classes.

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Assassins, snipers and marauders (and their republic counterparts) are only at the bottom of the list because they have by far the highest skill requirements of all the classes.


After the Op nerf this game will be extremely balanced. I really hope they don't start throwing buffs at perceived weaknesses as it will cause huge problems. Snipers are thought of as weak because many of them are still figuring the class out. It is not an easy class to play and while it is squishy the damage output and burst that they are capable of is insane.

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Assassins, snipers and marauders (and their republic counterparts) are only at the bottom of the list because they have by far the highest skill requirements of all the classes.


After the Op nerf this game will be extremely balanced. I really hope they don't start throwing buffs at perceived weaknesses as it will cause huge problems. Snipers are thought of as weak because many of them are still figuring the class out. It is not an easy class to play and while it is squishy the damage output and burst that they are capable of is insane.


I dont know but I feel the assassin should get a healing debuff to place on players. like say like VS adds this to players hit. But place it high up in their squisy tree ... makes them very needed against those heavy armored healers.

Edited by Chapelcloth
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This is my list, after the nerfs next patch. Hard to really tell from random warzones though. We'll get a better idea when rated warzones come out honestly. Until then all the lists in this thread basically boil down to "what classes annoy you the most on your mains?"


Sorcerer / Sage

Mercenary / Commando

Marauder / Sentinel (high skill cap, but with proper support probably best class in the game. Not pug friendly class)

Powertech / Vanguard

Assassin / Shadow

Sniper / Gunslinger

Operative / Soundrel

Juggernaut / Guardian

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Best to Worst Played by Semi to Pro Lvl Players - # Represents Power rating(1-10 scale)


Sorc -10

Powertechs - 10


Merc Heals - 9

Assassins - 9

Ops - 9

Marauders - 8

Juggernaunts- 8

Merc DPS -8


Sniper(Not rated; to few to give an impression)


I'd like to add that when played by pro lvl players the classes are extremely close, with the exception of Sorcs and Powertechs slightly distancing themselves from the pack.


Mercs DPS are last due to being susceptible to having rotation locked out at this lvl of play. I find at this lvl of play their healing tree to be one of the strongest, hence I seperated the rating.




Best to Worst Classes In Reality(Considering the skill I typically see playing said class)(Avg Power Rating 1-10)


Sorcs - 6

Mercs - 5

Assassins - 5

Ops - 4

Powertechs - 4

Marauders - 3

Juggernaunts - 3

Sniper - 2



The power rating is comparable to the list above. Yes...skill makes that big a difference in how the classes play.

really good post, infact that's pretty much spot on as i see it.

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Basically you cannot beat any class in the game as a healer if given the chance to 1 vs 1 with equal or worse or better gear. Resolve just does nothing for you due to it being the most useless system ever designed to combat CC.



So what you're saying is....healer offensive power is where it should be?


Cool, glad we cleared that up, because a healer has no place killing anyone in a 1v1 fight, sorry. Go back to wow if you feel differently, because thats the only place that spoils healers in the way that you're asking.


I am sorry that you cannot outheal a DPS with instant HoTs, never being interrupted because you never have to actually cast a spell, while still putting out enough damage on the DPS to kill them over the course of the fight.


That belongs in 30 minute 2v2 Arena rounds that conclude with one or the other team getting tired of wasting time. Keep it in Azeroth, thanks.


Assassins, snipers and marauders (and their republic counterparts) are only at the bottom of the list because they have by far the highest skill requirements of all the classes.


I'm not sure why this perception exists, I play a sniper, not fully champ geared yet, that is in the top 3 in damage virtually every round. 300-400k damage average.


I guess that people don't play snipers very well, and a lot of people tend to stick with Marksman without ever branching out and noticing the more mobile, more utility based specs.


IMHO, a well played sniper should be towards the top in damage dealt every round, and they should also have their hands in the objective pool as well, it's not hard to focus fire a ball carrier when you're 35m away being completely ignored by the opposing team, and when you're such a low priority target, you make for a great potential receiver of that ball as well if you position yourself properly.

Edited by Celebrus
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Ranked PVP classes as it pertains to war zone objectives wanting the greatest chance at victory.


Tier: One

Sorcerer / Sage

Juggernaut / Guardian

Powertech / Vanguard

Operative / Soundrel

Mercenary / Commando


Tier: Almost Irrelevant.

Marauder / Sentinel

Sniper / Gunslinger

Assassin / Shadow


Mmm... assassins aren't terrible at Huttball, and marauders wreck people if they have a pocket healer, making them really strong at Alderaan. But... yeah. This is about right.

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I'm not sure why this perception exists, I play a sniper, not fully champ geared yet, that is in the top 3 in damage virtually every round. 300-400k damage average.


Let me remind of you one teeny little detail. As a Sniper, ALL YOU DO IS DPS. You do not heal, you better stay far away from a huttball. You cant support worth a damn. your CCs are better left unused due to excessive Resolve stacking. On top of this you are, without a doubt, the squishiest class.


So, your role is pretty clear. Stand at a big distance where people hopefully ignore you and free-cast for pure damage.

Well here's the bad news. If anyone else descides to go all out pure dmg, they will have you eating their dust. But they dont, because they are also healing, and running the ball, and positioning to receive the ball. Or CCing and hindering the enemy team. All the while you are just sitting there, picking off the most ideal target, and just nuking for all your worth.


You damn BETTER hit 300k every single match, its all you do and all your good for. Doesnt mean you're better. Just that everyone else has better things to do.

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My opinion...


== BEST: AKA: Most Feared Class ==


Operative / Soundrel

Mercenary / Commando

Sorcerer / Sage

Marauder / Sentinel

Sniper / Gunslinger

Powertech / Vanguard

Assassin / Shadow

Juggernaut / Guardian


== WORST: AKA: Least Feared Class ==


This is based on which classes I personally don't like to come up against and visa versa.


...Your opinion?

aw i'm the least feared class well unless i play at like 12 am that is.

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As a healing Commando who isn't particularly good at games in general and plays 1-49 WZs on a PvE server, I find that Marauders and Juggernauts are the most difficult classes to play against. Snipers are a pain too, although I don't see them very often. Operatives, on the other hand, are terrible if I survive their initial burst (which I usually do, unless they have help). Beyond that, none of the other classes really stand out (although Sorc/Sages seem to do well on the scoreboards).
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Right. GS is weakest class. That's why I finish in top 3 every single time. I Killed a marauder and didn't even take damage. The only time I die is when I get teamed 3v1. Do not underestimate us.


Dude shut the hell up :eek:....the eye of nerf well starting looking at us with that kind of talk...

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So basically operatives were the least feared and got the most nerfed.


F you bioware.


The way I see it, the problem was well geared Operatives against lesser geared opponent who wouldn't survive that initial burst. In those situations, Operatives were broken in that their opponent would be dead without having any opportunity to do anything. Unfortunately, a nerf doesn't fix broken, it only fixes overpowered (which Operatives aren't, in general, in my opinion).

Edited by Dzhokhar
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no class is best imo.

there are many that make me lol and /slap them for attacking me in pvp right before i kill them.

these classes include...



assassins/shadows that are dps specced

sages/sorcs (lmao so squishy its funny dot, dot... ahhh run, heal, he..interrupt...dead)

sentinels/marauders (good ones can be a problem but there arent many)

juggs/guardians (good ones can be a problem but there arent many)

ops/scoundrels (i have more cc than them and forcecloak as well)

powertech/commando (since i know how to LoS)

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