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Stop voting for people with most medals.


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I use to be a tank for huttball (90% of imperial queue) so that I could help my team win by carrying the ball. But then I notice: The guy farming medals had a full set of champion gear by valor 40 because he was getting more valor/commendations from farming medals than I was scoring the huttball. Not to mention, people I PvP'd with got battlemaster as I finally got valor 50, because you get soooo much more valor farming medals.


So I Switched. I dropped the helpful spec and picked up a DPS spec, and now I farm medals. Now I'm getting 100-115 commendations a match with 1500 valor. I feel bad not helping win, but at the same time, I'm being rewarded for playing irresponsibly. So what should players do? The "Honorable" thing which offers no rewards? Or the fun, irresponsible thing, which offers more reward and frankly: More fun?

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Top medals =/= medal farming.


Any class with guard can (should?) get at least 3 "free" medals - 2k, 5k and 10k protection in a single life. If you play well AND get lucky you also get the 50k prot one. So often you would see us on the top of the table by default. As a 46 tank-specced Vanguard in near-Champion gear and some clue of what am I doing I usually do 150-200k damage with ~35 kills, ~40k protection and get 7-10 medals.


I must admit it is easier to get more comms for us but don't forget that we protect you at the cost of our own life. You must be smart who you protect - e.g. keeping the ball carrier or the healer alive contributes towards your team's victory. I don't want MVP votes for me - I get plenty of rewards already, and knowing that I played smart and well (objective-wise) gives me a much more rewarding feeling than a +1 from a random stranger would.


As per the objectives I have of course noticed that at lower lever it is easier to farm people than to care about those. Still, I play for my team and would sometimes end up with e.g. 50k dmg/5k prot because I was guarding left with little to no attacks while the enemy was zerging the middle in Alderaan, or I was holding the enemy back on Voidstar while our team was rushing forward and taking the datacore in under 3 minutes (lol often Imps would swarm me 3-4v1 in the first/second room :D They of course get me after a while but this gives my team enough time to proceed further with little resistance).



As per voting - someone doing their job 1st, top healer 2nd, guildies have priority but not mandatory - in this sea of mediocre players seeing someone playing smart always inspires me to vote for them. Still, often (at least once night) I would protect one door alone, the other 7 would fight at the other and the Imps would still plant - this pisses the hell out of me.

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These players are leeches, they sit for the first half of a match farming medals, they don't care about teamwork unless there is a medal for it, they couldn't care less about winning a match.




Take time to think about your vote, WHO worked hardest to win the match, who was the best team player, who healed the most, what tank guarded the most! reward these players, they prolly wont have many medals, because they are trying to win and not grow an epeen.





Guess what, i am usually the player that leads the match, get highest (well, not always) kills/dps, get higher guarding as well - and obviously highest amount of medals.


You cant "farm" them - you get them if you actually do your job right. Also, from what i noticed people dont vote considering who got most medals, but who they seen in game - if they see its ME rushing to help them and guarding, CCing enemys, being there in critical moment - they vote me. If theres someone else who was seen more - they vote him.


Generally if i dont pay attention to players, i vote healers or flag carriers. If i notice someone doing really good job - i vote him.


Your post sounds like QQ since no one votes for you. Well too bad - either you did not excel in the task you should have done, or did something wrong. Even people with lowest damage/kills/medals if they for example scored the ball get voted.


On other hand - if you dont get medals it means you are bad in your job: if you have highest guard but low damage/kills : you suck. If you have high heals but no DPS at all - you suck (unless its really high number meaning you simply did not have a chance to utilize your abilities).

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I vote based on what I see people do in game. Like; really good huttball passes or cc'ing enemies from friendly carriers, team mates I defend capture points with, etc. If I didn't notice anything special then by good healing or damage. Never really by medals, not that I consciously decided not to, I just choose based on what I think helped us win the game the most.
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If you have time to DPS as a healer you are playing a bad team. Yes, you can get the occasional backstab and shiv in, but enough to get 75k medal? There is not enough pressure on your team, or you are letting people die.


You are chain casting healing from the beginning of the round to the end? No I didn't think so. There is almost always time to squeeze in dps/cc/disruption effects.

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Also.. people voting for top objective score.. ***? In most cases its reward for AFKers at Alderan that did not contribute anything, or someone running in ball vicinity at Hutball - in both cases the scoring is incredebly stupid. Rather vote for someone you seen carry and score the ball (you dont even get objective points or medal for it...) than someone afking at stealth near objective.
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I usually get 8-10 medals per game as a tank - I don't try to farm medals at all.


People don't MVP me much on Huttball since I don't get objective points - for some reason capping the ball 6 times doesn't count towards the objectives...


I personally MVP the healers, although I've noticed recently some just seem to stand in the corner trying to cheese numbers.

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I've played huttball where I just happen to be having a good pvp day and stop their ball carrier, score, kill everyone, heal everyone and end up with 3 medals but 3 or 4 MVP votes. I may have imagined it but I thought an MVP vote was worth 50 valor? Always seemed that way to me and as a result I always vote - not always on medals. The only rule I have there is if it is Alderaan and we were getting smashed I never vote for any of the 5 idiots just sitting at the one point we hold.


I regularly see ******s complaining that someone "stole" their 1v1 kill and they now wont get 11 medals, in which case I just follow them around kill stealing any chance of their 1v1 if and where I can. To be fair I see a lot less of that in 50+ than I did in lower levels as winning is more important for the daily gear bags etc.

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I vote for random people, usually the ones who go afk. Although if I saw someone do what I did the other day I would give them an MVP vote. Can anyone say Hat trick in 3s?! We were down 0-1 in Huttball and the other team killed our ball carrier near the end zone then for some reason ran around the goal line. I killed the ball carrier in her endzone with about 45s on the clock then ran out and back in and we got 3 points. Pro?!?! We won 3-1 lol. Then proceeded to mock the other team on the fleet when they complained. So note to self, pass the huttball to the enemy near their endzone, knock them back into it, then CC and blow ball carrier up then run out and back in to the endzone for instant rage by the opposing team and many lols. Edited by Callo
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Usually i vote for healers (that did their job). They need encouragement ;)


I see this a lot. Matches where I get less than 3-4 votes on my healer usually have someone incredible or a group of 4 friends just voting for each other.

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The OP is probably a scrub player getting 2-3 medals at best. Now he wants MVP votes for doing **** damage, not defending and trying to plant the bomb with 8 players on his ***.


The people with the most medals are usually the ones with the highest Damage, Protection, healing and objective score. They usually got at least the warden medal too. Why don't they deserve the MVP vote?

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These players are leeches, they sit for the first half of a match farming medals, they don't care about teamwork unless there is a medal for it, they couldn't care less about winning a match.




Take time to think about your vote, WHO worked hardest to win the match, who was the best team player, who healed the most, what tank guarded the most! reward these players, they prolly wont have many medals, because they are trying to win and not grow an epeen.





Not always true. I tend to consistently be in the top 3 medal winners no matter the warzone and I always play to win the match, not to farm medals.


Anyway if it's not QQing about voting for the person with the most medals it's QQing about voting for guildmates. Where does the QQ end?

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No votes for me 7-9 Medals a game ?



The Fact im a Rage Spec Jugger that runs in Tank stance to keep a healer Guarded or another dps/ball carrior.


The fact that i pull 200k+ dmg while doing the above ?




But sadly..



Top healing should *Always* get the mvp votes.


They get screwed on gains for healing, and not doing dps to get more.

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Pointless thread.....

Most of the time very few players actually vote in the first place. Getting a extra or couple extra commendations every 15 mins is nothing, since you need 800 to buy a bag that will most likely not even have a piece of gear in it....

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But sadly..



Top healing should *Always* get the mvp votes.


They get screwed on gains for healing, and not doing dps to get more.


Although it isn't faceroll like say using guardian, it is still possible to get a very competitive amount of badges as a healer... while still staying on the objective and pumping out a considerable amount of heals.


For instance, last night in a huttball I actually hit 9 medals (and was something like 3k heals short of 300k for a 10th). Here were the badges that I hit while also maintaining the highest objective score.


2.5k heal

75k healing

75k damage

1 killing blow

1 solo kill

10 kills

25 kills

1k defender points

2.5k damage single blow



Aside from the 2.5k single blow damage one (which I seriously have no clue how I managed to get... only time that's happened), all of the others are fairly common. Although 9+ is potential, I'd say that 6-7 badges is the range I get MOST of the time which is still reasonable.


The trick is to throw dots on anything that gets near you, and help finish off low HP targets when you see them. That assures that you get credit for kills around you and obtain the kill badges while still focusing 95% of your attention to heals.

Edited by JohnSixteen
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