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Let's start a list and see how many Operatives are rerolling with Nerf


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Why should you stick with a class through the worst of times? What if you aren't having fun? Should you be forced to stick to just that class? When I picked agent did I sign a contract not to play other classes, even if I like that class better? Some of you guys need to step back and realize it's a game. Plus when everyone is a sorc or a merc, bioware will have an easier time balancing things :cool:
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I would reroll a sorcerer were it not for the fact I already have a sith assassin and dont really fancy going through the same story again.


Sorcerers atm are the Gods in the game, superior damage over any class, superior healing, superior CC and lots of defensive capabilities and shields.


Over the past week I've had many battles against sorcs where they absorb all damage from hidden strike with their bubble, then take about 5k damage in total from shiv and backstab, knock me back with a root applied, can still stun me afterwards, heal through my damage and intrrupts and kill me pretty fast with 4k lightning crits.


Even if a sorcerers bubble gets taken away they are still massively overpowered, shame bioware bases their nerfs on the whines from 25% of their plyerbase being sorcerers

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I'm simply quitting


I dont think we are too strong, because Troopers and sorcs are near invincible regardless of spec, high sustained damage, and have high team utility. Operatives can kill OR heal, we cant do both. Unless we are healers (and 2nd class healers as well), we have near zero team utility. Our burst SHOULD be ridiculous. People always QQ about rogue archetype classes because stealth = annoying. Always! They can do zero damage but they will always be ANNOYING and the target of QQ.


If BW does a crazy blanket nerf after the game came out for 1 month instead of addressing key problems (itemization, poorly thought out crew skills, skill activation lag), i see no future in this dev team.


Remember, the PVP devs in SWTOR are the same for warhammer. Everything looks great on paper but implementation is poor poor poor. Remember bright wizard anyone? If you don't roll a mage archtype, YOU LOSE!

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So who's going to leave their Operative if the nerf breaks our class?



I'll keep my operative as medic, which is the same i always have it (except for respects to try other specs).


That doesnt stops me from saying this nerf is BS and is only done to please the sorcerors/sage masses of bad players.

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I already have my Juggernaut up to level 36 and I'll say this... I do far more damage at this level than I ever could on my operative AND I don't have to be stealthed, behind anyone to do it! It's fantastic! Also, I can push people, leap to them to get in to combat, force choke, soon I'll have a second leap, Taunt, switch stances and guard (while increasing my armor and shield rate) when I need to keep someone alive, I have a 30% heal for free every 90s in addition to any medpacks AND it increases my max health as a small bonus and I get 10% of my health back whenever I break CC. All this while wearing heavy armor too!


So, I do more damage, I take less damage, have far more survivability and a ton more control and CC.


Why did I ever play an Operative to begin with!? Oh yea, because they were the rogueish, burst dps class and I hadn't ever played that class in an MMO before, now they will be marauders without any way to stay in melee range of people (no in combat run speed, no perma-snare) But now I'm free since they are taking that away from us!

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It's not the end of the world and the class is not "broken".



Classes do go up and down in power throughout the life of an MMO, but sometimes they become broken. This nerf to Concealment breaks Operatives in both PvP and PvE. The only way that the developers will fix this is if there is constant feedback from the community.

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Every single one of the FOTM players that rolled an operative.




Can't have fotm when the damn game has just been out for a month. idiots


And having the dps of the class destroyed for pve, and people leaving the class makes them fotm as well? lol

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Not rerolling cus of the nerf, I just find the gameplay slower and not conducive to teamwork. At least once a game I pop all my relics and just before HS I get unstealthed with aoe spam. There so much aoe spam it forces you to not play near objectives to do well.


My Jugg doesn't have that issue and can win games with some of his abilities. Gamking ranged targets doesn't have the same effect.

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I don't know about your server, but on mine there are only a handful of Operatives. The majority is rerolling sorcerers and its only getting worse. Over 25% of 50's on primetime on my server on the Imperial Fleet are sorcerers. On any given planet over 20% is a sorcerer.

So I haven't encountered any FOTM rerollers to Operatives.


To the OP. I am not rerolling. It all depends if Hidden Strike with the 1,5 second duration still gives full resolve. If it does give full resolve, that will suck. If it doesn't give full resolve it might actually be a buff...let the stunlocking commence then! And then more whining from sorcerers....sigh



As much as I hate getting stun locked and bursted down by an operative as any other person.. i think every single warzone i've been in has like 60-75% sorc's and its just insane... You can't kill any of them because they all frackin heal each other after every single lightning storm spam.. i think they are much more annoying than operatives.. but maybe getting stun locked and bursted down by 6 operatives at the same time would be just as stupid...

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since when were operatives fotm? Practically every class i see is either bh or sorcerer.


This is what I was wondering. I think the elitists are being elite. Operatives are the rarest AC on the server.

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I'm def not re-rolling. First of all I'm specced to heal, and second of all I'm not going to let a nerf make me nerd rage and qq about it. Bioware has done a wonderful job so far, and I'm excited to see where this game goes and how they will manage balancing all the classes.
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I think I'm more upset by the fact that Bioware is following the Blizzard system of balance: Nerf something just because PvPers whine on the forums, without looking at facts or how said nerfs will affect the class in PvE.



^This and it is getting really really old. Or maybe I'm just getting old and I've finally outgrown MMOs.


Seriously reconsidering subscribing now. Not because of changes as I expect changes but rather why it is being changed and the effect on PvE being ignored.

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