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Everything posted by Dusksoverture

  1. Deafening Defense also gives you 15% DR for the duration. http://www.torhead.com/ability/79yB4wn/deafening-defense
  2. Just because you dislike the parallel does not mean it ceases to exist. The point stands, it's yet another tool in your arsenal that PTs do not have. Huh, so all the times I successfully use it I was just imaging things, eh? Thanks for straightening that out.
  3. Pretend a Healer is in the back, unnoticed, while one of your teammates is beating the healer's target. Instead of beating on the target being healed, you take the two seconds to CC the healer and proceed to kill their dps. Was that something an Assassin could do that a a PT could not? Yes? Okay, then. My point stands. WoW Rogues have been using Sap successfully in PvP for over seven years and is considered a valuable tool. I'm sorry that you find yourself unable to utilize such skills in PvP, but that shortcoming is yours, not the AC's. "All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, WHAT HAVE THE ROMANS EVER DONE FOR US??" [Edit:] Just to make sure you all understand, I am not implying that Assassins are overpowered. Their toolbox and offense as a tank makes them a strong, well-rounded, class. ST PT's, however, are not in the same tier. They have less utility and a lot less firepower.
  4. The four-second speed boost is not important to group utility. Force Pull. It's a CD, but Recklessness + Force Lightning can do the same thing. Damage =\= Utility. The utility here exists, but it's not that great. Assassins also have a single target stun at 30 yards. Wither is more useful than Carbonize, due to the CD and Resolve. Well, at least you admit that. ST PT also has Oil Slick, but that's not terribly useful. PT gets Jet Charge while Sins get Overload, each are extremely useful in their own way, so those two offset imo. Grapple is analogous to Force Pull, being a little better with a 3-sec immobilize. But then you take into account Stealth, Mass Mind Control (30% AOE DR, although PT might also have this, don't remember), Mind Trap (10 sec. OOC CC), Whirlwind (8 sec CC), Force Slow (more dependable than the Ion slow, albeit cannot be spammed), Force Speed, Shock (stun), Spike (in-stealth 2-sec immobilize), and it becomes clear which AC has the best/more utility. Being more resilient through some decent self-heals is just gravy. Those VG were not (if any) specced 31/0/10.
  5. Ah, yes. The Powertech, the class that has less utility and less damage than an Assassin when in their tanking cylinder. Clearly, the perfect rebuttal. >.>
  6. Tarro Blood doesn't need it. It's one of the more populated servers.
  7. You think it's just a coincidence that the Assassin has Darth Maul's Seethe animation?
  8. PT are one of the least played classes. http://i.imgur.com/UjTwr.jpg
  9. I agree that it makes sense to simply make it 10 Ammo and simply have each ability cost 1 Ammo/10 Heat, but so what if it's not like that? Bounty Hunters cannot fire more shots than a Trooper due to their resource bar.
  10. I guess I should have just posted my initial work. One cell lis equal to 8.3 heat, rounded down to just eight. You can't have half of a cell.
  11. Two ammo out of twelve is 16%. Sixteen Heat out of 100 is 16%. There is your answer.
  12. I am really curious as to what the Guild population split is between Commando and Vanguard.
  13. Nah, it's probably just indigestion.
  14. People don't like the Consular gear because they look like they just stepped off the set of Ru Paul's 'Drag Off!" show.
  15. I'm sorry, I do not see where I was being pissy with you. Perhaps you are projecting on to me because you feel defensive? Where is the capability of pushing your Interrupt/DPS buttons to hit the Focus target? I assume that you didn't mean mouseover and instead meant with the current UI. I assure you that I do, and that I am effective at it. That does not mean that I am most comfortable doing it that way, or that I enjoy it. And here is where your argument falls flat. There is no double pressing if you maintain target on just one thing throughout an entire fight, but if you need to heal two or more targets with a direct heal, you need to swap targets which means that you are having to execute more actions with each heal. One click to switch targets, one click/push for the heal. If you have to click or push more than once, that is double-pressing. Nope, sorry, that’s simply not possible. Two clicks/button pushes is never going to be as fast as one click healing. Really? You can keybind heals to use on your other hand?? That is how I healed for a long time, but it is still slower than simply clicking once, makes it more difficult to move in between heals, or to heal while on the move, and makes it needlessly complicated to swap back and forth between targets. It's not hard to comprehend at all, but then that is not the point that I was making. Nope, sorry. Simply clicking on raid frames in succession (each activating a heal) is smoother and faster than clicking on a raid frame, hitting your heal, clicking on the next frame, hitting your heal, etc. When you take into consideration needing to target something that is not in your raid group and interrupt/dpsing it in between heals, then it becomes a silly comparison as mouseover clearly becomes faster and smoother. When you can maintain target on an enemy/enemies while still being able to heal your party without continually having to click all over the screen swapping back and forth in between targets, that is smooth and fast. When you have to click on a raid frame to heal, then click on enemy #1 to interrupt, then click back to another raid frame to heal, then click back to enemy #2 to CC them, and then click back to your raid frame targets again, That. Is. Clunky. That is needlessly more difficult and time consuming than it needs to be. At that point, healing ceases to be fun and becomes a chore. I think you're the only one raging here. Me? I'm merely annoyed, annoyed by the fact that people are working to prevent a quality of life improvement from coming into the game when other people taking advantage of that QOL feature would have no impact on their own game play whatsoever. That is selfish behavior that makes no sense. -_- I’m not arguing against your method. I am arguing in favor of another method. If you interpret that to mean that I’m arguing against yours, so be it. Your method has been around for the better part of 15+ years. It is nothing revolutionary to be explored and perfected, like you appear to think it is. If you want to continue what you are doing and you are effective at it, more power to you. I’m not going to try to stop you. People who are in favor of mouseover healing being implemented are merely asking for the same courtesy to heal in a manner that is most comfortable and effective for them. By implying ”Well *I* am comfortable with the UI and heal just fine, so *you* should be too” is flagrantly disregarding the point and is arrogant, to boot. Trying to help people is good. Implying that mouseover healing is not needed just because you like the way the base UI functions, is not good. You seem to be hung up on the idea that the people who desire mouseover healing are somehow incompetent at healing with the base UI. I'll let you in on a little secret: It's not that we're bad at healing with the default UI, it's that doing so can become a PITA and as a result healing loses it's appeal. Allowing mouseover healing has zero impact on people who like the default UI healing. There is no reason whatsoever to oppose a quality of life feature that improves the game play for tens of thousands of players.
  16. No, you do not get every mouseover benefit from Target's Target view. You cannot maintain target on the boss while healing others if you are required to have the person you are healing targeted. Switching back and forth is not practical and makes it needlessly complicated, especially when having to chain heal people while still needing to interrupt. Not having mouseover healing means that you also double the number of clicks/keybinds you must press in order for a heal to go off, causing your response time to be longer. Having Target's Target view will not make these benefits of mouseover healing obsolete. It's great that you prefer that, but if mouseover healing is introduced, you can keep on trucking with your clunky style of healing if you so choose. You will not be forced to use a style of healing that you do not like. What you are doing by opposing mouseover healing is begrudging other players that same personal preference courtesy. Functional UI =\= "Pretty" UI When your eyeballs are stuck to the health bars for a longer period of time, that gives you less time to see what is going on around you. A Target's Target frame does not show if you are standing in a Void Zone, or if something is happening to someone who is not the Target's Target.
  17. Even Snipers/Marauders would want dual spec to go between PvP & PvE specs.
  18. This. Sentinels/Marauders have a lot of CD's to keep track of just to do their normal DPS rotation. I would not recommend Assassins, either, as their damage relies upon watching for procs on that tiny icon bar. My Sorcerer has been pretty easy thus far (lvl 18). Ranged lightning, bubble, heals and a tank pet. Commandos/Mercenaries seem fairly easy, as do Juggernauts/Knights. Assassin tanks do receive Force Pull, which pulls one enemy to the Assassin. I'd rather teleport to a group of enemies, instead of yanking just one to me, but it's better than nothing.
  19. Yeah, I see what you did there: You made a terrible analogy. Operatives do not do continuous damage while in stealth.
  20. Most people want mouseover healing For PvP, but a lot of others also prefer it for PvE healing (myself included) because they can heal their groups without having to drop target on the boss for interrupts/dpsing on the side. Also, instead of requiring two hands to heal (one to click the raid frame, the other to execute the heal), mouseover healing allows me to heal with just the one hand, freeing the other hand to navigate into position. I can execute my heals faster and it becomes easier to keep track of what's going on around me. I think that there may be a misunderstanding for what some people mean by "mouseover healing." In addition to being able to heal a player by mousing over the player's character, it also allows hovering your mouse cursor over the Raid Frames. Mouseover healing enables a healer's response time to be faster because they are only having to execute one command (click) as opposed to two commands (click + buttonpush).
  21. Classes do go up and down in power throughout the life of an MMO, but sometimes they become broken. This nerf to Concealment breaks Operatives in both PvP and PvE. The only way that the developers will fix this is if there is constant feedback from the community.
  22. Every time I see a Sage pick up an R2 unit and chuck it at someone's head, I pine to be Republic.
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