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Sorcerer Nerf....


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You are judging this based on YOUR encounters with a sorc, therefore, personal ability comes into play. Just because you can't beat them solo doesn't mean it's impossible. Also, it's called rock, paper, scissors. Warriors are paper to the sorcs scissors as it has been in a lot of mmos that include a warrior and Mage archetype. Lastly if it's a bm geared person then yeah, it's gonna be a tough fight no matter the class.


You are clueless. In every game ever made.... medium armor types (rogues/hunters/whatever) have always had advantage and should be able to kill light armor types (mages/healers/whatever)... much like heavy armor types (knights/paladins/whatever) beat medium armor types. In almost every game ever made.... Heavy > Medium > Light > Heavy.


Hence Sorc's should lose to Snipers/Operatives/Marauder.... while beating Mercenaries/PT/Jugg. That is the way it should be... and it is freakin common sense to anyone with a brain.

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Pretty much invalidated your opinion for me right there. Maybe you shouldn't expect to jack someone up 1 on 1 hands down in PVP anymore?


I hear there is this miraculous thing called teamwork that can increase your presence in WZ's 10 fold. You still do very high and hard to predict burst damage. Help your team murder the healers instead of expecting to do it solo, and to any class with CC break down.



Oh, and use Hidden Strike or Shoot First on weakened opponents and immediately re-stealth. With good target selection your like a mobile version of Darwinism sometimes :).


And I play a scoundrel right? . . . . Err wrong. I had one and played him before the nerf. By the time the nerf came by I was already on my Vanguard and Sorc. Havn't touched him since not because I don't want to play a "nerfed" class, but the class doesn't interest me anymore. And i'm tired of people complaining if I win, which is why I might roll sniper because my Sorc is too "OP" apparently.



And who said they should just lolbursting down someone, I was actually saying they need some way to be efficient while straying AWAY from the path of just either hands down trashing someone 1 on 1.



Maybe I shouldn't expect for people to have proper comprehension or actually inquire about someones intentions when they don't understand.

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And I play a scoundrel right? . . . . Err wrong. I had one and played him before the nerf. By the time the nerf came by I was already on my Vanguard and Sorc. Havn't touched him since not because I don't want to play a "nerfed" class, but the class doesn't interest me anymore.


Pause button bro. I never even insinuated that you played a scoundrel. Please do not put words in my mouth.


And i'm tired of people complaining if I win, which is why I might roll sniper because my Sorc is too "OP" apparently.


:). It happens, especially when you roll a FOTM class or a stealther that does high burst damage.


And who said they should just lolbursting down someone, I was actually saying they need some way to be efficient while straying AWAY from the path of just either hands down trashing someone 1 on 1.


Well honestly, scoundrels/operatives said that they should be able to LOLburst. ALOT.


With their current set of nerfs though I don't think they will be useless by any means, they just need to play more team oriented instead of the "gank the squishy by myself" or "gank the under-geared people" mentality they had before. I think they will still be quite effective, only they need to be played well now to be effective.



Maybe I shouldn't expect for people to have proper comprehension or actually inquire about someones intentions when they don't understand.


Honestly, as arrogant and condescending as that is, no you shouldn't lol. This is the internet and an online forums. You will be proven wrong time and time again on that and ALL OF US will eventually screw up in that regard ourselves.

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I'd agree with you but, alas, I can not.


Mainly because any nerf to the sorc class at this point would make the class absolutely useless in PVE and PVP.


You do realize there's a middle ground between absurdly good and absurdly bad, right?


Now, whether Bioware can hit that middle ground is another issue entirely, but it does exist, so stop acting like if they put you on even par with other classes that you're terrible. It might just be that you've gotten so used to facerolling people that you never learned how to play.

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The spec shown by the OP might be op'd, so might other variations of the dps specs, but corruption is definately not. Corruption specced Sorcs are basically free kills to any competent dps. If you cannot kill a "healing" sorc that doesn't have guard... <and even with guard add one more competent dps to the mix>, well quite blunty, l2p. Of any class in warzones I see sorcs drop faster then any other class. Even the dps counterparts, if you learn to focus/interupt them, they become a complete non factor in any warzone.


If you ignore them, yeah they will f#$k you up and that's your fault for ignoring them, not there's.

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Sorc/Sage is so damn OP, nowadays you enter WZ see some of the standing around with at least 2 guards around them (1 of those guards will be stealth) and by the time you to try to do something, you are dead.


Really that is balance right?



**** it, I am done with it!

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ok some people say sorc aint OP there is 1 think i want to point out there is a reason that regularly i see 5-6 sorc with a small splattering of other classes. thats because the so far beyond op its untrue. im over half way to full pvp gear and im lucky if i take 20% of 1 of these guys before im dead.
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Sorc/Sage is so damn OP, nowadays you enter WZ see some of the standing around with at least 2 guards around them (1 of those guards will be stealth) and by the time you to try to do something, you are dead.


Really that is balance right?

So you feel it would be more balanced if you could solo kill 3 other players in pvp?

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... You tell me if it's Op or not, or whether I'm just a better player with a sorc, but I get an average of 3 medals on my operative (Since I got hidden strike, and pre-patch, I've been getting 8), 6 on my vanguard (3 of those are defender medals, hybrid ftw, anyone?), and8 on my sorc. And my sorc is only level 20. The other two are in their thirties.


Either Sorcs are OP or I'm just decent.


It's probably the former.


Nerf, pl0x. You heard it right from a sorc. I absolutely annihilate as a sorc, and there's probably a reason why most of the teams are merc/commando or Sage/Sorc.

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... You tell me if it's Op or not, or whether I'm just a better player with a sorc, but I get an average of 3 medals on my operative (Since I got hidden strike, and pre-patch, I've been getting 8), 6 on my vanguard (3 of those are defender medals, hybrid ftw, anyone?), and8 on my sorc. And my sorc is only level 20. The other two are in their thirties.


Either Sorcs are OP or I'm just decent.


It's probably the former.


Nerf, pl0x. You heard it right from a sorc. I absolutely annihilate as a sorc, and there's probably a reason why most of the teams are merc/commando or Sage/Sorc.


So with a level 20 Sorc and some anecdotal evidence which could be based on a single WZ, you are now qualified to call yourself a Sorc player and call for Sorc nerfs? :rolleyes:


The only thing that could possibly use some adjustment is that Sorc hybrid lightning/madness spec that gets the root effect on the PBAE knockback (Overload I believe), plus the PBAE mez effect when Static Barrier breaks -- that is a lot of CC along with the single target mez and stun.


This game has too much CC in general though, so if BW addressed resolve correctly (roots should affect/be affected by resolve, and resolve shouldn't diminish as fast) it might be sufficient.

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Well said sir.


I play operative. The best I can do in my current state is harass you. MAYBE get a kill if I hit my interrupts after landing a solid crit opener when your shield is down.


We are the rock to your scissors.


Soon... not any more.


BioWare needs to stop letting developers balance the game.


Developers need to be fixing the many, many bugs in this game.


QA needs to find a balance. Let some good players give you good advice.


I agree, they need to tone down sorc just a tad. Not a whole lot, but enough so I shouldn't have to throw four rocks to beat a scissor; or worse, get cut in half.


No one should be able to kill a caster without using interrupts.


A healer should never die unless someone is stunning them or they get interrupted.


As it stands right now, DPS is so high that I can get killed on my Sage without anyone even using a stun or Interrupt. I normally like because I pop Force Speed but the point is that their DPS does more then my heals do and that is totally friggen absurd.

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... You tell me if it's Op or not, or whether I'm just a better player with a sorc, but I get an average of 3 medals on my operative (Since I got hidden strike, and pre-patch, I've been getting 8), 6 on my vanguard (3 of those are defender medals, hybrid ftw, anyone?), and8 on my sorc. And my sorc is only level 20. The other two are in their thirties.


Either Sorcs are OP or I'm just decent.


It's probably the former.


Nerf, pl0x. You heard it right from a sorc. I absolutely annihilate as a sorc, and there's probably a reason why most of the teams are merc/commando or Sage/Sorc.


Actually the reason why most likely is that a sorc is more versatile than the other 2 you've listed. You can easily get the damage medals, and the healing medals, and probably the point defending medals as well with one. Its not that hard to get one with a hybrid spec/class.


If you focus upon the objectives you can get around 8 or so on your vanguard too. If you get 2 of the damage medals, 10 and 25 kills shouldn't be that hard as well, and the protection one as well that should be a decent 7. Now these are just the ones that aren't all too difficult as a vanguard. At least for mine but i'm only around level 20.

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So with a level 20 Sorc and some anecdotal evidence which could be based on a single WZ, you are now qualified to call yourself a Sorc player and call for Sorc nerfs? :rolleyes:


The only thing that could possibly use some adjustment is that Sorc hybrid lightning/madness spec that gets the root effect on the PBAE knockback (Overload I believe), plus the PBAE mez effect when Static Barrier breaks -- that is a lot of CC along with the single target mez and stun.


This game has too much CC in general though, so if BW addressed resolve correctly (roots should affect/be affected by resolve, and resolve shouldn't diminish as fast) it might be sufficient.


I'm bad at this game. I know my records for highest # of medals. It's as anecdotal (or not) as any evidence anyone else can cough up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The utility on the Sorc/Sage is way over the top. I feel moving the more PvP oriented talents to the higher trees or making the 31 point talents actually worth getting may give sorc/sage some utility while not giving them all the utility that we posses now.
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... You tell me if it's Op or not, or whether I'm just a better player with a sorc, but I get an average of 3 medals on my operative (Since I got hidden strike, and pre-patch, I've been getting 8), 6 on my vanguard (3 of those are defender medals, hybrid ftw, anyone?), and8 on my sorc. And my sorc is only level 20. The other two are in their thirties.


Either Sorcs are OP or I'm just decent.


It's probably the former.


Nerf, pl0x. You heard it right from a sorc. I absolutely annihilate as a sorc, and there's probably a reason why most of the teams are merc/commando or Sage/Sorc.


Your characters are level 20 and 30...jog on....come back at 50.


Every single melee class is very gear dependent, and they dont get the best until 50, however they improved constantly and with every item upgrade. Sorcerers arent as gear dependent so they start good but dont improve a rapidly as other classes. As a champ geared sorc try facing a champ geared sentinel or guardian and see how quickly you die, having to use every single ability to have (easily 20 in the fight - ive seen setinels complain they have to use 15) juggling your CCs so not to give the a full resolove bar (because if you do you are toast) and they will still have 50% health left by the time you are dead.

Edited by da_krall
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actually the op is lying.


there are many points in his op that are so obviously wrong...

the most funny and obvious one was he claims he does not need healing because his skills provide so much self healing.

every sorc/sage looking at his build will see this big lie ;)


also no hybrid sorc playing against at least average opponents would skill backslash as it is actually making YOU WORSE!


but i know it doesn't matter what i post.


so in short: op is totally wrong and i do not believe him playing sorc in endgame pvp. or he has a server with only brain dead monkey as opponents.

Edited by me_unknown
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The utility on the Sorc/Sage is way over the top.


over the top? a hybrid specc (which has the most of all) has around 1 more utility than a watchman sentinel or even less than a focus sentinel.


and a sroc has the lowest single target damage of ALL classes, no matter his build.


a sorc is the only class with no real burst damage, at least nothing that is worth being called burst.


no, i do not intend to say sorc is underpowered. sorc/sage has a build (with a few veriants) that is balanced. and this is the a hybrid build. that's all!


p.s. the hybrid build of the op sucks!

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Well said sir.


I play operative. The best I can do in my current state is harass you. MAYBE get a kill if I hit my interrupts after landing a solid crit opener when your shield is down.


We are the rock to your scissors.


Soon... not any more.


BioWare needs to stop letting developers balance the game.


Developers need to be fixing the many, many bugs in this game.


QA needs to find a balance. Let some good players give you good advice.


I agree, they need to tone down sorc just a tad. Not a whole lot, but enough so I shouldn't have to throw four rocks to beat a scissor; or worse, get cut in half.




With the first nerf to scoundrels and operatives and now the surge nerf: Our stealth opener have a nerf in crit damage up to 45% with high end gear focusing on crit and surge.


A crit stealth opener will take away the bubble and thats about it, then comes backblast that does some damage, and if you have your stun on cooldown you will eat a knockback, root, cc, and the healer will start to nuke you so hard that if he is good with his class, he will win a 1vs1 vs an operative or scoundrel that got in the first jump attack.


Even with kick on cd the damage you manage to do puts them at half health, and here comes the knockback and root....now..which one do you get out of? if you dont get out of it, you cant close in, and if you get out of it, you will eat a stun, and if by any chance you DO close the gap, they will just run away from you, with dots up that heals them and.....


Its just frustrating how such a class made it from Beta into a live game.


I dont mind the healing, or damage, but the combination with healing+damage+cc and general utilty is absurd.


Only bad players advocate for their sorc or sage class.

In the hands of a great player sorcs and sages are so imbalanced its not just pathetic, its just sad.


Only time we can kill a sorc is if the bubble is off and we get them in a stunlock, and IF they get help from somewhere, we still wont be able to kill them.

the 45% reductiion on our highest burst and only way to get away with a kill does not help either, since if you dont crit, you wont ever get anywhere anyway, just "vanish" and try again.


Vs good sorcs I can kill them with all cds up, but it requires a double tap where you fanish, apply flechette and do another shoot first, its the only way.

So yes, once every 2, 3 minutes in 1vs1 we can beat this class, but only if they have equal gear, and even then its a big possibility they escape.

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I agree about our utility (the good CC improvements are way too low in our trees which allows us to grab all of them and still have plenty of points for our damage). I agree that we can heal better as DPS spec than other classes that have heals when they are specced dps.


I think we need some our trees overhauled so we have to commit higher into a spec to get certain abilities.


But there is no way that you are getting 400-600k damage and 70-100k healing every warzone. It is not too hard to hit 200k and 75k consistently (unless you are faicing a premade that is making you a priority or is using CC intelligently). But 400k-600k either means an AoE fest in Voidstar or is uncommon (but possible) in other situations. Yes I've had WZs where I had 300k damage and 150k healing. But those are not the norm. 150-250k and 50-100k is more common (except for those AoE crazy ones).


We need our utility and trees looked at. That will reduce our survivability. Which will reduce how long we are alive which means we will do less damage. Don't say that you are always doing that kind of damage because people will hear that and repeat it until Bioware believes it (since they obviously do little, if any, testing) and nerfs our damage rather than what is really out of hand: our utility. Or worse, they may nerf both utility and damage and leave the class absolutely worthless. And judging by what we've seen from Mythic and Bioware/Austin the past few years, I am pretty much expecting this to happen. I hope that they will be smart and improve PvP by brining us in line. But I really expect them to keep up the tradition of ignoring a problem until it is huge and then overdoing the change.

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